New Message From Ron Paul

Though I don't agree with many of Paul's stances, I can't help but admire the man and his supporters for standing up against the system, against the odds, against the media's bullshit and the cries of 'unattainable' and 'unrealistic'. They took a stand in the name of what they view as right and opted to try to do something about it instead of sitting back and complaining with the attitude that nothing can be changed. The people that were couragous enough to get behind any candidate who puts their principles above playing ball to get by in a fucked up system should be commended, imo. So Paul/Kucinich/Nader/Gravel supports stand tall! You guys are the ones who make real change possible in this country.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Post edited by Unknown User on
(for those who don't know, i'm 6'8")
I'll use 'stand like Kenny' in the place of tall from here on out.
You never have to wonder what's on top of your fridge with Kenny around.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Ron Paul was my man. I'll probably still write him in on the November ballot.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
i voted Hillary anyway
so all you Obama voters can mark that on your Texas calendars
oh yeah, that's right the Hill won Texas
Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
Really? In the youtube link I posted he talks about this grassroots movement igniting a revolution. That has everything to do with fighting the odds. Of course he and his supporters know that his isn't going to win...the point was to build a movement towards the changes that others have called unrealistic and unattainable because everything has to start somewhere. It was about showing the principles they believe in are worth standing up for.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
this message made me nearly well up.
not because i'm sad,
but because Ron Paul, the man, and more importantly, the message he brings, is so overwhelmingly honest and important to Americas future.
I know many here disagree, but I truly feel that if there is any hope left for America, it is in the message that Ron Paul brings and the massive actions of the many "followers" (who i would term "leaders") who help to bring the real change about.
The lines that got me the most were the bits around the march and how he could not sponsor it directly for legal reasons but that "i don't mind playing a key role in the revolution, but it HAS to be MORE than a 'Ron Paul' Revolution" ... that is the core truth of this revolution. it HAS to be about more than just Ron Paul, and i think the REAL revolutionaries know that quite well (have for some time).
And i LOVE LOVE LOVE that he is bringing legal structures in to place himself to further the revolution. PERFECT! BEAUTIFUL! AMAZING! BRAVO!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Here's to hoping that Kenny never has seats directly in front of me at a PJ show
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
You could always ask if he would let you sit on his shoulders.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
so... you're saying a bigot, anti choice, social darwinistic (is that a word?) politician is helping make real change possible? hmmmm....
militias, hate groups, etc. rail against the "system" as well... does that mean i should support them simply becuase they are challenging the system or calling for change
How ignorant. Other than the news letter incident, what makes you think any of that is true?
If the newsletters are enough for you, fine. That's your opinion.
Other than that, he has never said or done anything to support your positiion. Nothing.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
There are so-called "Ron Paul Democrats" if that is what you are after.
I actualy find it refreshing that he is unashamed to speak candidly about the religious institution of marriage on the one hand, and saying that it should not be a federal issue. Hell, it should be a religous issue period, not a government issue. If you are gay and you have a problem with that, petition your church for marriage rights, or petition your government for equal economic rights under a "civil union", but stop trying to have the state moderate religion.
And as far as the ProChoice (or NoChoice, if you take the childs POV), i dunno man. Its a dicey slope. No one wants to see girls hurt themselves getting "illegal" abortions, but then again, should we really be condoning "murder" just to keep the accomplice from hurting themselves in the process?
And i really don't want to go in to another abortion debate in earnest. I'm just saying.
I hear you POV, and i also respect Ron Paul for being pretty damn candid about his. He comes from an "Old School" principled "moral" stance. He isn't pushy or preachy about it, he just states it as his belief. And all of it is hinged around constitutional foundings, not just his desire to impose will on people. In fact he is trying to give the will BACK to the people, and not the federal government.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
It's just nice to have some people with principal putting themselves out there.
It's not bought, it's not payola, it's not stick my finger in the wind and see what people think and this is what I believe.
I don't agree with Ron Paul or Ralph Nader what have you on everything.... but geez it's refreshing they actually say what they believe and mean it. The word Genuine is basically devoid of value in most of US Politics anyway. This is the way it's supposed to be. Running on fucking principal. Not the desire to get power... the actual genuine desire to serve the freaking public. If you look at Nader... he's got a clear track record of doing what he believed would help the public. Ron Paul more of the same.
I'd like to have a reasonable principaled president that listens to all parties and tries to make the best informed decision for the country personal political ramifications be damned.
One entry found.
Main Entry: gen·u·ine
Etymology: Latin genuinus innate, genuine; akin to Latin gignere to beget — more at kin
Date: circa 1639
1 a: actually having the reputed or apparent qualities or character <genuine vintage wines> b: actually produced by or proceeding from the alleged source or author <the signature is genuine> c: sincerely and honestly felt or experienced <a deep and genuine love> d: actual, true <a genuine improvement>
2: free from hypocrisy or pretense : sincere
The desire to push forward always makes anything realistic and attainable.
finally, someone who gets it!!! refreshing to see someone else not get so caught up in the pep rallies
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
We're going to the White House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
not all obama supporters are supporters because of his "pep rallies"
like myself
it is becoming popular to attack him based on his popularity and his speaking ability... kind of like when everyone likes a band when they are new, once they become popular they are called sellouts and people say they no longer like them... just because they have become popular
hopefully he proves his supporters right in the long run...
then why hasnt he ran for an office he could win in the house, senate, or local?
i have always wondered that... if he cares so much and wants to help fic the political system in this country then why not run for an office he could win?
i think it is funny that people are going to vote for a guy that has ZERO political experience and zero offical record to look over...
the thing with nader is he can say anythign he wants, because he has no voting record or political record to compare his "stances" against... i support nader... but i think it is funny that the same folks on the left attacking obama are supporting nader based strictly on what he says he would do, then attack obama for pandering...
Uh, no.
People are finally waking up to the fact (as I have been saying for over a year), that he's not really about true change. He's just another good 'ole boy who will be catering to corporate/special interests and continuing with the same agenda and inititive of Cheney/Bush jr./ Clinton/Bush Sr./Reagan...etc.
These elections and debates are being produced like a friggin American Idol show. It's dispicable.
And a large portions of Americans hand their brains over to be thoroughly scrubbed, washed and spit-shined.
his economics are in sharp contrast to any "liberal social values"
sink or swim is his ideal...
i think your wrong... i think people, especially my friends on the left, have been trained to think any candidiate that is "mainstream" or becomes "popular" is evil and cares nothing about them and caters to the elite business interests...
historically they may be correct, but the just might be wrong on this one...
i cant wait to watch the left tear down their own best candidiate, simply because he doesnt pass the "radical" litmus test...
that is a pretty ignorant statment.
Ron Paul has REPEATEDLY stated that he would NOT cut off welfare programs.
He just thinks that they violate the market principles, which they DO, and that a better way to address the issue is stop the inequity of THE SYSTEM, by shutting off the massive free money to the banks, who then funnel it to their buddies on wallstreet, inturn taking the wealth via inflation from all your little poor welfare mothers and old folks ...
If you correct the massive wealth inequity and wealth redistribution mechanism of the fiat dollar, you RESTORE THE WEALTH TO THE PEOPLE, and then they don't fucking need welfare ... which is just another excuse for the statist (the government stooges) to steal YOUR money and give it back to wallstreet some more.
Why don't you understand that?
Yes, he wants to phase out welfare longterm, because it causes a massive distortion and corruption of the entire market. But it is only deemed necessary because of the massive distortion already inherent due to fiat currency.
Your statement just shows how your understanding of the relationship between economics and values is lacking.
By subscribing to welfare you are actualy quickening the destruction of ALL wealth held by "the people" because it is one of the primary mechanisms "the man" uses to extract wealth FROM the people in the form of taxes ... your good friends FICA and SS TAX ???
Even without the taxes, the very process of creating the money to provide for those checks is a huge mechanism for stealing your wealth.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's not entirely true. We are never going to achieve purity in any system so there has to be some compromise to make it work properly. I'm talking mainly about the straw people and red herrings bantered about most often in the worthless political debates.
If the people are principaled the "conservatives" are focusing on what they should do best (efficiency, economy) and the "liberals" are focusing on what they do best (freedoms, liberties, assuring the pursuits of which are upheld)
It's not that anymore. It's your billionaires vs my billionaires... they don't pay taxes, they make campaign contributions.
The only major change when democrats or republicans are elected is who gets pardoned, whose wheels are greased and who gets prefferential treatment on government contracts.
The idea is getting the idealists toegther and working out thier issues talking over them like we are and trying to find solutions not creating career politicians and new problems to "solve" in order to get elected.
It's about what he's he's voted...what he's voted for and against. That's my approach and perspective on all of these politicians.
His words mean nothing. His promises mean nothing. His actions speak loud and clear. His race/color of skin means nothing, to me.
Maybe it means something to you.
I had a Gentleman call me when I got Home from the Kent Meeting last night from New York. _
He happens to be publishing a book with photos of all of the 2004 Election Fraud Evidence, that was supposed to be published by a company in Kent State? He literally has the photographs of burned and otherwise mutilated, destroyed ballots. He is very familiar with how to follow the fraud, due to his research in the book. I would call him an investigative Journalist, in Election Fraud. I don't know him from Adam. _He called me last night, from New York, upset about huge numbers of precincts in Texas, where there were thousands of registered voters, and ZERO votes at all, with 100 of the Precincts reporting in_. He repeated so I understood. He is saying there are precincts with over 2000 registered voters, and the official count is saying NO one voted at all in that precinct after the precinct has reported in officially!! He said he has been studying elections now, for years. He has NEVER seen anything like this. He said the number of zero precincts, are especially High in the Panhandle of Texas. He also mentioned what Ron here is saying in this post. Ron Paul got more votes in his precinct for Congressman, than he did for president in the same precinct. He said, by huge amounts. Even More important, and possibly something we can all do to help... with this Ron Paul Fraud.
This investigative Journalist is just about to publish the research on the fraud, and now, the company that was going to print with his book, has suddenly pulled out, and refusing to publish. He was supposed to be doing a book signing at Kent on the anniversary of the shootings, that happens annually there... I guess. He now has to self publish, which, given the situation, and the fact that he is the only one with his "manual", puts him in a great deal of danger. Maybe I am a little paranoid for him, because of my past experience with revolution researchers and publishers that have suddenly gone missing, or suddenly commit suicide, over the past ten years. But while we were on the phone, we were getting echoes, then, three or four voice cut outs for ten, then 20 then 30 seconds. Finally, we were disconnected, and could not get reconnected. I did ask him to write to me so I could foreword the Texas research he did to all, and let you hear about the Ron Paul Information, since I know all of you would care a lot. I explained to him how to get a hold of the Ron Paul Texas Meetups, so they could investigate, and move on the situation, if they chose. I am hoping for an email from him this morning. I will be trying to call him back all day today. So please to the degree you can, keep an eye on this thread. If I get him on the phone, I will let you know. He needs some help getting his information out, and wants to investigate the Ron Paul campaign and election fraud, on a larger scale. Will follow up.... and if he does send an email, I will be sure to post it to you all Linda
Ron wrote: They want us to believe that McCain won Texas in a landslide. A place where I have never heard anyone mention his name, never seen so much as a bumper sticker, and clearly a state that is covered by Ron Paul signs. Just for the sake of discussion let's say it's possible. What I find seriously hard to believe is this:
* Ron Paul got 70% of the vote in his district for Congress
37,220 votes.
* In that same district they want us to believe he only got 6,697 votes for president.
* That equates to approximately ONLY 1 in 5 people that voted for him for Congress supported him for President. They can't be serious. Don't lie to me!!
Please don't take my word for it. Look at the numbers yourself. Congressional District 14 Results -
Presidential Race District 14 Results -
Please pass it on. Our votes are not counted people. Restore the Republic! Ron Paul 2008, the Revolution has begun!
If I opened it now would you not understand?