Why the hate for liberalism from Republicans?

I'm just so tired of reading posts from the people on here who insist on making their point, arguing against any liberal stand point, and then taking it further by insulting all liberals and Dems or what have you. I honestly don't hear Dems or liberals ever saying they "hate" Republicans. They don't love them, sure. Some will even say they hate them. But most at least have respect for people with more conservative views. But there was a rally in the 80's during the Reagan "Revolution" where a group of YOUNG neo-cons, Abramoff included in the group, began to chant "Death to the Democrats, Take their blood!"
That's just obsene. I would never, even in jest, suggest the slaughter of Republicans. If you want to argue that this doesn't exist, this was an email to CNN after they opened a forum asking what Democrats should do now that they are in majority in the Congress;
"Matt Clark from Saint Charles, Missouri
What should the Democrats do first? Step down. That'd be the only productive thing they are capable of doing to secure America and its future."
And that was posted on CNN.com, not IHATELIBERALS.com
I seriously want to hear viewpoints on this.
That's just obsene. I would never, even in jest, suggest the slaughter of Republicans. If you want to argue that this doesn't exist, this was an email to CNN after they opened a forum asking what Democrats should do now that they are in majority in the Congress;
"Matt Clark from Saint Charles, Missouri
What should the Democrats do first? Step down. That'd be the only productive thing they are capable of doing to secure America and its future."
And that was posted on CNN.com, not IHATELIBERALS.com
I seriously want to hear viewpoints on this.
"Winded is the sailor, drifting by the storm, wounded is the organ he left all bloodied on the shore...the smallest oceans still get Big Big waves..."
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
Post edited by Unknown User on
My boss in 2000 said that his problem with the left is the hate they have for the right. The right hated Clinton, but nobody else. The left hated a ton of people: Rush (that's a ton right there), Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmand, etc. etc.
And I thought he was right. More hate coming from the left toward right wing individuals.
But that all turned around sometime around...September of 2001. We were attacked and had a Republican President become immensely popular simply because he happened to be president at the time. Then the hate shifted. The hate was toward the left, all liberals and particularly anyone that dare criticize the President.
As time passed, the president's teflon fell off and it became OK to disagree with him again.
And now the hate. Pretty damn bad on both sides.
HOWEVER, I will say this. "Liberal" is a dirty word. "Conservative" is not.
the large majority of the US and the world is moderate. They simply don't make themselves heard as much.
and the white sox are awsome. see I knew we could be friends
As for Ann Coulter, talk about a hater. Sure she really is just looking to shock from a right-wing perspective, but honestly, some people take that garbage seriously. And don't ask for me to quote something that proves that, I would hope even-minded readers would see it in a second. And the cake thing, well, I dunno...I can't speak for everyone. (although I bet a million bucks that there are truckloads of Republicans who would give anything to do that to Michael Moore.)
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
yea good one. You seem like a real winner...have fun standing on the soup line.
I don't hate Republicans. I just think they're generally ridiculous, and I enjoy taking the piss out of them.
Exactly how i feel about uptight liberals.
do you even know what 'taking the piss' means?
cross the river to the eastside
Yes i know...are ya mad fer it!
Way to be constructive.
The "narrow minded" phrase in your post is also hysterical in the context you used it in.
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
How did you expect it would go? I'm sorry but your original post was just flat wrong. Spend enough time on this board and you can really tell me that Cons are more critical of Libs.
Those bunch of idiots were also led by an evangelist who later became a leading Republican in the RNC. I just can't remember his name. I DO remember that he resigned because of some money laundering...
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
Ok, so some of them were corrupt. What does that really have to do with Conservatives being more hateful towards Liberals?
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I don't want to argue either. If you see it that way that's fine with me. I just see it differently. Your right there are difinitely people like Ann Coulter throwing mud at liberals. I just remember being in college a couple years ago at the UW and listening to my political science professors calling Bush Hitler and general taking any conservative republican idea or figure and throwing a bunch of mud at them. We might have Rush and Ann throwing are insults, but liberals have a much more powerful tool in the college professors who fill students heads with a bunch of garbage.
I'd be happy to elaborate on what it is about some conservatives that really gets me going, if someone wants to start that thread, but this thread isn't the place. The guy asked a question, and I know there are people here who really HATE liberals, so they should be able to answer it.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
Ok, good point. I don't really care for the notion that liberals or liberalism knows how to spend my hard earned money better then I do. When I think of Liberalism I think of taxes going up and less of my money going towards the things I think are important, like ames and klausen pearl jam posters. Kidding.