Hezbollah "Victory Rally"
I'm watching it on CNN, now. Nasrallah may speak at the rally.
I'm watching it on CNN, now. Nasrallah may speak at the rally.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I have to agree. Provoking an attack that destroyed the entire infrastructure and killed many innocent people is hardly what I would consider a victory. But I dont think Hezbollah is overly concerned with Lebanon as a country anyway.
Now I like violence just as much as everybody from the middle east does. But why would you go and announce that you are holding such a rally. I mean now instead of Israel wasting all that time and effort and bombs and men. They can just drop one bomb and get on with it. Then they can say, "Oooops! That must have been one of the unexploded bombs that went off", and we can watch it all start up again.
You have to utterly defeat them... all they have to do is survive. Body counts mean nothing.
The only way you can claim victory against Hezbollah is by getting the death toll to 100%. And that is not going to happen. If 1% of them survive... it's a victory for them because they still exist.
Hail, Hail!!!
But remember that Taliban funeral last week? A drone cam caught it. A military mind might conclude that that, too, was target-rich. Yet the decision was made, that any such bombing would be counter-productive, and would probably make the matter much worse.
If Israel carpet-bombed that parade, what do you think might happen?
And the cycle continues...........
while bombing the parade is a tad bit much, those talibans should have been taken out. I dont see how killing those extremists would have been counter productive
The decision wasn't made that the bombing would be counter-productive - the American rules of engagement prohibit such actions.
As for what would happen if Israel carpet-bombed the parade, if Nazrallah is there, it would be fantastic. The leadership would be taken out, and a massive amount of Hez would be killed.
How is it a cycle? That organization is hell-bent on destroying Israel.
LOL...I swear I was just going to say the same thing:D
But, would that mean an end to Hezbollah? I mean, because we know that no one would join them as a result of such action, right?
Hail, Hail!!!
Perhaps if such a huge number of them were taken out, especially the leadership, there would be an end to Hezbollah. Probably wishful thinking, though.
And you're hell-bent on destroying them. You're both too hate-filled to realize that your enemy is not a man but rather a mindset. And you can't bomb a mindset. But you can try. And so can they. And the cycle continues because the human death isn't solving your problems.
I don't think America sticks closely to its, or anybody else's, rules of engagement, when it suits. Sure, attacking a few Taliban would have been counterproductive. At the moment, for example, British forces are getting the shit kicked out of them in Afghanistan, and one opportunistic bomb would put coalition forces in further peril.
And we know the rest of the Muslim world would just sit back and say, "Whoa... bummer, dude", and go on with their everyday lives.
Wait... that's in the bizarro world. Nevermind.
Hail, Hail!!!
I understand your point. on the surface it sounds all well and good. but would you have done with the nazi's? people like hilter and Osama cant be dealt with any other way except with bombs. i dont like the reality of it but it seems to be true
Dude, the Muslim world goes crazy over everything, whether it be cartoons or bombs. I'd choose bombs in this case.
The way to run this is to do this:
You know who they are... just follow the sonsabitches home and when they load up the Toyota pickup with the mortar... a Predator uncorks a Hellfire **BOOM**.
Time for another Taliban funeral and another target.
Hail, Hail!!!
Stop comparing two very different situations as if they were the same. If you're asking me what would I have done with Hitler in 1939, I'd say bomb him. If you're asking me what would I have done with Hitler in 1929, I'd say undercut his support.
Osama is not Hitler. Bin Laden does not have a nation-state nor does he have a base of operation. Furthermore, he is not a commander. His is a fool, drunk on a corrupt and contradictory ideology and his only power is found in the influence of that ideology. Hitler's power was found in the might of his machinery which was used to enforce his corrupt ideology on the world. Their weapons are different -- yours should be too.
I know you're being sardonic, but if this were actually a plan, just think: they'd start having public funerals in civilian areas, surrounded by women and children. What then?
Now to watch the crying start. Who is to say that Hitler's plan was all that bad. Since we want to talk big and tough about killing people! Maybe the Jewish people should have been dealt with and the only people who don't think that way are Jews. Then there would be no problem in the middle east. Ah yes we all have our ways to solve these problems and that may have very well be one of the best. You know just like the people you want to kill now. Easy pickings when you keep up the lets kill a certain people. Very easy pickings.
Well, the thing that caught my attention was the phrase, "Known Taliban". If they already KNOW who this guy is... and they KNOW he was at the funeral... then why not FOLLOW him?
Those Predator drones can remain airborne for a long, long time. If need be, relieve the initial aircraft with a secondary. Do we only have one Predator on site? If this target is so important, then why not deploy as many resources as possible to get him? I mean, we are pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into that shit... we can't get a couple of Delta Operatives to keep him under watch?
Follow him home... keep an eye on his movements and when the time is right... take him out.
Hail, Hail!!!
Hitler wanted to kill Jews because they were Jews. No one is saying to indiscriminately kill Arabs. Arab terrorists, on the other hand, should be killed.
It's comforting to know that you would have volunteered for the Hitler youth.
I see what you are saying and the correlation you are making... but...
I don't think that some of the people here will see the point and only see the surface remark made as reference and jump all over your ass.
Good luck with that.
Hail, Hail!!!
That is your version of the story. And since I am not Jewish I don't buy it. You know how that is. Just look at all the threads you start.
His remarks are flawed. One, I dont think any rational people are advocating to wipe out all Muslims, Persians, or Arabs. And two, I think a lot of the conflict in the middle east at this point is not simply because of Israel or the Jews. I understand what he was getting it, but it was a pretty poor comparison.
I dont understand this at all. and your first sentence is not nessecary.
maybe the jewish people should have been dealt with? why, what were they doing at the time to deserve to be wiped off the planet?
Don't even try to understand it. He posts shit like this a lot. It's quite pathetic, really.