No one raising a stink because animal farts don't appear to have been a problem when there were a billion + American Bison, far larger number of deer species, megafaunal predators and more Passenger Pigeons flying around than there are total birds in North American today.
I suspect that the carbon dioxide and monoxide creating by people smoking contributes more to global warming than cows farting.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
Yep. That's why the beef producers don't want you to know where your meat comes from. Country-of-origin labeling was in the 2002 farm bill, but industry lobbyists have continually managed to delay its implementation. The beef packing industry doesn't want you to know if your steak came from Argentina or not, since most consumers would automatically assume that their beef is "Made in the USA."
check out the animal idendification system. because of homeland security; you cannot take an animal to slaughter unless you can prove where that animal came from. it's the presidents way of keeping the food chain from being contaminated.
I suspect that the carbon dioxide and monoxide creating by people smoking contributes more to global warming than cows farting.
check out the animal idendification system. because of homeland security; you cannot take an animal to slaughter unless you can prove where that animal came from. it's the presidents way of keeping the food chain from being contaminated.