Killer cow emissions: Why isn't anyone raising a stink?

Food for thought from the LA Times:,0,1365993.story?coll=la-tot-opinion&track=ntothtml,0,1365993.story?coll=la-tot-opinion&track=ntothtml
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Because the problem isn't that significant. In fact, this was easily debunked more than 15 years ago. Compared to the damage caused by man, cows are just a drop in the bucket.
The real question is, why isn't anybody working to do more population control in Africa? Not only do you reduce poverty and hunger, you also reduce the production of greenhouse gasses.
—Dorothy Parker
sorry, I love steak. fart on cows.
That's your word against all the scientists and specialists working for the United Nations Food and Agriculture organisation. Not to mention other top scientists from around the world. No offense, but I'll take their word for it.
I'm not saying cows don't produce methane, I'm saying that, in the grand scheme of things, the problem is overstated. Did you know that the Space Shuttle also causes ozone loss? It's true. Every launch releases tons of aluminum particles into the atmosphere from the rocket boosters. But is it a significant cause of greenhouse gasses? Absolutely not.
—Dorothy Parker
I too love steak...then they cause me to create my own hazard to the environment.
Good. Then we can have the Brazilians tear up even more rainforests so they can produce even greater quantities of genetically-engineered soybeans.
—Dorothy Parker
Until someone solves the problem of there being too many people on the planet, all of these problems are irrelevent.
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement:
—Dorothy Parker
aint that the truth. speaking of, I had some steak tacos for lunch.
that world has gone mad I tell ya, mad.
Yes, EVERYONE should do this, except me
Don't worry... as long as the Pope's still Catholic you don't have anything to worry about. :(
—Dorothy Parker
Go read up on Jeremy Rifkin. He was championing the whole "cows cause ozone loss" cause back in the early '90s. Turns out he was basically a "scientist for hire" and ended up being a schill for the oil industry.
—Dorothy Parker
I'm sure thats probably true. maybe I wont eat steak as much. least I can u
However, the oceans contribute much more CO2.
have a nice salad. Just watch out for the e.coli.
—Dorothy Parker
I like salads. steak salads
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Yep. That's why the beef producers don't want you to know where your meat comes from. Country-of-origin labeling was in the 2002 farm bill, but industry lobbyists have continually managed to delay its implementation. The beef packing industry doesn't want you to know if your steak came from Argentina or not, since most consumers would automatically assume that their beef is "Made in the USA."
—Dorothy Parker
How so? They're the biggest "carbon sink". In other words, they absorb immense amounts of CO2. Here's a link:
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
If only there was some way to warm up the entire world so that the cold northern parts could become more livable.
Are you joking? Have you heard anything about global warming in the news? The "cold northern parts" will most likely see the most dramatic warming. Do a little research. Polar bears are running out of habitat.
It's kind of like the bogs that release carbon when the temperature rises. As the temp rises the ocean evaporates more carbon. I'm pretty sure I read this on the EPA but I can't find it now, so discredit it.
The continent of Africa produces very little pollution given its population. Its places like N. America, Asia and Europe that are creating much of the pollution.