
I can't find any point and counter point sites to prove and disprove that the pentagon was or was not hit by a 757. Can any of you send links or perhaps actually do a little point and counter point? Did a 757 actually hit the pentagon?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sure doesn't look like it from the footage they released.
that is a big som-bitch that made a small ass hole.
~Ron Burgundy
yes; that's the perfect explaination. you people are really something.
Um, OK. I live just a few miles from the pentagon, let it rest folks. Conspiracy theorists need not apply.
Clearly people are not taking into account the hundreds of eyewitnesses. The plane flew directly over a major highway that is extremely busy at that time of day in DC. My sister being one of those eyewitnesses.
A PLANE HIT THE PENTAGON. Accept it, and move on.
Barbara Olson, American television commentator for CNN (b. 1955)
Three 11-year-old schoolchildren (Bernard Brown, Asia Cottom, and Rodney Dickens) embarking on an educational trip to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary near Santa Barbara, California, as part of a program funded by the National Geographic Society.
Their chaperones and NGS staff members Sarah Clark, 65, James Debeuneure, 58, Ann Judge, 45, Hilda Taylor and Joe Ferguson.
more children, sisters aged 8 and 3.
Bryan C. Jack, budget analyst/director of the programming and fiscal economics division, Defense Department. He worked at the Pentagon at the time of the attacks.
Mari-Rae Sopper, 35, was the women's gymnastics coach at UC Santa Barbara. Sopper was hired as coach less than two weeks before. She graduated from Iowa State in 1988 and received a master's in athletic administration from North Texas in 1993. Three years later, she graduated from the University of Denver College of Law. "She was an incredible person who had done so much in her life," said Lesley Ross, a sophomore gymnast at UCSB. "She had an awesome attitude and was so in love with the sport. She was getting us all pumped up to come back."
the US government wouldnt sanction the deaths of these people, especially the children, for some alterior motive...
can we stop with the boring fucking conpiracy theories... 4 planes were hijacked that day.. all 4 crashed with all passengers on board being murdered... if it was a missile that hit the Pentagon where are the above people :rolleyes:
what are you talking about? if you drive a car into an over-engineered building at 500 mph there won't be a thing left of the car.
Yea, they have never done that before.
sarcasm doesnt read to well over the internet.. well not unless you do it right... which you havent
give me solid evidence of when the US government has knowingly allowed/sanctioned children to die in order to perpuate a myth concerning terrorism
please... i'll never sleep tonight unless i read it all :rolleyes:
Have you not been following the Iraq war?
why... do you need some help answering some queries?
nothing reads well over the internet. i can build a website that says almost anything. what you read is only as reliable as the author. you can see the bias is every post here. the authors always let their opinion rule.
Maybe google Vietnam?
That was a much smaller jet, but I think anyone can see what happens when a plane going at 500mph crashes into re-enforced concrete. It leaves no large pieces. I think this was one of the largest pieces found at the Pentagon:
maybe google 9/11 debunking ... for all your conspiracy needs.
you havent answered the question... what actually happened to the people i listed on my first post in this thread? and the big plane they were on... if a missile did indeed hit the Pentagon... strange that the last contact was made from air-traffic around that very spot.... strange how their is images showing plane debris lying around the site... even stranger is the hundred plus witness statements that report seeing the plane flying extremely low over that area... strange how one of the victims was actually a senior figure within the pentagon... hmmmmmm but yes it was a missile!!!
do you really think the US needs to kill 3000 people on home turf to start a war against Saddam and his cronies??? thats naive... they could have faked a terrorist act of a smaller magnitude on a more acceptable target... say a police depot or something... and the american public would have been duped into a world of fear simply by that... it would be easier than faking 4 simultaneous hijackings and crashing them into iconic structures to make the point... fuck me man... Bush didnt need any excuse to go to war... he would have done it anyway!
I agree, however I don't really think any of us know what the government is capable of doing in order to get what they want. I don't think there is a limit to it. I mean, it's quite possible they killed a President to start a war, would these people think twice about American citizens. That is what has me asking questions.
Ever since 9/11 they have had the American people by the balls playing on their fears, willing to go along with anything they say. I say 9/11 has paid off well for the administration.
I don't really know if Bush or his cronies were involved, but the fact that there are so many un-answered questions that they refuse to answer
(or only answer when they are not under oathe and the public won't find out), feeds the conspiracy theorists. Just give us the truth.
I am just making the point that the US goverment has no problem killing innocent children for the sake of it's cause...that is all I am trying to get across.
so a government that allows it citizens to own weapons of war (like assault weapons) for the purpose of protecting the constitution against a rouge leader is going to do such a horrendus assault against it's citizens?
(read the article titles on the left hand side to give you an idea of the site owners frame-of-mind)
I found this:
Also...Last week, I watched a news program that showed the released Pentagon parking lot video. They slowed it down and cleaned it up using "the best technology available" and WITHOUT A DOUBT, a very large passenger airplane flew into that building. Someone in the interview even commented on the flying skills of that hijacker...he was better than the WTC ones.
(I can't remember what show/channel I was watching...might have been A&E or Discovery???) Did anyone else see it?
i think it was the history channel. good show too. everything explained to the smallest detail with undeniable proof to back it.
see what happens when people from many fields of expertise join together to find the answer?
and what happens when those with no life must come up with conspiracies.
who said they only had one tape? why would a high security building release ANY tapes? i'm surprised they released the one.
So they could put to rest this conspiracy talk.
agree,... i don't think it would be a matter of national security to prove the conspiracy theories wrong. seems to me that they might get support out of that, when (or if) the conspiracy theorists stand corrected.
~Ron Burgundy
...there might be more than one tape.
Judicial Watch originally filed a Freedom of Information Act request on December 15, 2004, seeking all records pertaining to camera recordings from the Sheraton National Hotel, the Nexcomm/Citgo gas station, Pentagon security cameras and the Virginia Department of Transportation. The Department of Defense admitted in a January 26, 2005 letter that it possessed a videotape responsive to Judicial Watch’s request. However, the Pentagon advised that the video is exempt from release because it is, “part of an ongoing investigation involving Zacarias Moussaoui.”
If I understand correctly...after his trial, the Pentagon tape was released. As to why the others (Sheraton Hotel, Citgo gas station, etc.) haven't been made public....I have no idea. Maybe they didn't capture anything? They aren't wired for sound, only video.
As I stated earlier, there's not a shred of doubt in my mind that a passenger airplane hit the pentagon. I guess that location isn't very "conspiracy" worthy. WHich in itself should confirm that the WTC attacks weren't a conspiracy, either.
They say terrorists did it, and for all intents and purposes at this point that is what happened. Now we should look at what they are doing in response to that, try not to give too much.
and i'm saying to you that it wont kill its OWN children to further its cause... children in other countries is easier to swallow... necessary collateral so to speak... but they simply wouldnt kill their own young citizens as if they were ever found out the entire country would revolt... it hits people 10 times harder if they hear about a 3 year old kid dying as it does hearing about a 30 year old man... its called compassion, and its a natural emotion.... i severely doubt that there are 20 guys in a bunker somewhere in Washington who could sign off a document that allows ????? to shoot down a plane carrying 50-odd of their own people including children... the X-files is a made up show remember