Zack De La Rocha gives Bush Regime Hell

Evidently old age hasnt reduced Zack's rage.
This gem of a quote from Zack from last nights Coachella Gig
"Our current administration needs to be tried, hung and shot. We need to treat them like the war criminals they are."
This gem of a quote from Zack from last nights Coachella Gig
"Our current administration needs to be tried, hung and shot. We need to treat them like the war criminals they are."
Post edited by Unknown User on
Zack is still younger than any of those old fogies in Pearl Jam!
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power-flows inside of me, you can't bring me
Never-fall as long as I try
Refuse-to be a part of your lie
Even-if it means I die, you can't bring me
so do you agree with the quote, you being the person who hates war and hates murder and the death penalty?
but i do agree that we could use another RATM album.
i've just been called old..........guess it's time to get the white shoes and eat dinner at five o'clock...........:p
lets just say I believe there is a special place in hell reserved for people who send children off to die in war.
Ha! Seriously, that means I'm less than 10 years away from being old and I'm not ready to hear that!
And Zach is one of those who will never seem old.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Hehe...typical childish hypocrisy from the hate machine.
i didnt mean it like that. Rage has been away for 7 years. We havent heard one peep out of zack, or at least very few peeps. It was a question of if Rage still had that power and intensity.
I didnt attend Coachella but from the reviews I have heard and from the mini clips on you tube of the gig, the earth shook at this concert.
And my other point was, its common knowledge that as people age, that their political urgency or activist spirit dimininishes somewhat. Whats that quote, "if your young and arent liberal you have no soul, and if you are old and arent conservative you are naive".
Another point was that their were rumors that zack cut off his dreads because he was losing his hair. Which is natural of course. But again, all signs of aging.
fair enough.
Meh. That quote is for those who give up and toss away their dreams.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
oh no that's Matlock time.
old man vedder is like 80
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
18 year olds are not children.
there was a reason for that... namely that nobody gives a shit what zach de la rocha thinks. i rather doubt congress is going to hear this and pass a resolution. i also rather doubt anyone heard that and went "shit, good point zach! i dont know why ive been a bush supporter all these years!"
I'm glad Rage are back.. almost got to go to coachella... almost.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
But the challenges we face go beyond the current administration. It's not a system that changes every four years. It's a system we have to tear down, generation after generation."
right on!!!
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
when he is 80, i will still be going to see him perform. hopefully
then start saving...
If you hate something, don't you do it too....
Basically, he's admitting to being a hypocrite.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
They're not children, as defined by law, but they are kids in every practical sense.
To me more and more bands are doing this today, teaching how we're being controlled but fight back with words of cynical negativity and ultimately hatred which in turn is being replaced with the same thing these fighters are fighting for.
Pearl Jam is doing there job along with U2 and other numerous bands.. they simply state love, the only way we will survive on this planet without a savior.
Guess nows a better time then ever to have faith, America is changing dramatically by the day.
May 3, 2003
Camden NJ Sat May 27, 2006
Camden NJ Sun May 28, 2006
Washington DC Tuesday May 30, 2006
E. Rutherford NJ June 01, 2006
E. Rutherford NJ June 03, 2006
zach delarocha's political outrage gets boring, imo. he needs to focus on exploring new artistic boundaries rather than just plain ol' whinnin and complainin.
As for old age....what would finally "do it for me" is if I ever at some point lose control of my sphincter. Jjust take me out behind the barn or the woodshed and set me free.
I actually had this discussion with my brother. He said it would be if he could no longer practice martial arts for him...I came back with the failing sphincter perspective...we laughed.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Fine. Would it make everyone feel better to change it to "young people"?