RATM speaks the truth in Election 2008

This is a very rough translation of Zack's rant during RATM's lolla version of Wake Up.
I dont think I have heard truer words. Funnily enough I am on record on this board many times talking about how whites must choose sides and that we must ignite the revolution. And it must be stated, if Obama doesnt pull troops out, I and alot of other people will be engaged in the actions zack discusses!
"For these last eight years, all we've heard about is a mysterious outside force that threatens our security and our liveihood everyday... *indecipherable* ...that some outside force is threatening our wayof life and our jobs and our livelihoods...and after *indecipherable*...it must dawn on us that its the big government that is the terrorist force sitting across from us.
"And I'm not just talking about the Bush administration, but the whole sick, conformist apparatus *indecipherable*
"They're supposed to step up and be our voice and congress they turned their backs on us. They turned their backs on the workers. They turned their backs on the soldiers. They got right behind Bush lock step and got this country into another sick war.
"Now we know brother Obama. We know brother Obama. But I tell you what, if he comes to power come November and he doesn't start pulling troops out of Afghanistan, I know a lot of people who are gonna stand up and burn down every office of every Senate.
"All this now we've been seeing is just the beginning, it's just the beginning. And no matter what happens in these *indecipherable*, I'll say this. That there is a generation of young black and latino brothers and sisters that are gonna force everyone in this country to make a decision very soon about what side they're going to stand on. And they're a generation of kids who don't give a fuck about national politics. They care about bread. They care about water. They care about housing and they care about justice. And they ain't gonna fucking stand for any of that shit. They're just gonna take it.
"This new generation of blacks and latinos *indecipherable* are gonna make this country an offer it can't refuse. So wake up!
I dont think I have heard truer words. Funnily enough I am on record on this board many times talking about how whites must choose sides and that we must ignite the revolution. And it must be stated, if Obama doesnt pull troops out, I and alot of other people will be engaged in the actions zack discusses!
"For these last eight years, all we've heard about is a mysterious outside force that threatens our security and our liveihood everyday... *indecipherable* ...that some outside force is threatening our wayof life and our jobs and our livelihoods...and after *indecipherable*...it must dawn on us that its the big government that is the terrorist force sitting across from us.
"And I'm not just talking about the Bush administration, but the whole sick, conformist apparatus *indecipherable*
"They're supposed to step up and be our voice and congress they turned their backs on us. They turned their backs on the workers. They turned their backs on the soldiers. They got right behind Bush lock step and got this country into another sick war.
"Now we know brother Obama. We know brother Obama. But I tell you what, if he comes to power come November and he doesn't start pulling troops out of Afghanistan, I know a lot of people who are gonna stand up and burn down every office of every Senate.
"All this now we've been seeing is just the beginning, it's just the beginning. And no matter what happens in these *indecipherable*, I'll say this. That there is a generation of young black and latino brothers and sisters that are gonna force everyone in this country to make a decision very soon about what side they're going to stand on. And they're a generation of kids who don't give a fuck about national politics. They care about bread. They care about water. They care about housing and they care about justice. And they ain't gonna fucking stand for any of that shit. They're just gonna take it.
"This new generation of blacks and latinos *indecipherable* are gonna make this country an offer it can't refuse. So wake up!
Post edited by Unknown User on
"eh...everything's going pretty good"
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Had Zach said Iraq, I would be 100% behind him...
Yeah, and if they don't learn to speak English, it'll be an offer we can't understand, either.
—Dorothy Parker
Why? You think you gonna catch Usama?
America should not be in afghanistan. If they want to end terrorism, a brutal occupation and bombing weddings is not gonna solve the problem.
It's sad to see so many people still supporting the american war of terror.
America needs to make sure it's own people have jobs, food to eat and a high standard of living. That's the fight america should be fighting, not many miles away dropping bombs from above.
You're right. Only the complete destruction of Islam will solve that.
And Christianity.
And Judaism.
—Dorothy Parker
Yep, no more religions. No more war right? Everyone will become good and our greed will end. When we speak to oneanother only songs lyrics written in bubble letters willl flow from our lips.
It's that easy.
But in the meantime. continue the war in afghanistan.
Interesting...I don't always agree with you, but very well written argument there. Got me thinking.
apparently Zach thinks all whiteys think the same and are on the same side. fuck him. he should go back to celebrating communism while he cashes his fat corporate music label checks.
but yeah, if Obama doesnt start pulling troops out pretty soon, the shit will probably hit the fan. (edit: oh he said Afghanistan. he's on crack. few want to leave Afghanistan. thought he meant Iraq).
War on Poverty's about as successful as War on Drugs. And for pretty much the same reasons.
—Dorothy Parker
Oh, I think I would have a completely different opinion then MrBrian on how to go about doing what Mr.Brian proposes...but I thought that at least his statement does bring up a good point.
Voting in Obama will cure everything. It will all be better! What a bunch of lies!
Zack speaks the truth. In a time when all my musical heroes have gone gaga for Obama, Zack speaks about the issues.
Voting obama in will do nothing. Just as electing Dems in 2006 didnt change a damn thing
he actually said both, Iraq and Afghanistan.
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?
I believe the third race he mentioned was muslims.
how did I hear his comments so clearly without having heard the recording? earplugs.
"In your case, I'll check my brain at the door and we'll start even, okay?"
Have you thanked a taper today?
and?...It needs help, something new has to come around. perhaps a trillion dollars (like the trillion spent on the iraq war) could have started a really great thing if it was used in america to help Americans.
The war on drugs, of course it failed! it failed from the start. was it ever really suppose to work? why continue it? why does america do these things?
War in Afghanistan...Afghanistan was a nice place, a good people. years of Soviet rule destroyed that. Then having america backing them against the soviets...only to run away after The Soviet withdrawal. Leaving afganistan to rot even more. That's what created the taliban.
Americas inability to look forward? the inability to learn from past mistakes? Or perhaps Americas sheer lack of care? whatever it is. They still have it and the american people still back it.
America has a huge amount of talent, they can do many great things. But they don't. They just don't.
I'm sorry, but bitch, please. I just love chest-thumping bullshit like this. Nobody is going to burn down any offices of the Senate.
i wouldnt be so sure. When things go berserk they really go berserk. Remember the 1960's/70's where you had Patty heart robbing a bank, you had a radical activist organization in america, the weathermen, hold a convention where they called for the murder of their parents and the murder of prominent politicians, where radical feminists didnt want to give birth to white babies and responded that the acceptable course was to "throw it away".
Society is beyond repairable. It cant be put back together. Or if it can, it must be destroyed, taken down, brick by brick.
Politics version of change is mindnumbingly slow. Obama talks about reducing carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050. He'll be dead and many of us will be in our 70's.
We have soldiers coming home from the war whose lives are ruined. Who will never walk again, will never play catch or play on the beach with their kids again, and those are just the living dead. What about those who come home in coffins.
How many more deaths will we read about in the paper of 20 year old soldiers dead, before we actually do something beyond electing some smooth talking politician?
You've got another thing coming if you think Obama's gonna end the war.
i love RATM... and i love Zach...
but this is some stupid shit and i disagree with him on almost every front on this one... nice way to tout a race war zach, thats real fucking progressive? :rolleyes:
and come on, nobody he knows is going to burn down shit. what a joke
You can get the same anarchistic opinions from a bum on the corner
-Christopher Walken
you're=you are
your=showing ownership
The truth has a well known liberal bias.
-Stephen Colbert
i would like that too...
where is this new generation of blacks and latinos?? the young blacks and latinos I see are mostly concerned with creating out-of-wedlock babies, killing each other in the street, and dropping out of school. is there a secret society of blacks and latinos hiding in the batcave with Batman?
GREAT song by the mighty Judas Priest!
Show me one point in history... ever, where simply throwing money at a problem has solved anything.
—Dorothy Parker
I imagine these are the very same people currently sitting on their couch, too stoned to get up and change the channel.
I bet you buy your Che shirts at Target
—Dorothy Parker
If a country decided to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans, what the fuck would we do then? Nuke that country and kill millions of civilians?
cause MrBrian knows how the ratio system works.
for the least they could possibly do
Ya think?