Bill O'Reilly

I would love to hear from his fans on this board, and see if they believe him, when he claims to be a journalist and fair and balanced, and that he goes after both sides equally.
Anyone can just turn on his show, and see all these claims are bunk. One he isnt a journalist, he worked at a tabloid show before he had his own show, and merely stating an opinion on war or politics doesnt make one a journalist. Two he claims to be fair and balanced yet he will nightly rail against "secular progressives" and "san Francisco values". He routinely rails against the "far left". You tell me what side he is for! Lastly look at his interviews with presidents, and politicians and other people, he is very kind to them, doesnt ask tough questions. When he interviewed Bush he didnt say "when are the troops coming home" or "why did you lie". Yet when he interviews a activist son of a port authority worker, this activist spoke out against the war. Bill Oreilly lost his gourd. You tube that interview, its really a sight to see. Even if you disagree with the war, as I do, I would NEVER go up to someone who lost someone in the world trade center and say, "you are stupid and your feelings are worthless". yet thats what old bill did.
Plus, why the hell does he act like talking points is some foreign entity written by great people. He routinely says "talking points believes Pelosi is a far left nut". Yet he himself writes these talking points.
Bill is a jerk and he got what he deserved on the Letterman show. Dave sure as hell would have got the same lashing that Bill got.
Anyone can just turn on his show, and see all these claims are bunk. One he isnt a journalist, he worked at a tabloid show before he had his own show, and merely stating an opinion on war or politics doesnt make one a journalist. Two he claims to be fair and balanced yet he will nightly rail against "secular progressives" and "san Francisco values". He routinely rails against the "far left". You tell me what side he is for! Lastly look at his interviews with presidents, and politicians and other people, he is very kind to them, doesnt ask tough questions. When he interviewed Bush he didnt say "when are the troops coming home" or "why did you lie". Yet when he interviews a activist son of a port authority worker, this activist spoke out against the war. Bill Oreilly lost his gourd. You tube that interview, its really a sight to see. Even if you disagree with the war, as I do, I would NEVER go up to someone who lost someone in the world trade center and say, "you are stupid and your feelings are worthless". yet thats what old bill did.
Plus, why the hell does he act like talking points is some foreign entity written by great people. He routinely says "talking points believes Pelosi is a far left nut". Yet he himself writes these talking points.
Bill is a jerk and he got what he deserved on the Letterman show. Dave sure as hell would have got the same lashing that Bill got.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I don't think his fans would be found here...far too conservative. He is the worst.
Bill mopped the floor with Letterman. Did Letterman ever make a point? He was uncomfortably angry.
I'm not a huge O'Riley fan, but certainly lend him more credibility than people like Letterman, other comedians, actors, and musicians.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
If you're an O'Riley apologist anyway.
i'm rubber and you're glue. thanks for the insight, larry.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Ironic how you don't hear these same people groaning and moaning about...oh...I don't know...Keith Olberman. You know, the guy who used to give me my football highlights at 6am on ESPN for years and years.
Oh yeah, he's a Bush basher, and he's on MSNBC. They're SO much MORE involved in reporting real news and less op-ed than FOX...yeah, my bad...:rolleyes:
The only thing I can glean from this piss and moan session about Bill O'Reilly and FOX is that it's okay to spout op-ed and disguise it as news as long as the opening segment of your program doesn't say that it's "fair and balanced."
Low Traffic CIO MIW
You seem to know about oreilly, so just admit it. You obviously watch his show, why not tell us on this board what the subject of his talking points is! I would say the majority of time in the talking points he goes after what he refers to as secular progressives and the far left. He refered to them on lettermans show.
I assume he doesnt include bush in that criticism.
Secondly, the difference between him and Olberman is that olberman doesnt claim to be a journalist and doesnt claim to be fair and balanced. That is the tagline that Oreilly built his show on. Its alright with me to suggest that Olberman is left wing, he would admit it. Oreilly will deny to his dying day that he is a republican. Theres the difference.
The fair and balanced idea is clever. Fox uses it "liberally" to use a pun here. If one has a slogan like "fair and balanced", the network can say anything they want, they can say "Bush is the greatest president ever" they can say "Bush's critics are unpatriotic" they can say "the war in iraq is going well, and those who claim otherwise are nuts". They can claim anyone of these things and then have a flash graphic of "fair and balanced" In effect it nullifies or erases any bad taste those messages may have sent and then seems to suggest they really are fair and balanced when the opposite is the truth.
Another technique they use is the statement "some people say" all fox hosts use this term often. It is used similarly as the statement about "fair and balanced". Under this term, they can say to Bill Clinton "Some people say you didnt do enough to stop 9/11", or they can question a protestor and say "some people say you are antiamerican". This use of the term "some people" allows the hosts to say such things and get away with it, after all its just some people who are saying it and not the fox hosts.
MSNBC is no liberal bastion, they along with the NY and LA times and all other media all refused to investigate the WMD claim before the war. To suggest they have it in for Bush is crazy. If they did they would have said flat out Bush is a liar. They havent said that and will not say that.
Anyone who doesnt think Oreilly is a bully is off their rocker. He doesnt treat his guests kindly, and is a jerk.
And since you seem to know about oreilly hail hail, tell us, please how he treats a guest that he disagrees with? Say, he has a debate about withdrawing troops and if it is a good idea. On the one side he may have a liberal thinker, or the leader of a liberal think tank, on the other side he may have a fox news military analyst or a republican. Tell us, hail hail, how would he respond to the statement "troops in iraq should stay until they get the job finished and that pulling troops out is crazy". What would his response be? Would he be yelling at that guest or would he be in agreement? Secondly how would he respond to the liberal guest who says "We should pull troops out maybe not immediately but over a period of months we should pull them out". How would oreilly respond hail hail? Would Oreilly be kind to that guest?
I think the answers so obvious, and I think you know it too.
Oreilly isnt a journalist. He is an opinion giver. He presents the news and gives his take on it. That isnt a journalist.
I should hope that O'Reilly moped the floor with Letterman. Letterman's job is not about steifling others in political conversations.
Somehow this reminds me of the time (and this was a few years ago) that Donahue went on the O'Reilly show and Donahue "out O'Reillied" O' Reilly. That was awsome. Right on Bill's home floor.
To be fair and balanced means I would assume, to give both sides a chance to give their side of the story, to not present stories as either "republicans are great" or "republicans are horrible" or to present stories as "dems are bad" or "dems are great". Fair and Balanced means a reporter doesnt give an opinion. They just report the news. Saying "5 troops died in iraq today" is fair and balanced, to say "5 troops died today in iraq and most dems want to wimp out and pull all the troops out because they are far left and unamerican" is not fair and balanced.
Hail hail, you need to rethink your argument. One must be either fair and balanced or "mostly conservative". They cant exist together.
Plus your whole argument is bunk. If Oreilly is indeed "mostly conservative" as you claim, wont that mean he would go easier on Bush, than if he was a "raving left wing moonbat"?
I wouldnt mind oreilly half as much if he didnt act like he is fair and balanced. Just coming out and saying hey I am a registered Republican would be enough. He acts like hes gods gift to the earth.
You dont treat people like he does. Saying "shut up" to your guests. I mean come on!
Donaho? who the hell is that?
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Geez Che, you got the hate runnin through ya. Take it easy or you'll give yourself a heart attack. Bill O'Reilly does an editorial style show, he's paid to be a dick, that's what sells people like you (who despise him) into watching his show, telling your friends about it the next day and even blogging about the guy online.
I recall many years ago when Limbaugh was on Letterman, it was the most awkward interview that was really quickly turned on Limbaugh, it wasn't really fair, but then again it was Lettermans show. And when someone agrees to go on an editorial style show where the hosts political affiliation, interview style and nature of the network is all on the table, you've got to know what your getting into. I care about Bill O'Reilly about as much as I care about Al Franken; nada.
First Example:
A muslim had called The Factor. The muslim caller then criticized O'reilly for comparing the Koran to Mein Kampf. O'reilly called him a liar and cut the call. Here is a quote from Bill O'reilly when he was discussing an issue where the University of North Carolina assigned freshman a book titled "Approaching The Qur'an" The Early Revelations."
"I dont know what this serves to take a look at our enemy's religion. See? I mean, I wouldn't give people a book during World War II on the emperor is God in Japan, would you?...I wouldn't read the book. And I'll tell you why: I wouldn't have read Mein Kampf either. If I were going to UNC in 1941, and you, Professor, said, "Read Mein Kampf", I would have said, "Hey, Professor, with all due respect, shove it. I ain't reading it."**
**Considering his past history of how he handles situations where someone he does not agree with dare speak their mind, I doubt he would have responded in such a way
So there is already one example of O'reilly lying. I suppose it could be said that he simply forgot about what he said, which is understandable when you consider the sheer amount of shit that falls out of his head everytime he opens his mouth. So on to our next example:
On Feb 4, 2003 Jeremy Glick was a guest on The Factor. Glick's father had been a Port Authority worker and had been killed on 9/11. The reason Glick was on the factor was because he had signed an advertisement opposing the war in Iraq, which automatically makes him a terrorist. So, when you really think about it, Glick killed his own father. That fucking bastard. Anyway, during their discussion, O'reilly, once again cut off his interviewee. Glick tried in vain to state his point and eventually O'reilly had his mic cut. After the cameras went off O'reilly had this nice little bit to say to Glick
"Get out of my studio before I tear your to fucking peices!"
Hmm, nice reaction Bill. So, yea, I guess you really would respectfully disagree with someone if they told you to read the Koran. Oh by the way, when I call you a whore that sucks corporate dick and swallows it all, I'm doing it out of respect
In October of '03, Terry Gross asked O'reilly about the incident on her show Fresh Air. O'reilly responds with his usual clear headed assessment. Oh, this is only if you consider clear headed to be bullshit lies that never took place.
(I'm not going to put up the entire quote, it's pretty damn long)
"...and then he proceeded to blame President Bush and his father, Bush the elder, for orchestrating the attack on their own country. Now once you get into that realm-we were surprised. We thought he was going to be a rational person. I-it is my duty, all right, to say, "Can you prove that? Do you have any evidence to demonstrate what you're saying?" He had none. So, then I aborted the interview..."
The transcript is on the web. If you don't believe me, look it up. After reading the transcript, it is clearly evident that Glick was in no way vocalizing the conspiracy theory that Bush had been part of 9/11
O'reilly repeatedly told this lie until finally, Al Fraken called him out on it and O'reilly decided to move on to something else.
O'reilly has repeatedly brought up his growing up in Levittown, Long Island. Stating "You don't come from any lower than I came from on an economic scale".
Problem is, Bill's mother told the Washington Post that the family took repeated vacation to Florida (something that those who come from the lowest rung on the enconomic rung of the ladder don't do) and that Bill went to a private school, a private college, and was actually raised in Westbury.
Why would Bill lie about coming from a blue-collar town rather than a upper class one? To boost his reputation so people will believe him when he says that he knows what he's talking about.
In a very recent lie involving the holiday season, O'reilly decided to tell the story of a school that changed the words of "Silent Night" to "Cold in the Night". Surely this is the work of a liberal hating america to kick out god! Wrong. "Cold in the Night" was written in 1988 for a school play about a single christmas tree that was small and shabby, which meant that no one would take him in, thus he was left out cold in the night. I knew this as soon as I heard about it. Why? Because I had actually performed that play when I was in elementary school. Once again, O'reilly takes information, puts his hands around it, and twists until it takes the shape of a dagger that he then rams into the heads of his viewers. And what is engraved on the hilt of that dagger? Something O'reilly would be nothing without:
Lies and Misinformation.
I've heard him slam Bush over and over and over about the open border, Iraq and Iran.
You can learn a lot from his show if you watch without political hate in your heart and mind. For instance, whenever he starts ranting about secular progressives, I just turn the channel - which has been a lot lately. Or when he starts in about religion or abortion or something.
I really don't care what he thinks about those issues. But he does offer a pretty good analyisis of the war in Iraq, the broader war on terror and foreign policy in general. I agree with about 70-80% of his views there, which is much better than anyone else out there.
O'rielly is half the dick that Glen Beck is.....
I don't think everyone who watches his show is a neocon. Bill is great at what he does and is effective enough to sell himself to a high number of people.
do you see olberman as a narrow minded liberal, far left guy who spouts BS. or a awesome guy who only speaks the truth?
By criticizing President O'Reilly, you undermine the troops who are heroically fighting the War on Christmas.
I find him arrogant as hell and he's kind of a bully on the show
That being said, Letterman ambushed him pretty bad that night. I thought BO'
stayed calm because he knew it was Letterman's audience, and did pretty good. I saw him get the best of Michael Moore one time, but also saw Phil Donahue get the best of him.
He's fake, tries to move more to the center than he really is, and is always
aware of his own perception out there -
Could care less about the guy
Untill their will grows tired
"And guys, if you exploit a girl, it will come back to get you. That's called 'karma.'" –in his book, "The O'Reilly Factor For Kids," 2004
"So anyway I'd be rubbing your big boobs and getting your nipples really hard, kinda' kissing your neck from behind...and then I would take the other hand with the falafel thing and I'd just put it on your p***y but you'd have to do it really light, just kind of a tease business..." --as quoted in a sexual harassment suit filed against him by a Fox News producer, 2004
"If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it's clean, he has nothing, I will apologize to the nation, and I will not trust the Bush Administration again, all right?" -on finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, March 18, 2003
how true it is....
It would be ok if he didn't lie and slander constantly.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
ILl give it to oreilly, ive seen/heard him bash the current policy and sometiems speak intelligently but for the most part...what i said above is far more often than the latter.
Also, the thing about letterman...anyone who thinks "do you want america to win the war" is a black or white issue is far nuts.
why is it if we dont think the way to win the war is in iraq, or if its a abigger problem we started in iraq, and dont want to say "yea i want to kick terrorists ass" we want america to "lose" (whatever the hell that means)
in conclusion. o reilly is an idiot.
How about that Apology Bill. I find the second part of that statement hilarious. The fact that he trusted Bush in the first place, had to know you were doomed doing something like that.