Are abortion clinic bombers terrorists?

Sarah Palin doesn't seem to think they are:
Post edited by Unknown User on
Wow. Does anyone have a clip that continues on longer than this one?
I too would like to hear the rest of the answer, but based on what I heard, Palin is wrong. Of course they're terrorists. I'm sure she thinks they're Christian soldiers doing God's work, but she would be wrong.
It's concerning that anyone can defend people who blow up buildings, harm innocent, and/or kill innocent people.
Even if you are pro-life and running for the vice presidency, are you afraid of losing the homicidal right-wing terrorist vote?
Just say, "yes, terrorism is using fear or 'terror' as means of coercion. That fits the bill."
I don't think there's any arguing about it. Political affiliations shouldn't infect your thinking to the point where words lose all meaning.
But, I would still be interested in hearing the rest of the response. For all I know, she might have said something similar to this.
I could never figure that one out. Pro-lifers killing people. Unreal.
She said "that behavior is unacceptable" but, "I don't know if you are going to use the word terrorist there".
This is an argument of semantics and a silly one at that.
People who bomb abortion clinics should go to prison forever and I'm pro-life... that said, I agree that I wouldn't know if they'd fit under the term "terrorist".... I see absolutely nothing wrong with what she said.
Certainly sends the wrong message.
I'm sure they think they are saving lives by killing people that kill babies....but sheesh, what a way to cloud the issue and drive people away from your side.
I don't know what she could add to this statement that would make it better. How could they not be considered terrorists? Anyone else that bombs a building would be considered to be one.
I agree. That's actually why I wanted to hear the rest of the answer. I just can't image how she could answer any way other than "yes" so I don't know what more she possibly could have said.
Even if she's not going easy on abortion clinic bombers, at the very least she seems to not know what a terrorist is.
Yeah, as much as I think that she's an idiot, I have to agree with you about it being semantics.
Is a kid who shoots up a school a terrorist? Is someone who holds up a bank a terrorist? Is someone who robs and attacks a person at an ATM machine a terrorist? I guess by the definition that terrorist is someone who causes terror, just about any violent criminal action could be considered a terrorist attack.
Should she have maybe answered it a little better? Yes, but it's not like she said that she's ok with abortion clinic bombings.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Read blackredyellow's response.... it speaks towards this. I don't know what exactly falls under the term terrorist either.... like he said, is someone who holds up a bank a terrorist?
He answer was fine.
I don't think isolated events count as terrorism. Terrorism is more systematically used to change the behavior of a group. (Obviously that's not an exact definition.)
Those who bomb abortion clinics do so with the intention of stopping not just one abortion provider, but also with the intention of scaring others into not providing abortions for fear that they might get bombed too.
That's exactly why laws like the Patriot Act are scary. 'Terrorist' and 'terrorism' are incredibly broad and general terms. Since 9/11, the actual meanings behind those words and to whom they apply are unncessarily changing to include more and more people.
This why this legislation needs to be repealed.
Terrorism: "The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims."
Terrorist: "A person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims."
I understand it's about the definition of what is, is, but this is scary.
It's more than semantics. Either she's ignorant of the definition of a terrorist or she's making an exception for terrorists who share her views. Take your pick.
by the way, I love the sigh....:)
I know she said she does not condone it, and I strongly believe she doesn't condone it ... but still ... how can you NOT call abortion clinic bombers 'terrorists'?
That is really fucking stupid.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
No, it's a semantical argument. She said "I don't know if I'd use the term terrorism". She never said it wasn't terrorism. Keep diggin.
Isolated events can count as terrorism, otherwise Timothy McVeigh wouldn't be considered a terrorist. Other than that part, I agree with your statement.
EDIT: She doesn't want to label herself a feminist because she's not into labels...unless it's implying that only small-town republicans are "real" Americans.
This woman just has me in a tizzy. She disgusts and enrages me, and yet like a moth to an electric zapper, I'm drawn to her. I know it's bad for me to listen to her speak; I just can't help it. She's turned me into a verbal rubbernecker.
Good point.
i commend mccain for saying all people should be prosecuted by the letter of the law equally - why on earth could she not bring herself to say that?? ... she ducked it at best as it relates to abortion clinic bombers ...
No offense, but you're missing my point. If it has all the marks of terrorism, by definition it would be terrorism. If it's terrorism, then the perpetrators are terrorists. The followup question should have been: Governor, if you wouldn't label abortion clinic bombers as terrorists, what would you call them?"
I still think this is 100% semantics. I don't see 1 aspect of what she said to be incorrect. IMHO you are all nitpicking.