Religious/spiritual experiences. Tell me about them.



  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    baraka wrote:
    Those are amazing experiences, Chadwick! Thanks for sharing them. I recently read a book about a guy that studied different after-death communications. He features over 3000 firsthand accounts in his book, much like your experiences.

    life is one hell of a trip.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    baraka wrote:
    I suffer from sleep paralysis myself. It is quite unnerving. My first experience was when I was 10 or 11. We were on a road trip and I was asleep in the backseat. I also tend to sleep with my eyes open (creepy I know) when I'm under a lot of stress. Whenever I have had a sleep paralysis episode, I have had my eyes open. So, I usually see everything around me and I don't realize that I'm asleep. When I'm having the experience, I totally believe whatever is happening. I have had this 'old hag' float above me before! First time I saw her was in college. I thought my dorm was haunted until I woke up. Other times I just sense a presence in the room with me, or see a shadow of someone coming down the hall or hiding in the darkness. I'm totally paralyzed and I have trouble breathing.

    I think the old-school stories about an incubus or succubus originated from sleep paralysis experiences. There is a painting on in that wiki link that shows an incubus sitting on a woman's chest. People thought this was the reason they could not breath. Also, I think some modern day alien abduction experiences might really be a sleep paralysis experience.

    While we are on the subject, I wonder if anyone here has had a lucid dreaming experience? I've always been interested in hearing about those experiences.

    baraka, do you still have this sleep disorder?
    and if so, how long have you had this and is it a regular occurance?
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • barakabaraka Posts: 1,268
    chadwick wrote:
    baraka, do you still have this sleep disorder?
    and if so, how long have you had this and is it a regular occurance?

    I have only had 4 experiences (which is quite enough!). The first one I had when I was 10 or 11 and the last one was about 2 years ago. With the exception of the first experience, all the episodes occurred during stressful times. Two episodes occurred when I was in college. My second episode happened when I was 12.

    So, no, they don't happen frequently.
    The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
    but the illusion of knowledge.
    ~Daniel Boorstin

    Only a life lived for others is worth living.
    ~Albert Einstein
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    baraka wrote:
    I have only had 4 experiences (which is quite enough!). The first one I had when I was 10 or 11 and the last one was about 2 years ago. With the exception of the first experience, all the episodes occurred during stressful times. Two episodes occurred when I was in college. My second episode happened when I was 12.

    So, no, they don't happen frequently.

    well thats good.
    im sure it is weird wild stuff.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • BlancheBlanche Posts: 247
    I haven't met any angels, perhaps angels in disguise or simply karma forcing me into situations that I choose to make the best of.

    On a different level, I think feeling connected with your peers and being in tune with your surroundings are the sum of several elements, among them love and trust.

    It's not something that just happens. You have to have an open heart and look around a lot.

    Call it cosmic alchemy or fate, I've felt more fulfilled and happier on top of a mountain or lost in a foreign city or horsing around with friends than in the course of any ritual in a church or temple.

    Maybe places of worship are too exclusive and try to standardise what can be a very personal experience.

    I know that dream interpretation usually goes hand in hand with psychanalysis, but I like to think that some people who appear in my dreams do so to help me figure out what path to take in my waking life.

    I do have an odd story. I guess it's my angel story.
    My last boss is the kind of guy who will take a chance on someone. He's very talkative and friendly and can offer a cabdriver a new job or talk his way out of a speeding/no seatbelt/talking on the phone ticket. Anyway, I knew him indirectly because he was my brother's boss and gave lots of support to my family when my mom was ill.
    Many moons later, he offered me a job. I worked for and with the guy for nearly 10 years. He was aggravating in an endearing way and we had our ups and downs because we're both hard-headed loudmouths, but we were always loyal to one another.
    Anyway, last year the company went through a couple of upheavals. Budget cuts signified the end of my contract, which was OK because the atmosphere wasn't the same and as much as I love the people, I no longer loved the place. I felt it was time to move on and this was the right push. Two weeks after it was official that I was leaving, my boss was given notice, too.
    It's like he was always around for my brother and then me, as if he was looking out for us when we were starting out and relatively green, and when we finally "grew up" and were ready to leave the nest, he left, too. So this guy occupies a big place in my life and not just because he gave me a job.

    Sorry if the story doesn't make much sense.
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    Blanche wrote:
    I haven't met any angels, perhaps angels in disguise or simply karma forcing me into situations that I choose to make the best of.

    On a different level, I think feeling connected with your peers and being in tune with your surroundings are the sum of several elements, among them love and trust.

    It's not something that just happens. You have to have an open heart and look around a lot.

    Call it cosmic alchemy or fate, I've felt more fulfilled and happier on top of a mountain or lost in a foreign city or horsing around with friends than in the course of any ritual in a church or temple.

    Maybe places of worship are too exclusive and try to standardise what can be a very personal experience.

    I know that dream interpretation usually goes hand in hand with psychanalysis, but I like to think that some people who appear in my dreams do so to help me figure out what path to take in my waking life.

    I do have an odd story. I guess it's my angel story.
    My last boss is the kind of guy who will take a chance on someone. He's very talkative and friendly and can offer a cabdriver a new job or talk his way out of a speeding/no seatbelt/talking on the phone ticket. Anyway, I knew him indirectly because he was my brother's boss and gave lots of support to my family when my mom was ill.
    Many moons later, he offered me a job. I worked for and with the guy for nearly 10 years. He was aggravating in an endearing way and we had our ups and downs because we're both hard-headed loudmouths, but we were always loyal to one another.
    Anyway, last year the company went through a couple of upheavals. Budget cuts signified the end of my contract, which was OK because the atmosphere wasn't the same and as much as I love the people, I no longer loved the place. I felt it was time to move on and this was the right push. Two weeks after it was official that I was leaving, my boss was given notice, too.
    It's like he was always around for my brother and then me, as if he was looking out for us when we were starting out and relatively green, and when we finally "grew up" and were ready to leave the nest, he left, too. So this guy occupies a big place in my life and not just because he gave me a job.

    Sorry if the story doesn't make much sense.

    makes sence to me dude.
    ppl come and go in our lives that touch our life somehow.
    some appear to have certain mysterious qualities, like your boss.
    i know exactly where youre comin from.
    and as far as being on a mountain or in a church, the mountain
    is my choice.
    i ask the universe for guidance, the 4 directions, or 7 directions even.
    east, south, west, north..then above, below, and finally center..
    all have elements and personality traits.
    to name a few, below=earth mother, the world.
    center = your soul.
    in that order.
    and meditation is good for us.
    read up on shamanism, it is good stuff.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • baraka wrote:
    I suffer from sleep paralysis myself. It is quite unnerving. My first experience was when I was 10 or 11. We were on a road trip and I was asleep in the backseat. I also tend to sleep with my eyes open (creepy I know) when I'm under a lot of stress. Whenever I have had a sleep paralysis episode, I have had my eyes open. So, I usually see everything around me and I don't realize that I'm asleep. When I'm having the experience, I totally believe whatever is happening. I have had this 'old hag' float above me before! First time I saw her was in college. I thought my dorm was haunted until I woke up. Other times I just sense a presence in the room with me, or see a shadow of someone coming down the hall or hiding in the darkness. I'm totally paralyzed and I have trouble breathing.

    I think the old-school stories about an incubus or succubus originated from sleep paralysis experiences. There is a painting on in that wiki link that shows an incubus sitting on a woman's chest. People thought this was the reason they could not breath. Also, I think some modern day alien abduction experiences might really be a sleep paralysis experience.

    While we are on the subject, I wonder if anyone here has had a lucid dreaming experience? I've always been interested in hearing about those experiences.
    I've had three of these before. One when I was 10. The other when I was 15 and 17. I don't know if I was under stress but I was sleeping facing upwards and I was taking a nap on one of these sleeps.

    The first was during daytime. I heard a loud vibrating noise like a huge speaker had been placed next to my ear, sounded almost as loud as a chopper, and I saw glowing little creatures swirling around in the ceiling. I remember my eyes were half open and I could see it was still day time in the afternoon. I saw my mom walk right in front of my room, since my bed faced the entrance, and I heard my dad laughing abnoxiously loud as if he were speaking on the phone. I remember I couldn't breathe either. So I tried to wake up and I fought it off until I snapped out of it and my entire upper body literally yanked itself up from the bed. I was only ten so I was pretty freaked out. I asked my mom if they were awake or if my dad was on the phone... she denied it and said they were all asleep.

    My other two dreams were not as strange but still pretty weird. One night I left my cd player playing and I was half-asleep and half awake when I thought I heard my cd was playing backwards. I tried to get up but I couldn't until I finally snapped out of it. I was lying face up and this was when I was 17 and working in construction. The other was when I literally walked to the restroom while asleep and I opened the door and I saw this black kid looking at me through the mirror. I wasn't scared. I just was able to capture in my sleep that I was only hallucinating and I snapped out of it while I was standing up about to piss on myself. I was 15.

    I also have a lot of lucid dreams. I am able to control my dreams many times. My dreams are very realistic. I am able to hear sounds, smell things and still be able to tell myself that I am only dreaming. At times I am also able to make sense of things while I am asleep. LIke for instance, I am dreaming while I am thinking about a certain bill that I have to pay so I make sense of how I can make that payment. Very strange. I know.

    I know this lady who reads lots of books about dreams and she likes to interpret many of them. but she couldn't interpret mine. By the way, have you seen Dreams by Akira Kurosawa? If I ever become a filmmaker I will make a movie about my dreams.
    This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    i clicked on that old hag syndrome link.
    very cool stuff.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • baraka wrote:
    I suffer from sleep paralysis myself. It is quite unnerving. My first experience was when I was 10 or 11. We were on a road trip and I was asleep in the backseat. I also tend to sleep with my eyes open (creepy I know) when I'm under a lot of stress. Whenever I have had a sleep paralysis episode, I have had my eyes open. So, I usually see everything around me and I don't realize that I'm asleep. When I'm having the experience, I totally believe whatever is happening. I have had this 'old hag' float above me before! First time I saw her was in college. I thought my dorm was haunted until I woke up. Other times I just sense a presence in the room with me, or see a shadow of someone coming down the hall or hiding in the darkness. I'm totally paralyzed and I have trouble breathing.

    I think the old-school stories about an incubus or succubus originated from sleep paralysis experiences. There is a painting on in that wiki link that shows an incubus sitting on a woman's chest. People thought this was the reason they could not breath. Also, I think some modern day alien abduction experiences might really be a sleep paralysis experience.

    While we are on the subject, I wonder if anyone here has had a lucid dreaming experience? I've always been interested in hearing about those experiences.

    I'm also a sufferer of this condition.Happens at least twice a month these days for the last 5/6 years.It was absolutely terrifying at the start because I didnt know what was happening.It was a weird feeling of absolute fear that overtakes your body and being convinced that there is somebody in the room with you while being unable to move.I also had the feeling of being taken over by a ghost or something while I couldnt move like Catefrances has said.Nowadays it still happens but I know whats happening so its not so bad.Its still very unnerving.Locking the door at night is handy though because when I get the feeling of somebody being in the room for a few seconds I know its all in my mind.......unless he's broken in......then I'm screwed........especially since I'd be paralyzed!
  • I don't know if I was under stress but I was sleeping facing upwards and I was taking a nap on one of these sleeps.

    I've read somewhere that both stress and especially sleeping on your back, face upwards increases the chances of having one of these sleep paralysis episodes.
  • hodgehodge Posts: 519
    ya i get sleep paralysis, it only happens when i sleep on my back though
    i always find it a struggle and try to call out for help but it's hard to make a sound

    my last incident was this weekend and i felt i saw my deceased grandma and i reached out to touch her and when i made contact i snapped out of it, so that was probably my first positive experience with sleep paralysis
    ..and you will come to find that we are all one mind, capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable
  • I've read somewhere that both stress and especially sleeping on your back, face upwards increases the chances of having one of these sleep paralysis episodes.
    oh i'm definitely sure it has to do with stress and the possibilities increase if you sleep on your back. but my wonder is why the hell it happens. i've done some research on it and i can't find any psychologist or scientist that could explain it. i mean the hallucinations are so trippy that it makes you think you're having some kind of out-of-the-body experience. who knows? i don't think so. i think your brain plays these crazy tricks on you.

    my interpretation is that you are willingly wanting to wake up but your mind is so tired and wants to get some rest that your body is fighting with your mind. so it starts to create all these horrifying experiences taht freak you out. just a strange phenomenon all together. since you're still in a state of rest your mind is still working on its own and creating all these "dreams" that you should be having while you are 100% asleep so when you willfully want to wake up, for whatever reasons, it's when it happens. but luckily i've been able to talk myself out of these sleep paralysis by simply staying asleep. that's how i've worked my way around it. i've had several that have almost come along but i simply think to myself in my sleep that i need to sleep so i go along with it and won't wake up till the morning.
    This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Yeah complete peace is the best way to explain it...all the tears/sadness/regretful feelings just disapated and have not come back for was very enlightening.

    I usually keep that story close because I just do not want negative feedback. Yeah it could very well been an explainable phenomenon because of sudden emotional stress...but it never happened to me before (and for that matter since) and usually under stressfil circumstances I turn into a wreck so to have this feeling pass over and have such strong emotions disipate so quick if unheard for me.

    And yeah it was a very tough time....just watching something tear away someone you dehabilitating.....she fought to the end (8 year battle that we thought she had won 6 years prior but came back worse than ever) and I was there to the was tough but i feel stronger today because of everything that happened.....

    Maybe you had someone watching over you for your tough time? It is weird as I am skeptical about alot things but when stuff like this happens to you one begins to wonder what really is beyond life.

    Yes RiC, I would have to say that I am a stress head too and a bit of a skeptic , so to have this overwhelming sense of security just from this one experience, it was very illuminating. And I found it very interesting that I didn't really question it, just sort of "fell into it" I guess. Just went with it.
    Not something I would normally see myself doing. I'm not sure what was more amazing, the experience itself or my acceptance of it. I'm just really grateful for it, whatever it was.

    I'm really sorry about what happened with your Mum. It's so hard to have to watch someone you love be taken from you in incriments. But there are such gifts in being a part of the experience. Seems that somehow you recieve the greatests insights and experience a deeper connection when you share something so personal and so tragic with someone you love so much.
    I'm happy for you, not that you had to go through what you did, but that you are able to recognize what benefits the situation did afford you. :)

    Anyway, I do hope that whoever is "watching over me" will be able to help again, should I ever really need it. And I hope the same for you. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    hey... Just wanted to share my experience... Actually havent told a single person about this, and now, well, im sharing it with thousands.

    So, in the last two years ive started to meditate regularly. A few times Ive experienced feelings of me beginning to leap out of my skin, which freaked the hell out of me, and I ended up breaking my concentration. Anyway, as for the experience I wanted to share....
    I was in a deep meditation state for about 30 minutes. I started seeing wierd colors and shapes which is normal, and is due to neurons firing, but anyway.... Everything went black, and then all of the sudden I was seeing a person standing right infront of me. He was just standing there. Looking at me. He had a real distinct face, middle eastern looking. It was the oddest thing. Everything was silent, he didnt move or blink. I didnt understand what was going on, so i opened my eyes and broke the session. Anyway, the next morning I woke up, and on the front page of our paper was a picture of this prominant canadian business man who was being held hostage in Iraq, and evidentally was executed. It was the exact same person that I saw the night before. As for why I saw him, I have no clue, and I also didnt save the newspaper clipping which I really regret.

    Not sure what you would classify that experience as, but im definately a spiritual person, and ive had those feelings of connectedness and being one with the universe. Ive also had a few weird ghost type experiences, but I think ive taken up enough space!!

    Isn't amazing the feeling and sensation that you can get from meditation pt?
    Almost like you are travelling through the universe outside of your body?
    And how amazing that your travels presented this person to you.
    I have experienced something similar myself and it's such a life altering thing.
    To have your body fall away and to really "see" someone. To meet someone you have never met and to "know" that you have. I really need to learn to be more courage with my meditation and to not be afraid of what it brings me.
    Sounds as though you are already boldly going forward. I'm glad you took the space to tell us. Thank you. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    .......And all of you in here, I do love you. I can't remember last time an AMT thread went this peacefully and civil for so long. I wont respond to every post in here, but I will generally thank all of you who shared a little piece of yourselves. I am almost shamed I do not have more interesting stories for myself.

    Do go on, the lot of you. :)


    Perhaps Dan, you should take some credit for your excellent encouragement and facilitating skills. :)
    Oh and for being clever enough to present us with the opportunity in the first place. :)
    You have certainly created a "safe space" as it were and you are to be commended for that. It is much appreciated. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    surferdude wrote:
    I like the open mindedness and respect happening in this thread. It's a breathe of fresh are on this moving train.

    I'm not sure if mine is a spiritual or synchronistic experience but I'll share and you can decide.

    I was going through a child custody battle at the time. Well more like war than battle. I was doing my best to play fair and look out for my son's best interest and my step-son's best interest against someone who was being vindictive. I had false child abuse charges laid against me even.

    So after one court appearance I was about as low as I could be. I knew I wasn't going to get any visitation rights to my step-son and it looked like I'd get very limited visitation rights and no parental rights for my son. I was on the verge of just giving up the battle.

    I remember I was driving back to work after this day in court and I was just crying while driving. I couldn't figure out why this was happening to me or why someone I used to love was trying to do this to me and the kids. Liek I said I was just ready to quit the whole process. Every court date or fake child abuse charge shit was like getting emotionally raped and there's only so much I can take. So I'm driving down the road, tears in my eyes, listening to a station I almost never listen to and "For Those About To Rock" by AC/DC came on. Just the build up in the song and the chorus "For those about to rock we salute you" was just the song I needed to hear at that time. I can't say it exactly lifted my spirits but it did let me know I couldn't quit, not so much for me but my son. The moment may have been synchronistic, the right song at the right time, but the effect it had on me was purely spiritual. Something changed inside of me during that song and it was a change for the better.

    I always like to think that I wouldn't have quit the fight without hearing that song but I'm glad I'll never know. In the end things turned out as good as the could given reality. I still never get to see my step-son but I have my son pretty much full-time with parental rights. And he's a great kid, possessing the best attributes of both his mom and dad and a bunch of his own.

    Cool story suferdude although I'm really sorry you've had to go through it.
    AC/DC's "For Those About To Rock" is one of my favorite songs and one that I've always had an emotional and spiritual connection with. I intend to have it played at my funeral.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Ok so, I have nightmares about spiders, being stabbed and of being attacked.
    They have happened at infrequent times during my life, the spiders being the most prevalent.
    In my sleep I can suddenly see them crawling toward me, or once, one "fell" on me.
    The scarest part of all of these is that I physically fly out of bed and start running, and screaming, long before my mind has actually woken up.
    I find myself waking up with my arms flayling around me, my heart pounding, feeling physically sick and I am usually out of the bedroom and in some other part of the house trying to get away from whatever it is that is trying to get me by the time I do wake up. I don't enjoy it at all.

    As to the night paralysis, well, um.........this has happened to me on more than one occassion and like the rest of you have described, whilst I'm asleep on my back. I have always put it down to a medical condition, and I do know that it is very much linked to overheating my spinal chord. The overheating of the spinal chord upsetting the nerves, causing them to shut down function in the body. I do understand the medical reason for it, but I have to say that what you have all described is also an element of the experience. I am finding your discriptions somewhat distressing actually as strangley even though I don't like the experience, I did find the medical explanation strangely comforting. Now I am having to reconsider.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • OutOfBreathOutOfBreath Posts: 1,804
    Jeanie wrote:
    Perhaps Dan, you should take some credit for your excellent encouragement and facilitating skills. :)
    Oh and for being clever enough to present us with the opportunity in the first place. :)
    You have certainly created a "safe space" as it were and you are to be commended for that. It is much appreciated. :)
    Maybe I should take some credit. :)

    As we seem to have drifted into dream country now, I would like to present an idea I read about in a book called "an experiment with time". It's an old book, and the main theory of the author is that while sleeping, we are disengaging from time, that is, we just see time as another dimension like depth, width and height, and in dreams are thus able to see glimpses of the future, as well as the past. He corroborated this with a meticulous dream-recording over several years, and pointed out similarities and things happening that he had dreamed long ago. It's an interesting notion.

    In the same book, he offers a tecnique for recording dreams, that I followed successfully for 2 weeks after reading the book. If you want to make a record of your dreams, or at least the dream you were having upon waking, it is really pretty simple. When you wake up, you have to find out how you feel, and hold onto that feeling as much as you can. Then get straight up and find some paper and start writing down everything you can remember about your dream. Nevermind getting it in the right order or anything, just scramble it down as quickly as you can. And it's pretty interesting how quickly you start to forget it. I would start forgetting when I started writing, and stop writing when I could remember no more. And 5 minutes later, I would read it, and it would be like I didn't even write it, as I could not at all remember I had written, much less dreamed that. I didn't get no visions of the future I know of, but I confirmed that I indeed dream (and pretty messed up things too) since I rarely, if ever, remember my dreams.

    And finally, I'll offer the most scary things happening to me while sleeping. I dreamed I was in a cop-show or something, and was obviously teamed up with a black man going into a building filled with smoke looking for someone. There was a general feeling of danger. Then after a while, or suddenly, I'm not sure, there is a man standing in front of me, grinning with a shotgun and he shoots me straight in my gut. This guy is one I went to elementary school with, and haven't seen for years at this time btw. The freaky thing is that the dream doesn't stop when I get shot. I go down, I feel I'm dying, and when feeling my gut, I can feel my entrails and inner stuff and a lot of blood. And I feel I am starting to die, slowly... At the moment I feel I am really dying for good, I wake up. I was shaking for 2 hours and couldn't do a thing all day after that. I dont offer any explanation or interpretation, I just give it up here because it's... I dunno. Just thought I'd add something to this thread :)

    Dreaming is crazy stuff.


    "Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Maybe I should take some credit. :)

    As we seem to have drifted into dream country now, I would like to present an idea I read about in a book called "an experiment with time". It's an old book, and the main theory of the author is that while sleeping, we are disengaging from time, that is, we just see time as another dimension like depth, width and height, and in dreams are thus able to see glimpses of the future, as well as the past. He corroborated this with a meticulous dream-recording over several years, and pointed out similarities and things happening that he had dreamed long ago. It's an interesting notion.

    In the same book, he offers a tecnique for recording dreams, that I followed successfully for 2 weeks after reading the book. If you want to make a record of your dreams, or at least the dream you were having upon waking, it is really pretty simple. When you wake up, you have to find out how you feel, and hold onto that feeling as much as you can. Then get straight up and find some paper and start writing down everything you can remember about your dream. Nevermind getting it in the right order or anything, just scramble it down as quickly as you can. And it's pretty interesting how quickly you start to forget it. I would start forgetting when I started writing, and stop writing when I could remember no more. And 5 minutes later, I would read it, and it would be like I didn't even write it, as I could not at all remember I had written, much less dreamed that. I didn't get no visions of the future I know of, but I confirmed that I indeed dream (and pretty messed up things too) since I rarely, if ever, remember my dreams.

    And finally, I'll offer the most scary things happening to me while sleeping. I dreamed I was in a cop-show or something, and was obviously teamed up with a black man going into a building filled with smoke looking for someone. There was a general feeling of danger. Then after a while, or suddenly, I'm not sure, there is a man standing in front of me, grinning with a shotgun and he shoots me straight in my gut. This guy is one I went to elementary school with, and haven't seen for years at this time btw. The freaky thing is that the dream doesn't stop when I get shot. I go down, I feel I'm dying, and when feeling my gut, I can feel my entrails and inner stuff and a lot of blood. And I feel I am starting to die, slowly... At the moment I feel I am really dying for good, I wake up. I was shaking for 2 hours and couldn't do a thing all day after that. I dont offer any explanation or interpretation, I just give it up here because it's... I dunno. Just thought I'd add something to this thread :)

    Dreaming is crazy stuff.


    Thanks Dan. Sounds like a good idea. Not sure I'd be any good at writing when I wake, but I might give it a go. The book sounds very interesting though.

    As for your nightmare, sounds just horrific and I can completely relate to the feeling. When I have dreamt of being stabbed, I have actually felt the knife slice into me and felt it hit ribs and organs and felt the blood oozing from me. It's horrible. The pain and the sensation. And I can feel my heart beating hard and that scares me because the blood comes out of me faster. And I feel myself start to die, can feel the life force leaving me. Like you afterwards I am useless for hours. Too frightened to go back to sleep and too nervy and freaked out to do anything else. I usually try to find something really cheerful and light on TV and just immerse myself in that till I feel calmer.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

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    The currents will shift
  • barakabaraka Posts: 1,268

    I also have a lot of lucid dreams. I am able to control my dreams many times. My dreams are very realistic. I am able to hear sounds, smell things and still be able to tell myself that I am only dreaming. At times I am also able to make sense of things while I am asleep. LIke for instance, I am dreaming while I am thinking about a certain bill that I have to pay so I make sense of how I can make that payment. Very strange. I know.

    I know this lady who reads lots of books about dreams and she likes to interpret many of them. but she couldn't interpret mine. By the way, have you seen Dreams by Akira Kurosawa? If I ever become a filmmaker I will make a movie about my dreams.

    Very cool, deadnothingbetter. It's been a long time, but it seems like I read somewhere that people who suffer from sleep paralysis can be successful at lucid dreaming. I've been reluctant to try lucid dreaming, afraid that I'll 'bring on' a sleep paralysis incident. I love hearing other's experiences though! Thanks for sharing.

    I'll check out that book! Thanks for the suggestion.
    The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
    but the illusion of knowledge.
    ~Daniel Boorstin

    Only a life lived for others is worth living.
    ~Albert Einstein
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,297
    It's very rare that I have colorful dreams that I can remember. I want to learn how to control my dreams, or rather to find an answer to my questions via my subconscious mind. That would be pretty cool. Any books/websites you'd suggest to get the most out of dreams?
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • hodgehodge Posts: 519
    the easiest way for me to remember dreams is set my alarm about 2 housr earlier than i'd usually wake up then go back to sleep and i'll end up having a series of dreams, i just had about 4-5 really cool dreams this morning using that method

    haiku, for lucid dreaming, you should constantly do reality checks during the day and ask yourself "am i dreaming?" so the more you ask yourselrf that in waking life, the more likely chance it'll happen in a dream and when it does you'll go "whoa, i aeally am dreaming" and then if you can control it you might be able to have a lucid dream
    ..and you will come to find that we are all one mind, capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,297
    hodge wrote:
    the easiest way for me to remember dreams is set my alarm about 2 housr earlier than i'd usually wake up then go back to sleep and i'll end up having a series of dreams, i just had about 4-5 really cool dreams this morning using that method

    haiku, for lucid dreaming, you should constantly do reality checks during the day and ask yourself "am i dreaming?" so the more you ask yourselrf that in waking life, the more likely chance it'll happen in a dream and when it does you'll go "whoa, i aeally am dreaming" and then if you can control it you might be able to have a lucid dream
    Very cool! Thank you.
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • I had a spiritual experience at the Kitchener '05 show. Alive has never been my favorite song, I love it, but not something I would skip to in a setlist. But during Alive in Kitchener....I've never felt more unified with anyone, let alone an entire hockey arena full of people. It was as if I wasn't me. I felt kinda light headed and really felt like I wasn't in my body. It was incredible. To get completely lost in the music and feel an intense burst of life is the hardest thing I've ever tried to describe. Now....I'm not sure if this is much on topic because I only read the title of the original post and not the content.
  • Maybe I should take some credit. :)

    As we seem to have drifted into dream country now, I would like to present an idea I read about in a book called "an experiment with time". It's an old book, and the main theory of the author is that while sleeping, we are disengaging from time, that is, we just see time as another dimension like depth, width and height, and in dreams are thus able to see glimpses of the future, as well as the past. He corroborated this with a meticulous dream-recording over several years, and pointed out similarities and things happening that he had dreamed long ago. It's an interesting notion.

    In the same book, he offers a tecnique for recording dreams, that I followed successfully for 2 weeks after reading the book. If you want to make a record of your dreams, or at least the dream you were having upon waking, it is really pretty simple. When you wake up, you have to find out how you feel, and hold onto that feeling as much as you can. Then get straight up and find some paper and start writing down everything you can remember about your dream. Nevermind getting it in the right order or anything, just scramble it down as quickly as you can. And it's pretty interesting how quickly you start to forget it. I would start forgetting when I started writing, and stop writing when I could remember no more. And 5 minutes later, I would read it, and it would be like I didn't even write it, as I could not at all remember I had written, much less dreamed that. I didn't get no visions of the future I know of, but I confirmed that I indeed dream (and pretty messed up things too) since I rarely, if ever, remember my dreams.

    And finally, I'll offer the most scary things happening to me while sleeping. I dreamed I was in a cop-show or something, and was obviously teamed up with a black man going into a building filled with smoke looking for someone. There was a general feeling of danger. Then after a while, or suddenly, I'm not sure, there is a man standing in front of me, grinning with a shotgun and he shoots me straight in my gut. This guy is one I went to elementary school with, and haven't seen for years at this time btw. The freaky thing is that the dream doesn't stop when I get shot. I go down, I feel I'm dying, and when feeling my gut, I can feel my entrails and inner stuff and a lot of blood. And I feel I am starting to die, slowly... At the moment I feel I am really dying for good, I wake up. I was shaking for 2 hours and couldn't do a thing all day after that. I dont offer any explanation or interpretation, I just give it up here because it's... I dunno. Just thought I'd add something to this thread :)

    Dreaming is crazy stuff.

    were you ever falling asleep, you know the part where you're drifting away, not fully asleep maybe stage one of sleep, you are making sense of things and for some reason whatever it is you're dreaming seems to make complete sense? but if you start thinking about it long enough you begin to wake up and once you do all of a sudden whatever it was you were thinking is forgotten. and you try and try remember but you can't. this happens to me sometimes too. whenever i get these feelings i feel "illuminated". like if everything makes sense. only on one occasion was i able to remember whatever it was i was thinking as i was drifting away. but even though i remembered, it didn't make much sense to me as it did while i was drifitng away.

    well, anyways... you kinda reminded me about it. cause i have my own interpretations of sleep kinda based to my beliefs entirely. i believe that when you are asleep you are more susceptible and more intune to the spiritual realm. and when you are inbetween sleep and wake you are able to understand things that you don't normally understand awake. i might sound weird to you but what the hell. i might write a book about it someday.

    the worst nightmare i've had was about my cousin. we were in a trailer park. there was a party. a filmmaker had invited us. said he was giving us a donation for a film we would work on. my cousin had gotten ahead of me. i stayed behind. an indian (not native american, but a guy from india) approached me and led me to where my cousin and the filmmaker were. he guided me through these stairways and for some reason the trailer, in my dream, transformed into a large house. i began to worry about him. when we got to the room i stayed at the doorway and didn't dare enter cause i was scared. i saw him kneel in this room as he started doing yoga. then he said, "i always get nervous at this time." and in that moment i saw my cousin and the filmmaker come out through another door on the other side of the room. but the came in with an hispanic family. and the family had a 13 year old daughter. my cousin came from behind her as she entered the room and began to choke her. she started fighting. but he couldn't kill her. i stood there wondering why nobody was stopping my cousin. i was terrified but just stood there in fear for my life. i tried closing the door so i couldn't see but the filmmaker insisted that i watched. the yoga guy then gets a gun and shoots the girl in the head. i saw the expression on her face. the blood pouring from her forehead. her mouth gagging. not a very nice dream at all. i remembered in my dream i wanted to fight all of them back and kill them. i remember saying that i knew it was a dream but wasn't sure because the fear seemed very real. then i woke up.
    This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
  • baraka wrote:
    Very cool, deadnothingbetter. It's been a long time, but it seems like I read somewhere that people who suffer from sleep paralysis can be successful at lucid dreaming. I've been reluctant to try lucid dreaming, afraid that I'll 'bring on' a sleep paralysis incident. I love hearing other's experiences though! Thanks for sharing.

    I'll check out that book! Thanks for the suggestion.
    actually it's a movie. Akira Kurosawa directed Dreams. Martin Scorsese plays Vincent Van Gogh.
    This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
  • RockinInCanadaRockinInCanada Posts: 2,016
    Jeanie wrote:
    Yes RiC, I would have to say that I am a stress head too and a bit of a skeptic , so to have this overwhelming sense of security just from this one experience, it was very illuminating. And I found it very interesting that I didn't really question it, just sort of "fell into it" I guess. Just went with it.
    Not something I would normally see myself doing. I'm not sure what was more amazing, the experience itself or my acceptance of it. I'm just really grateful for it, whatever it was.

    I'm really sorry about what happened with your Mum. It's so hard to have to watch someone you love be taken from you in incriments. But there are such gifts in being a part of the experience. Seems that somehow you recieve the greatests insights and experience a deeper connection when you share something so personal and so tragic with someone you love so much.
    I'm happy for you, not that you had to go through what you did, but that you are able to recognize what benefits the situation did afford you. :)

    Anyway, I do hope that whoever is "watching over me" will be able to help again, should I ever really need it. And I hope the same for you. :)

    Thanks Jeanie that means a lot to me, the same for you as well :)
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Thanks Jeanie that means a lot to me, the same for you as well :)

    :) Thanks.

    Ditto RiC. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • OutOfBreathOutOfBreath Posts: 1,804
    were you ever falling asleep, you know the part where you're drifting away, not fully asleep maybe stage one of sleep, you are making sense of things and for some reason whatever it is you're dreaming seems to make complete sense? but if you start thinking about it long enough you begin to wake up and once you do all of a sudden whatever it was you were thinking is forgotten. and you try and try remember but you can't. this happens to me sometimes too. whenever i get these feelings i feel "illuminated". like if everything makes sense. only on one occasion was i able to remember whatever it was i was thinking as i was drifting away. but even though i remembered, it didn't make much sense to me as it did while i was drifitng away.

    well, anyways... you kinda reminded me about it. cause i have my own interpretations of sleep kinda based to my beliefs entirely. i believe that when you are asleep you are more susceptible and more intune to the spiritual realm. and when you are inbetween sleep and wake you are able to understand things that you don't normally understand awake. i might sound weird to you but what the hell. i might write a book about it someday.
    And I would read that book most likely. :)
    I don't think the idea that we are more "in tune" while dreaming is that outlandish. Dreaming is an altered state of consciousness, and one we don't really understand. While dreaming though, I wouldn't say I understand so much more, as much as I just accept everything uncritically. It just switches off my critical mind it seems.

    But when I think of it, I do remember once I was dreaming, I don't remember exactly what any longer, but I remember that I thought in the middle of the dream: "This is ridiculous. I must be dreaming" and then woke up. :) Seems my critical mind won that once. Otherwise, unless struggling to do so, I don't remember dreams.


    "Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
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