that alone is proof that the rockefellers do NOT control the world,[...]once the injustice of capitalistic profiteering resonates with enough people [...]he and those like him will fall.
I don't even know how to start.
Here goes:
1. The elite have spent at least the last 200 years (but arguably the study goes back to Rome or farther) trying to figure out the best way to "control" the masses, the wealth, the political climate and the future of that control.
2. The elite have come to a consensus since post-WWII that SOCIALISM is the BEST MEANS of achieving their aims.
3. The argument before WWII was between the socialist\communist model of control that spread through social and political manpiulation of the masses and the fascist method which achieved that same goal through brute force and repression.
4. Yes, Rockefellers involvement in WWII was, IN PART, motivated by sheer profit, but alternatively he CLEARLY supported the GOALS of nazism (and was hedging his bets on BOTH sides of the Communist\Fascist divide) ... which was to reduce the "less desirable" population of the world, while spreading global political control held by a anglofied elite.
5. Yes, the world was pretty quick to realize they didn't want to be brutaly repressed by a dictator.
6. No, the world is pretty slow to catch on to the fact that the new chosen government is based on the Bave New World \ Mao Tse Tsung\"Peoples Republic" form of rule. Which, i would like to hear your opinions on, by the way. You like that? Is it the utopian part about the 6 year olds playing naked together? hehe
"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history."
---David Rockefeller, statement about Mao Tse-tung in The New York Times, August 10, 1973
Care to explain away that quote?
8. WORLD Government is a fucking horrible idea.
I know some people just don't fucking get it, and they think eveyone can be happy together if we just drop our borders and focus on eachother. Hey, COMMUNISM SOUNDS GREAT IN THEORY! But here in the real world, uniting everyone under ONE GOVERNMENT is the STUPIDEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD. How many MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS have to die at the hands of the state for you to realize that having ONE STATE means that NO ONE CAN REBEL!
What will you do if and when there is a global government, "America" decides it is getting the shaft and wants to fight back? The global government will send in troops from China and Russia who will GLADLY slaughter us in the streets so they can have the better "global" share of OUR wealth.
Do you really not see the problem here?
Just because the world rejected Nazism doesn't mean that the elite (yes, largely spearheaded by ole Rockefeller, again, do you deny that the CFR has MASSIVE control in the US? Or that he and his ilk are all behind the WORLD Bank, the WORLD Trade Organization, UNITED Nations) will continue to plot to collectively subserve the constitution of America and try to dumb its people down and intergrate them with a global structure that strips them of their rights?
In closing,
i'd just like to say that the elite are EXCEPTIONALY skilled at frauding the public into willfully swallowing ideas that are directly adverse to their real long term health and security. You should know the list by now, fiat money (owned and issued as debt by the Federal Reserve), the educational system (implements and manipulated by and for the benefit of the elite), the government system (expressly manipulated by CFR), the media system (give me a break if you don't think this is true) ... etc.
To deny that THAT IS control is just silly.
As much as "control" can exist in this world, that is it.
And if they end up with GLOBAL GOVERNMENT that WILL be "control".
How do you deny that?
And again, i'd like you to look at that quote by Rockefeller on Mao, if nothing else.
That has NOTHING to do with profiteering.
The guy flat out says that Mao is the best thing since sliced bread, and the social "reform" that he brought about was absolutely worth the price of the blood of millions of innocents!
oh. one more thing that IS directly (i think) on topic to your OP on conspiracy and RELIGION, though i know you will just run wild with the back half of this quote, because so clearly rockefeller is a nice guy and realy wants the world to be a "a better place", but again, REGARDLESS of the MEANS necessary to achieve it...
... check in to something called the "Interchurch World Movement" of which the younger Rockefeller said, "I do not think we can overestimate the importance of this Movement. As I see it, it is capable of having a much more far-reaching influence than the League of Nations in bringing about peace, contentment, goodwill and prosperity among the people of the earth." and then asked his daddy to give him 100-200 MILLION dollars to fund it. Again, if you think the "Moral Majority" is offensive ... think about a GLOBLAL ORGANIZED RELIGION that makes Catholicism look like chump change ... 100-200 million dollars to fund it in the mid-20'th century was a SHIT TON. ??? What about THAT ??? You really think the guy is interested in peace so much as power? More far reaching influence than League of Nations? Hmm wow!
Speaking of getting peace by ANY MEANS necessary. HOW BOUT OUR BUDDY KISSINGER:
"...The outcome in Iraq will depend on something that a German philosopher, Immanuel Kant said... someday there will be universal peace. The only question is whether it comes about through human insight, or whether it comes about... through a series of catastrophes of such a magnitude that people are so exhausted that they have no other choice." - Henry Kissinger, On May 31, 2007, speaking in Istanbul Turkey at a conference organized by Akbank
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." -David Rockefeeler speaking at a meeting with the Trilateral Commision.
Total proof bombs were planted in the buildings.
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." -David Rockefeeler speaking at a meeting with the Trilateral Commision.
Total proof bombs were planted in the buildings.
I'll just go ahead and spare you the agony of having one of "them" saying it:
1. Quotes don't prove anything. Nothing. Get over it. Its just words.
2. That video proves nothing. Any idiot can post on youtube. I didn't even watch it, but its stupid. All those people are just confused. It was traumatic. The word "explosion" has a lot of meanings. It was probably just laundry machines, and 2x4s breaking. Who knows. No one will know. You don't know. Put on your tinfoil hat.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I've heard a lot of bullshit in my life.
And i fully believe 911 was an "inside job", but i've been skeptical about the "bombs in the building" ... but c'mon ...
plane crashes 80 floors up, and then "i was down in the basement. All of a sudden we heard a loud bang. The elevator doors BLEW open. Some guy was burnt up. So i grabbed him out. His skin was all hanging off."
That is the 3rd first hand account of video documentary i've seen of BASEMENT explosions (one of the others is at 9:40, and then there is that hispanic janitor on another video), coupled with the weird melting and angled charge cuts on the base of the support columns, i'm sold. If the basement "explosions" were just colums splitting by force of downwards pressure from the crash, EXPLAIN THE SKIN HANGING OFF???
Fucking bullshit.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
This is like denying that George Bush's grandfathers were Nazis. The George Herbert Walker, Prescott Bush, Harriman\Thyssen connection is ROCK SOLID HISTORIC FACT.
My great grandfather was in the Sinn Fein. Should it be assumed I'm an Irish terrorist?
Not that I want to get into this, because it's fucking crazy. But how can you sit there and rant rant rant about how nobody listens to you or pays attention to you, and then ignore their arguments or links? And you need to understand that AJ is not a credible news source. Each video that I've actually seen reviewed (I can't watch youtube here) points out that it's spliced together clips with interjections that are loosely based in fact. I have never seen this argument taken on by the CTs.
The point is, I don't think anyone disagrees that corruption exists, that evil exists, and that the super wealthy will flex any muscle they can to secure and grow that wealth. But to go from that, and add quotes from a few people in the last century, to a worldwide conspiracy is far fetched to anyone who sees daylight each day.
When Jesus said "Love your enemies" he probably didn't mean kill them...
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
Each video that I've actually seen reviewed (I can't watch youtube here) points out that it's spliced together clips with interjections that are loosely based in fact. I have never seen this argument taken on by the CTs.
That is what ANY media is.
Pieces of INFORMATION (ie. FACT) presented and interstitched with commentary, analysis, and supposition.
Thats how humans communicate.
"Hey here is some shit that happened, here is what i think about it."
Why is it any less credible coming from alex jones.
Most people don't have a problem with "scientific theories" and they operate much the same way. They extrapolate real world data and interpret it based on best information, hypothesis and analysis.
Heres a test.
Find me one thing Alex Jones says, specificaly, that you can prove to NOT be true.
Just try it.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i'd just like to say that the elite are EXCEPTIONALY skilled at frauding the public into willfully swallowing ideas that are directly adverse to their real long term health and security. You should know the list by now, fiat money (owned and issued as debt by the Federal Reserve), the educational system (implements and manipulated by and for the benefit of the elite), the government system (expressly manipulated by CFR), the media system (give me a break if you don't think this is true) ... etc.
To deny that THAT IS control is just silly.
As much as "control" can exist in this world, that is it.
And if they end up with GLOBAL GOVERNMENT that WILL be "control".
How do you deny that?
And again, i'd like you to look at that quote by Rockefeller on Mao, if nothing else.
That has NOTHING to do with profiteering.
The guy flat out says that Mao is the best thing since sliced bread, and the social "reform" that he brought about was absolutely worth the price of the blood of millions of innocents!
oh. one more thing that IS directly (i think) on topic to your OP on conspiracy and RELIGION, though i know you will just run wild with the back half of this quote, because so clearly rockefeller is a nice guy and realy wants the world to be a "a better place", but again, REGARDLESS of the MEANS necessary to achieve it...
... check in to something called the "Interchurch World Movement" of which the younger Rockefeller said, "I do not think we can overestimate the importance of this Movement. As I see it, it is capable of having a much more far-reaching influence than the League of Nations in bringing about peace, contentment, goodwill and prosperity among the people of the earth." and then asked his daddy to give him 100-200 MILLION dollars to fund it. Again, if you think the "Moral Majority" is offensive ... think about a GLOBLAL ORGANIZED RELIGION that makes Catholicism look like chump change ... 100-200 million dollars to fund it in the mid-20'th century was a SHIT TON. ??? What about THAT ??? You really think the guy is interested in peace so much as power? More far reaching influence than League of Nations? Hmm wow!
Speaking of getting peace by ANY MEANS necessary. HOW BOUT OUR BUDDY KISSINGER:
"...The outcome in Iraq will depend on something that a German philosopher, Immanuel Kant said... someday there will be universal peace. The only question is whether it comes about through human insight, or whether it comes about... through a series of catastrophes of such a magnitude that people are so exhausted that they have no other choice." - Henry Kissinger, On May 31, 2007, speaking in Istanbul Turkey at a conference organized by Akbank
that's closing?
i don't have time for this nonsense. i don't know what children playing naked in the streets has to do with anything.
globalization is not an elitist choice, it is an inevitable outgrowth of our progress. in the age of the internet, and satellite communication, and so on, there is NO WAY to stop it. those guys could all retire tomorrow and open up ice cream stands in their childhood hometown and globalization would proceed.
i don't know what socialism or brave new world crap you refer to. the US is a LONG way from socialism and is damn near the world's ONLY hold out with respect to globalization. the US has the lowest participation in international initiatives out there. we do a lot of dirty work, but we also sure as hell are not letting the UN or anyone else tell us what to do. even if this was true, just becos the world has been slow to catch on doesn't mean they won't. we were a bit late on the nazi extermination program too. furthermore, what is your point? you say it goes back to rome. rome fell. so did the spanish armada. the british empire. maybe in a century the american one will to. then a few centuries after that, the chinese dynasty will also. rome was rules by an elite group of emperors and senators. britain and spain by monarchs and the church. america by welathy capitalists. so what? humans ALWAYS have classism. we're primates. it's how we organize socially... like a silverback dominating a group.
history is full of the rise and fall of imperial civilizations, and through it all, the common people and the human species just keep on truckin. sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse. what exactly are you fighting for? what are you so afraid of? survival? america? your bank account? not having the satisfaction of being recognized as a misunderstood genius? i dont understand what sort o cataclysm you think is happening that is no novel or dangerous to the world. you talk about the cfr like it's the anti-christ and the possibility of globalization as if it is the revelations apocalypse. it means nothing. it's just a potential for the dawning of a new era in human history. you may fear the death of the old ways of nationalism and clannish behavior. to the rest of us, it's all a mixed bag anyway.
as to the interworld church, is that the thing alex jones claims he witnessed in person by sneaking into the redwood forest and videotaping a bunch of world leaders in robes chanting around a fire? as to what i think of it, i think it was a waste of his money. it doesn't seem to be working.
i don't have time for this nonsense. i don't know what children playing naked in the streets has to do with anything.
that was one chapter of brave new world, which spoke about sexual acceptance being integral to the new society, and the new social planners agenda.
If you can't put the two together, the social planners agenda, the globalist world view, with reality as it is forming, then that is something you need to look in to.
I would start with maybe reading the books, Brave New World, and 1984 that roughly outline the two dualing views of how to shape the "new world order".
Brave New World being the prefered model, because it relies less on force and more on coercision of thought. 1984 relying primarily on fear, force, and manipulation.
Of course, they use bits and pieces of both right now. There sure as hell is plenty of "doublespeak" going on. WTF is "Federal Reserve", for example. Is it "Federal"? Does it have "Resevers"?
Do your homework,
come back grasshoper.
We'll talk more.
I'm about to be late to work.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i don't know what socialism or brave new world crap you refer to. the US is a LONG way from socialism and is damn near the world's ONLY hold out with respect to globalization. b]the US has the lowest participation in international initiatives out there.[/b]
That's news to me.
WE are the #1 funder of the UN,
we are THE backing for World Bank, IMF, WTO... and we are the worlds reserve currency (or at least we were until just recently, ha ha) ...
And "Free healthcare" is NOT a "long way" from socialism.
It IS socialism.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's news to me.
WE are the #1 funder of the UN,
we are THE backing for World Bank, IMF, WTO... and we are the worlds reserve currency (or at least we were until just recently, ha ha) ...
And "Free healthcare" is NOT a "long way" from socialism.
It IS socialism.
1. we dont have free healthcare.
2. we pour a lot of money into that stuff, but it's a piss in the bucket out of our total budget, most of which goes into weapons to ensure russia and china would get their asses kicked if they tried to go street to street in america as you seem to fear so much.
3. i've read 1984. it's interesting, but it's also fiction. im not sure you knew that when you read it. for every similarity between the book and real life, i could give you a difference. it proves nothing.
4. you didn't answer the most interesting part of my post, asking what it is exactly that you are afraid of and how the possibility of the collapse of america should be deemed such a novel or fearful event when history is chock full of large empires ruled by elites rising and falling?
5. sexual acceptance is awesome in my book. the more sex i have, the happier i am and i think the happier the world would be. the most pissed off people in the world are also the most sexually frustrated (islam, fundamentalist christians). i still fail to see what that has to do with naked 6 year olds playing in the streets. are you suggesting sex is a bad thing? you just got so much more lame dude
Nice read (albeit quickly because I am in a hurry).
I was interested to see the author mention randomness and indirectly chaos. I have often thought that chaos theory might apply to humanity in many different areas (politics, economies, communication and many more).
There would be a PHD in there somewhere.
one could consider humanity to be Nature's ultimate infinite-variable, delineating the sheer mass of numbers and hence the basic exponents of time, what with each individual representing a totally unique set of psychological factors and conditions, socio-human identity may in fact mark the primary source of Einstein's mathematical short-comings in unifying relativity and quantum physics. just a thought, but often the experimenter accounts for 90%+ of the effects in any test.
...but you were talking about chaos-theory Climber,... any more thoughts??
we don’t know just where our bones will rest,
to dust i guess,
forgotten and absorbed into the earth below,..
Uh. You are paying attention, right?
Hillary or Obama will be our next president, yes?
Donkeys out voting Elephants 2 to 1 roughly during primaries? Hillary or Obama. Obama or Hillary. Both pushing "free healthcare" or "universal healthcare" or "socialized medicine"?
Call it what you want. It is governmen subsidized, and heavily at that.
2. we pour a lot of money into that stuff, but it's a piss in the bucket out of our total budget, most of which goes into weapons to ensure russia and china would get their asses kicked if they tried to go street to street in america as you seem to fear so much.
You may note that if the elite, whom you seem to want to ignore are themselves in admission that their goal is "one world" government, get their way, the world will redistribute the wealth of the United States to other former soverign countries. All former nations now united in by some machination of political forgery, but most likely maintaining (at least for a period of history) their own seperate cultures and values. Thus, under such system, the US would lose much of its miltary "might", becoming just one of many vassal state subjects in the almighty globaly encompassing empire.
Sure it sounds crazy now. Okay. Except it doesnt, because they are on document saying this is the plan. But just give it a few years, they are trying to exert their control.
As you so marvelously pointed out, it is a chaotic world, and sometimes shit don't go down as planned. Case in point, a plane crashed in PA due to some occurance of chance. Regardless of who you think is responsible, the resultant implication of that plane hitting a target in DC (and it WAS headed that way) would be said supreme dictatorial control. On top of a financial bubble that had just burst, it would have been the opportune moment for a financial catastrophe. Unfortuantely we are once again at that precipe, which makes it (scarily) an opportune time for another terrorist attack, as it would make a great cover for a much "needed" economic collapse. Of course. Thats all if you buy conspiracy theory. Lucky for you, it's all nonsense.
3. i've read 1984. it's interesting, but it's also fiction. im not sure you knew that when you read it. for every similarity between the book and real life, i could give you a difference. it proves nothing.
4. you didn't answer the most interesting part of my post, asking what it is exactly that you are afraid of and how the possibility of the collapse of america should be deemed such a novel or fearful event when history is chock full of large empires ruled by elites rising and falling?
I'm not afraid of anything.
Fuck it. Bring it on.
Okay, it is a bit terrifying to think about economic collapse, hardship and poverty for the masses ... or possibly about being subject to new political tyranny in the future ... but my main goal here is to educate, not spread panic. The "panic" is supposed to be motivation to wake up.
5. sexual acceptance is awesome in my book. the more sex i have, the happier i am and i think the happier the world would be. the most pissed off people in the world are also the most sexually frustrated (islam, fundamentalist christians). i still fail to see what that has to do with naked
6 year olds playing in the streets. are you suggesting sex is a bad thing? you just got so much more lame dude
Yes it is.
Again, many of the things in BNWorld are "awesome" but it is the expense at which some of them are gained. Moraly, i just do not have it in my constitution to say that people are better off bred to be what genetics say they are (because i think that nurture is integral to the human experience). Brave New World is based on change agents revolutionizing the political and social sphere, but socialy conditioning the masses in to acceptance of a new social dogma ... one that is willingly accepted because it is a dogma which stipulated that ALL people will be bred based on laws of eugenics, and that they will be preselected for certain classes, and conditioned, developed, and "nurtured" to acceptance of those fates based on the outcomes of scientificaly determined best "educational" concepts. The social scientists run the system, the corporation still make all the profits, but the system is controlled exclusively by the elites with the help of the scientists and "professionals" while the majority of the people are spoon fed bullshit and lies and deliberately dumbed down to their stations in life, AND they get to take ole "soma" ... mmm mmm mmm ... Soma, the magic drug.
That is what that book deals with. Oh. And they all live in "The World State", and you fuck for fun, because babies come from a factory. There was a huge apocalyptic war (see that Kissinger quote above about that, its documented fact they are calling for it) and after that, humanity went on the fritz and changed its ways.
But keep in mind this was all parf of the plan. Okay.
Oh. And its just "fiction", right?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Uh. You are paying attention, right?
Hillary or Obama will be our next president, yes?
Donkeys out voting Elephants 2 to 1 roughly during primaries? Hillary or Obama. Obama or Hillary. Both pushing "free healthcare" or "universal healthcare" or "socialized medicine"?
Call it what you want. It is governmen subsidized, and heavily at that.
you HAAVE taken a basic civics class, right? you know we have this thing called a congress which would have to design and vote on any changes to the health care system? and if it is the will of THE PEOPLE as you keep saying, how is it a bad thing?
You may note that if the elite, whom you seem to want to ignore are themselves in admission that their goal is "one world" government, get their way, the world will redistribute the wealth of the United States to other former soverign countries. All former nations now united in by some machination of political forgery, but most likely maintaining (at least for a period of history) their own seperate cultures and values. Thus, under such system, the US would lose much of its miltary "might", becoming just one of many vassal state subjects in the almighty globaly encompassing empire.
Sure it sounds crazy now. Okay. Except it doesnt, because they are on document saying this is the plan. But just give it a few years, they are trying to exert their control.
As you so marvelously pointed out, it is a chaotic world, and sometimes shit don't go down as planned. Case in point, a plane crashed in PA due to some occurance of chance. Regardless of who you think is responsible, the resultant implication of that plane hitting a target in DC (and it WAS headed that way) would be said supreme dictatorial control. On top of a financial bubble that had just burst, it would have been the opportune moment for a financial catastrophe. Unfortuantely we are once again at that precipe, which makes it (scarily) an opportune time for another terrorist attack, as it would make a great cover for a much "needed" economic collapse. Of course. Thats all if you buy conspiracy theory. Lucky for you, it's all nonsense.
i love how you continue to rely on the meaningless and incredible supposition that if another plane had hit in 9/11 we'd be in a dictatorship. 3 planes hitting wasn't good enough? that fourth was the only one that mattered and made a difference? come on...
also, you point out the basic flaw on your own: these people (whoever the members of the league of shadows may be) won't be able to secure absolute control. they can definitely do a lot of damage, hurt a lot of people, and make a lot of money, but they can only take it so far. that 4th plane was shot down (the one conspiracy theory i actually DO believe). also, look at the american citizens trying to shoot mexicans crossing the border. look how much we bitch about the UN already. the already turning tide with respect to iraq. they may TRY to establish one world, whatever that means, but they won't get it. americans are stubborn and will only allow so much. furthermore, i think you underestimate other countries too. the french aint going to let go of their language and i think it's a safe bet the middle east isn't letting go of islam anytime this millenium. you vastly overstate your case and "their" influence.
I'm not afraid of anything.
Fuck it. Bring it on.
Okay, it is a bit terrifying to think about economic collapse, hardship and poverty for the masses ... or possibly about being subject to new political tyranny in the future ... but my main goal here is to educate, not spread panic. The "panic" is supposed to be motivation to wake up.
then you are failing in your goal. you are not educating, you are making yourself look like a laughable fool through your histrionics. a more restrained and reasoned debate would get you a helluva lot further. you actually remind me of me 8 years ago when i was campaigning for ralph nader and railing against "the man." i couldnt figure out why people thought i was a goof and didnt take me seriously then. it's quite clear now. cos none of us are terrified and your panic and terror arent inspiring anyone, just making you and your stances seem like a joke becos we read the same facts you do and none of us draw the same apocalyptic conclusions you do.
even if you are right though, tell me what there is to be so frightened of? i mentioned rome, the british empire, etc. history is full of the ebb and flow of civilization and empire. they rise and fall. sometimes it's bad for the poor, sometimes not. hell, sometimes it's bad for the elite too. i recall a king or two getting his head chopped off by the people now and again. in the grand scheme of things, this matters little. a total collapse would hit america hard. but most people survived the great depression too. and if not, well, it might just be our turn to get some humility and be the africa of the world for a while. becos YOU are a part of the game and the system too. you think africa isn't happy for every food bag they get through our "global" efforts? you just want to make sure america (the elite) stays at the top of the heap and leave the hard life to the third world. congratulations. you're a real humanitarian.
Yes it is.
Again, many of the things in BNWorld are "awesome" but it is the expense at which some of them are gained. Moraly, i just do not have it in my constitution to say that people are better off bred to be what genetics say they are (because i think that nurture is integral to the human experience). Brave New World is based on change agents revolutionizing the political and social sphere, but socialy conditioning the masses in to acceptance of a new social dogma ... one that is willingly accepted because it is a dogma which stipulated that ALL people will be bred based on laws of eugenics, and that they will be preselected for certain classes, and conditioned, developed, and "nurtured" to acceptance of those fates based on the outcomes of scientificaly determined best "educational" concepts. The social scientists run the system, the corporation still make all the profits, but the system is controlled exclusively by the elites with the help of the scientists and "professionals" while the majority of the people are spoon fed bullshit and lies and deliberately dumbed down to their stations in life, AND they get to take ole "soma" ... mmm mmm mmm ... Soma, the magic drug.
That is what that book deals with. Oh. And they all live in "The World State", and you fuck for fun, because babies come from a factory. There was a huge apocalyptic war (see that Kissinger quote above about that, its documented fact they are calling for it) and after that, humanity went on the fritz and changed its ways.
But keep in mind this was all parf of the plan. Okay.
Oh. And its just "fiction", right?
how does more sex automatically equate to baby-making factories? do you really think this is a possibility becos it's in brave new world? seriously?
For me, ther jury is still out on whether there is a set, multi-generational agenda for the elite to control the masses. It would not surprise me one bit. It also would not surprise me globalization was simply the natural progression of greed... maybe a few sinister characters initiating the most brutal world events for their own gain.
But I think that even IF there is merit to the eugenics theory, it is a disservice to the cause of 'outing' the controlling elite to use it as an example of the plot to form a NWO. I was very disappointed with AJ's focus on eugenics in End Game. He had to know a huge majority would not accept this as part of the conspiracy. It makes me wonder if it is thrown in there as disinformation, and a distraction from the movies more plausible points. (no, I don't trust AJ either )
I've been trying forever to find a scan of an article from High Times I had a long time was called Nomenclature of an Octopus Cabal....and listed an interpretive history of secret organizations like the masons, Illuminatti, Skull and Bones, Knights Templar, Mormons, et al, and their posturing to control both sides of any arguments against them. The formation of groups that were anti-mason BY masons...since reading that, it is always in the back of my head that the people pushing these theories could have an agenda as well. When you start to assume that their IS men behind the curtain, you have to consider how far their greedy little fingers can reach. Obviously, having an open mind involves keeping the filters on when researching from non-mainstream sources as well.
For me, ther jury is still out on whether there is a set, multi-generational agenda for the elite to control the masses. It would not surprise me one bit. It also would not surprise me globalization was simply the natural progression of greed... maybe a few sinister characters initiating the most brutal world events for their own gain.
Much more sensible right there.
But I think that even IF there is merit to the eugenics theory, it is a disservice to the cause of 'outing' the controlling elite to use it as an example of the plot to form a NWO. I was very disappointed with AJ's focus on eugenics in End Game. He had to know a huge majority would not accept this as part of the conspiracy. It makes me wonder if it is thrown in there as disinformation, and a distraction from the movies more plausible points. (no, I don't trust AJ either )
The eugenics thing is really a stretch to say the least. And maybe he is in on it too....
I've been trying forever to find a scan of an article from High Times I had a long time was called Nomenclature of an Octopus Cabal....and listed an interpretive history of secret organizations like the masons, Illuminatti, Skull and Bones, Knights Templar, Mormons, et al, and their posturing to control both sides of any arguments against them. The formation of groups that were anti-mason BY masons...since reading that, it is always in the back of my head that the people pushing these theories could have an agenda as well. When you start to assume that their IS men behind the curtain, you have to consider how far their greedy little fingers can reach. Obviously, having an open mind involves keeping the filters on when researching from non-mainstream sources as well.
That's the fun part, I agree. Who knows if not AJ and others are merely pawns of the NWO spreading disinformation on the web to keep the people distracted from what is REALLY going on.
Overall a very sane post here. Thank you.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
you HAAVE taken a basic civics class, right? you know we have this thing called a congress which would have to design and vote on any changes to the health care system? and if it is the will of THE PEOPLE as you keep saying, how is it a bad thing?
If the people have been so brainwashed in to wanting socialism implemented in America, then i would say that it is categoricaly a bad thing. The fact that we have both Democratic candidates pushing for it is already bad enough. I was simply pointing out that when you have one entire half of the political spectrum pushing for explicit socialism, its pretty fucking hard to argue that the US is "far away" from Socialism. Do you not at least agree with that? By the way state run retirement and welfare programs also are considered "socialist", if you still don't want to follow this logic.
i love how you continue to rely on the meaningless and incredible supposition that if another plane had hit in 9/11 we'd be in a dictatorship. 3 planes hitting wasn't good enough? that fourth was the only one that mattered and made a difference? come on...
I'm pretty sure that had flight 93 plowed in to the Capitol building, the veritable seat of US Government, that the as of 2001 very vague "rules" on martial law would have allowed the president to declare such. If that didn't qualify as an immediate and severe threat to national security, i don't know what would have.
Anyhow. You may at least be curious what is in store for next time, straight from government record. Want to know what the new face of such military\dictatorial rule will be? Its pretty fucking severe:
Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Functions, October 11, 2004
The following EOs all fall under EO 12919: [8]
EO 10990: "allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports." [9]
EO 10995: Federal seizure of all communications media in the US.
EO 10997: Federal seizure of all electric power, fuels, minerals, public and private.
EO 10998: Federal seizure of all food supplies and resources, public and private and all farms and equipment.
EO 10999: Federal seizure of all means of transportation, including cars, trucks, or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and water ways.
EO 11000: Federal seizure of American people for work forces under federal supervision, including the splitting up of families if the government so desires.
EO 11001: Federal seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private.
EO 11002: Empowers the Postmaster General to register every single person in the US.
EO 11003: Federal seizure of all airports and aircraft.
EO 11004: Federal seizure of all housing and finances and authority to establish forced relocation. Authority to designate areas to be abandoned as 'unsafe,' establish new locations for populations, relocate communities, build new housing with public funds.
EO 11005: Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, both public and private.
EO 11051: Provides FEMA complete authorization to put above orders into effect in times of increased international tension of economic or financial crisis (FEMA will be in control incase of 'National Emergency').
EO 12919 "Apparently Allows Cabinet Heads to Make Direct Loans to Government Contractors." [10]
As far as flight 93 being shot down, i'm glad you at least recognize that is the most probable thing to have happened. Here is an article you probably never saw:
The first story, posted at 11:43 a.m. on September 11, 2001 by "9News Staff" of Cincinnati's WCPO-TV, reported that United Airlines Flight 93 had landed in Cleveland. This is an up-to-the-minute news report about the flight that supposedly crashed in a reclaimed mine near Shanksville, Penn. at 10:06 a.m.
"A Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing Tuesday at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to concerns that it may have a bomb aboard, said Mayor Michael R. White.
"White said the plane had been moved to a secure area of the airport, and was evacuated.
"United identified the plane as Flight 93. The airline did say how many people were aboard the flight.
"United said it was also 'deeply concerned' about another flight, Flight 175, a Boeing 767, which was bound from Boston to Los Angeles.
"On behalf of the airline CEO James Goodwin said: 'The thoughts of everyone at United are with the passengers and crew of these flights. Our prayers are also with everyone on the ground who may have been involved. United is working with all the relevant authorities, including the FBI, to obtain further information on these flights,' he said."
This small, but extremely significant story of 147 words, which can still be found at the station's archives, has been purged from the historical record.
also, you point out the basic flaw on your own: these people (whoever the members of the league of shadows may be) won't be able to secure absolute control. they can definitely do a lot of damage, hurt a lot of people, and make a lot of money, but they can only take it so far. that 4th plane was shot down (the one conspiracy theory i actually DO believe). also, look at the american citizens trying to shoot mexicans crossing the border. look how much we bitch about the UN already. the already turning tide with respect to iraq. they may TRY to establish one world, whatever that means, but they won't get it. americans are stubborn and will only allow so much. furthermore, i think you underestimate other countries too. the french aint going to let go of their language and i think it's a safe bet the middle east isn't letting go of islam anytime this millenium. you vastly overstate your case and "their" influence.
You are right. They are faltering in their efforts.
I am quite delighted in that. I don't know what your argument does to discredit the notion that they are actualy working towards a goal, though. Everyone who sets a goal will reach some sort of setback ... certainly the elite never saw the day coming when Bilderberg would be in national papers and discussed all over the internet ... remember back as short time ago as the 1990s, the establishment basicaly denied that these groups were even real. Bilderberg was just some little meeting that popped up in one article every 5 or 6 years, and in a little blurb. No one talked about it. You were laughed at for even mentioning it. So you are right, they have been "outed" so to speak. But like i said, you don't generaly enjoy fucking with a cornered wild animal. If push comes to shove, the elite will just crash the financial system and have their little turbaned buddies fly over here and deploy some more bombs. That oughta catch 'em back up to speed.
even if you are right though, tell me what there is to be so frightened of?[...] you just want to make sure america (the elite) stays at the top of the heap and leave the hard life to the third world. congratulations. you're a real humanitarian.
I said, i plan to deal with "it" when it gets here.
As far as what there is to be frightened of, if the financial system in the United States collapses, and particularly if it does "decouple" from the global economy like many of the experts are still saying ... that implies the US Dollar will crash outside of a global collapse. In other words, OUR dollar will be worth dogshit, but the other curriencies of the world will only devalue slightly.
In such a circumstance, the price of oil domesticaly (ONLY in america) would go through the fucking roof. Oil looks like it is already headed towards $150 a barrel. If it goes to $200 or $250 on the backs of a total meltdown here in America, the FOOD SUPPLY IS FUCKED. It is so heavily dependant on oil ... if all of a sudden basic food crops triple or quadruple in price, at the same time where many americans are out of a job, or are being paid 2006 adjusted wages (not accounting for rapid inflation), what the fuck are we gonna do?
Also, if you don't see where the abuse of such a collapse (possibly combined with a terrorist incident) under the new very severe martial law executive orders above could lead to a total loss of soverignty and freedom, then i'm sorry, you just don't get it.
I fully believe the American people are hard-headed and will only take so much ... but i think in the face of massive panic and crisis, that what they WILL take\accept becomes much more massive than otherwise. In other words, if they pull another 911 and drop the floor on the stockmarket, people will let ole Hillary or Obama lead them off a cliff like lemmings.
As far as the sex in Brave New World, man i was joshing you. Trying to say that if you were really digging on the Brave New World style society, the only good you must have seen in it was the fact that as a young man you would have got to see and play with some little girl vagina.
[and in Brave New World, children are literaly all produced in factories. "Traditional" breeding is heavily frowned upon. And FYI "one child" policies are just a hop skip and a jump from that reality. See China]
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
But I think that even IF there is merit to the eugenics theory, it is a disservice to the cause of 'outing' the controlling elite to use it as an example of the plot to form a NWO.
I'm sorry to disagree here. Well, okay, i think you are right in that it is a "disservice" to helping the "masses" find credibility in the "theory", only because the masses can't stomach anything that is so radicaly beyond the scope of their reality. However, Alex Jones is all sbout presenting the WHOLE of the agenda.
IS that part of the agenda?
Having dug in to this a LOT more in recent months, i can assure you that euguenics is categoricaly 100% part of the historical record of "these" people. The Rockefeller charitble foundations were nearly single handedly responsible for pushing modern eugenics in to the spotlight, and giving Hitler the idea. In case you missed it (i think you actualy said in my other thread that you DID see this) that quote over in my "Planned Society" thread cleary indicates it IS part of the plan. The "elite scientists setting policy" IS eugenics.
Again, Hitler's eugenics program started as a way to murder the mentaly ill and infirm .. NOT the jews.
Is eugenics gone?
They call it "Genetic Engineering" these days.
It is "modern eugenics". Look it up. We went from natural (evolution), to conventional genetics (selective breeding, forced depopulation of "undesirables") all the way to "modern eugenics", which is just genetic engineering.
So is that okay?
Yeah i guess there are some benefits to GE.
Can it be blatantly manipulated? Uh yeah.
Its pretty fucking scary right.
Do you see a future (oh say 25 years out?) where society may be totaly different, the kids totaly perverted in their thoughts by schooling, and technology so advanced that people willingly accept modified human genetics?
At what point does that get right back to Brave New World?
That IS what that book was about.
Manipulating the genetic code of life to place some people squarely in the "worker bee" camp ... beefed up, stupid, and happy to work forever (oh, and lets not forget the DRUGS ... remember the quote in my other thread) ... and then you engineer the elite to be taller, smarter, and more attractive ...
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I guess my main point through it all is first of all why the total distrust of any moderating, more conventional knowledge and sources and the complete trust of whatever you find on the internet according to basically "some guy"? The internet being the least reliable of probably all research methods when it comes to knowing your source, and hence the context and intent of the source? (which is absolutely crucial for any research)
That's a pretty simple, although long, question for you right there.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I'm sorry to disagree here. Well, okay, i think you are right in that it is a "disservice" to helping the "masses" find credibility in the "theory", only because the masses can't stomach anything that is so radicaly beyond the scope of their reality. However, Alex Jones is all sbout presenting the WHOLE of the agenda.
That was basically what I was getting at by saying it was a disservice. After the Police State series, all of the 9/11 stuff, the american gulag links on his site, etc...I thought End Game was the perfect opportunity to wrap it all up into one slick, big budget doc that would be presentable to the masses...instead he decided to get even more it seems only his most feverent 'true believers' would be able to actually digest (or consider/believe) what he's saying.
IS that part of the agenda?
Having dug in to this a LOT more in recent months, i can assure you that euguenics is categoricaly 100% part of the historical record of "these" people. The Rockefeller charitble foundations were nearly single handedly responsible for pushing modern eugenics in to the spotlight, and giving Hitler the idea. In case you missed it (i think you actualy said in my other thread that you DID see this) that quote over in my "Planned Society" thread cleary indicates it IS part of the plan. The "elite scientists setting policy" IS eugenics.
Again, Hitler's eugenics program started as a way to murder the mentaly ill and infirm .. NOT the jews.
Is eugenics gone?
They call it "Genetic Engineering" these days.
It is "modern eugenics". Look it up. We went from natural (evolution), to conventional genetics (selective breeding, forced depopulation of "undesirables") all the way to "modern eugenics", which is just genetic engineering.
So is that okay?
Yeah i guess there are some benefits to GE.
Can it be blatantly manipulated? Uh yeah.
Its pretty fucking scary right.
Do you see a future (oh say 25 years out?) where society may be totaly different, the kids totaly perverted in their thoughts by schooling, and technology so advanced that people willingly accept modified human genetics?.
I realize it's all part of the alleged program...and that it all ties back to the banking families...which in and of itself makes it worthy of investigation for malicious intent. I tend to believe that the education programs have been set to indoctrinate people...texts supplied by the US to Afghan children after the USSR occupation is an easy example (learning math by counting tanks and bombs, etc)...but the genetic engineering side of it is something that I'm admittedly not well versed on. The basic point to my post was that I am not so presumptous to proclaim that I DO know what's going on....I am very careful to draw conclusions, and I wish AJ was more that way...he presents a ton of useful information, but loses people when he starts telling them how to percieve it.
That IS what that book was about.
Manipulating the genetic code of life to place some people squarely in the "worker bee" camp ... beefed up, stupid, and happy to work forever (oh, and lets not forget the DRUGS ... remember the quote in my other thread) ... and then you engineer the elite to be taller, smarter, and more attractive ...
I will say...there are way to many fugly people in the world. I hope they open the hot-chick breeding plant somewhere in Western Canada
I guess my main point through it all is first of all why the total distrust of any moderating, more conventional knowledge and sources and the complete trust of whatever you find on the internet according to basically "some guy"? The internet being the least reliable of probably all research methods when it comes to knowing your source, and hence the context and intent of the source? (which is absolutely crucial for any research)
That's a pretty simple, although long, question for you right there.
Doesn't this work both ways though, i mean where do you research to get the information to disprove things that are said that you don't agree with?
Because to be honest i don't see a lot of proof from the other side of the coin round here. It's mostly just people's opinion.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Because to be honest i don't see a lot of proof from the other side of the coin round here. It's mostly just people's opinion.
no shit.
EVERY thing that is brought up by the "crazy" around here is shot down categoricaly with little more than, "That's crazy. Where's your proof."
And when you start providing anything to back it with, it's always, "yeah, that's a bunch of crap." or "check your source, its not trustworthy." or "a quote? You're using a quote? Who trusts words around here? I want DNA."
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Doesn't this work both ways though, i mean where do you research to get the information to disprove things that are said that you don't agree with?
Because to be honest i don't see a lot of proof from the other side of the coin round here. It's mostly just people's opinion.
My point is that if you are to be so sceptical, then you should apply that scepticism also to obscure internet sources, if not more so. And the ones claiming conspiracy have the burden of proof, really.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
no shit.
EVERY thing that is brought up by the "crazy" around here is shot down categoricaly with little more than, "That's crazy. Where's your proof."
And when you start providing anything to back it with, it's always, "yeah, that's a bunch of crap." or "check your source, its not trustworthy." or "a quote? You're using a quote? Who trusts words around here? I want DNA."
Ha ha, that's how i see it round here alot to.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
My point is that if you are to be so sceptical, then you should apply that scepticism also to obscure internet sources, if not more so. And the ones claiming conspiracy have the burden of proof, really.
Hmm, I'm not disagreeing with you by any means, i was simply pointing out the usual responses from most posters that i see round here hardly ever show any proof to shot down the original posters point it's usually just as drifting said some useless post.
I personally get most of my info from books, and you know what for the most part they have the same info as stuff i have read or watched on the net, just maybe without the a spin on it.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I personally get most of my info from books, and you know what for the most part they have the same info as stuff i have read or watched on the net, just maybe without the a spin on it.
The difference is that with a book, you have a clear author, maybe some bio in him/her, and a publisher. All of which can be used when filtering just what they say, and who they are that are saying it.
You can get that several places on the net as well, certainly. But defining the author of the web can be hard, and rumours can spread like wildfire over several pages with the blink of an eye. It is more problematic from a knowing your source point of view. (edit) interestingly if the conspiracy existed, it's best tool would be to promote fake conspiracies on the web, wouldn't it?
As for being taken seriously, it doesnt help when you build a reputation for consistent overstatement over a few months, and then try to make points by referencing people that maybe overstate even more. That response drifting gave me in the other thread was good and to the point. And suddenly a lot less conspiracy hysteric, because he stuck to the sources and didn't insert adjectives and hyperbole into it.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I said, i plan to deal with "it" when it gets here.
As far as what there is to be frightened of, if the financial system in the United States collapses, and particularly if it does "decouple" from the global economy like many of the experts are still saying ... that implies the US Dollar will crash outside of a global collapse. In other words, OUR dollar will be worth dogshit, but the other curriencies of the world will only devalue slightly.
In such a circumstance, the price of oil domesticaly (ONLY in america) would go through the fucking roof. Oil looks like it is already headed towards $150 a barrel. If it goes to $200 or $250 on the backs of a total meltdown here in America, the FOOD SUPPLY IS FUCKED. It is so heavily dependant on oil ... if all of a sudden basic food crops triple or quadruple in price, at the same time where many americans are out of a job, or are being paid 2006 adjusted wages (not accounting for rapid inflation), what the fuck are we gonna do?
Also, if you don't see where the abuse of such a collapse (possibly combined with a terrorist incident) under the new very severe martial law executive orders above could lead to a total loss of soverignty and freedom, then i'm sorry, you just don't get it.
I fully believe the American people are hard-headed and will only take so much ... but i think in the face of massive panic and crisis, that what they WILL take\accept becomes much more massive than otherwise. In other words, if they pull another 911 and drop the floor on the stockmarket, people will let ole Hillary or Obama lead them off a cliff like lemmings.
again, so what? so the US has to live in conditions that still arent half as bad as what africa has had to endure for centuries. maybe it's our turn. you're still just concerned about an elite nation losing its elite status and perks, just like "the man" you keep railing against is concerned about losing his elite status and power and influence.
again, so what? so the US has to live in conditions that still arent half as bad as what africa has had to endure for centuries. maybe it's our turn. you're still just concerned about an elite nation losing its elite status and perks, just like "the man" you keep railing against is concerned about losing his elite status and power and influence.
The suffering i can deal with.
I'm worried about the alleged INTENT of this crisis, which namely is to break the American spirit and get them to submit to new international law.
At the very least, an economic crisis of this magnitute would likely get the government to capitulate in accepting a NEW CURRENCY. A multi-national currency, the Amero, for example, may be proposed.
It is in this time of crisis, that i fear the powers that be will work to coerce government in to signing "legislation" that significantly subverts the constitution and ulitmately leads to the destruction of the national identity and constitutional foundation of America as we know it.
My only problem with the actual financial crash itself is that it was avoidable, and was perpetrated deliberately to affect an end goal of realigning the power structure in america to the best interests of the globalist elite.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I don't even know how to start.
Here goes:
1. The elite have spent at least the last 200 years (but arguably the study goes back to Rome or farther) trying to figure out the best way to "control" the masses, the wealth, the political climate and the future of that control.
2. The elite have come to a consensus since post-WWII that SOCIALISM is the BEST MEANS of achieving their aims.
3. The argument before WWII was between the socialist\communist model of control that spread through social and political manpiulation of the masses and the fascist method which achieved that same goal through brute force and repression.
4. Yes, Rockefellers involvement in WWII was, IN PART, motivated by sheer profit, but alternatively he CLEARLY supported the GOALS of nazism (and was hedging his bets on BOTH sides of the Communist\Fascist divide) ... which was to reduce the "less desirable" population of the world, while spreading global political control held by a anglofied elite.
5. Yes, the world was pretty quick to realize they didn't want to be brutaly repressed by a dictator.
6. No, the world is pretty slow to catch on to the fact that the new chosen government is based on the Bave New World \ Mao Tse Tsung\"Peoples Republic" form of rule. Which, i would like to hear your opinions on, by the way. You like that? Is it the utopian part about the 6 year olds playing naked together? hehe
7. Rockefeller himself openly lauds Mao:
Care to explain away that quote?
8. WORLD Government is a fucking horrible idea.
I know some people just don't fucking get it, and they think eveyone can be happy together if we just drop our borders and focus on eachother. Hey, COMMUNISM SOUNDS GREAT IN THEORY! But here in the real world, uniting everyone under ONE GOVERNMENT is the STUPIDEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD. How many MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS have to die at the hands of the state for you to realize that having ONE STATE means that NO ONE CAN REBEL!
What will you do if and when there is a global government, "America" decides it is getting the shaft and wants to fight back? The global government will send in troops from China and Russia who will GLADLY slaughter us in the streets so they can have the better "global" share of OUR wealth.
Do you really not see the problem here?
Just because the world rejected Nazism doesn't mean that the elite (yes, largely spearheaded by ole Rockefeller, again, do you deny that the CFR has MASSIVE control in the US? Or that he and his ilk are all behind the WORLD Bank, the WORLD Trade Organization, UNITED Nations) will continue to plot to collectively subserve the constitution of America and try to dumb its people down and intergrate them with a global structure that strips them of their rights?
In closing,
i'd just like to say that the elite are EXCEPTIONALY skilled at frauding the public into willfully swallowing ideas that are directly adverse to their real long term health and security. You should know the list by now, fiat money (owned and issued as debt by the Federal Reserve), the educational system (implements and manipulated by and for the benefit of the elite), the government system (expressly manipulated by CFR), the media system (give me a break if you don't think this is true) ... etc.
To deny that THAT IS control is just silly.
As much as "control" can exist in this world, that is it.
And if they end up with GLOBAL GOVERNMENT that WILL be "control".
How do you deny that?
And again, i'd like you to look at that quote by Rockefeller on Mao, if nothing else.
That has NOTHING to do with profiteering.
The guy flat out says that Mao is the best thing since sliced bread, and the social "reform" that he brought about was absolutely worth the price of the blood of millions of innocents!
oh. one more thing that IS directly (i think) on topic to your OP on conspiracy and RELIGION, though i know you will just run wild with the back half of this quote, because so clearly rockefeller is a nice guy and realy wants the world to be a "a better place", but again, REGARDLESS of the MEANS necessary to achieve it...
... check in to something called the "Interchurch World Movement" of which the younger Rockefeller said, "I do not think we can overestimate the importance of this Movement. As I see it, it is capable of having a much more far-reaching influence than the League of Nations in bringing about peace, contentment, goodwill and prosperity among the people of the earth." and then asked his daddy to give him 100-200 MILLION dollars to fund it. Again, if you think the "Moral Majority" is offensive ... think about a GLOBLAL ORGANIZED RELIGION that makes Catholicism look like chump change ... 100-200 million dollars to fund it in the mid-20'th century was a SHIT TON. ??? What about THAT ??? You really think the guy is interested in peace so much as power? More far reaching influence than League of Nations? Hmm wow!
Speaking of getting peace by ANY MEANS necessary. HOW BOUT OUR BUDDY KISSINGER:
"...The outcome in Iraq will depend on something that a German philosopher, Immanuel Kant said... someday there will be universal peace. The only question is whether it comes about through human insight, or whether it comes about... through a series of catastrophes of such a magnitude that people are so exhausted that they have no other choice." - Henry Kissinger, On May 31, 2007, speaking in Istanbul Turkey at a conference organized by Akbank
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Total proof bombs were planted in the buildings.
I'll just go ahead and spare you the agony of having one of "them" saying it:
1. Quotes don't prove anything. Nothing. Get over it. Its just words.
2. That video proves nothing. Any idiot can post on youtube. I didn't even watch it, but its stupid. All those people are just confused. It was traumatic. The word "explosion" has a lot of meanings. It was probably just laundry machines, and 2x4s breaking. Who knows. No one will know. You don't know. Put on your tinfoil hat.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
8:30 mark ...
Explain THAT.
I've heard a lot of bullshit in my life.
And i fully believe 911 was an "inside job", but i've been skeptical about the "bombs in the building" ... but c'mon ...
plane crashes 80 floors up, and then "i was down in the basement. All of a sudden we heard a loud bang. The elevator doors BLEW open. Some guy was burnt up. So i grabbed him out. His skin was all hanging off."
That is the 3rd first hand account of video documentary i've seen of BASEMENT explosions (one of the others is at 9:40, and then there is that hispanic janitor on another video), coupled with the weird melting and angled charge cuts on the base of the support columns, i'm sold. If the basement "explosions" were just colums splitting by force of downwards pressure from the crash, EXPLAIN THE SKIN HANGING OFF???
Fucking bullshit.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
My great grandfather was in the Sinn Fein. Should it be assumed I'm an Irish terrorist?
Not that I want to get into this, because it's fucking crazy. But how can you sit there and rant rant rant about how nobody listens to you or pays attention to you, and then ignore their arguments or links? And you need to understand that AJ is not a credible news source. Each video that I've actually seen reviewed (I can't watch youtube here) points out that it's spliced together clips with interjections that are loosely based in fact. I have never seen this argument taken on by the CTs.
The point is, I don't think anyone disagrees that corruption exists, that evil exists, and that the super wealthy will flex any muscle they can to secure and grow that wealth. But to go from that, and add quotes from a few people in the last century, to a worldwide conspiracy is far fetched to anyone who sees daylight each day.
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
It is a general term used to discredit anyone that questions the status quo, to dismiss them without having to deal with the information they present.
get to postin, mother fucker.
look DOWN,
cause i got
no more
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That is what ANY media is.
Pieces of INFORMATION (ie. FACT) presented and interstitched with commentary, analysis, and supposition.
Thats how humans communicate.
"Hey here is some shit that happened, here is what i think about it."
Why is it any less credible coming from alex jones.
Most people don't have a problem with "scientific theories" and they operate much the same way. They extrapolate real world data and interpret it based on best information, hypothesis and analysis.
Heres a test.
Find me one thing Alex Jones says, specificaly, that you can prove to NOT be true.
Just try it.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i got so excited, and then...
that's closing?
i don't have time for this nonsense. i don't know what children playing naked in the streets has to do with anything.
globalization is not an elitist choice, it is an inevitable outgrowth of our progress. in the age of the internet, and satellite communication, and so on, there is NO WAY to stop it. those guys could all retire tomorrow and open up ice cream stands in their childhood hometown and globalization would proceed.
i don't know what socialism or brave new world crap you refer to. the US is a LONG way from socialism and is damn near the world's ONLY hold out with respect to globalization. the US has the lowest participation in international initiatives out there. we do a lot of dirty work, but we also sure as hell are not letting the UN or anyone else tell us what to do. even if this was true, just becos the world has been slow to catch on doesn't mean they won't. we were a bit late on the nazi extermination program too. furthermore, what is your point? you say it goes back to rome. rome fell. so did the spanish armada. the british empire. maybe in a century the american one will to. then a few centuries after that, the chinese dynasty will also. rome was rules by an elite group of emperors and senators. britain and spain by monarchs and the church. america by welathy capitalists. so what? humans ALWAYS have classism. we're primates. it's how we organize socially... like a silverback dominating a group.
history is full of the rise and fall of imperial civilizations, and through it all, the common people and the human species just keep on truckin. sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse. what exactly are you fighting for? what are you so afraid of? survival? america? your bank account? not having the satisfaction of being recognized as a misunderstood genius? i dont understand what sort o cataclysm you think is happening that is no novel or dangerous to the world. you talk about the cfr like it's the anti-christ and the possibility of globalization as if it is the revelations apocalypse. it means nothing. it's just a potential for the dawning of a new era in human history. you may fear the death of the old ways of nationalism and clannish behavior. to the rest of us, it's all a mixed bag anyway.
as to the interworld church, is that the thing alex jones claims he witnessed in person by sneaking into the redwood forest and videotaping a bunch of world leaders in robes chanting around a fire? as to what i think of it, i think it was a waste of his money. it doesn't seem to be working.
that was one chapter of brave new world, which spoke about sexual acceptance being integral to the new society, and the new social planners agenda.
If you can't put the two together, the social planners agenda, the globalist world view, with reality as it is forming, then that is something you need to look in to.
I would start with maybe reading the books, Brave New World, and 1984 that roughly outline the two dualing views of how to shape the "new world order".
Brave New World being the prefered model, because it relies less on force and more on coercision of thought. 1984 relying primarily on fear, force, and manipulation.
Of course, they use bits and pieces of both right now. There sure as hell is plenty of "doublespeak" going on. WTF is "Federal Reserve", for example. Is it "Federal"? Does it have "Resevers"?
Do your homework,
come back grasshoper.
We'll talk more.
I'm about to be late to work.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's news to me.
WE are the #1 funder of the UN,
we are THE backing for World Bank, IMF, WTO... and we are the worlds reserve currency (or at least we were until just recently, ha ha) ...
And "Free healthcare" is NOT a "long way" from socialism.
It IS socialism.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
1. we dont have free healthcare.
2. we pour a lot of money into that stuff, but it's a piss in the bucket out of our total budget, most of which goes into weapons to ensure russia and china would get their asses kicked if they tried to go street to street in america as you seem to fear so much.
3. i've read 1984. it's interesting, but it's also fiction. im not sure you knew that when you read it. for every similarity between the book and real life, i could give you a difference. it proves nothing.
4. you didn't answer the most interesting part of my post, asking what it is exactly that you are afraid of and how the possibility of the collapse of america should be deemed such a novel or fearful event when history is chock full of large empires ruled by elites rising and falling?
5. sexual acceptance is awesome in my book. the more sex i have, the happier i am and i think the happier the world would be. the most pissed off people in the world are also the most sexually frustrated
one could consider humanity to be Nature's ultimate infinite-variable, delineating the sheer mass of numbers and hence the basic exponents of time, what with each individual representing a totally unique set of psychological factors and conditions, socio-human identity may in fact mark the primary source of Einstein's mathematical short-comings in unifying relativity and quantum physics. just a thought, but often the experimenter accounts for 90%+ of the effects in any test.
...but you were talking about chaos-theory Climber,... any more thoughts??
to dust i guess,
forgotten and absorbed into the earth below,..
Hillary or Obama will be our next president, yes?
Donkeys out voting Elephants 2 to 1 roughly during primaries? Hillary or Obama. Obama or Hillary. Both pushing "free healthcare" or "universal healthcare" or "socialized medicine"?
Call it what you want. It is governmen subsidized, and heavily at that.
You may note that if the elite, whom you seem to want to ignore are themselves in admission that their goal is "one world" government, get their way, the world will redistribute the wealth of the United States to other former soverign countries. All former nations now united in by some machination of political forgery, but most likely maintaining (at least for a period of history) their own seperate cultures and values. Thus, under such system, the US would lose much of its miltary "might", becoming just one of many vassal state subjects in the almighty globaly encompassing empire.
Sure it sounds crazy now. Okay. Except it doesnt, because they are on document saying this is the plan. But just give it a few years, they are trying to exert their control.
As you so marvelously pointed out, it is a chaotic world, and sometimes shit don't go down as planned. Case in point, a plane crashed in PA due to some occurance of chance. Regardless of who you think is responsible, the resultant implication of that plane hitting a target in DC (and it WAS headed that way) would be said supreme dictatorial control. On top of a financial bubble that had just burst, it would have been the opportune moment for a financial catastrophe. Unfortuantely we are once again at that precipe, which makes it (scarily) an opportune time for another terrorist attack, as it would make a great cover for a much "needed" economic collapse. Of course. Thats all if you buy conspiracy theory. Lucky for you, it's all nonsense.
Yuhp. Its "fiction", alright.
Fiction taken from "theory". ;P ;P ;P
I'm not afraid of anything.
Fuck it. Bring it on.
Okay, it is a bit terrifying to think about economic collapse, hardship and poverty for the masses ... or possibly about being subject to new political tyranny in the future ... but my main goal here is to educate, not spread panic. The "panic" is supposed to be motivation to wake up.
Yes it is.
Again, many of the things in BNWorld are "awesome" but it is the expense at which some of them are gained. Moraly, i just do not have it in my constitution to say that people are better off bred to be what genetics say they are (because i think that nurture is integral to the human experience). Brave New World is based on change agents revolutionizing the political and social sphere, but socialy conditioning the masses in to acceptance of a new social dogma ... one that is willingly accepted because it is a dogma which stipulated that ALL people will be bred based on laws of eugenics, and that they will be preselected for certain classes, and conditioned, developed, and "nurtured" to acceptance of those fates based on the outcomes of scientificaly determined best "educational" concepts. The social scientists run the system, the corporation still make all the profits, but the system is controlled exclusively by the elites with the help of the scientists and "professionals" while the majority of the people are spoon fed bullshit and lies and deliberately dumbed down to their stations in life, AND they get to take ole "soma" ... mmm mmm mmm ... Soma, the magic drug.
That is what that book deals with. Oh. And they all live in "The World State", and you fuck for fun, because babies come from a factory. There was a huge apocalyptic war (see that Kissinger quote above about that, its documented fact they are calling for it) and after that, humanity went on the fritz and changed its ways.
But keep in mind this was all parf of the plan. Okay.
Oh. And its just "fiction", right?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Did you great grandfather run a bank that hid Nazi money?
you HAAVE taken a basic civics class, right? you know we have this thing called a congress which would have to design and vote on any changes to the health care system? and if it is the will of THE PEOPLE as you keep saying, how is it a bad thing?
i love how you continue to rely on the meaningless and incredible supposition that if another plane had hit in 9/11 we'd be in a dictatorship. 3 planes hitting wasn't good enough? that fourth was the only one that mattered and made a difference? come on...
also, you point out the basic flaw on your own: these people (whoever the members of the league of shadows may be) won't be able to secure absolute control. they can definitely do a lot of damage, hurt a lot of people, and make a lot of money, but they can only take it so far. that 4th plane was shot down (the one conspiracy theory i actually DO believe). also, look at the american citizens trying to shoot mexicans crossing the border. look how much we bitch about the UN already. the already turning tide with respect to iraq. they may TRY to establish one world, whatever that means, but they won't get it. americans are stubborn and will only allow so much. furthermore, i think you underestimate other countries too. the french aint going to let go of their language and i think it's a safe bet the middle east isn't letting go of islam anytime this millenium. you vastly overstate your case and "their" influence.
then you are failing in your goal. you are not educating, you are making yourself look like a laughable fool through your histrionics. a more restrained and reasoned debate would get you a helluva lot further. you actually remind me of me 8 years ago when i was campaigning for ralph nader and railing against "the man." i couldnt figure out why people thought i was a goof and didnt take me seriously then. it's quite clear now. cos none of us are terrified and your panic and terror arent inspiring anyone, just making you and your stances seem like a joke becos we read the same facts you do and none of us draw the same apocalyptic conclusions you do.
even if you are right though, tell me what there is to be so frightened of? i mentioned rome, the british empire, etc. history is full of the ebb and flow of civilization and empire. they rise and fall. sometimes it's bad for the poor, sometimes not. hell, sometimes it's bad for the elite too. i recall a king or two getting his head chopped off by the people now and again. in the grand scheme of things, this matters little. a total collapse would hit america hard. but most people survived the great depression too. and if not, well, it might just be our turn to get some humility and be the africa of the world for a while. becos YOU are a part of the game and the system too. you think africa isn't happy for every food bag they get through our "global" efforts? you just want to make sure america (the elite) stays at the top of the heap and leave the hard life to the third world. congratulations. you're a real humanitarian.
how does more sex automatically equate to baby-making factories? do you really think this is a possibility becos it's in brave new world? seriously?
But I think that even IF there is merit to the eugenics theory, it is a disservice to the cause of 'outing' the controlling elite to use it as an example of the plot to form a NWO. I was very disappointed with AJ's focus on eugenics in End Game. He had to know a huge majority would not accept this as part of the conspiracy. It makes me wonder if it is thrown in there as disinformation, and a distraction from the movies more plausible points. (no, I don't trust AJ either
I've been trying forever to find a scan of an article from High Times I had a long time was called Nomenclature of an Octopus Cabal....and listed an interpretive history of secret organizations like the masons, Illuminatti, Skull and Bones, Knights Templar, Mormons, et al, and their posturing to control both sides of any arguments against them. The formation of groups that were anti-mason BY masons...since reading that, it is always in the back of my head that the people pushing these theories could have an agenda as well. When you start to assume that their IS men behind the curtain, you have to consider how far their greedy little fingers can reach. Obviously, having an open mind involves keeping the filters on when researching from non-mainstream sources as well.
The eugenics thing is really a stretch to say the least. And maybe he is in on it too....
That's the fun part, I agree. Who knows if not AJ and others are merely pawns of the NWO spreading disinformation on the web to keep the people distracted from what is REALLY going on.
Overall a very sane post here. Thank you.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
If the people have been so brainwashed in to wanting socialism implemented in America, then i would say that it is categoricaly a bad thing. The fact that we have both Democratic candidates pushing for it is already bad enough. I was simply pointing out that when you have one entire half of the political spectrum pushing for explicit socialism, its pretty fucking hard to argue that the US is "far away" from Socialism. Do you not at least agree with that? By the way state run retirement and welfare programs also are considered "socialist", if you still don't want to follow this logic.
I'm pretty sure that had flight 93 plowed in to the Capitol building, the veritable seat of US Government, that the as of 2001 very vague "rules" on martial law would have allowed the president to declare such. If that didn't qualify as an immediate and severe threat to national security, i don't know what would have.
Anyhow. You may at least be curious what is in store for next time, straight from government record. Want to know what the new face of such military\dictatorial rule will be? Its pretty fucking severe:
As far as flight 93 being shot down, i'm glad you at least recognize that is the most probable thing to have happened. Here is an article you probably never saw:
You are right. They are faltering in their efforts.
I am quite delighted in that. I don't know what your argument does to discredit the notion that they are actualy working towards a goal, though. Everyone who sets a goal will reach some sort of setback ... certainly the elite never saw the day coming when Bilderberg would be in national papers and discussed all over the internet ... remember back as short time ago as the 1990s, the establishment basicaly denied that these groups were even real. Bilderberg was just some little meeting that popped up in one article every 5 or 6 years, and in a little blurb. No one talked about it. You were laughed at for even mentioning it. So you are right, they have been "outed" so to speak. But like i said, you don't generaly enjoy fucking with a cornered wild animal. If push comes to shove, the elite will just crash the financial system and have their little turbaned buddies fly over here and deploy some more bombs. That oughta catch 'em back up to speed.
I said, i plan to deal with "it" when it gets here.
As far as what there is to be frightened of, if the financial system in the United States collapses, and particularly if it does "decouple" from the global economy like many of the experts are still saying ... that implies the US Dollar will crash outside of a global collapse. In other words, OUR dollar will be worth dogshit, but the other curriencies of the world will only devalue slightly.
In such a circumstance, the price of oil domesticaly (ONLY in america) would go through the fucking roof. Oil looks like it is already headed towards $150 a barrel. If it goes to $200 or $250 on the backs of a total meltdown here in America, the FOOD SUPPLY IS FUCKED. It is so heavily dependant on oil ... if all of a sudden basic food crops triple or quadruple in price, at the same time where many americans are out of a job, or are being paid 2006 adjusted wages (not accounting for rapid inflation), what the fuck are we gonna do?
Also, if you don't see where the abuse of such a collapse (possibly combined with a terrorist incident) under the new very severe martial law executive orders above could lead to a total loss of soverignty and freedom, then i'm sorry, you just don't get it.
I fully believe the American people are hard-headed and will only take so much ... but i think in the face of massive panic and crisis, that what they WILL take\accept becomes much more massive than otherwise. In other words, if they pull another 911 and drop the floor on the stockmarket, people will let ole Hillary or Obama lead them off a cliff like lemmings.
As far as the sex in Brave New World, man i was joshing you. Trying to say that if you were really digging on the Brave New World style society, the only good you must have seen in it was the fact that as a young man you would have got to see and play with some little girl vagina.
[and in Brave New World, children are literaly all produced in factories. "Traditional" breeding is heavily frowned upon. And FYI "one child" policies are just a hop skip and a jump from that reality. See China]
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'm sorry to disagree here. Well, okay, i think you are right in that it is a "disservice" to helping the "masses" find credibility in the "theory", only because the masses can't stomach anything that is so radicaly beyond the scope of their reality. However, Alex Jones is all sbout presenting the WHOLE of the agenda.
IS that part of the agenda?
Having dug in to this a LOT more in recent months, i can assure you that euguenics is categoricaly 100% part of the historical record of "these" people. The Rockefeller charitble foundations were nearly single handedly responsible for pushing modern eugenics in to the spotlight, and giving Hitler the idea. In case you missed it (i think you actualy said in my other thread that you DID see this) that quote over in my "Planned Society" thread cleary indicates it IS part of the plan. The "elite scientists setting policy" IS eugenics.
Again, Hitler's eugenics program started as a way to murder the mentaly ill and infirm .. NOT the jews.
Is eugenics gone?
They call it "Genetic Engineering" these days.
It is "modern eugenics". Look it up. We went from natural (evolution), to conventional genetics (selective breeding, forced depopulation of "undesirables") all the way to "modern eugenics", which is just genetic engineering.
So is that okay?
Yeah i guess there are some benefits to GE.
Can it be blatantly manipulated? Uh yeah.
Its pretty fucking scary right.
Do you see a future (oh say 25 years out?) where society may be totaly different, the kids totaly perverted in their thoughts by schooling, and technology so advanced that people willingly accept modified human genetics?
At what point does that get right back to Brave New World?
That IS what that book was about.
Manipulating the genetic code of life to place some people squarely in the "worker bee" camp ... beefed up, stupid, and happy to work forever (oh, and lets not forget the DRUGS ... remember the quote in my other thread) ... and then you engineer the elite to be taller, smarter, and more attractive ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's a pretty simple, although long, question for you right there.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I realize it's all part of the alleged program...and that it all ties back to the banking families...which in and of itself makes it worthy of investigation for malicious intent. I tend to believe that the education programs have been set to indoctrinate people...texts supplied by the US to Afghan children after the USSR occupation is an easy example (learning math by counting tanks and bombs, etc)...but the genetic engineering side of it is something that I'm admittedly not well versed on. The basic point to my post was that I am not so presumptous to proclaim that I DO know what's going on....I am very careful to draw conclusions, and I wish AJ was more that way...he presents a ton of useful information, but loses people when he starts telling them how to percieve it.
Haven't read it, been meaning to for a while. I will say...there are way to many fugly people in the world. I hope they open the hot-chick breeding plant somewhere in Western Canada
Doesn't this work both ways though, i mean where do you research to get the information to disprove things that are said that you don't agree with?
Because to be honest i don't see a lot of proof from the other side of the coin round here. It's mostly just people's opinion.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
no shit.
EVERY thing that is brought up by the "crazy" around here is shot down categoricaly with little more than, "That's crazy. Where's your proof."
And when you start providing anything to back it with, it's always, "yeah, that's a bunch of crap." or "check your source, its not trustworthy." or "a quote? You're using a quote? Who trusts words around here? I want DNA."
If I opened it now would you not understand?
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Ha ha, that's how i see it round here alot to.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Hmm, I'm not disagreeing with you by any means, i was simply pointing out the usual responses from most posters that i see round here hardly ever show any proof to shot down the original posters point it's usually just as drifting said some useless post.
I personally get most of my info from books, and you know what for the most part they have the same info as stuff i have read or watched on the net, just maybe without the a spin on it.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
You can get that several places on the net as well, certainly. But defining the author of the web can be hard, and rumours can spread like wildfire over several pages with the blink of an eye. It is more problematic from a knowing your source point of view. (edit) interestingly if the conspiracy existed, it's best tool would be to promote fake conspiracies on the web, wouldn't it?
As for being taken seriously, it doesnt help when you build a reputation for consistent overstatement over a few months, and then try to make points by referencing people that maybe overstate even more. That response drifting gave me in the other thread was good and to the point. And suddenly a lot less conspiracy hysteric, because he stuck to the sources and didn't insert adjectives and hyperbole into it.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
again, so what? so the US has to live in conditions that still arent half as bad as what africa has had to endure for centuries. maybe it's our turn. you're still just concerned about an elite nation losing its elite status and perks, just like "the man" you keep railing against is concerned about losing his elite status and power and influence.
The suffering i can deal with.
I'm worried about the alleged INTENT of this crisis, which namely is to break the American spirit and get them to submit to new international law.
At the very least, an economic crisis of this magnitute would likely get the government to capitulate in accepting a NEW CURRENCY. A multi-national currency, the Amero, for example, may be proposed.
It is in this time of crisis, that i fear the powers that be will work to coerce government in to signing "legislation" that significantly subverts the constitution and ulitmately leads to the destruction of the national identity and constitutional foundation of America as we know it.
My only problem with the actual financial crash itself is that it was avoidable, and was perpetrated deliberately to affect an end goal of realigning the power structure in america to the best interests of the globalist elite.
If I opened it now would you not understand?