Register To Vote!!!



  • JamMastaEJamMastaE Posts: 444
    The Oracle wrote:
    Come on America, please register to vote. How many times have you heard Eddie V implore you to get involved in the political process.

    OK, so you mightn't think you can do much good to change things, but this type of thinking is just plain wrong. Look what my country - Australia - just did - voted out a government of 11 1/2 years in times of record low unemployment, good economic times.This all because the Government (conservatives like your Republicans) lost touch with its citizens in so many areas of importance to everyday Australians - security of employment and wages, education policy, the Iraq situation, health policy - just to name a few.
    You don't have to be an Einstein to learn about politics either.

    So from one PJ fanatic to all others out there - get involved and encourage friends and family to get involved, you'll feel all the better for it.

    Now I feel better for that rant!!!

    Love and peace to you all.

    voting has become irrelevant!! look at Ohio in '04 and the NH primary '08.

    you wanna do some good for this country? educate yourself on DIEBOLD,then tell others.

    then ask yourself why a privately owned company is counting our votes behind closed doors with no over site!!!!!!!!

    elections will never be legit ever again if these machines are not done away with!!

    "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain

    "I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
    Emiliano Zapata
  • Is it just me but do we even have a country anymore???

    I mean fighting a war costing billions of $s, kids slaughtered in the Middle East everyday with nobody blinking an eye, families torn apart forever, 2 income families can't even pay their bills with their homes on the tightrope of foreclosure...and nobody impeaches this clown....

    Sorry, I just had to vent.

    I can't wait for the next election!! (But as I recall...that's what I said before the last Election Day...and look what happened!!! LOL)
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    vdrbtr4vr wrote:
    Is it just me but do we even have a country anymore???

    I mean fighting a war costing billions of $s, kids slaughtered in the Middle East everyday with nobody blinking an eye, families torn apart forever, 2 income families can't even pay their bills with their homes on the tightrope of foreclosure...and nobody impeaches this clown....

    Sorry, I just had to vent.

    I can't wait for the next election!! (But as I recall...that's what I said before the last Election Day...and look what happened!!! LOL)

    I post this in the hopes that it will offer you some comfort (it might actually frighten you) or at least inform you as to what is going on, and has gone on with relation to voting and elections. Please visit the thread I put up earlier today (Feb 2, 2008).

    The thread is about the story that the corporate media isn't reporting (whether it's intentional or they're just stupid, I do not know). It's about the firing of the 8 U.S. Attorneys and who they put in their place. It's about high level Republican operatives (under the direction of Karl Rove), using illegal and unethical tactics to suppress the vote and steal the next election (just like they did in 2004 and the machines were not necessarily a part of it). The missing emails from RNC headquarters contain the evidence. However, John Conyers and the House Judiciary committee have around 500 of the missing emails. They were accidentally sent to the wrong email server (they addressed one of the recipients with ".org" instead of ".com"). The evidence is compelling. I put numerous links to articles and video for anyone to get as much info as is out there.
  • ToneTone Posts: 1,206
    The Oracle wrote:
    Come on America, please register to vote. How many times have you heard Eddie V implore you to get involved in the political process.

    OK, so you mightn't think you can do much good to change things, but this type of thinking is just plain wrong. Look what my country - Australia - just did - voted out a government of 11 1/2 years in times of record low unemployment, good economic times.This all because the Government (conservatives like your Republicans) lost touch with its citizens in so many areas of importance to everyday Australians - security of employment and wages, education policy, the Iraq situation, health policy - just to name a few.
    You don't have to be an Einstein to learn about politics either.

    So from one PJ fanatic to all others out there - get involved and encourage friends and family to get involved, you'll feel all the better for it.

    Now I feel better for that rant!!!

    Love and peace to you all.

    THANK YOU! Add Kyoto Protocol and Aboriginal reconciliation to that list, I was just about to come on and say something similar. Thank god there's no more Howard the Coward! I think voting should be compulsory, I'm gobsmacked by the number of people that don't vote in this country. I find all the apathy quite disturbing.

    Unfortunately, I've been out of Australia too long and my name has been removed from the electoral roll and can no longer vote. It upsets me. Despite living out of Australia, I still care what's happening there and still want my say. Please people, register and vote. I wish I could vote over here, seeing as so many people don't seem to want their vote (I'm not talking on this board, I just mean generally).

    Think about it... the war costs the US $5,000 a second!!! Horrifying! An awful, senseless, seemingly endless war. Wouldn't that money be better spent elsewhere!? Education, healthcare, social services, jobs, paying off the massive deficit? No wonder the economy has faltered... the country is hemorrhaging money. Vote and demand something better!
    Glaciers melting in the dead of night and the superstars sucked into the supermassive.
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    THC wrote:
    33 Million Americans turned 18 yrs. old during the Bush
    DAMN STRAIGHT why do you think 58,000 men died in Vietnam for shits and giggles? jezzz we are a nation of people who are so dumbed down an original thought would be so nice? But They will call you a LOONEY TOON??
    GO ahead and cheat your neighbors going ahead and cheat a friend. DO it in the name of HEAVEN you can justify it in the end.. And the bloody morning after ONE TIN SOLDIER WALKS AWAY.. Vote and cross your fingers they won't delete your vote from the records or burn the damn courthouse like they did to my family... ANGEL FIRE?? Yes that is a new construction in Nevada of the greedy bastards that think their poop doesn't stink.. Funny thing is they reek of smelly do do.. And thats all folks....
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    THC wrote:
    33 Million Americans turned 18 yrs. old during the Bush Administration's run in office so far (source - Rollingstone).

    In the 2004 General Election Bush had roughly 62 million votes to 59 Million votes for Kerry.

    If you think about that...It means that the youth have a major chance to let their voices be heard in this next election. No matter who you vote for...if you are not are not being a responsible citizen!

    This is our time everyone, this is our planet...lets make a difference!!! There may not be a more important election in our country's history!

    So Register to vote NOW!!!
    All of a sudden, boom, it's a narcotic and it's outlawed by FDA. What
    is the initial response of all these grey-haired fathers of psychiatry
    to making LSD an illegal substance? Protest, it's a bad thing, it's
    robbing us of a powerful psychotherapeutic agent, it's crippling our
    research efforts. These guys were hung out to dry. They were used by
    Intelligence Agencies to gather therapeutic use of LSD, interrogation
    use of LSD, psychotomenitic (sp) use of LSD and then when they had done
    their job, LSD was just cancelled from academia. It was made illegal,
    and then a whole disinformation campaign went along with that whereby
    LSD was transformed from this wonderful therapeutic agent whose use was
    advocated by the major leading figures in psychiatry into this horrible
    thing that made children jump out of windows and bust up their
    chromosomes. It's called a "disinformation campaign". And it caught the
    leaders of psychiatry totally by su rprise, which is hard to believe
    since psychiatrists are such clever political strategists in general.
    What about this whole creating Manchurian Candidate stuff which we see
    now for a fact has been going on since WWII? And according to
    Estabrooks, even back to WWI? We now have established for a proven fact
    that was going on during WWII, and the CIA was working on it in
    Artichoke and Bluebird from 1951-53. The Korean War only started in
    1950. The disinformation was that our boys went overseas there, they
    got shot down, they got captured, the Communist Chinese worked on them
    with these strange techniques we don't understand. The person who coined
    the term "brainwashing" in a book was Edwin Hunter. He's a career CIA
    officer. This was a term coined by the CIA to explain what was happening
    to our boys in North Korea who were making bold statements about germ
    warfare activities they had been involved in. Now it could be that part
    of the Communist brainwashing strategy was to talk to these guys about
    the ethical improprieties of biological warfare and bombing they
    actually had been doing in North Korea. In any rate, they come home as
    Manchurian Candidates. We are all bent out of shape because our boys are
    talking Communism, so we say that we have got to start studying this
    reactively and defensively because of what the Commies are doing. That
    is the disinformation myth that has been adhered to by the Military
    Intelligence community steadfastly from the Korean War to the present.
    It's totally bullshit. It's disinformation. It's not a fact. It's a
    made up story to cover up the fact that actually we had operational
    offensive use of this psychological warfare technology already in place
    in WWII. We have a major disinformation campaign which has basically
    fooled mental health professions and the general public concerning
    brainwashing, concerning LSD. Fortunately those are the only two
    examples in human history. This analysis does not apply to the False
    Memory movement. There is no way it could conceivably be possible, you
    will all agree, that there could be any nervousness in the Intelligence
    Community about Manchurian Candidates spilling out into civilian
    psychotherapies and that a disinformation program based on False
    Memories would be required. It is obviously absurd. Nobody but a CIA
    conspiracy nut would ever suggest that. I guarantee you that that
    thought has never even crossed my mind until it just spontaneously
    appeared at this moment. So you see, actually, in fact, the idea that
    there could be a deliberate disinformation campaign element to the False
    Memory movement is perfectly plausible, consistent with history, and
    could be expected. There is bound to be some sort of disinformation
    strategy if in fact Manchurian Candidates have been leaking out into
    civilian psychotherapy. So here we have, with all of this
    documentation, all of this proof ... we know that it is perfectly
    possible that people we are seeing in therapy who are claiming to be
    victims of systematic military mind control experimentation are telling
    us about what actually happened to them. However, I am not a single
    step further ahead than I was four years ago on actually documenting
    that any single patient in treatment actually in fact was involved in
    these mind control experiments. There is no linkage at all from the
    current patients in treatment to this documentation. So whether we are
    ever going to get that or not, I don't know. (From audience: Mind
    Control and the Military can be found on America On-Line on the internet
    - "On Psych"-and there are websites). Apparently there is a lot of
    information about this on the web and on internet and AOl and elsewhere.
    But the problem is, I don't go to chat rooms very often, but most of it
    is totally banal, and silly and boring and a waste of time. So when you
    go into the stuff on mind control, how much is garbage that you are
    going to get, and how much is solid stuff that you can pursue and
    document are you going to get is my question. I have no idea what the
    answer is. But, as we all know, the truth is out there. (From the
    audience: "how would I go about documenting that a patient I, or
    somebody else, currently has in treatment, in fact was involved in that
    kind of experimentation?") Well, here's how the documentation has gone
    so far. By the way, I have done Freedom of Information Act requests on
    MONARCH at all Intelligence Agencies, and they have all denied it
    exists. The patient apparently has no source of contamination for
    specific MONARCH memories, but has the word Monarch in her mind, and has
    very specific detailed Monarch-type mind control memories. Her father
    basically abused her domestically and ritualistically, and then took her
    over to the mind control people. How she got there, what the transport
    mechanism was .. plane, car, location is all vague because she appears
    to have been all drugged out then transported. Is it possible that her
    father could have been this kind of person? Well, I have his military
    service records which I got through the Freedom of Informatiion Act, I
    have a lette r from him in prison where he is imprisoned for mob crime
    connections, I've got a mother and a sister corroborating the domestic
    incest, the sister with some patchy corroboration of ritualistic and
    mind control memories, I've got the father personally connected to Jack
    Ruby. That's as far as it goes. It's sort of circumstantial and
    intriguing. So the way I would attempt to document it would be if the
    person tells me (most people can't tell you the specific name of the
    doctor) but if somebody gives you a specific name of a doctor, and gives
    you a specific location, and you can establish that this doctor actually
    existed, and you can establish that in fact this doctor was a CIA
    employee, and you can establish that this person's father was imprisoned
    by the FBI as part of a Mafia raid by looking at the journal articles
    that the patient has, then you are starting to get closer and closer. So
    it is your basic investigative reporting type stuff. Name the specific
    base. Okay what do yo u know about the base? How did you get there?
    Tell me about some buildings? Tell me about personnel. Describe the
    uniforms. What was used? And then if you can get another subject who
    was there at the same time ... that's just the way it is. It is your
    basic investigative reporting. Which is way beyond being a therapist.
    There is no therapeutic obligation to do this. This is mega beyond duty
    to take collateral history. So I don't think there is any mystery as to
    how it would proceed. And it will proceed probably in the same way as
    the history of declassified information since WWII. In about, I think
    1988, stuff was released to the Senate and the Congress and then to the
    Press about all these radiation experiments. Nobody did anything. It
    didn't even get into the newspapers. It was in the public domain for
    five years before it finally hits the newspapers. Now we've got this
    government report that is 900 pages long on all the radiation
    experiments, including giving radiation to children and radiation to
    pregnant mothers and the children of those pregnancies dying of leukemia
    by age five. This is huge, big stuff. Everybody was apathetic, didn't
    think it was newsworthy, didn 't even put it as a little trailer item in
    the New York Ti mes. This is no longer vague. We know the specific
    names of people, when they died, whether it was plutonium or whatever
    was injected, the names of the doctors, the names of the medical schools
    where it was done, it's all keyed up for compensation, the government
    has set up a whole compensation mechanism. If we look at the Tuscagee
    Syphilis Study ... it is worse than the creation of Manchurian
    Candidates. It was set up in Tuscagee, Alabama in the 1940's. The
    experiment is-you've got 400 rural, dirt-poor black guys with active
    syphilis and 400 controls. These people are followed without treatment
    into the 1970's. The people who are involved in the Tuscagee Syphilis
    Study (it is a huge long list and I can't remember all the details of
    it) but it includes the County Medical Society, the administration of
    the study was actually taken over by the Centre of Disease Control, the
    Surgeon General, the American Heart Association, all kinds of people
    were witting, knowledgeable and awar e of the study and ap proved its
    ongoing nature well into the 60's and into the 70's, in complete
    violation of all known medical ethics. Well okay, that was kept kind of
    secret. Nobody heard about it except some of these medical bigwigs. No.
    I have a medical paper from the medical school published in 1965 called
    "Untreated Syphilis in a Male Negro - A 20 year follow-up". This stuff
    is published, right in the medical literature. It is looking everybody
    right in the face. What happens when you have 400 illiterate rural
    black guys with active syphilis untreated, for 40 years? Well, the
    outcome of the experiment is, you will be very surprised to hear, they
    don't do too well, they develop a lot of disease, and they die young.
    They do another thing. They breathe air. There is another behaviour
    that we can predict in these guys. They eat food. Going down the list?
    They urinate and defecate. Continuing along with basic human functions,
    they have sexual intercourse with women. Anybody who has been to medical
    school will tell you it is 100% guaranteed that if you take 400 black
    guys with syphil is and do not treat them, the rest of t heir lives, you
    are guaranteed to be creating cases of congenital syphilis. The entire
    medical community knows this as an elementary fact that you learn in
    first year medical school, it is published in the medical literature,
    and it's condoned by all levels of the old boys network in world
    medicine. This is totally unbelievable and completely factual. This
    Manchurian Candidate stuff is like Mickey Mouse Psych stuff. It's not
    even heavy duty. The nurse who was the head of the Tuscagee Syphilis
    study throughout its duration, actually got an award from the Public
    Health Service because of her work on the Tuscagee Syphilis Study. The
    individual guys have gone and testified at the Senate. You can read the
    book, "Bad Blood" and these guys are named as individual human beings.
    Which individual human beings who are victims of military mind control
    research do we already know? Harold Blauer, the tennis pro who was
    killed. Frank Olson who was killed because he jumped through a window
    because he took LSD mixed with Cointro by Sidney Gottlieb
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    Tone wrote:
    THANK YOU! Add Kyoto Protocol and Aboriginal reconciliation to that list, I was just about to come on and say something similar. Thank god there's no more Howard the Coward! I think voting should be compulsory, I'm gobsmacked by the number of people that don't vote in this country. I find all the apathy quite disturbing.

    Unfortunately, I've been out of Australia too long and my name has been removed from the electoral roll and can no longer vote. It upsets me. Despite living out of Australia, I still care what's happening there and still want my say. Please people, register and vote. I wish I could vote over here, seeing as so many people don't seem to want their vote (I'm not talking on this board, I just mean generally).

    Think about it... the war costs the US $5,000 a second!!! Horrifying! An awful, senseless, seemingly endless war. Wouldn't that money be better spent elsewhere!? Education, healthcare, social services, jobs, paying off the massive deficit? No wonder the economy has faltered... the country is hemorrhaging money. Vote and demand something better!
    All of a sudden, boom, it's a narcotic and it's outlawed by FDA. What
    is the initial response of all these grey-haired fathers of psychiatry
    to making LSD an illegal substance? Protest, it's a bad thing, it's
    robbing us of a powerful psychotherapeutic agent, it's crippling our
    research efforts. These guys were hung out to dry. They were used by
    Intelligence Agencies to gather therapeutic use of LSD, interrogation
    use of LSD, psychotomenitic (sp) use of LSD and then when they had done
    their job, LSD was just cancelled from academia. It was made illegal,
    and then a whole disinformation campaign went along with that whereby
    LSD was transformed from this wonderful therapeutic agent whose use was
    advocated by the major leading figures in psychiatry into this horrible
    thing that made children jump out of windows and bust up their
    chromosomes. It's called a "disinformation campaign". And it caught the
    leaders of psychiatry totally by su rprise, which is hard to believe
    since psychiatrists are such clever political strategists in general.
    What about this whole creating Manchurian Candidate stuff which we see
    now for a fact has been going on since WWII? And according to
    Estabrooks, even back to WWI? We now have established for a proven fact
    that was going on during WWII, and the CIA was working on it in
    Artichoke and Bluebird from 1951-53. The Korean War only started in
    1950. The disinformation was that our boys went overseas there, they
    got shot down, they got captured, the Communist Chinese worked on them
    with these strange techniques we don't understand. The person who coined
    the term "brainwashing" in a book was Edwin Hunter. He's a career CIA
    officer. This was a term coined by the CIA to explain what was happening
    to our boys in North Korea who were making bold statements about germ
    warfare activities they had been involved in. Now it could be that part
    of the Communist brainwashing strategy was to talk to these guys about
    the ethical improprieties of biological warfare and bombing they
    actually had been doing in North Korea. In any rate, they come home as
    Manchurian Candidates. We are all bent out of shape because our boys are
    talking Communism, so we say that we have got to start studying this
    reactively and defensively because of what the Commies are doing. That
    is the disinformation myth that has been adhered to by the Military
    Intelligence community steadfastly from the Korean War to the present.
    It's totally bullshit. It's disinformation. It's not a fact. It's a
    made up story to cover up the fact that actually we had operational
    offensive use of this psychological warfare technology already in place
    in WWII. We have a major disinformation campaign which has basically
    fooled mental health professions and the general public concerning
    brainwashing, concerning LSD. Fortunately those are the only two
    examples in human history. This analysis does not apply to the False
    Memory movement. There is no way it could conceivably be possible, you
    will all agree, that there could be any nervousness in the Intelligence
    Community about Manchurian Candidates spilling out into civilian
    psychotherapies and that a disinformation program based on False
    Memories would be required. It is obviously absurd. Nobody but a CIA
    conspiracy nut would ever suggest that. I guarantee you that that
    thought has never even crossed my mind until it just spontaneously
    appeared at this moment. So you see, actually, in fact, the idea that
    there could be a deliberate disinformation campaign element to the False
    Memory movement is perfectly plausible, consistent with history, and
    could be expected. There is bound to be some sort of disinformation
    strategy if in fact Manchurian Candidates have been leaking out into
    civilian psychotherapy. So here we have, with all of this
    documentation, all of this proof ... we know that it is perfectly
    possible that people we are seeing in therapy who are claiming to be
    victims of systematic military mind control experimentation are telling
    us about what actually happened to them. However, I am not a single
    step further ahead than I was four years ago on actually documenting
    that any single patient in treatment actually in fact was involved in
    these mind control experiments. There is no linkage at all from the
    current patients in treatment to this documentation. So whether we are
    ever going to get that or not, I don't know. (From audience: Mind
    Control and the Military can be found on America On-Line on the internet
    - "On Psych"-and there are websites). Apparently there is a lot of
    information about this on the web and on internet and AOl and elsewhere.
    But the problem is, I don't go to chat rooms very often, but most of it
    is totally banal, and silly and boring and a waste of time. So when you
    go into the stuff on mind control, how much is garbage that you are
    going to get, and how much is solid stuff that you can pursue and
    document are you going to get is my question. I have no idea what the
    answer is. But, as we all know, the truth is out there. (From the
    audience: "how would I go about documenting that a patient I, or
    somebody else, currently has in treatment, in fact was involved in that
    kind of experimentation?") Well, here's how the documentation has gone
    so far. By the way, I have done Freedom of Information Act requests on
    MONARCH at all Intelligence Agencies, and they have all denied it
    exists. The patient apparently has no source of contamination for
    specific MONARCH memories, but has the word Monarch in her mind, and has
    very specific detailed Monarch-type mind control memories. Her father
    basically abused her domestically and ritualistically, and then took her
    over to the mind control people. How she got there, what the transport
    mechanism was .. plane, car, location is all vague because she appears
    to have been all drugged out then transported. Is it possible that her
    father could have been this kind of person? Well, I have his military
    service records which I got through the Freedom of Informatiion Act, I
    have a lette r from him in prison where he is imprisoned for mob crime
    connections, I've got a mother and a sister corroborating the domestic
    incest, the sister with some patchy corroboration of ritualistic and
    mind control memories, I've got the father personally connected to Jack
    Ruby. That's as far as it goes. It's sort of circumstantial and
    intriguing. So the way I would attempt to document it would be if the
    person tells me (most people can't tell you the specific name of the
    doctor) but if somebody gives you a specific name of a doctor, and gives
    you a specific location, and you can establish that this doctor actually
    existed, and you can establish that in fact this doctor was a CIA
    employee, and you can establish that this person's father was imprisoned
    by the FBI as part of a Mafia raid by looking at the journal articles
    that the patient has, then you are starting to get closer and closer. So
    it is your basic investigative reporting type stuff. Name the specific
    base. Okay what do yo u know about the base? How did you get there?
    Tell me about some buildings? Tell me about personnel. Describe the
    uniforms. What was used? And then if you can get another subject who
    was there at the same time ... that's just the way it is. It is your
    basic investigative reporting. Which is way beyond being a therapist.
    There is no therapeutic obligation to do this. This is mega beyond duty
    to take collateral history. So I don't think there is any mystery as to
    how it would proceed. And it will proceed probably in the same way as
    the history of declassified information since WWII. In about, I think
    1988, stuff was released to the Senate and the Congress and then to the
    Press about all these radiation experiments. Nobody did anything. It
    didn't even get into the newspapers. It was in the public domain for
    five years before it finally hits the newspapers. Now we've got this
    government report that is 900 pages long on all the radiation
    experiments, including giving radiation to children and radiation to
    pregnant mothers and the children of those pregnancies dying of leukemia
    by age five. This is huge, big stuff. Everybody was apathetic, didn't
    think it was newsworthy, didn 't even put it as a little trailer item in
    the New York Ti mes. This is no longer vague. We know the specific
    names of people, when they died, whether it was plutonium or whatever
    was injected, the names of the doctors, the names of the medical schools
    where it was done, it's all keyed up for compensation, the government
    has set up a whole compensation mechanism. If we look at the Tuscagee
    Syphilis Study ... it is worse than the creation of Manchurian
    Candidates. It was set up in Tuscagee, Alabama in the 1940's. The
    experiment is-you've got 400 rural, dirt-poor black guys with active
    syphilis and 400 controls. These people are followed without treatment
    into the 1970's. The people who are involved in the Tuscagee Syphilis
    Study (it is a huge long list and I can't remember all the details of
    it) but it includes the County Medical Society, the administration of
    the study was actually taken over by the Centre of Disease Control, the
    Surgeon General, the American Heart Association, all kinds of people
    were witting, knowledgeable and awar e of the study and ap proved its
    ongoing nature well into the 60's and into the 70's, in complete
    violation of all known medical ethics. Well okay, that was kept kind of
    secret. Nobody heard about it except some of these medical bigwigs. No.
    I have a medical paper from the medical school published in 1965 called
    "Untreated Syphilis in a Male Negro - A 20 year follow-up". This stuff
    is published, right in the medical literature. It is looking everybody
    right in the face. What happens when you have 400 illiterate rural
    black guys with active syphilis untreated, for 40 years? Well, the
    outcome of the experiment is, you will be very surprised to hear, they
    don't do too well, they develop a lot of disease, and they die young.
    They do another thing. They breathe air. There is another behaviour
    that we can predict in these guys. They eat food. Going down the list?
    They urinate and defecate. Continuing along with basic human functions,
    they have sexual intercourse with women. Anybody who has been to medical
    school will tell you it is 100% guaranteed that if you take 400 black
    guys with syphil is and do not treat them, the rest of t heir lives, you
    are guaranteed to be creating cases of congenital syphilis. The entire
    medical community knows this as an elementary fact that you learn in
    first year medical school, it is published in the medical literature,
    and it's condoned by all levels of the old boys network in world
    medicine. This is totally unbelievable and completely factual. This
    Manchurian Candidate stuff is like Mickey Mouse Psych stuff. It's not
    even heavy duty. The nurse who was the head of the Tuscagee Syphilis
    study throughout its duration, actually got an award from the Public
    Health Service because of her work on the Tuscagee Syphilis Study. The
    individual guys have gone and testified at the Senate. You can read the
    book, "Bad Blood" and these guys are named as individual human beings.
    Which individual human beings who are victims of military mind control
    research do we already know? Harold Blauer, the tennis pro who was
    killed. Frank Olson who was killed because he jumped through a window
    because he took LSD mixed with Cointro by Sidney Gottlieb
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