So Which One of You Hope-Mongers Is Buying Fannie & Freddie at $1 Per Share?



  • Cheerleading? I don't think there is any of that even going on. Its negative after negative. More writedowns, more layoffs, not enough capital yadi yadi yada.
    rate cut should be in order, quarter point followed by another one. Inflation fears have subsided, now we just need to get people spending again and kickstart growth.

    clearly you don't watch much CNBC. ;)
    You should hear some of the blatant and ridiculous "Hope-Mongering" that goes on over there.
    its hilarious, cause they are always fishing for "is this the bottom" or "could we be seeing things clear up here?" and then they'll cut to some new analyst and the guy will just rip the market a new asshole.

    I'm just saying there are a lot of fluff blowers out there trying to convince themselves and the layman that things are hunky doorey and everything is on the up and up. After each write down, bail out, or positive economic indicator hits, these yuck-yucks are shouting "this is great, now all the fears are out, and we can move on. the market is sure to go up from here."

    And everyday its the same, a small rally followed by massive pain.
    I agree with you, its nothing but negatives, seemingly.

    Although i don't agree about inflation fears subsiding.
    What does that mean?
    Inflation is MASSIVE and RAMPANT.
    The only thing good about the inflation situation is that the market has seemingly ABSORBED that news already.
    But it doesn't mean it has gone away.
    Inflation is still red hot and painfully high.

    If anything the dollar is in for a huge fucking smack in the face at some point, after all of this bolony manipulation and the very real asset deflation\deleveraging peters out.

    I honestly don't even know what to think about EVERYTHING going down.
    All the commodities, and all of the equities.

    Does nothing move in inverse anymore?

    How can the most massive bail out in the history of massive bailouts put gold, silver, and oil down in the fucking tubes, and send the dollar through the roof?

    Something just does not compute.

    Like i said, i recognize that the deleveraging effect right now is insane ... "money" is simply disappearing down a dark pit back in to the "vaults" of the Fed or some such phantom fiscal construct ...

    maybe the dollar bounce is partly due to every other country inflating their currency at the request\demand of the Fed ... but it just isn't a tenable move, imho.

    As far as i am concerned, the street has NOT come CLOSE to an accurate accounting for inflation with respect to commodities and the dollar.

    But i guess that is the "magic" of "free" markets for ya'.


    ps. - just saw your request for a SERIES of more rate cuts. What, another point total is what you want?
    I don't see that on the table right now. Sure, i see it happening if push comes to shove, but you are asking the Fed to push the REAL rate in to NEGATIVE territory ... and that just isn't a desirable scenario, for the dollar, or for the policy makers. Further, the street is about to have to contend with the very real possibility of massive rate increases ... if the treasury market starts to unravel, we could witness a new 70's style rate hike. It would kill the housing market totally, and drag the economy in to the mud, but if we get ANY more instability in the markets, we could see treasuries unwind in a bad way.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • clearly you don't watch much CNBC. ;)
    You should hear some of the blatant and ridiculous "Hope-Mongering" that goes on over there.
    its hilarious, cause they are always fishing for "is this the bottom" or "could we be seeing things clear up here?" and then they'll cut to some new analyst and the guy will just rip the market a new asshole.

    I'm just saying there are a lot of fluff blowers out there trying to convince themselves and the layman that things are hunky doorey and everything is on the up and up. After each write down, bail out, or positive economic indicator hits, these yuck-yucks are shouting "this is great, now all the fears are out, and we can move on. the market is sure to go up from here."

    And everyday its the same, a small rally followed by massive pain.
    I agree with you, its nothing but negatives, seemingly.

    Although i don't agree about inflation fears subsiding.
    What does that mean?
    Inflation is MASSIVE and RAMPANT.
    The only thing good about the inflation situation is that the market has seemingly ABSORBED that news already.
    But it doesn't mean it has gone away.
    Inflation is still red hot and painfully high.

    If anything the dollar is in for a huge fucking smack in the face at some point, after all of this bolony manipulation and the very real asset deflation\deleveraging peters out.

    I honestly don't even know what to think about EVERYTHING going down.
    All the commodities, and all of the equities.

    Does nothing move in inverse anymore?

    How can the most massive bail out in the history of massive bailouts put gold, silver, and oil down in the fucking tubes, and send the dollar through the roof?

    Something just does not compute.

    Like i said, i recognize that the deleveraging effect right now is insane ... "money" is simply disappearing down a dark pit back in to the "vaults" of the Fed or some such phantom fiscal construct ...

    maybe the dollar bounce is partly due to every other country inflating their currency at the request\demand of the Fed ... but it just isn't a tenable move, imho.

    As far as i am concerned, the street has NOT come CLOSE to an accurate accounting for inflation with respect to commodities and the dollar.

    But i guess that is the "magic" of "free" markets for ya'.


    ps. - just saw your request for a SERIES of more rate cuts. What, another point total is what you want?
    I don't see that on the table right now. Sure, i see it happening if push comes to shove, but you are asking the Fed to push the REAL rate in to NEGATIVE territory ... and that just isn't a desirable scenario, for the dollar, or for the policy makers. Further, the street is about to have to contend with the very real possibility of massive rate increases ... if the treasury market starts to unravel, we could witness a new 70's style rate hike. It would kill the housing market totally, and drag the economy in to the mud, but if we get ANY more instability in the markets, we could see treasuries unwind in a bad way.

    Many of the so called "experts" say dollar will continue to rise beacause problems in europe. They are seeing recessions hit their economies too. With commodities down across the board inflation fears are definitely easing. . Forecasters see 2% inflation for the rest of the year and next while Eurozone is seeing 4% inflation, that bodes well for dollar.

    1/2 point Rate cut will obviously put a damper on the run of the dollar, but that might be a tradeoff im willing to take.

    Buy some of those freshly guaranteed fannie or freddie mortgage bonds
  • Uh wouldn't it be wiser to save your money for your own mortgage payments?
    If idle hands are the devil's workshop, he must not be very productive.

    7/9/06 LA 1
    7/10/06 LA 2
    10/21/06 Bridge 1
  • Many of the so called "experts" say dollar will continue to rise beacause problems in europe. They are seeing recessions hit their economies too. With commodities down across the board inflation fears are definitely easing. . Forecasters see 2% inflation for the rest of the year and next while Eurozone is seeing 4% inflation, that bodes well for dollar.

    1/2 point Rate cut will obviously put a damper on the run of the dollar, but that might be a tradeoff im willing to take.

    Buy some of those freshly guaranteed fannie or freddie mortgage bonds

    Well i still think the dollar is fucked.
    The fundamentals agree with me, regardless of what the "experts" say.

    Here, i found this article which really helped ease some of my "fears" about the unwinding metals market.

    The guy thinks that it IS nothing more than MASSIVE unprecedented deleveraging in hedge funds and institutional investments.

    He also thinks that metals are set for a sky rocket rebound, and that the dollar is about to fall through the floor.
    Between this article and Jim Rogers, i'll place my bets on their side, as opposed to that of the institutionaly paid talking heads.

    Here is a lesser article which uses the same $GOLD:$XAU Ratio chart to explain what is going on with gold and silver right now.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • Not the day i was looking for out of LEH. Opened almost $2 per share. tug of war ensued. Traded flat for most part then moved lower towards close. I don't know what to make of this company anymore. Move better be announced by Friday or they're toast bear stearns style. Ohhh welllll.
  • Not the day i was looking for out of LEH. Opened almost $2 per share. tug of war ensued. Traded flat for most part then moved lower towards close. I don't know what to make of this company anymore. Move better be announced by Friday or they're toast bear stearns style. Ohhh welllll.

    uh huh

    Lil Wayne is better than Pearl Jam.

    Bitches ain't nothin' but hoes 'n tricks
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