So Which One of You Hope-Mongers Is Buying Fannie & Freddie at $1 Per Share?

I'm a whack job for buying gold, and SILVER (which is at $11.6!!!! right now!!!) ...
But which one of you HOPE-MONGERS is going to step up to the plate and load up your portfolio with several thousand dollars worth of dirt cheap and SURELY a BARGAIN DEAL Fannie and Freddie stock, both trading around $1 a share right now?
I'm a whack job for buying gold, and SILVER (which is at $11.6!!!! right now!!!) ...
But which one of you HOPE-MONGERS is going to step up to the plate and load up your portfolio with several thousand dollars worth of dirt cheap and SURELY a BARGAIN DEAL Fannie and Freddie stock, both trading around $1 a share right now?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
i don't buy stocks. i find it ironic that for a man who rails against the elite you're playing their game and doing your damndest to make yourself one of them.
hope monger>fear monger
your going to tell me this comment doesnt stink of i'm better then everyone attitude?
Exactly. It's a sad, sad thing. If my money is going to be given to bail out a company, those two aren't anywhere near the top of my list.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
It does but that's because I am better than everyone.
for the least they could possibly do
except me.
glad i'm not the only one to notice. for someone who seems to rail against some sort of controlling elite society of rich men, he sure talks like he spends all day on wall street watching stock tickers like the people he claims to hate.
it wasn't advice.
it was a question.
i was throwing it back in the face of all the mockers who ask me how much gold i have, and if my cave is prepared for the nuclear winter.
so my question, to throw it back in their face is,
since you seem so sure that everything is fucking nicotine and gravy,
are you putting your fucking money where your mouth is,
and are you gonna double down and buy you some worthless Fannie and Freddie,
because surely if you have as much faith in this worthless fucking government as "you" say you do, then you will run right out and buy as much as you can, because in a years time they will be trading at $60+, right?
And that is one hell of a rate of return.
But of course, i don't see ANYone stepping up to say, "yeah, i'm man enough to poney up that bet".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
nope. 1) i dont have any money to invest. 2) if i did, i wouldn't. i think the whole stock market is a fraud and a sham. it's fantasy football, only people lose real money. just another way for "elites" to fuck everyone else. congrats on being in the club though.
so what should i do with my money then,
leave it in the bank for "them" to make an even more obscene profit off of?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
buy gold and put it under your mattress?
playing the stock market only reinforces their power. it's been the single greatest driving force in the decline of america as a nation.
i won't deny that.
but sitting on a pile of gold aint helpin my balance sheet,
and neither is leaving it in a bank account.
Excuse me for playing the game.
Call me a hypocrite,
but not an idiot.
And my financial contribution to the elite is nothing compared to what your ignorance of their ambitions is contributing.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
tell me that when i figure out a way to bring the stock market down and topple the whole damn thing
the only real difference between me and you is you think this is all very planned and coordinated and organized and there's a single guy or 10 or whatever all running the show together to screw the rest of us. i just thiink there's a bunch of rich fuckers as happy to screw each other as the rest of us and they're not coordinating or conspiring, just trying to make their fortune without caring a damn who gets run over in the process.
No way i'm touching that. I will be buying Lehman First thing tomorrow.
so what is Bilderberg then?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
the new batman villain?
Sure. They are valued nowhere near where they should be. I bet they will get swooped up entirely for a price above the current price of $8 This won't be another bear stearns fire sale.
I don't know about that (not doubting you, just not sure) ... i do know that the current sad state of affairs with Lehman is entirely indicative of just how bad these cocksuckers have screwed the pooch.
Lehman is some of the oldest of the oldest money in this country.
It goes WAY back.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
why do all my trader friends LOVE trading WAMU so much?
I swear to god, i used to hear that name 20 times a day, when i was sitting in trading chat rooms for way too long 5 days a week.
ps - for what its worth, i wouldn't touch dick in the financial sector now, or anytime in the next 6 months.
i think there are about 3 dozen other shoes to drop here in short order.
like i've been saying, all this fucking cheerleading is ridiculous hype, and there are some VERY ugly numbers yet to come back in all sectors.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Cheerleading? I don't think there is any of that even going on. Its negative after negative. More writedowns, more layoffs, not enough capital yadi yadi yada.
rate cut should be in order, quarter point followed by another one. Inflation fears have subsided, now we just need to get people spending again and kickstart growth.