I was speaking with my brother about it today, (i made him and a friend watch the film last night) and from what i could see he kind of got the message that we are fucked and somehow interpreted the ending to be lets not bother with trying to change the world. Lets lay down and let it happen, where as i walked away from it empowered and i agree we need to be as you said the change we want to see in the world.
I guess i am also intrigued by angelicas view on what is happening right now in the world.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I remember posting this a while back on sound vibrations. Some phenomena cannot be denied such as the patterns created through frequencies. Everything in this universe is vibrating.
Hmm watching that certainly had a weird effect on my cats they all got a bit freaked out and started looking round the room, even now that it's stopped one of them is sat hiding behind the speaker looking around cautiously. Mind you he is a bit of a nervous cat.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I think its easy to misinterpret the final segment of the movie.
Obviously to start, i repsectfuly disagree with Angelica.
Her position is that the first 2\3rds of the movie is basicaly ficiton to draw in the intended audience (conspiracy nuts), and that the final 1\3rd is the part about "let it go, and learn to love".
This is not even close to my perspective. Therefore you are disagreeing with your interpretation of what I'm saying rather than with my actual view.
I disagree, both with the assessment of the first 2\3rds, and with the analysis of what the final segment is suggesting.
First, I don't think these people would go through with all the trouble of documenting all of this "conspiracy" stuff in the first 2 hours, simply to "draw in an audience".
I respect all views, and see where they are coming from. I have defended "conspiracy theories/theorists" over and over on this board. I object to the term itself, as it's minimizing and demeaning and it marginalizes valid alternative views at great expense to many of the true visionaries who are needed to usher in our evolution from the fringes of society. I therefore never personally degrade another view to that of being a conspiracy theory. Or invalid for that matter. Were I to do so, I feel it would indicate my lack of understanding of that alternative and valid view.
Second, its silly to even suggest that they would bother to "make up" any\some\most of it. I mean, that information was all REAL.
If you are referring to me here, again, considering I don't suggest this at all, my view is again misconstrued and you are disputing your impression, rather than my actual view. If you are making a general statement not regarding me, please disregard this part.
Where Angelica IS right, is that the movies interpretation of just what motive is behind all of these REAL treaties\legal frameworks\regulatiosn being drafted by UN agencies etc ... the interpretation of the motives behind that, and the end result of such regulations IS in fact just that: interpretation\guess work. However, it doesn't make it bunk or false. It just means that no one knows the future. But its not THAT hard to see where such policies would take us.
The key to extrapolating as to where such policies would take us, is that what we are seeing is in the moment, given what's happened so far and based on that, what the end result would be. If absolutely nothing changes, what they say will happen very well could happen. However that's not realistic. People are working behind the scenes all the time, least of all us in this thread, and therefore there is so much that is done to offset what is happening in the world. I see visionary, aware, consciencious people doing great, amazing and highly potent work all the time. Not only that, but the negative forces are not the only ones that exist. Therefore, by using an assertion that focuses on the negative of what is happening, and extrapolating from there, the proposed outcome will be equally unbalanced. In order to see the big picture, and a more accurate perpective, negative things that go down, when paired with the other side of the reality coin, with the positive things, looks much different and balanced.
i vehemenently disagree with the interpretation, "just learn to love, LET IT HAPPEN, and LET GO."
I don't see anyone making this assertion, whether in this movie or in this thread.
That is CLEARLY not what the film makers intended, or they would NOT have INCLUDED the scene where they talk at length about group think, and not being a follower, and if you do become a leader, you should be teaching your followers to LEAD.
There is a message of PROACTIVE RESPONSE in there. It is not at the forefront though, that is for sure. And why is that? Probably because the most important part of the movie IS the message at the end, which, as I interpret it is thus:
In order to make any change in the world, you first have to be that change. [and that part is explicit, spelled out] But also, the amount of negative emotion created by the first 2\3rds of the movie ... all the conspiracy stuff ... which i firmly believe the movie makers believe is REAL ... all that stuff has a tendency to create extremely negative FEAR based emotions which, as it so happens, tends to STOP people from feeling empowered. "Oh shit. We're fucked. All this bad stuff is gonna happen. I'm so affraid. We are helpless. We can't do anything. I HATE THIS. THIS SUCKS. FUCK THIS. FUCK THAT. GODDAMNIT."
That is the attitude\emotional mindset often created from such horrible realisations about the world. However and therefore, what this movie chose to focus on primarily at the end was not what specific things can be done to countervail the NWO, but more importantly what internal mental focus and emotional mindset must be attuned to by any willing participants in change. And they are right. If you want to make a difference you must stay positive, radiate love, and think constructively and with a "whole brain", as Angelica points out.
But i do NOT think the message was intended to be, "Just lie down and accept this awful fate, because you know what man? Peace and LOVE is like ... all that matters, man."
I basically completely agree with you here. I also feel that not only are we attuned to our greatest abilities for creating what we need to see in the world through keeping aligned with our highest vibrations, but by doing so, we also come to realize how much distortion our own slow, lagging fear energies create. When we clear our own inner lenses, and realign with the universal power that we've been trained to be out of touch with through fear, by eliminating the paralysing effects of fear, a whole new world emerges. Literally.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
angelica i really dig the message at the end too, but it's weird to say let go of what is happening and just let it happen.
I see what you are saying in the sense that it is working on our fear because that's true it is, but what if it did happen, what then? Why should people not try to resist it? what would we gain from that stance?
Please bear with me. I'll be back shortly to respond to you.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
This is not even close to my perspective. Therefore you are disagreeing with your interpretation of what I'm saying rather than with my actual view.
I see what you are saying now, Angelica.
It was the "foundation of sand" bit and some others in the body of your original response, and in particular the "fear\fallacy (false premise)" bit at the end that had me thinking you were criticizing the actualy information in the movie as "fallacy (false premise)" ... but i understand now that you are refering to the extrapolations about the future being necessarily biased by their sole focus on the negative forces in the world, and ignoring possible countervailing positive forces.
I tend to believe that said balance is currently skewed, as per the saying, "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
or more accurately per Burke, "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."
It is the failure of the good to associate, that is causing the current disparity.
"Divide and conquer" is certainly the MO of the evil forces in this world, and they do a remarkable job of it. Just look at everyone on this message board. We are all too busy arguing over who is the best of the worst\least of several evils, to even come together and acknowledge the greater problems. And that is just the tip of the iceburg in this discrepant climate of evil vs. good.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
angelica i really dig the message at the end too, but it's weird to say let go of what is happening and just let it happen.
When we realize that we are all one with everything around us, we realize we don't control anything to begin with. The idea that we must act now and change things reveals that we are still attached to the idea of our separateness, and of "us/them", which as this movie asserts, and I agree, is an illusion. Granted, it's a purposeful illusion, and it teaches us how to hone our power, and yet, it remains an illusion. Letting go and accepting what is, shows we have our awareness in perspective. Whether we rail against, deny or denounce what is happening, it's happening anyway. We don't "let it" happen - we're not at all responsible for the actions of others, especially when we don't condone them. Nor do we have any power over the actions of others. Such an idea of having power over others or the universe is false to begin with. Letting go of such ideas and accepting what is happening matter-of-factly is just seeing clearly.
I see what you are saying in the sense that it is working on our fear because that's true it is, but what if it did happen, what then? Why should people not try to resist it? what would we gain from that stance?
A lot of the stuff that is put forth in this movie is happening. It's happening within a much larger context. It's happening alongside innumerable other happenings. Much stuff is going down that is deplorable, sickening and reprehensible. And way beyond what this movie asserts. Ugly, ugly stuff. Fear aside, it's there plainly for us to see.
If one is inspired to do something about what is happening in the world, I fully support them in doing so. 100%. There is a vast expanse between being fear driven and by being inspired to do something.
The reason I don't suggest we "resist" anything is because we put ourselves in a position where we are joining into the unhealthy agendas of others. Willingly! To do so, we must necessarily accept a world defined by their actions and views and respond to that. We allow them to lead, and we follow. It's my understanding that in order to most potently activate our own power, it's crucial that we define how the world is for us ourselves--as per our own ideals, dreams, desires, and inner visions. Within our own dreams, visions, ideals, etc. there are things to resolve and overcome, but it's a very different world being Self or inner directed.
For an example, I spent years entrenched in debilitating mental illness. I also saw much horror and mayhem that goes on in the mental health system. I saw visions that it needed to be changed and I focused on healing in order to create that change. It took years to resolve what was clogging my own perception. In doing so - in learning to become empowered as my own inner purpose dictated, I learned that as one person, I can singlehandedly catalyze an entire backlash to the psychiatric profession and to the crippling medical models of mental illness. I cannot change the profession and all involved. I don't have that power. I do have the power to write a book and show a vision of healing and recovery to many people though. At the least, I can consistently contribute to recovery and patient-centered empowerment models as I do all the time through my work and volunteer work. I'm so aligned with my own inner vision that I exude it in most everything I do. Whether I'm perusing the internet, or having a conversation with a friend.
Have you ever seen that optical illusion trick where there is one stick in front of you. The challenge is how to make that stick shorter without touching it? The way to do so is to put a longer stick beside it. When people/the world are presented with Light, positive energy and solutions, they gravitate towards it, like a flower moves towards the sun. The most blind and disconnected individuals gravitate towards the high vibrations of Love/Truth/Beauty. Such high vibrations inherently supercede the sluggish energy of fear/resistance, etc. in each moment. Always.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I see what you are saying now, Angelica.
It was the "foundation of sand" bit and some others in the body of your original response, and in particular the "fear\fallacy (false premise)" bit at the end that had me thinking you were criticizing the actualy information in the movie as "fallacy (false premise)" ... but i understand now that you are refering to the extrapolations about the future being necessarily biased by their sole focus on the negative forces in the world, and ignoring possible countervailing positive forces.
I understand. The foundation of sand clearly refers to the falseness and lower energy (aka blinded) view of the fear-based perspective. I've spent many years grappling with and coping with fear in order to navigate what's happening around me in awareness without self-destructing. Ultimately, when I learned the basics of resolving my fear, and integrating my awareness, the fear perceptions and all that were built upon them .... resolved. They dissipated. They revealed themselves as being an illusion. The result is that my consciousness united into a higher order. This is the birthright of each human being on the planet. Our potential.
It's about tone. There is either a fear tone or a love tone. Frequency. Some people are drawn to a fear frequency, even though it's paralyzing and sluggish, because their own inner neglected fears seek outlet. The way to resolve this attraction to darkness and low-energy is to consciously first give fear an outlet (by feeling it), and to let it go. This is a process that one must enact each time fear is experienced. With no exceptions. It doesn't make us blind to the bad stuff in the world, it merely makes us see it clearly, without distortion, and with our potency to create as leaders without imbalance (ie: consciousness numbing behaviours). In order to do so, we need to access higher frequencies, and this in and of itself is turning the switch of our power to 'on'. People continue to be mass controlled in all manner of ways since they continue to deny/neglect/avoid the discomfort of processing their fear. Very few do this, and therefore 95 or more percent is not free of the group mind to varying degrees.
We must accept/own our feelings 100%, without judgment. It is because over 90% of us do not do so, but instead block our "right-brained" "feminine-side" emotions, that we are completely unbalanced. What happens when we do not own and integrate our own fear is that we project our fear onto others in terms of making them the "bad guy". We try to give our fear away by making it about someone else. Therefore, it's really clear when we've broken the world into a false us/them dichotomy, which is a reflection of our own fragmented awareness. The individual doing so is in the process of denying and disowning their own emotions. The fact is that the universe and all it contains springs from a unified field of energy. In terms of neurology, when we own our feelings, and name and feel them, we process t hem and thereby enact higher brain processes of wisdom/intuition. The fear is utilized in the higher order.
I tend to believe that said balance is currently skewed, as per the saying, "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
or more accurately per Burke, "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."
It is the failure of the good to associate, that is causing the current disparity.
I'll agree that within one context, evil appears to triumph because good men do nothing.
In a bigger context, I see "evil" as merely lack. We are evolving and will always have one step back to coincide with the two forward. Sometimes that step back seems overwhelming and horrifyingly ugly. And again, there are perspectives far beyond that where this good/bad dichotomy exists right at this moment as resolved in a higher order, for when we are ready to attune to them and bring in energy from there to the benefit of the planet.
"Divide and conquer" is certainly the MO of the evil forces in this world, and they do a remarkable job of it. Just look at everyone on this message board. We are all too busy arguing over who is the best of the worst\least of several evils, to even come together and acknowledge the greater problems. And that is just the tip of the iceburg in this discrepant climate of evil vs. good.
Until individuals cross into the integrated and holistic developmental phases of human potential, not being there is identified by the us/them mindset. As with all lack/ignorance, the door is left wide open by the individual to become actors of nefarious energies. We choose this, and arrogantly so, all the while adamantly separating ourselves with our "rightness". At higher consciousness levels, this split between self/other becomes resolved and our inherent unity is acknowledged and is experienced directly as the backdrop to everything. It's currently human nature, in the majority of the existing developmental stages to be struggling through these issues. It's normal. It's where we are in our evolution.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I found the following on the website of one of those featured in the movie. I found a link to the website on the website of the creators of the movie.
"Living from the Answer
From the perspective of us participating in an ever-changing universe, the solution to any condition is a change in attitude and belief. And this is the great secret of propelling our heart’s desires from the possibility of imagination, to the reality of our everyday lives. The key is our ability to feel as if our dreams have already come to life, our prayers already answered, and live from that feeling. There is a subtle, and yet powerful difference between working toward a result, and feeling from that result. When we work toward something, we embark upon an open-ended and never-ending journey. While we may identify milestones, and set goals to get us closer to our accomplishment, in our mind we are always “on our way” to the goal, rather than in the experience of accomplishing our goal. This is precisely why Neville’s invitation to “enter the image” of our heart’s desire and “think from it” is so powerful in our lives. In the ancient studies of martial arts, we see a beautiful metaphor in the physical world for precisely the way this principle works in consciousness. When martial artists choose to break a concrete block as a demonstration of focus, for example, the very last thing in their minds is the place where their hand will touch that block. The key is to place our focus upon the completed act: the healing already accomplished, or the brick already broken. As a student of the martial arts, I was taught to do this by focusing on a point in space that is beyond the bottom of the block. The only way that my hand could be at that point was if it had already passed through the brick. In this way, I was thinking from the completion, rather than how hard it would be to get to the completion. I was feeling the joy of what it feels like to accomplish the act, rather than all of the things that must happen before I could be successful. This simple example offers a powerful analogy for precisely the way that consciousness seems to work. And this is the great secret that has been protected and preserved for us in wisdom of our past. From the monasteries of Egypt and Tibet to the forgotten texts of our most cherished traditions we are reminded that we are part of, rather than separate from, the world around us. As part of everything we see, we have the power to participate — not control or manipulate — but to consciously chart the course of our lives and our world." http://www.greggbraden.com/
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
"Religious scriptures feel vague and unfulfilling. Science feels unpredictable and incomplete. Politicians find privacy behind the protection of National Security while undermining the privacy of the people. Corporate America has become Corporate Earth as every nation's sovereignty is being compromised by a few wealthy families at the very top. Education is manufactured to disguise the true history of the planet. Media is manufactured to disguise the current events of the planet. Sports and Entertainment distract and influence emotions with sacred and subconscious geometry, symbolism, color, and sound.
All of these seem to be disconnected and random occurrences from completely unrelated sources. But this could not be farther from the truth. There are no mistakes. There is nothing left to chance. There is an order and purpose to all that exists. Everything on this planet has been happened to set up humanity for WHAT IS COMING NEXT. The question remains: Will these events benefit or hurt mankind?
The truth of the matter is, there are many changes occurring within the galaxy, our solar system, our planet Earth, and even within ourselves. What if there was an explanation for suffering, separation, status, discrimination, hatred, War, poverty, fear, love, and every aspect of our lives we dismiss as irrelevant or inexplainable as the work of a separate and untouchable God figure." http://talismanicidols.org/index.html
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Thanks for taking the time to reply angelica, your posts certainly helping me to understand things a bit better.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Thanks for taking the time to reply angelica, your posts certainly helping me to understand things a bit better.
And thank you. This is a fascinating subject and it's great that others such as yourself are interested in it, and that there's some discussion happening.
And thanks Drifting for bringing this movie to my attention!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I guess i am also intrigued by angelicas view on what is happening right now in the world.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Hmm watching that certainly had a weird effect on my cats they all got a bit freaked out and started looking round the room, even now that it's stopped one of them is sat hiding behind the speaker looking around cautiously. Mind you he is a bit of a nervous cat.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I respect all views, and see where they are coming from. I have defended "conspiracy theories/theorists" over and over on this board. I object to the term itself, as it's minimizing and demeaning and it marginalizes valid alternative views at great expense to many of the true visionaries who are needed to usher in our evolution from the fringes of society. I therefore never personally degrade another view to that of being a conspiracy theory. Or invalid for that matter. Were I to do so, I feel it would indicate my lack of understanding of that alternative and valid view.
If you are referring to me here, again, considering I don't suggest this at all, my view is again misconstrued and you are disputing your impression, rather than my actual view. If you are making a general statement not regarding me, please disregard this part.
The key to extrapolating as to where such policies would take us, is that what we are seeing is in the moment, given what's happened so far and based on that, what the end result would be. If absolutely nothing changes, what they say will happen very well could happen. However that's not realistic. People are working behind the scenes all the time, least of all us in this thread, and therefore there is so much that is done to offset what is happening in the world. I see visionary, aware, consciencious people doing great, amazing and highly potent work all the time. Not only that, but the negative forces are not the only ones that exist. Therefore, by using an assertion that focuses on the negative of what is happening, and extrapolating from there, the proposed outcome will be equally unbalanced. In order to see the big picture, and a more accurate perpective, negative things that go down, when paired with the other side of the reality coin, with the positive things, looks much different and balanced.
I don't see anyone making this assertion, whether in this movie or in this thread.
I basically completely agree with you here. I also feel that not only are we attuned to our greatest abilities for creating what we need to see in the world through keeping aligned with our highest vibrations, but by doing so, we also come to realize how much distortion our own slow, lagging fear energies create. When we clear our own inner lenses, and realign with the universal power that we've been trained to be out of touch with through fear, by eliminating the paralysing effects of fear, a whole new world emerges. Literally.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I see what you are saying now, Angelica.
It was the "foundation of sand" bit and some others in the body of your original response, and in particular the "fear\fallacy (false premise)" bit at the end that had me thinking you were criticizing the actualy information in the movie as "fallacy (false premise)" ... but i understand now that you are refering to the extrapolations about the future being necessarily biased by their sole focus on the negative forces in the world, and ignoring possible countervailing positive forces.
I tend to believe that said balance is currently skewed, as per the saying, "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
or more accurately per Burke, "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."
It is the failure of the good to associate, that is causing the current disparity.
"Divide and conquer" is certainly the MO of the evil forces in this world, and they do a remarkable job of it. Just look at everyone on this message board. We are all too busy arguing over who is the best of the worst\least of several evils, to even come together and acknowledge the greater problems. And that is just the tip of the iceburg in this discrepant climate of evil vs. good.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
A lot of the stuff that is put forth in this movie is happening. It's happening within a much larger context. It's happening alongside innumerable other happenings. Much stuff is going down that is deplorable, sickening and reprehensible. And way beyond what this movie asserts. Ugly, ugly stuff. Fear aside, it's there plainly for us to see.
If one is inspired to do something about what is happening in the world, I fully support them in doing so. 100%. There is a vast expanse between being fear driven and by being inspired to do something.
The reason I don't suggest we "resist" anything is because we put ourselves in a position where we are joining into the unhealthy agendas of others. Willingly! To do so, we must necessarily accept a world defined by their actions and views and respond to that. We allow them to lead, and we follow. It's my understanding that in order to most potently activate our own power, it's crucial that we define how the world is for us ourselves--as per our own ideals, dreams, desires, and inner visions. Within our own dreams, visions, ideals, etc. there are things to resolve and overcome, but it's a very different world being Self or inner directed.
For an example, I spent years entrenched in debilitating mental illness. I also saw much horror and mayhem that goes on in the mental health system. I saw visions that it needed to be changed and I focused on healing in order to create that change. It took years to resolve what was clogging my own perception. In doing so - in learning to become empowered as my own inner purpose dictated, I learned that as one person, I can singlehandedly catalyze an entire backlash to the psychiatric profession and to the crippling medical models of mental illness. I cannot change the profession and all involved. I don't have that power. I do have the power to write a book and show a vision of healing and recovery to many people though. At the least, I can consistently contribute to recovery and patient-centered empowerment models as I do all the time through my work and volunteer work. I'm so aligned with my own inner vision that I exude it in most everything I do. Whether I'm perusing the internet, or having a conversation with a friend.
Have you ever seen that optical illusion trick where there is one stick in front of you. The challenge is how to make that stick shorter without touching it? The way to do so is to put a longer stick beside it. When people/the world are presented with Light, positive energy and solutions, they gravitate towards it, like a flower moves towards the sun. The most blind and disconnected individuals gravitate towards the high vibrations of Love/Truth/Beauty. Such high vibrations inherently supercede the sluggish energy of fear/resistance, etc. in each moment. Always.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
It's about tone. There is either a fear tone or a love tone. Frequency. Some people are drawn to a fear frequency, even though it's paralyzing and sluggish, because their own inner neglected fears seek outlet. The way to resolve this attraction to darkness and low-energy is to consciously first give fear an outlet (by feeling it), and to let it go. This is a process that one must enact each time fear is experienced. With no exceptions. It doesn't make us blind to the bad stuff in the world, it merely makes us see it clearly, without distortion, and with our potency to create as leaders without imbalance (ie: consciousness numbing behaviours). In order to do so, we need to access higher frequencies, and this in and of itself is turning the switch of our power to 'on'. People continue to be mass controlled in all manner of ways since they continue to deny/neglect/avoid the discomfort of processing their fear. Very few do this, and therefore 95 or more percent is not free of the group mind to varying degrees.
We must accept/own our feelings 100%, without judgment. It is because over 90% of us do not do so, but instead block our "right-brained" "feminine-side" emotions, that we are completely unbalanced. What happens when we do not own and integrate our own fear is that we project our fear onto others in terms of making them the "bad guy". We try to give our fear away by making it about someone else. Therefore, it's really clear when we've broken the world into a false us/them dichotomy, which is a reflection of our own fragmented awareness. The individual doing so is in the process of denying and disowning their own emotions. The fact is that the universe and all it contains springs from a unified field of energy. In terms of neurology, when we own our feelings, and name and feel them, we process t hem and thereby enact higher brain processes of wisdom/intuition. The fear is utilized in the higher order.
I'll agree that within one context, evil appears to triumph because good men do nothing.
In a bigger context, I see "evil" as merely lack. We are evolving and will always have one step back to coincide with the two forward. Sometimes that step back seems overwhelming and horrifyingly ugly. And again, there are perspectives far beyond that where this good/bad dichotomy exists right at this moment as resolved in a higher order, for when we are ready to attune to them and bring in energy from there to the benefit of the planet.
Until individuals cross into the integrated and holistic developmental phases of human potential, not being there is identified by the us/them mindset. As with all lack/ignorance, the door is left wide open by the individual to become actors of nefarious energies. We choose this, and arrogantly so, all the while adamantly separating ourselves with our "rightness". At higher consciousness levels, this split between self/other becomes resolved and our inherent unity is acknowledged and is experienced directly as the backdrop to everything. It's currently human nature, in the majority of the existing developmental stages to be struggling through these issues. It's normal. It's where we are in our evolution.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
"Living from the Answer
From the perspective of us participating in an ever-changing universe, the solution to any condition is a change in attitude and belief. And this is the great secret of propelling our heart’s desires from the possibility of imagination, to the reality of our everyday lives. The key is our ability to feel as if our dreams have already come to life, our prayers already answered, and live from that feeling. There is a subtle, and yet powerful difference between working toward a result, and feeling from that result. When we work toward something, we embark upon an open-ended and never-ending journey. While we may identify milestones, and set goals to get us closer to our accomplishment, in our mind we are always “on our way” to the goal, rather than in the experience of accomplishing our goal. This is precisely why Neville’s invitation to “enter the image” of our heart’s desire and “think from it” is so powerful in our lives. In the ancient studies of martial arts, we see a beautiful metaphor in the physical world for precisely the way this principle works in consciousness. When martial artists choose to break a concrete block as a demonstration of focus, for example, the very last thing in their minds is the place where their hand will touch that block. The key is to place our focus upon the completed act: the healing already accomplished, or the brick already broken. As a student of the martial arts, I was taught to do this by focusing on a point in space that is beyond the bottom of the block. The only way that my hand could be at that point was if it had already passed through the brick. In this way, I was thinking from the completion, rather than how hard it would be to get to the completion. I was feeling the joy of what it feels like to accomplish the act, rather than all of the things that must happen before I could be successful. This simple example offers a powerful analogy for precisely the way that consciousness seems to work. And this is the great secret that has been protected and preserved for us in wisdom of our past. From the monasteries of Egypt and Tibet to the forgotten texts of our most cherished traditions we are reminded that we are part of, rather than separate from, the world around us. As part of everything we see, we have the power to participate — not control or manipulate — but to consciously chart the course of our lives and our world."
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
"Religious scriptures feel vague and unfulfilling. Science feels unpredictable and incomplete. Politicians find privacy behind the protection of National Security while undermining the privacy of the people. Corporate America has become Corporate Earth as every nation's sovereignty is being compromised by a few wealthy families at the very top. Education is manufactured to disguise the true history of the planet. Media is manufactured to disguise the current events of the planet. Sports and Entertainment distract and influence emotions with sacred and subconscious geometry, symbolism, color, and sound.
All of these seem to be disconnected and random occurrences from completely unrelated sources. But this could not be farther from the truth. There are no mistakes. There is nothing left to chance. There is an order and purpose to all that exists. Everything on this planet has been happened to set up humanity for WHAT IS COMING NEXT. The question remains: Will these events benefit or hurt mankind?
The truth of the matter is, there are many changes occurring within the galaxy, our solar system, our planet Earth, and even within ourselves. What if there was an explanation for suffering, separation, status, discrimination, hatred, War, poverty, fear, love, and every aspect of our lives we dismiss as irrelevant or inexplainable as the work of a separate and untouchable God figure."
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
And thanks Drifting for bringing this movie to my attention!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!