11-28 CNN\YouTube Republican Debate Tonight

Just a public service announcement for youse folk.
Pay attention.
It will be a good one.
Also --
here is a CNN spot ... polling higher than Huckabee and Thompson in New Hampshire, huh?
ooh. what a long shot.
Pay attention.
It will be a good one.
Also --
here is a CNN spot ... polling higher than Huckabee and Thompson in New Hampshire, huh?
ooh. what a long shot.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
What does Ron Paul put in that Kool Aid? You want to know why he's polling higher than Huckabee and Thompson? NH is a very liberal state. There's a lot of R's there that in most other states would be Democrats. Of course he is polling higher than the far right candidates that are Thom and Huck. He may do okay in NH, but he will be grounded when it comes to South Carolina.
Not from what i saw. I was living in Charleston for 4 months earlier this year, and Ron Paul signs were RAMPANT. The Charleston Ron Paul HQ just officialy opened last week, with a visit and speech from Dr. Paul. The campaign staff there is (as acknowledged by Dr Paul himself) leading the nation in their approach to getting his name out in their state.
I may not expect Ron to take the state, but he certainly won't be at the bottom of those polls.
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For every 1 Ron Paul sign though there are 10 people who will blindly vote for Rudy because of his name recognition and the whole 9/11 thing. It's sad to say because if I were to vote in the Republican primary, it would be for Paul.
I guess where i diverge from your view is with the 10 Giuliani supporters and their willingness to actualy go out and vote in the primaries.
Sure, they will vote for Giuliani in the generals aganist whomever the Democrats bring, but are they really so pumped and passionate about Giuliani that they are actualy going out to vote for him in the primaries? I just don't see it.
If anything, i see most people simply assuming that Giuliani will get the nomination, and therefore just sitting on their asses and waiting for it to happen.
Well low and behold, every Ron Paul supporter and their mom went out to vote for the man, and most of the "mainstream" candidates' "supporters" were just sitting at home, faithfuly waiting for their party diehards to pick a candidate.
Bottom line, i just don't see the republican base being too motivated to vote in primaries these days. I think if anything, you will see more of them just waiting for "their party" to pick someone for them.
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I think that theory works really well in less organized, smaller campaigns. I could see it even working on a US Congress race, but these are (supposed to be) the most organized campaigns and they will make sure that they get their support to the polls.
But the man can't even get his supporters to a RALLY.
Did you read that article that was posted here the other day? Ron Paul and Kucinich supporters overwhelmed the "few dozen" Guiliani supporters at a GIULIANI rally, that he was speaking at!
How can you possibly think the man is going to draw overwhelming support to a primary vote (which typicaly sees around a TEN percent turnout nationaly) when he can't get them off their ass to even come hear his message?
Only 10% of the country votes in a primary.
That right there should be enough to tell you that it is anyones game.
If one candidate gets a highly motivated base that IS willing to plunk down a vote in that primary, then we could actualy see Ron Paul supporters SPAM the polls!
(he pulls 11% in New Hampshire polls) ... 10% of NH voters vote, 90% of Ron Pauls 11% vote, does that mean Ron Paul wins NH with around 80-90% of the vote !?!
Just a thought.
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i'm glad to hear he won't be running as an independent. we need the votes to keep the wrong people out of office.
on the other hand; i hope he wins the party nomination. the party will throw a lot of money and air time his way if he does. he really needs it.
I'd love to see Paul cream everyone in the Republican primary. The way you posted it is how you would think it would go down, and in every election I do the same thing, because it's the logical thing---politics isn't logical.
cnn is now reporting that 83% believe ron paul will come out on top tonight. that alone should get him some attention.
if the bloody media gets a clue.
I'm not saying its logical or probable, just that it is probable [lol edit- i mean, its POSSIBLE].
10% turn out is FACT.
I think we can both agree that more than a 10% proportion of Ron Paul supporters will be showing up for the primaries.
I doubt it will be a Ron Paul landslide, but the numbers point at Dr. Paul having much bigger numbers at the actual primaries than the polls are showing.
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I have no doubt that his numbers are higher, and I think he will be the surprise candidate. I could see him slipping past guys like Thompson and Rudy in some states for third, but I don't think he has enough time to move up to the upper tier of Republican candidates.
Which polls are these? Most polls are taken among likely voters within that primary. 90% of Ron Paul's 11% actually gives him about 10% of the vote. Still a very decent showing for Congressman Paul.
What a fair debate.
do YOU believe in a conspiracy to make a new union?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
What makes them the upper tier? The media and pollsters do, and what reason do you have to trust what they say? What percentage of Ron Paul supporters are going to vote in the primary? I would bet 95%+, you can't say that about any other candidate. Even if Rudy begged people to go to the polls there is a huge amount of distrust and resent for government and the system in place and it shows by ~50% of people voting in the general election.
You got to spend it all
You got to spend it all
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Rudy 11.
Fred 10.
McCaine 10.
Huckleberry 8.
Hunter 7.
Paul 6.
Credo 5.
You got to spend it all
So thats fair, right?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Ooo OOooo dollar problems from insane overspending...time for the NAU to form...big suprise... :rolleyes:
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
EDIT: In watching more, it seems Romney has no clue what time we're in. In at least two out of the 4 or 5 questions I watched he says something like "I would do this or that, but it's not the time we're in, so no, I won't do it". Maybe he just needs to get up to 88 MPH before he makes a straight answer on something.
oh yeah, bill's crap about iraq in the last couple of days....they be flipping and flopping all over the place
the thing that i found funny is that Bill Bennet received emails about Gen kerr during the debate; i find it highly unlikely that CNN couldn't find out his connections. It's not like CNN has an agenda and would want to make republicans look bad or anything :rolleyes: I mean it's not like Ted Turner has friends in the democratic party that he wants to win. So either CNN is very sneaky and hoping they wouldn't get exposed in this or they are piss poor journalists. You would think that you would at least check out the 3 or 4 people you invite to the debate, whos questions would be asked. Well, you'd think a good news organization would.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
You mean,
other than the bit where he outright blamed the American public for forcing the troops out of Vietnam
and then went on later to
ambush Ron Paul and accuse him of isolationism while blaming America for Hitler?
misguided to say the least.
his droopy cheeks really bother me.
[not to mention looking right at the camera and saying he doesn't support something like a fair tax or outright irs elimination and no tax, clearly implying that he is a big government clone that wants to keep big tax up your ass and in your wallet\purse for ever]
[and i think Mitt is the GOPs fallback in case Giuliani comes off to severe. Romney would be their "peoples" candidate. It wont work]
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Then Fred Thompson saying the repeal of Roe V Wade was the biggest priority in America??? and others like Mitt Romney saying he would love to repeal it....insane
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
first off what he said was that the american people gave up on the war and the government was forced to get out. secondly, he did not blame teh american people for Hitler, what he said was that the idea of just minding your business allows someone like Hitler to do what he wanted to do (which is kinda true) and also it is a debate, if Ron paul was thinking i can say what i want and no one i sgoing to say anything then he is a fool. (by the way i don't think Ron paul is a fool, i suspect that he rather liked being fought agaisnt by Mccain, because it means that he is worth listenning to and fighting against.)
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
History. Give me one example where a poll has been so wrong that a guy with 8-10% of the poll numbers actually comes through and wins an election.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)