Jesus Christ! THIS is HOW BAD they want him to GO AWAY!

One of the greatest fundraising feats in history, and THIS is what he gets in the media:
ABC Absolutely RIPPING in to him, WHAT THE FUCK? Does this sound balanced and unbiased to you? They are SLAMMING him!
And then you have Wolf Blitzer:
More Bullshit
Listen to the way and what they ask.
They demean him by bringing up votes vs. money.
They talk about the "character" of his supporters.
They immediately latch on the "lunacy" of Nov 5th
They avoid substance and try to peg him as some sort of sensational loon.
ABC goes so far as to pick the most "at heart" programs -- education and energy -- look i'm not saying that isn't accurate but of ALL the things they pick the ones least representative of what he is about and most at dearness to the heart ... ABC even stops him dead in his tracks on Social Security not even letting him talk about War votes and forcing him to the present to hopefuly get him to either not have an answer or condemn himself by saying "cut benefits" but he doesnt ...
hell Ron Paul had a substantive pertinent and EXCEPTIONAL answer to EVERY question, but all the average viewer will take in is that the media was skewering him, and asking really tough questions so therefore he must be some dodgey idiot and of questionable candicacy.
Meanwhile the truth is the guy has more HONEST support from REAL people than any other goddamn person in the campaign.
ABC Absolutely RIPPING in to him, WHAT THE FUCK? Does this sound balanced and unbiased to you? They are SLAMMING him!
And then you have Wolf Blitzer:
More Bullshit
Listen to the way and what they ask.
They demean him by bringing up votes vs. money.
They talk about the "character" of his supporters.
They immediately latch on the "lunacy" of Nov 5th
They avoid substance and try to peg him as some sort of sensational loon.
ABC goes so far as to pick the most "at heart" programs -- education and energy -- look i'm not saying that isn't accurate but of ALL the things they pick the ones least representative of what he is about and most at dearness to the heart ... ABC even stops him dead in his tracks on Social Security not even letting him talk about War votes and forcing him to the present to hopefuly get him to either not have an answer or condemn himself by saying "cut benefits" but he doesnt ...
hell Ron Paul had a substantive pertinent and EXCEPTIONAL answer to EVERY question, but all the average viewer will take in is that the media was skewering him, and asking really tough questions so therefore he must be some dodgey idiot and of questionable candicacy.
Meanwhile the truth is the guy has more HONEST support from REAL people than any other goddamn person in the campaign.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Actually I didn't think that was all that bad. The good thing is people are really starting to talk about him and he really does carry a sound message. If more people just hear his name the better chance there is of them looking at his message and seeing that he has some very strong ideas. Ideas that can help the average Joe.
It's all good. Just keep talking about him.
I think you are way over-sensitive.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
and thats an understatment. driftin chill out.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I don't really get it either. Certainly the MSM can marginalize Paul in their coverage of the campaign and also sometimes do a disservice to his supporters and his positions in their coverage of him personally, but I don't think this is anything unique or exceptionally noteworthly. Ron Paul and his supporters (myself included) represent a very eccentric and foreign niche relative to mainstream America. It's only natural that others approach the issue with skepticism and tough questions.
Ron Paul and his supporters have to be ready for this skepticism and hard line of questioning. And they need to respond with patience and confident, complete answers. Ron did a great job of that in this interview. Breaking down flawed and intrenched thinking is long, hard work. But it's not something that one should ever be afraid of.
My problem is that
a. This was the ONLY coverage he got in the TV News for a historic fundraising day, and it tried desperately to avoid focusing that coverage on the momementum that this feat implied.
b. EVERY thing they said, on ABC particularly, was loaded. They slandered his fans, they insinuated that no republicans would vote for him, tried to make him sound unappealing to republicans, asked him a connotary question about the Guy Fawkes Day thing, SAID HE WASNT "ALLOWED" IN TO THE LAST DEBATE -- which is just absolutely false, ridiculous, and stupid (was there some debate after Fox??!?!!?), and then tried this whole "most of us are pigs at the trough" to make americans think he is going to rob them of their "entitlements".
The interview wasn't O'riely,
but the point is it was the ONLY coverage he received, and every single thing they asked him seemed a bit loaded, and the questions were asked with these telling smirks, and NONE of it was "positive" ... go back and watch ABC again, think about the intent of every question asked ... it isn't fluff, and it isn't "unbiased" either ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Dr. Paul will be interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN's The Situation Room today at 4:10 pm ET. The interview will also be replayed later today during the 6:00 pm ET broadcast.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
You know, besides supporting policies that would run this country deep into the ground, I might actually consider supporting Ron Paul. However, his over-sensitive, over-vocal, spamming supporters drive me so insane that I hope he drops out of the race tomorrow.
Don't take any offense, but you do have to realize how annoying his campaign is.
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
not to mention the 5,412 threads devoted to him here in the pit. :rolleyes:
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
I actually agree with a lot of what Ron Paul says. I also agree with your first line here. The persecution complex of the Ron Paul volunteers and bloggers has played right into the stereotypes that they complain about.
If you look back a couple of months on here, they had a youtube video showing that Myspace was fully against Congressman Paul. It turned out to be some guy not knowing what he was doing, but somehow it proved a conspiracy against their candidate nonetheless.
I used to publicly support Congressman Paul. Now I fear being lumped in with the rabid supporters who have done nothing but hurt his public image.
i'd like to say ron paul is being treated fairly in the press, but when you have commentators LAUGHING AT HIM like they did multiple times in the first fox debate -- here at 1:52 and 3:43 and 6:40 etc etc etc EVERYTIME! or "debunking" his wins in their own goddamn polls ... or questions like this orthe horrible slander job Soledad tried to pull off on him ... the last two links i gave on his fundraising feat ...
look it's not all horrible coverage, but A LOT of it is.
Show me some video of Giuliani getting slandered on mainstream media, or getting laughed at in a debate, or being asked about the character of his constituents, or the validity of his positions.
How many other candidates have recieve that kind of negativity?
Best I can tell, only Dennis K, for seeing aliens, and hes just about in the same damn boat with ron paul any how!
that don't say much!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'm with you on this...Ron gets the shaft...course it could be that he doesn't follow the rules....and the media doesn't like keep it up.
The email comments at the end are interesting in relation to this thread...they didn't have a single person in their sample that felt he was getting enough coverage. Soooo....does this mean that cnn is being fair, by showing only pro RP comments...that cofirm that they aren't giving him fair coverage? tricky tricky
The "Ron, Paul, George, or Ringo." capstone is classic.
I like this piece.
I would actually like to spam it all over the place.
The most honest reporting i've seen in a while.
He even makes a more postive spin on his fiscal positions -- choosing "realistic focus on the national debt" to single out over the more controversial "abolish the IRS".
Oh hey:
this is finaly up, its from this morning (Thursday Nov 8):
Ron Paul Straight Up Schools Bernake And The Sleepers -- ON THE JOB IN WASHINGTON while on campaign !!??!! WHAT !?!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
NY Post Leaves Ron Paul Out Of Poll Results -- click on the "next" button on the widget.
Here is the ORIGINAL poll which they [ab]used!
Rupert Murdoch at work again?
Fox, NY Post, his little Aussie rag a few months ago...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
that is sickening, that the first time I've seen his actual RESULTS left out...I thought they usually just leave his name off the can anyone argue that he IS getting fair coverage? That's so blatant!
I'm pretty sure he's confirmed for the Iowa debate.
I'm still confused why that ABC News clip in the title post says he was "left out of the last one" ... i found a clip of Ron Paul being left out of an old straw poll debate, but i can't find any current paul ban.
I found this radio interview which is a fucking crock to say the least, however it is from june.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
ABC is unholy.
I just moved them to the "just as bad as Fox" category. NBC has some pretty honest coverage at times, and CNN really seems to depend on the show (Dobbs and Cafferty are kind, but Anderson 360 and others aren't, Blitzer is hard to call) ... but that "this" link is crap -- pure trash journalism.
How the fuck can someone say "CONTROLS the money supply in a FREE market" ... what the hell kind of self-contradictory bullshit is that?
And the perversions of logic and disparity of words just gets worse from page 1 on.
Worst part: "Bernanke answered saying, in the parlance of an average economist, he's just doing what Congress created the Fed to do. "
Uh. Way to go dick face. The Federal Reserve was a SCHEME dreamed up by The Real Daddy Warbucks himself, and duped over on the american people while congress was home on christmas break -- except for the congressman father-in-law of JD Rockefeller (Senator Aldrich) -- who had three years earlier provided his very own railcar to whisk himself and members of JP Morgans, JD Rockefellers and the Rothschilds clan away to a private island of the coast of Georgia (appropriately named Jekyll Island -- Owned by JP Morgan)to hatch this very scheme ...
Yes thats right, Ron Paul is the idiot who is just yelling at the Fed Chairman for "doing what congress created the Fed to do"... ?
Paul Warburg, Morgan, Rockefeler and his father-in-law Senator FUCKED the American worker in the ass. They swindled the few non-christmas-celebrating members of congress to vote for the bill -- with a bit of persuasion thrown in by AP Andrews, the assistant secretary of treasury who was also 1 of the 7 men on that little duckhunt conspiracy vacation to Jekyll Island.
The bill was passed on DECEMBER 22nd 1913, and signed by the president on fucking christmas eve!
Merry Christmas America
Did congress ask the fed to do anything?
Fuck no.
In fact, the congressional record of votes on that december day shows 43 yeas to 25 nays with 27 not voting (celebrating christmas) ... NO democrat voted against the bill, and the democrats had just elected Wilson to PROTECT them from "THE MONEY TRUST" (Morgan, Rockefeller, and the Rothschilds, by name!) ...
why would they vote for a goddamn bill written expressly and under extreme secrecy by that very same trust?
THEY WERE SWINDLED! Lied to by dirty politicians connected to the family personaly.
What a shock.
AND this douche from ABC is spreading the lie.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
How much of that looks like press other candidates are getting?
How much of it seems like anything more than bashing of a man who doesn't stand for the gluttonous corporate interst?
When this guy (CBS news writer) says "I wish grown adults who know better" refering to his presumed audience who he hopes he is persuading to see Ron Paul as irrelevant, is he refering to "controlled sheep who take everything with a corporate logo as gospel"?
There is a dividing line appearing in humanity between those that trust only the mainstream news and are actualy WORRIED for kids who look to the internet for answers and those 'kids' who are actualy looking to other more open sources for their "news".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Get off your fuckin cross.
We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr."
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
correct- kinda like how some people can't support a candidate because of his hair. or her breasts- the fact that she HAS them, i mean.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Ths is pretty damn good press, for a change.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i wanna go on record
You are a bra?