If I remember correctly his plane was serviced prior to his crashing at Buttonville airport in Vaughan. My office used to overlook the runway of this airport, and my CEO kept his plane there as well.
Actually it was one of the main reasons we decided on that office space, because it was so close to the airport. I've been in the back areas of that "airport" and got a couple tours from mechanics of various planes and "restricted" areas.
I say "restricted" because there is essentially zero security there. You can just drive up park..walk 20 feet and start walking around the place throughout the various buildings runway etc... The security is basically an airplane mechanic asking you what's up (if he wasn't busy).
However I do believe it was pilot error...but who knows. If someone wanted to sabotage his plane it would be as easy as it gets at that location.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
If I remember correctly his plane was serviced prior to his crashing at Buttonville airport in Vaughan. My office used to overlook the runway of this airport, and my CEO kept his plane there as well.
Actually it was one of the main reasons we decided on that office space, because it was so close to the airport. I've been in the back areas of that "airport" and got a couple tours from mechanics of various planes and "restricted" areas.
I say "restricted" because there is essentially zero security there. You can just drive up park..walk 20 feet and start walking around the place throughout the various buildings runway etc... The security is basically an airplane mechanic asking you what's up (if he wasn't busy).
However I do believe it was pilot error...but who knows. If someone wanted to sabotage his plane it would be as easy as it gets at that location.
dude, you should be more careful about typing this stuff dude... can't you see the dude in the bushes? they're watching you!
dude, you should be more careful about typing this stuff dude... can't you see the dude in the bushes? they're watching you!
hehe yeah...lol
That only happens when I start cranking on about Zionists. They get really testy and hate to look up from their Islamic carrion feasting.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
is it the voice overs that get you or what? I admit, they are mesmerizing.
Let me know if you ever actually watch, read, or otherwise digest any of the information to which i post links.
It is easy to be able to blow things off and infer the stupidity of the poster.
It requires some effort to absorb and comprehend the information.
Further still, it requires some modicum of bravery to question the fables that this culture so desperately tries to manufacture for you.
I suppose you don't find it a bit intriguing that JFK Jr. hired Oliver Stone to write an article for George Magazine about the assassination of his father? Have you seen the movie JFK? You do realize that it directly implicates the CIA and Federal Government in the murder of it's own president, correct?
The fact that John-John bankrolled the man to write up a piece for his magazine about that very same subject directly implies that JFK Jr. believes this to be true.
You can say what you want and blindly criticize.
But i know that you never have and never will attempt to look at any of the posted links ...
...and you will never choose to examine any of these matters from any but the most skeptical and close-minded perspective.
For shits and giggles,
what do you believe happened to JFK?
WHO killed him and why?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That only happens when I start cranking on about Zionists. They get really testy and hate to look up from their Islamic carrion feasting.
Yeah dude, I follow your posts a bit (very interresting by the way, keep up the good worK) and I would not be suprised if I didnt see you posting anymore....out of the blue, for no reason....
All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
it was his own fault for flying in the fog, he shouldnt of beeing flying that night. god these fucking whacked out theories are worse then the 9-11 ones at least they have somewhat proof of an inside job. god whats the next whacked theory, that LBJ killed jfk sr or wait wait that we really didnt land on the moon :rolleyes:
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I meant who killed JFK and why, not John Jr. ... i guess that was misleading.
Anyhow ...
if you watch the above video you will learn that JFK Jr. never, and i mean never flew without an instructor, and that all of his instructors said he was a very meticulous and by-the-book pilot ...
you don't find it odd that the fuel selector switch was in the "off" position !?!
That means someone overrode the "idiot button" depressed it, and then switched THE FUEL LINES TO OFF!
What the fuck kind of pilot error is TURNING OFF YOUR FUEL !?!
Answer that.
Go watch the video.
Learn that the other documented case of that happening is a suicide pilot on an egyptian army flight, and that the suicide pilot switched off the fuel line to keep anyone else from pulling the plane out of it's steep dive.
and coincidentally JFK Jrs plane DOVE STRAIGHT DOWN IN TO THE OCEAN.
that sure seems fishy.
Along with these facts:
Claims no flight plan filed -- He ALWAYS filed a flight plan
Claims no contact with FAA -- First live news reports prove he did!
Claim no logbook found -- The bag he always kept his log book in WAS found
No voice recording of cockpit and why? -- BACK UP BATTERY MISSING!
All plane wreckage uncoveed except passanger seat
Instead of 5 minutes for a search, it took FIFTEEN HOURS
Pentagon took over control of press conferences! The pentagon? WTF? Why the PENTAGON?
Only lady to ask the right question gets her line cut off! no question for you!
you think maybe there was a passenger (a flight instructor) and that someone didn't want this to be known?
Just go watch that movie.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Yeah dude, I follow your posts a bit (very interresting by the way, keep up the good worK) and I would not be suprised if I didnt see you posting anymore....out of the blue, for no reason....
I find it really, really interesting that you get that.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
it was his own fault for flying in the fog, he shouldnt of beeing flying that night.
He was FIVE MINUTES from landing ... he was 14 miles away from the landing strip ... he had just pulled back up from 2,200ft to 2,500 ft because his gradual decent to 2,500 was over shot ... FAA rules require a pause at 2,500ft to notify tower of intent to land ...
the radar record of his flight path PROVES this ... he gradually decends to 2,200ft, pulls up to 2,500ft ... presumably notifies the tower of his intent to land ... the first news broadcast assumes this, since the guy was dead-on correct with the time he gives to the minute ... and then ... what?
He lost control? What happened metsfan?
JFK Jr. was such a bumbling idiot that he couldn't look at a simple instrument and determin up from down? Attitude Indicator OR Artificial Horizon ... everyone knows how to use that thing ... oh wait, I'm upside down, duh!
GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK! He passed his "Instruments Only\ No Visual Flight" Examination, both the written and the practical portions ... he WAS qualified, he just needed to log hours ... which would be even more reason for him to HAVE a flight instructor on board.
what is your reasoning for why his plane just PLUMMETED STRAIGHT DOWN?
Pilot error, huh?
wow that's pretty amazing stupidity.
The guy must have been more stupid than GW Bush.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
It's a really good video that illustrates LOTS of inconsistencies and raises many questions. I don't see how anyone could just write these off. That's just too convenient and lazy.
It's cute how people want to believe in their government though.
DriftingByTheStorm- It's obvious what happened to JFK Jr. Although he did pass his instrument written and practical he did not have enough experience to safely make this flight in those conditions. I am a 5000 hour high performance corporate jet pilot who has spent over 800 hours flight instructing in the type of aircraft he flew, teaching all of the concepts which apparently failed him that night. The aritificial horizon is easy to read if you know how to read it and TRUST it. The key is trusting it and it is very easy to believe what you see out the window and distrust what you see on the instrument. If there is any discrepency with the horizontal situation indicator (be it false setting, precession or failure) then the constant correction to maintain heading would naturally override a new instrument pilot's reliance on the aritficial horizon. Also, this flight was not entirely in full instrument meteoralogical conditions. He would have been using some outside visual references as well including some that may have presented some rather common illusions. These illusions are so powerful and easy to believe that no matter what you see on the instrument you will believe them. I still get tricked by them today even after ten years of flying. So with the combination of outside visual illusions and the lack of relience on not only the artificial horizon but also the other five instruments it would be very easy to find yourself in an unusual attitude. This attitude could concievably result in an extreme nose down attitude which at 2500 feet would not leave much time to recover. (assuming 160 knots vertically he would have less than 18 seconds). If you would like me to discuss and subsequently poke all sorts of holes in the fuel selector valve position theory then let me know.
DriftingByTheStorm- It's obvious what happened to JFK Jr. Although he did pass his instrument written and practical he did not have enough experience to safely make this flight in those conditions. I am a 5000 hour high performance corporate jet pilot who has spent over 800 hours flight instructing in the type of aircraft he flew, teaching all of the concepts which apparently failed him that night. The aritificial horizon is easy to read if you know how to read it and TRUST it. The key is trusting it and it is very easy to believe what you see out the window and distrust what you see on the instrument. If there is any discrepency with the horizontal situation indicator (be it false setting, precession or failure) then the constant correction to maintain heading would naturally override a new instrument pilot's reliance on the aritficial horizon. Also, this flight was not entirely in full instrument meteoralogical conditions. He would have been using some outside visual references as well including some that may have presented some rather common illusions. These illusions are so powerful and easy to believe that no matter what you see on the instrument you will believe them. I still get tricked by them today even after ten years of flying. So with the combination of outside visual illusions and the lack of relience on not only the artificial horizon but also the other five instruments it would be very easy to find yourself in an unusual attitude. This attitude could concievably result in an extreme nose down attitude which at 2500 feet would not leave much time to recover. (assuming 160 knots vertically he would have less than 18 seconds). If you would like me to discuss and subsequently poke all sorts of holes in the fuel selector valve position theory then let me know.
Okay, so why was the fuel selector valve switched off?
As for the fuel selector- I'm not 100 percent familiar with the fuel selctor valve on this model but if it's like most other valves placed on higher performane pistom prop aircraft it's probably a three position selector. Left is selecting fuel from the left tank, right from the right tank and off is either up or down. This selector is always on the floor between the two front seats and the "knob" is shaped like a barbless arrow that's about three inches long. It usually takes some force to move the selector form one position to the other. This force could easily have been applied in the process of the aircraft impacting the ocean.
The following is taken directly form the NTSB report on the Accident. The NTSB is not affiliated with the FAA and has no interest in covering up anything. If you research the report from TWA flight 800 it included the eye witness reports of seeing a streaking light toward the aircraft prior to explosion.
The tachometer needle was found intact, fixed in place, and pointed to 2,750 rpm. The red line on the tachometer began at 2,700 rpm. The hour register inside the tachometer read 0663.5 hours. The manifold pressure gauge needle was found fixed in place and indicated 27 inches Hg. The fuel flow gauge needle was found slightly loose and indicated 22 gallons per hour. The exhaust gas temperature gauge needle was found loose and indicated 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit (F). The oil temperature gauge was found fixed and indicated 150 degrees F. The oil pressure gauge was found fixed and indicated about 17 pounds per square inch (psi). The cylinder temperature gauge needle was not found. The fuel quantity gauges were destroyed. The altimeter needle was found fixed and indicated 270 feet. The altimeter setting was found fixed at 30.09 Hg. The top of the VOR indicator heading card was found at the 097-degree bearing.
All of that information says that the engine was running at the time of impact. They have very precise ways of telling what an instrument says at impact based on "witness marks" that are left on the faces of the dials.
Is there anything else about this theory you would like for me to dispell? If you would like to see the entire report look up NYC99MA178 in the NTSB accident database.
As for the fuel selector- I'm not 100 percent familiar with the fuel selctor valve on this model but if it's like most other valves placed on higher performane pistom prop aircraft it's probably a three position selector. Left is selecting fuel from the left tank, right from the right tank and off is either up or down. This selector is always on the floor between the two front seats and the "knob" is shaped like a barbless arrow that's about three inches long. It usually takes some force to move the selector form one position to the other. This force could easily have been applied in the process of the aircraft impacting the ocean.
The following is taken directly form the NTSB report on the Accident. The NTSB is not affiliated with the FAA and has no interest in covering up anything. If you research the report from TWA flight 800 it included the eye witness reports of seeing a streaking light toward the aircraft prior to explosion.
The tachometer needle was found intact, fixed in place, and pointed to 2,750 rpm. The red line on the tachometer began at 2,700 rpm. The hour register inside the tachometer read 0663.5 hours. The manifold pressure gauge needle was found fixed in place and indicated 27 inches Hg. The fuel flow gauge needle was found slightly loose and indicated 22 gallons per hour. The exhaust gas temperature gauge needle was found loose and indicated 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit (F). The oil temperature gauge was found fixed and indicated 150 degrees F. The oil pressure gauge was found fixed and indicated about 17 pounds per square inch (psi). The cylinder temperature gauge needle was not found. The fuel quantity gauges were destroyed. The altimeter needle was found fixed and indicated 270 feet. The altimeter setting was found fixed at 30.09 Hg. The top of the VOR indicator heading card was found at the 097-degree bearing.
All of that information says that the engine was running at the time of impact. They have very precise ways of telling what an instrument says at impact based on "witness marks" that are left on the faces of the dials.
Is there anything else about this theory you would like for me to dispell? If you would like to see the entire report look up NYC99MA178 in the NTSB accident database.
Actually, I'd rather you actually watch the video and then let me know what you think. If after viewing it you still think everything was on the up and up, then I guess that's fair enough. Your explanation doesn't really seem to explain why or how the selector ended up being switched off. From my understanding, there is no way it could have happened accidentally.
Is there anything else about this theory you would like for me to dispell?
Yeah actually, there is.
I LOVE good information!
Ask 69charger about when i used to pick his brain about rocket science.
1. You seem convinced this was as they say.
Why do you seem to know so much about the JFK Jr. incident specificaly.
You quoted the NTSB reports and have a seemingly detailed memory of the conditions for flight that day. Why are you so interested in JFK Jr's death if you think it was just an accident. Were you formally "in to" these conspiracy theories before you saw the light of reason? What caused you to want to research this in the first place, surely you didn't just start today because of this thread. Just curious. Want to know why you know what you know.
2. Why did JFK Jr. not file a flight plan.
Seems he did every other day in his life, why the one time when he dies did he not?
3. Why did they not recover the one piece of evidence, the flight log, that would indicate who was on the plane. Relatives say he always kept in in a turquoise bag -- which was recovered. Was this the one day he decided "Fuck it, i'm gonna keep the flight log on my lap" ?
4. Why did the cockpit audio recorder not have the backup battery in it?
Is it common for idiot rich boys to forget to install this battery? Was he getting a blowjob from his wife so he removed it?
5. Why did he pull back up from 2,200ft to 2,500ft if it wasn't to contact the FAA ... he DID pull back up to 2,500ft and then about 2 minutes later nose dived straight down in to the ocean ... please theorize about how a man at relatively horizontal elevation preparing to engage in radio contact manages to get distracted\confused to the point of dropping that radio and nose diving to the ground instead.
6. Watch At: 5 Minutes and 28 Seconds How does Todd Burgun get the time of 9:39 correct TO THE MINUTE regarding what time Kennedy was at 2,500ft and likely to have been contacting the tower, AS HE CLAIMS HAPPENED ...
7. Why did the pentagon take over the news conferences
8. Why was that lady cut off when asking about the delay of the search?
9. Why did the FAA not provide the rescue crews with the probable location of the plane?
10. Why was the emergency beacon used to find Kennedy?
11. Why was the rescue delayed FIFTEEN HOURS?
12. Why was the rescue delayed FIFTEEN HOURS?
13. Why Was the rescue delayed FIFTEEN HOURS?
14. Why did a rescue not start:
a. when the plane fell below 100ft or whatever
b. when the plane failed to land
c. when numerous relatives informed them that they were missing
and why did they start looking in all the wrong spots.
why did that one fellow report seeing two helicopters in the same spot as kennedy went down if the coast guard says they weren't there?
Bonus questions:
Why didn't he have an instructor on board if EVERY OTHER TIME HE FLEW, every other time, HE HAD AN INSTRUCTOR
If they weren't waiting on an instructor, why did they all wait 45 extra minutes to get on the plane and fly?
Why was kennedy's phone record not released or investigated. Wouldn't that be important?
please answer as many of those questions as possible.
I'm not saying this was a conspiracy.
I'm saying given so many of those things that appear discrepant to the lay person -- me, the idiot internet conspiracy theorist -- it APPEARS to be a conspiracy.
Please, put my mind at ease and SHOW ME, PROVE TO ME that this was all just a tragic accident and Kennedy just didn't know down from up.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
He was FIVE MINUTES from landing ... he was 14 miles away from the landing strip ... he had just pulled back up from 2,200ft to 2,500 ft because his gradual decent to 2,500 was over shot ... FAA rules require a pause at 2,500ft to notify tower of intent to land ...
the radar record of his flight path PROVES this ... he gradually decends to 2,200ft, pulls up to 2,500ft ... presumably notifies the tower of his intent to land ... the first news broadcast assumes this, since the guy was dead-on correct with the time he gives to the minute ... and then ... what?
He lost control? What happened metsfan?
JFK Jr. was such a bumbling idiot that he couldn't look at a simple instrument and determin up from down? Attitude Indicator OR Artificial Horizon ... everyone knows how to use that thing ... oh wait, I'm upside down, duh!
GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK! He passed his "Instruments Only\ No Visual Flight" Examination, both the written and the practical portions ... he WAS qualified, he just needed to log hours ... which would be even more reason for him to HAVE a flight instructor on board.
what is your reasoning for why his plane just PLUMMETED STRAIGHT DOWN?
Pilot error, huh?
wow that's pretty amazing stupidity.
The guy must have been more stupid than GW Bush.
my reasoning is that it was foggy night and wasnt he also on meds, that could be the reason why. jfk jr was a stupid ass if your gonna fly why not do it when its a clear night not when its foggy, did he have to get where he was going that badly.yeah it was pliot error, sometimes a plane you lose control shit happens. this idea that someone was on it is fucking stupid and im surprised you outta all the people believe it, maybe the neo cons were in on it :rolleyes:. point is he shouldnt of flown cause obivously he couldnt handle the fog and didnt have enough flight time in the air. sucks we lost him cause he probably would ran for president in 04 or 00 and we wouldnt have the dumb fuck that we do now running this country
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I know all of this because I spent way too much time researching this accident for my accident investigation course a few years back. My class discussed this accident for over two weeks covering everything form the ocean currents in the area and their effects on the wreckage pattern to the way Piper Aircraft constructs their main spars in this aircraft. Constant span by the way.
This whole thing is funny actually because we didn't even talk about the fuel selector very long because the engine was running at the time of impact. The MOST common misconception among almost the entire flying public is that the airplane will not fly without the engine running. Even if he had for some reason accidentally turned off the fuel and the engine had quit he would have had around 5 minutes to glide toward land and make a distress call on 121.5. That said I will address a few of the questions.
1. Just answered that one
2. Filing a flight plan is fine if you know exactly when you are going to take off and are in the mood to figure out all of the information. The problem is that if you file and activate a flight plan and you don't close it they will come looking for you shortly after you’re expected down time if don't call them and tell them you're where you're supposed to be. Secondly- if he had been flying with a flight instructor the entire time before this it’s feasible that his instructor had been filing these flight plans and John wasn’t comfortable dealing with it.
3. I don’t know what this flight log is exactly in this case since I didn’t waste my time watching the video but there is no regulatory requirement to have a list of who is on board a part 91 flight. Additionally- they did not recover all of the wreckage. It’s very difficult to do this on land and IMPOSSIBLE in the ocean.
4. Again- it’s not mandatory to have a voice recorder on a part 91 flight. Since it’s not mandatory they probably didn’t spend too much time looking for it . Additionally this type of accident would not have been the result of some communication error. If anything all it would have recorded would have been the screams of both the passenger and the engine- hardly useful information. As far as the backup battery- I wouldn’t have replaced mine in my plane either if it cost more than 10 cents.
5. I explained this earlier but I will revisit it as it seems you weren’t convinced. It’s not as simple as knowing up from down in an airplane in IMC at night. It’s incredibly difficult at times depending on your experience and the conditions. It’s HARD!!! As for the altitude variation- 2200 feet is not a normal altitude to be at. I would assume that either he meant to be at 2500 and during the process of looking out for something or looking at a chart for a frequency he lost 300 feet or he thought he should descend and, upon seeing how far out he was, changed his mind and went back up to 2500. Either way this altitude deviation is moot unless it’s an indication of the beginning of his spacial disorientation. Also- it is not mandatory to contact the controlling agency at exactly 2500 feet. This is simply the top of class D airspace out there. At this distance he could have called them at 1 foot if he wanted to. And he didn’t immediately “nose dive” straight into the ocean. The radar returns show some turns and changes prior to the last readout. *****THIS PART IS IMPORTANT READ IT**** If he had been committing suicide it would have been a straight push all the way from altitude to sea level with subsequent in-flight structural break up (evidenced by detached and missing flight surfaces such as empennage or ailerons). This was seen in the Egypt air flight not too many years later. If his plane had been sabotaged he would have simply glided it for some time (maybe 5 minutes) and he could have easily made a distress call. There was, incidentally, no evidence post impact of anything that would have brought the plane down. As it was pilot induced he would have been too busy trying to correct it to call out and under just enough control to avoid overstressing the airframe to the point of failure.
6, 7, and 8 Don’t know but I don’t think it matters in this case
9. How would the FAA know what the probable location was if he never filed a flight plan and was not under continuous radar control? It’s not possible. And assuming he had been on a flight plan the normal route for this flight for small single engine aircraft was over land most of the way- they would have sent the rescuers to the wrong area. In fact they did send the searchers to the wrong area initially when it was found that he intended to go where he was going. This was a contributing factor in the length of the search.
10. I assume you meant why wasn’t the beacon used? These- unlike CVRs and FDRs are not water proof. It didn’t work under water.
11. 12 and 13. Again- if he wasn’t on a flight plan then the feds would have to assume the best initially. There was no guarantee in the form of a flight plan that he was actually going where he said he was going. They had to search his start location- every inch of his supposed destination and several airports in between to make sure he hadn’t just gone somewhere else and not told anyone.
14. a. no flight plan and no positive radar control = nobody saw or cared what that nameless blob on the radar did. B. and c.- read the answer to number 11, 12 and 13.
There you have it- please give up on this one. There is too much evidence to show what actually happened: uncontrolled flight into the ocean as a result of spacial disorientation. Please read the entire full narrative on the NTSB website if you’re not convinced. I’ll go into much, much further detail on some of these points if you really want but please just give up.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
There you have it- please give up on this one. There is too much evidence to show what actually happened: uncontrolled flight into the ocean as a result of spacial disorientation. Please read the entire full narrative on the NTSB website if you’re not convinced. I’ll go into much, much further detail on some of these points if you really want but please just give up.
Well done, Tenzing N.
Not everything has to be a conspiracy. Most of the time things are as they appear. Most of the time a cigar is just a cigar.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Not everything has to be a conspiracy. Most of the time things are as they appear. Most of the time a cigar is just a cigar.
But I really like my penis.
I may give this one to Tenzig,
but i'm going to leave it at "i don't know but we'll go with it."
Thanks Tenzig, for taking the time regardless.
It's nice to see somone on here who DOES enjoy rational argument and debate.
Your arguments are solid if not all-convincing.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I find it really, really creepy that someone would say that. Unless of course they forgot the smiley face or winky eye....
u2? lol! dude is definately a bit creepy, especially after that statement that I am still trying to make some sense out of, but brings forth ideas/theories worth discussion nonetheless.
and, dont trust tenzing N....he is a neo con planted in this pit by the adminsitration to argue on their behalf. he is PART OF THE CONSPIRACY!
i am only half kidding.
All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
I'd like to see findings of spacial disorientation on pilots what that amount of air time, before I fully believe it really happened.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I am amazed over and over again how just because someone posts a conspiracy video on the internet and says things are factual people just eat it up as if it has to be fact.
After reading these posts I would say Tenzing N has pretty much poked holes in all of these theories but once again people will never admit they could be have been wrong. All because a conspiracy video on the internet says so.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
I am amazed over and over again how just because someone posts a conspiracy video on the internet and says things are factual people just eat it up as if it has to be fact.
After reading these posts I would say Tenzing N has pretty much poked holes in all of these theories but once again people will never admit they could be have been wrong. All because a conspiracy video on the internet says so.
Is it common for airplanes to just drop out of the sky with pilots of JFK's training level?
Does it seem unusual? Yes.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
If I remember correctly his plane was serviced prior to his crashing at Buttonville airport in Vaughan. My office used to overlook the runway of this airport, and my CEO kept his plane there as well.
Actually it was one of the main reasons we decided on that office space, because it was so close to the airport. I've been in the back areas of that "airport" and got a couple tours from mechanics of various planes and "restricted" areas.
I say "restricted" because there is essentially zero security there. You can just drive up park..walk 20 feet and start walking around the place throughout the various buildings runway etc... The security is basically an airplane mechanic asking you what's up (if he wasn't busy).
However I do believe it was pilot error...but who knows. If someone wanted to sabotage his plane it would be as easy as it gets at that location.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
dude, you should be more careful about typing this stuff dude... can't you see the dude in the bushes? they're watching you!
hehe yeah...lol
That only happens when I start cranking on about Zionists. They get really testy and hate to look up from their Islamic carrion feasting.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Let me know if you ever actually watch, read, or otherwise digest any of the information to which i post links.
It is easy to be able to blow things off and infer the stupidity of the poster.
It requires some effort to absorb and comprehend the information.
Further still, it requires some modicum of bravery to question the fables that this culture so desperately tries to manufacture for you.
I suppose you don't find it a bit intriguing that JFK Jr. hired Oliver Stone to write an article for George Magazine about the assassination of his father? Have you seen the movie JFK? You do realize that it directly implicates the CIA and Federal Government in the murder of it's own president, correct?
The fact that John-John bankrolled the man to write up a piece for his magazine about that very same subject directly implies that JFK Jr. believes this to be true.
You can say what you want and blindly criticize.
But i know that you never have and never will attempt to look at any of the posted links ...
...and you will never choose to examine any of these matters from any but the most skeptical and close-minded perspective.
For shits and giggles,
what do you believe happened to JFK?
WHO killed him and why?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I meant who killed JFK and why, not John Jr. ... i guess that was misleading.
Anyhow ...
if you watch the above video you will learn that JFK Jr. never, and i mean never flew without an instructor, and that all of his instructors said he was a very meticulous and by-the-book pilot ...
you don't find it odd that the fuel selector switch was in the "off" position !?!
That means someone overrode the "idiot button" depressed it, and then switched THE FUEL LINES TO OFF!
What the fuck kind of pilot error is TURNING OFF YOUR FUEL !?!
Answer that.
Go watch the video.
Learn that the other documented case of that happening is a suicide pilot on an egyptian army flight, and that the suicide pilot switched off the fuel line to keep anyone else from pulling the plane out of it's steep dive.
and coincidentally JFK Jrs plane DOVE STRAIGHT DOWN IN TO THE OCEAN.
that sure seems fishy.
Along with these facts:
Claims no flight plan filed -- He ALWAYS filed a flight plan
Claims no contact with FAA -- First live news reports prove he did!
Claim no logbook found -- The bag he always kept his log book in WAS found
No voice recording of cockpit and why? -- BACK UP BATTERY MISSING!
All plane wreckage uncoveed except passanger seat
Instead of 5 minutes for a search, it took FIFTEEN HOURS
Pentagon took over control of press conferences! The pentagon? WTF? Why the PENTAGON?
Only lady to ask the right question gets her line cut off! no question for you!
you think maybe there was a passenger (a flight instructor) and that someone didn't want this to be known?
Just go watch that movie.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I find it really, really interesting that you get that.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
He was FIVE MINUTES from landing ... he was 14 miles away from the landing strip ... he had just pulled back up from 2,200ft to 2,500 ft because his gradual decent to 2,500 was over shot ... FAA rules require a pause at 2,500ft to notify tower of intent to land ...
the radar record of his flight path PROVES this ... he gradually decends to 2,200ft, pulls up to 2,500ft ... presumably notifies the tower of his intent to land ... the first news broadcast assumes this, since the guy was dead-on correct with the time he gives to the minute ... and then ... what?
He lost control? What happened metsfan?
JFK Jr. was such a bumbling idiot that he couldn't look at a simple instrument and determin up from down? Attitude Indicator OR Artificial Horizon ... everyone knows how to use that thing ... oh wait, I'm upside down, duh!
He passed his "Instruments Only\ No Visual Flight" Examination, both the written and the practical portions ... he WAS qualified, he just needed to log hours ... which would be even more reason for him to HAVE a flight instructor on board.
what is your reasoning for why his plane just PLUMMETED STRAIGHT DOWN?
Pilot error, huh?
wow that's pretty amazing stupidity.
The guy must have been more stupid than GW Bush.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I find it really, really creepy that someone would say that. Unless of course they forgot the smiley face or winky eye....
It's cute how people want to believe in their government though.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
Okay, so why was the fuel selector valve switched off?
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
The following is taken directly form the NTSB report on the Accident. The NTSB is not affiliated with the FAA and has no interest in covering up anything. If you research the report from TWA flight 800 it included the eye witness reports of seeing a streaking light toward the aircraft prior to explosion.
The tachometer needle was found intact, fixed in place, and pointed to 2,750 rpm. The red line on the tachometer began at 2,700 rpm. The hour register inside the tachometer read 0663.5 hours. The manifold pressure gauge needle was found fixed in place and indicated 27 inches Hg. The fuel flow gauge needle was found slightly loose and indicated 22 gallons per hour. The exhaust gas temperature gauge needle was found loose and indicated 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit (F). The oil temperature gauge was found fixed and indicated 150 degrees F. The oil pressure gauge was found fixed and indicated about 17 pounds per square inch (psi). The cylinder temperature gauge needle was not found. The fuel quantity gauges were destroyed. The altimeter needle was found fixed and indicated 270 feet. The altimeter setting was found fixed at 30.09 Hg. The top of the VOR indicator heading card was found at the 097-degree bearing.
All of that information says that the engine was running at the time of impact. They have very precise ways of telling what an instrument says at impact based on "witness marks" that are left on the faces of the dials.
Is there anything else about this theory you would like for me to dispell? If you would like to see the entire report look up NYC99MA178 in the NTSB accident database.
some assume he would have eventually run, and won, for president
but honestly, this video doesnt really do much for me or that incident.
Actually, I'd rather you actually watch the video and then let me know what you think. If after viewing it you still think everything was on the up and up, then I guess that's fair enough. Your explanation doesn't really seem to explain why or how the selector ended up being switched off. From my understanding, there is no way it could have happened accidentally.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
Yeah actually, there is.
I LOVE good information!
Ask 69charger about when i used to pick his brain about rocket science.
1. You seem convinced this was as they say.
Why do you seem to know so much about the JFK Jr. incident specificaly.
You quoted the NTSB reports and have a seemingly detailed memory of the conditions for flight that day. Why are you so interested in JFK Jr's death if you think it was just an accident. Were you formally "in to" these conspiracy theories before you saw the light of reason? What caused you to want to research this in the first place, surely you didn't just start today because of this thread. Just curious. Want to know why you know what you know.
2. Why did JFK Jr. not file a flight plan.
Seems he did every other day in his life, why the one time when he dies did he not?
3. Why did they not recover the one piece of evidence, the flight log, that would indicate who was on the plane. Relatives say he always kept in in a turquoise bag -- which was recovered. Was this the one day he decided "Fuck it, i'm gonna keep the flight log on my lap" ?
4. Why did the cockpit audio recorder not have the backup battery in it?
Is it common for idiot rich boys to forget to install this battery? Was he getting a blowjob from his wife so he removed it?
5. Why did he pull back up from 2,200ft to 2,500ft if it wasn't to contact the FAA ... he DID pull back up to 2,500ft and then about 2 minutes later nose dived straight down in to the ocean ... please theorize about how a man at relatively horizontal elevation preparing to engage in radio contact manages to get distracted\confused to the point of dropping that radio and nose diving to the ground instead.
6. Watch At: 5 Minutes and 28 Seconds How does Todd Burgun get the time of 9:39 correct TO THE MINUTE regarding what time Kennedy was at 2,500ft and likely to have been contacting the tower, AS HE CLAIMS HAPPENED ...
7. Why did the pentagon take over the news conferences
8. Why was that lady cut off when asking about the delay of the search?
9. Why did the FAA not provide the rescue crews with the probable location of the plane?
10. Why was the emergency beacon used to find Kennedy?
11. Why was the rescue delayed FIFTEEN HOURS?
12. Why was the rescue delayed FIFTEEN HOURS?
13. Why Was the rescue delayed FIFTEEN HOURS?
14. Why did a rescue not start:
a. when the plane fell below 100ft or whatever
b. when the plane failed to land
c. when numerous relatives informed them that they were missing
and why did they start looking in all the wrong spots.
why did that one fellow report seeing two helicopters in the same spot as kennedy went down if the coast guard says they weren't there?
Bonus questions:
Why didn't he have an instructor on board if EVERY OTHER TIME HE FLEW, every other time, HE HAD AN INSTRUCTOR
If they weren't waiting on an instructor, why did they all wait 45 extra minutes to get on the plane and fly?
Why was kennedy's phone record not released or investigated. Wouldn't that be important?
please answer as many of those questions as possible.
I'm not saying this was a conspiracy.
I'm saying given so many of those things that appear discrepant to the lay person -- me, the idiot internet conspiracy theorist -- it APPEARS to be a conspiracy.
Please, put my mind at ease and SHOW ME, PROVE TO ME that this was all just a tragic accident and Kennedy just didn't know down from up.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
A lot of logic to be found in there...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
This whole thing is funny actually because we didn't even talk about the fuel selector very long because the engine was running at the time of impact. The MOST common misconception among almost the entire flying public is that the airplane will not fly without the engine running. Even if he had for some reason accidentally turned off the fuel and the engine had quit he would have had around 5 minutes to glide toward land and make a distress call on 121.5. That said I will address a few of the questions.
1. Just answered that one
2. Filing a flight plan is fine if you know exactly when you are going to take off and are in the mood to figure out all of the information. The problem is that if you file and activate a flight plan and you don't close it they will come looking for you shortly after you’re expected down time if don't call them and tell them you're where you're supposed to be. Secondly- if he had been flying with a flight instructor the entire time before this it’s feasible that his instructor had been filing these flight plans and John wasn’t comfortable dealing with it.
3. I don’t know what this flight log is exactly in this case since I didn’t waste my time watching the video but there is no regulatory requirement to have a list of who is on board a part 91 flight. Additionally- they did not recover all of the wreckage. It’s very difficult to do this on land and IMPOSSIBLE in the ocean.
4. Again- it’s not mandatory to have a voice recorder on a part 91 flight. Since it’s not mandatory they probably didn’t spend too much time looking for it . Additionally this type of accident would not have been the result of some communication error. If anything all it would have recorded would have been the screams of both the passenger and the engine- hardly useful information. As far as the backup battery- I wouldn’t have replaced mine in my plane either if it cost more than 10 cents.
5. I explained this earlier but I will revisit it as it seems you weren’t convinced. It’s not as simple as knowing up from down in an airplane in IMC at night. It’s incredibly difficult at times depending on your experience and the conditions. It’s HARD!!! As for the altitude variation- 2200 feet is not a normal altitude to be at. I would assume that either he meant to be at 2500 and during the process of looking out for something or looking at a chart for a frequency he lost 300 feet or he thought he should descend and, upon seeing how far out he was, changed his mind and went back up to 2500. Either way this altitude deviation is moot unless it’s an indication of the beginning of his spacial disorientation. Also- it is not mandatory to contact the controlling agency at exactly 2500 feet. This is simply the top of class D airspace out there. At this distance he could have called them at 1 foot if he wanted to. And he didn’t immediately “nose dive” straight into the ocean. The radar returns show some turns and changes prior to the last readout. *****THIS PART IS IMPORTANT READ IT**** If he had been committing suicide it would have been a straight push all the way from altitude to sea level with subsequent in-flight structural break up (evidenced by detached and missing flight surfaces such as empennage or ailerons). This was seen in the Egypt air flight not too many years later. If his plane had been sabotaged he would have simply glided it for some time (maybe 5 minutes) and he could have easily made a distress call. There was, incidentally, no evidence post impact of anything that would have brought the plane down. As it was pilot induced he would have been too busy trying to correct it to call out and under just enough control to avoid overstressing the airframe to the point of failure.
6, 7, and 8 Don’t know but I don’t think it matters in this case
9. How would the FAA know what the probable location was if he never filed a flight plan and was not under continuous radar control? It’s not possible. And assuming he had been on a flight plan the normal route for this flight for small single engine aircraft was over land most of the way- they would have sent the rescuers to the wrong area. In fact they did send the searchers to the wrong area initially when it was found that he intended to go where he was going. This was a contributing factor in the length of the search.
10. I assume you meant why wasn’t the beacon used? These- unlike CVRs and FDRs are not water proof. It didn’t work under water.
11. 12 and 13. Again- if he wasn’t on a flight plan then the feds would have to assume the best initially. There was no guarantee in the form of a flight plan that he was actually going where he said he was going. They had to search his start location- every inch of his supposed destination and several airports in between to make sure he hadn’t just gone somewhere else and not told anyone.
14. a. no flight plan and no positive radar control = nobody saw or cared what that nameless blob on the radar did. B. and c.- read the answer to number 11, 12 and 13.
There you have it- please give up on this one. There is too much evidence to show what actually happened: uncontrolled flight into the ocean as a result of spacial disorientation. Please read the entire full narrative on the NTSB website if you’re not convinced. I’ll go into much, much further detail on some of these points if you really want but please just give up.
Well done, Tenzing N.
Not everything has to be a conspiracy. Most of the time things are as they appear. Most of the time a cigar is just a cigar.
But I really like my penis.
I may give this one to Tenzig,
but i'm going to leave it at "i don't know but we'll go with it."
Thanks Tenzig, for taking the time regardless.
It's nice to see somone on here who DOES enjoy rational argument and debate.
Your arguments are solid if not all-convincing.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
and, dont trust tenzing N....he is a neo con planted in this pit by the adminsitration to argue on their behalf. he is PART OF THE CONSPIRACY!
i am only half kidding.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
After reading these posts I would say Tenzing N has pretty much poked holes in all of these theories but once again people will never admit they could be have been wrong. All because a conspiracy video on the internet says so.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
Is it common for airplanes to just drop out of the sky with pilots of JFK's training level?
Does it seem unusual? Yes.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)