Is George W. Bush The "GrandSon of the Beast", Aleister Crowley?

This is weird shit.
If anyone cares to put down their perceived "sanity" for a minute and embrace the notion that the elite of this world actually DO practice weird occultic rituals, and DO worship the maintenance of close blood relations (blood lines) and so forth ... then the following is certainly an odd possibility.
George W. Bush May Be The Grandson of Aleister Crowley
Photos of Barbara Bush & Aleister Crowley
I dunno.
I heard about this from Freeman, who was on the AJ Show last friday.
Freeman knows a SHIT TON about freemasonry, occultism, numerology, kabalism, and all sorts of fucked up shit. I mean the guy is WELL READ.
Certainly sounds plausible, if not totaly unsubstantiated.
If anyone cares to put down their perceived "sanity" for a minute and embrace the notion that the elite of this world actually DO practice weird occultic rituals, and DO worship the maintenance of close blood relations (blood lines) and so forth ... then the following is certainly an odd possibility.
George W. Bush May Be The Grandson of Aleister Crowley
Photos of Barbara Bush & Aleister Crowley
I dunno.
I heard about this from Freeman, who was on the AJ Show last friday.
Freeman knows a SHIT TON about freemasonry, occultism, numerology, kabalism, and all sorts of fucked up shit. I mean the guy is WELL READ.
Certainly sounds plausible, if not totaly unsubstantiated.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
I read about this a few months ago
small world apparently...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
She sure as hell has the jaw, the jowl, the eyes, and most notably (besides the eyes), her LIPS ... look at the picture in the top right and bottom right.
Look at the eyes and lips. Its almost scary.
Also, if you were some crazy young, rich floozie,
and you were hanging out with "The Beast", whose sexual virility is legendary ...
and you had the opportunity of "being" with him for a period of time ...
uh ... would you?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I can certainly understand empowered people banding together in secret societies....all this is independent of the 666-bloodline-assertion, mind you.
The power these guys hold is not the power they appear to hold.
And anyone can tap this power, too.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Excuse me,
but this is bullshit.
Just because certain members of this forum don't stick to the same shit that is printed in a college history book, they are somehow degrading the forum?
How about continuing to be stuck in a fake paradigm decades after The Who wrote the tune "Won't Get Fooled Again".
Boy were they fucking off the mark.
The American public will be fooled again, and again, and again, and again, apparently.
Meet the new boss.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
You'll get no argument from me....the resemblance is absolutely uncanny.
Socialites of the day attracted to the mysterious bad boy Crowley. The are connections placing people in proximities at certain times.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I know a bit about occult magik.
Not intimately, but via second hand accounts.
My best friend in highschool was a fucking genius.
He literally got a 1600 on the SAT.
He was pompous, arrogant, condescending, offputting, socialy ackward, and extremely literate. The guy just devoured everything from Roman history and Greek literature, on to philosophy, psychology, and more.
In short, he was a perfect candidate for ritualistic magik.
He started to get obsessed with it actually.
he read Aleisters books, he read the Illuminatus trillogy, and he practiced.
Being a mere "mortal" myself ... someone with only a slightly above average SAT score and apparent intelligence, i just ignored it.
But when i did ask questions, it became pretty clear what occult "magik" is really all about.
That what i got out of it anyhow.
You use "powers" to cast "spells" on people.
And by "spells" i mean, you weave illusions over them by various means to render them within your control.
It is no WONDER the elite are obsessed with this shit.
Its all about fucking your mind in any way possible to get you to submit.
I remember he used to try his "magik" on the street. If we went to starbucks (where i worked) he would try it on the employees. He would try to weasle his way to a free cup of coffee, or in to a girls pants, or win an argument that he knew was false, just to see if he could get someone to admit defeat (even though they were right).
That is what i came to understand as "magik", from my misguided-genius amigo.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
For the longest time I thought Barbara was an old guy. Even when she was in her 40s.
Again, with 14 years experience in this stuff, I say people looking at it from the outside don't understand it. At the same time, yes, also people who learn to use natural potentials all around us, who are not in a good place, can abuse this potential.
All is accepted within natural law...people merely must accept the consequences of their actions........they cannot escape universal law.
And again, I completely understand how those who have learned to wield power learn to stay among other like-minded ones.
You yourself know the abuse and degradation mediocre minds heap on great Spirits.
Keep in mind, that as I refer to the empowered, I know perfectly well that one irresponsible step, like with George Bush, for example, is absolutely dealt with universally. When one TRULY understands the occult, one understands the principles and dynamics beyond mere and fallible humans. And one greatly reveres them knowing they are always in 'control'. Humans never ever control nature...they can only work WITH universal law.
Just like someone who on this board acts irresponsible, they will reap what they sow, the same goes for 'the elite'. The problems comes in with the scripts we assign to these happenstances, when we don't understand the big picture.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
But you also don't seem like the type who greatly reveres Aleister Crowley and "his school" of occultism.
I have no doubt that just like any universal force, there is an equal and "opposite" counterpart.
I'm just telling you what i was told by someone who studied from Crowley's writings directly. He told me it was 10% about ritual and 90% about manipulating people through coercive, subtle, and often times subliminal or subconscious means.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Still....if people give up their consciousness and free-will, which they do all the time as you know, if I am empowered and focused on the greater good, I have no qualms about molding (manipulating) a 'better' world. People unconsciously contract with me all the time by their choices/actions, to willingly go along....
When we all attune to our potential, and the world around us, we'll all do this to the point of self-actualization, and in harmony.
The negative consequences teach us all the time....again, like those who are derogatory, manipulative and abusive on this board...
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I don't think these people understand, accept, or follow that assertion.
Unless possibly they rationalize that what they are doing is in the interest of the greater good of humanity in the longview. I fully believe this is the case, but I disagree with them. And i think they are being dishonest with themselves.
Certainly you don't deny that there are those who abuse "the occult".
What is it you think they are doing in there at Bohemian Grove, worshiping that weird homaphroditic owl god\goddess statue, all dressed in pagan robes, with staffs of light in hand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Just wondering.
There really is no difference between being spoonfed by the mass media and spoonfed by crackpot conspiracy theorists with way to much time on their hands. Being fed from a different bowl is all. Maybe some folks "won't be fooled again" by guys who balance glass bottles on their doorknobs and wire their apartments to burn in case the proverbial "they" should happen to find them.
You have to admit, that was a great movie with excellent performances from Mel, Julia and Patrick.
For example, all the global stuff....from the occult standpoint, we just ARE evolving to an open world. And many...such as the North American leaders know this, and are merely aligning...feeling that warm fuzzy feeling, "helping" us blind folk along...while opportunistically grabbing all the win-win they can get.
The consequences they reap are ones I personally could not handle. My guess is you could not either.... They live my nightmare life.
So yes, humanitarian focused people like myself, yourself, or Roland, for example, seek to do the same thing in terms of awakening peole to their own remains the same thing, imo.
The occult itself is not negative at all. It's merely hidden, due to the ignorance of the average person, and the witchhunt-lynch-mob-Christ-killing approach the average blind person you must well know from experience.....
As for rituals...if they are empowering to individuals, I'm for it. Symbolism has a huge power on our subconscious. I use the power of it all the time, in marshalling my own forces, and work to do so in influencing others....and the mental health field, and I see myself doing this on some pretty fundamental levels over time. Words themselves are symbols...I see you using them quite consciously and effectively for your own purposes, too.....
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Perceive the occult as competition or a threat to the perceived powers of their god. They perceive the Occult as a contradiction to their God's powers.
So naturally, since they percieve their god as the god of all that is good and loving (cough...cough....), then, in their minds, the Occult must be the opposite......Evil.
And they have played that up for centuries.
Truth is, for all we know......the organized religions may turn out to be the work of the evil one (the devil), as a means of dividing humans, pandering to their self-righteousness and pitting them against themselves.
And the Occult may in fact turn out to be the works of all the natural spiritualism and natural physics of the universel; which we simply don't comprehend at this stage of our existence and intelligence.
You never know. It could turn out that way.
Barbara should really wear her wig when she poses for a camera. She looks good with the hat, though.
naděje umírá poslední
please remove broomstick from'll feel better.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I know Angelica thinks of these guys as the enlightened and extra-perceptive idealist elite, but in this case I guess I'm happy being just an average joe who relys on logic and reason. I try to stay out of the fruitloop threads, but it is always humorous when the fruitloops condescend as Driftin' did in this thread. I generally like Driftin' but when some of this wacky shit is flung around and presented as alternative to being stuck in a fake paradigm, it is natural for the reasonable to question.
Heres the link to the Freeman interview.
And some Crowley workks if interested.
You do realize that my condescension was in direct response to someone who said "this forum has gone downhill in a real bad way...", in direct reference to ME, right?
When someone comes on and says something as seemingly random as, "is George W. Bush the grandson of Aleister Crowley", "it is natural for the reasonable to question".
Fuck man, I ASKED a question my self!
The goddamn title of the thread is a fucking question!
The problem i have is that while it may be "natural for a reasonable person to question", those people (and you are going here on the assumption that they are reasonable, and presumably not I?) are NOT ASKING REASONABLE QUESTIONS.
Heres how it works:
1. Unsubstantiated claim or question
2. Response: You're a fucking idiot\loon\wacko. You detract from this forum.
3. General mudslinging.
4. Distraction and side dialogue
5. You show up and say of course its reasonable to ask questions.
Lets here it.
Someone look at this stuff.
George W. Bush's maternal grandmother galavants around IN CLOSE RELATION to Aleister Crowley and comes home pregnant.
Given the notoriety of his "fuck stick" and given the apparent notoriety of her own sexual promiscuity (rumors of affairs with Eishenhower, was it?) ... whose to fucking say?
But shit, instead of just bashing me,
ask a reasonable question.
Don't just come on here and be a dick because your seemingly narrow perception of the world doesn't jive with a possibly more complex or bizzare actuality. [not directed at you, Jeff, just in general]
Seriously i want to know what the fuck it is about some of this stuff (take Bohemian Grove, for example, which IS DOCUMENTED) "fruitloop" ... ???
If I opened it now would you not understand?
What the people referred to are is powerful. I don't see that as in dispute. (edit: I may have misunderstood who you mean by "these guys"...if you mean those like Roland and Drifting, I don't consider them enlightened, but I do consider them to have a fairly rare perception! ..which also at times contains flaws, like most of our mindsets do!)
What I defend is "the occult", which is as neutral as water. It can be used for good or bad.
all paradigms are valid, given the context. And if we all allow ourselves to evolve, we progress to other paradigms, just as we progressed from crawling to walking.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
To suggest our more perceptive, far-seeing intuitive types are "crazy" is .... a position coming from lack of awareness. To degrade intuitive intelligence, which is not logical intelligence, is fairly socially acceptable, and speaks to our bias as a society, not to the truth of the importance of such intelligence.
The proof will be in the logic that disproves such possibilities...not in the personal attacks based on emotional argument or lack of awareness.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Pass the broomstick....
lol....I love when people get all uptight about stupid shit like this.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)