Great Obama Art Posters For The Believers

Obama: Obey
Yes We Can!
Obama & The Flag
Barack '08
Che Obama
Obama: Man of the People
Obama: Creepy
That was good fun.

Yes We Can!
Obama & The Flag
Barack '08
Che Obama
Obama: Man of the People
Obama: Creepy
That was good fun.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
What is "extremely offensive" here?
This is politics.
Obama represents some VERY socialist views,
and most of these posters are a reflection of that.
Sure the Barack\Borat one is a pejorative take on his muslim heritage,
but it gets an "A" for creativity, in my book
The rest of them?
I mean ... come on ...
Obama is the guy that just went to Germany of all places ... right next to a famous German war memorial ... and said things like "Americans and Europeans will be REQUIRED to do more, NOT less" and that cooperation is "NOT AN OPTION" it is "the ONE way", "the ONLY way" ... to protect our common security.
Some people find that kind of talk to be a bit over the top.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
funny... some of the folks on this board that are far left and nader supporters would argue until they were blue the complete opposite
no. i don't think they are "flat out stupid".
Clearly Obama has yet to show any hints of starting a holocaust or anything of the sort.
I think the point is more that Hitler was a phenomenally captivating public speaker, who wooed the public with the force of his words. He heaped promises of a new Germany, and spoke of the need for a great new servitude to the country ...
... a lot of that DOES get invoked by Obama. Witness his recent Berlin speech. And that is where it makes sens.
The validity of the comparison also comes in the assumption by some (like me, maybe roland, some others) that Obama is probably largely full of shit (or possibly delusional, another fair comparison anyhow) and that his words are simply a crowd friendly mask that veils a darker force in waiting.
I don't think that Obama likely embodies much of the same personal vitriol and evil that Hitler did (and lets not forget, Hitler also was backed by a lot of "evil" american & international bankers, just like obama) ... but, it doesn't necessarily make much difference. I mean, if Obama ends up just being the friendly puppet we see dance around on stage while Hitler-esque men run amok behind him (witness his donations from all those banks) leading this country down dark paths ... that is equally if not MORE dangerous than having an overtly evil dictator up front.
If the people can be stupified by a smooth talker who can keep them distracted and blind by promising a grand idea here and there, all while the country is slowly bled to death and our rights are eviscerated ... that is certainly a dangerous path ... and it represents something that, while maybe not wholly akin to Hitler, is certainly not lacking in rough similarities.
Remember the arguments posed on this board by those that would defend Prescott Bush and his business relationship with the NAZIs by attempting to say that "Hitler didn't start out a raging evil madman. He was just a smooth talking national socialist politician with some strong ideas and an immense popularity, in the beginning."
Need i say more?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
What did Obama do? You may prefer to have someone else as a president, that's a rational human behavior. But to argue seriously a comparison between someone and Hitler? Seriously?
edit: I have no idea why the use of Hitler/SS comparison are so popular in internet arguments but it doesn't really help.
edit2 : the borat one is funny
edit3 : if Obama's a socialist I really wonder what would someone like Kucinich or Nader be labelled
So being articulate warrants a Hitler comparison?
Note to self: speak in monosyllables and broken english so as not to be compared to Hitler.
Thanks for the tip. :rolleyes:
i seriously can't figure it out. Obama is either an angy Black radical socialist, or a white talking sell-out who panders to consevatives. Which is it?
i through something together last night for ya:
Obama's New World Order
Your favorite "moderator" presides.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Yeah, but she made great film!
And be honest,
you have NO IDEA if the new boss will lie any less, or be any less diseased and disorderd.
Just like me, you are speculating based on your own fears and desires.
Truth be told,
going off of Obamas election flip-flops thus far, he promises to be just about exactly the same as the old boss.
he can't even keep his story straight on Iraq.
And no one seems to even want to comment on the fact that 4 of his top 7 dollar contributions come from the owners of the federal reserve.
edit: i lied. its actualy FIVE out of the Top 7:
Goldman Sachs $571,330
University of California $437,236
UBS AG $364,806
JPMorgan Chase & Co $362,207
Citigroup Inc $358,054
National Amusements Inc $320,750
Lehman Brothers $318,647
Don't give the, "but they're INDIVIDUAL contributions"
5 out of the top 7 contributions to Obama's campaing HAVE COME FROM THE TOP BANKS OF THE ELITE.
No change their.
ps - & "National Amusements" is a controlling owner of CBS.
I've yet to figure out what the connection is with UCal ... i'm sure its rich, whatever it is.
pps- oh wait. i figured it out. UCal is just a money funnel for the elite. shit, it was the research center for the production of the atomic bomb. nuff said.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Don't ya love how things ALWAYS come clear like that?
that comment actually made me smile
"Let's not forget that the last time 200,000 people came together in Berlin, it was to listen to the most evil man in the world. David Hasselhoff."
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)