Lindsay Williams: Oil Going to $50 a Barrel, to Break Iran AND the Dollar

Lindsay Williams (who has been right about everything he has "predicted" for several decades now) is on with Alex Jones right now.
He is saying that, along with having received a few new threats that had him scared silent for over a month, that he also has been given more information from one of the "insiders" -- one of his old oil company contacts.
This is what Lindsay is saying:
The current plan is to totally reverse the direction of oil back down to $50 a barrel.
"They" are going to do this in order to "utterly destroy the Middle East".
Because those countries are totally dependent on the price of oil to keep their economies afloat.
He also said that the obverse of this is that they are looking to destroy the dollar in this process too. The mechanism would be that the destabilization of the Middle East would cause THEIR economies so much strain that they could no longer hold on to or purchase more of US Treasury bills.
This flood of treasury securities back in to America will utterly crush the dollar.
He ALSO said that the way they are going to put oil back to $50 is that they are going to open to MASSIVE oil fields (that are currently "unknown") ... one in Indonesia, and one in Russia.
He ALSO said that this fellow said MCCAIN is "their man", and that "something will happen" to "ensure that he wins".
And then this contact said that America will have a "massive financial collapse" with in the next year!
Lindsay Williams (who has been right about everything he has "predicted" for several decades now) is on with Alex Jones right now.
He is saying that, along with having received a few new threats that had him scared silent for over a month, that he also has been given more information from one of the "insiders" -- one of his old oil company contacts.
This is what Lindsay is saying:
The current plan is to totally reverse the direction of oil back down to $50 a barrel.
"They" are going to do this in order to "utterly destroy the Middle East".
Because those countries are totally dependent on the price of oil to keep their economies afloat.
He also said that the obverse of this is that they are looking to destroy the dollar in this process too. The mechanism would be that the destabilization of the Middle East would cause THEIR economies so much strain that they could no longer hold on to or purchase more of US Treasury bills.
This flood of treasury securities back in to America will utterly crush the dollar.
He ALSO said that the way they are going to put oil back to $50 is that they are going to open to MASSIVE oil fields (that are currently "unknown") ... one in Indonesia, and one in Russia.
He ALSO said that this fellow said MCCAIN is "their man", and that "something will happen" to "ensure that he wins".
And then this contact said that America will have a "massive financial collapse" with in the next year!
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
2. Indonesia is one of the most unstable parts of the earth. By time they locate oil and begin drilling, it will probably be hit by a massive earthquake.
3. Is being dependent upon Russia for oil any better than the Middle East?
4. I wonder what would ensure a McCain win other than fraud?
It will be very interesting if any of what he says comes true.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
1. The point, per Williams, is to utterly cripple the middle east, and Iran specificaly.
The thinking is probably that the ME countries are so reliant on their oil economy that they can not afford to play bluff by pulling their oil. I'm sure the contingency here is simply to ensure that the added oil infrastructure elsewhere will be enough to keep the markets flooded regardless of what the ME does. Again, this is about breaking every country in the sand. And also to help destroy the dollar, he says.
2. They already located the oil. The fields are ready to go, so says his sources.
In fact, the news Lindsay relayed today on Alex's show is actualy news he received himself 7 weeks ago, and has spoken of elsewhere. He says that Fox news announced a month ago or so that the pipelines in Indonesia were starting to flow. He gave the exact day of the report so anyone could go confirm it. He says the second part, Russia, is yet to be announced.
3. The point here has NOTHING to do with what is best for the United States. It's about what is best for the global ruling class. They want to get rid of the arab menace, and they want to put America back in her place.
Putting this new oil wealth in to the hands of russian or ex-russian states is deliberate.
It shifts a balance of power back towards the east. Back towards the old red countries.
To give you an idea of where this line of thinking comes from , regarding America specificaly, lets go back to the 1800s ...
London Times editorial: Now obviously the means and the rules of the game have changed since the bankers got the whole world hooked on a cooked-books fiat currency system, but the MO is the same ... if America begins to threaten the global balance of power, and specificaly, if she begins to threaten the vested interests of the banking elite, then she must be checked. Also, you can replace "every monarchy" with "every national socialist state" ... as this is the new true aim, a global socialist union.
They used this country to get their institutional stranglehold on most of the world, and now that they are done with their imperial attack dog, they need to break her legs and get her to submit.
4. An incident of "national security", obviously.
Ariana Huffington (Huffington Post) said it herself on Fox News a few weeks ago, she said "don't think that an incident somewhere in this world, not necessarily america, but somewhere globally, won't remind American's about the primacy of national security, and change the outcome of this election" ... she was VERY clear that something WILL happen, and that it will put national security back in the spot light. She said this would swing it for McCain.
Now, i hope you didn't need Ms. Ariana to explain that to yuns,
but its the troof.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
1. we only 18% of our imported oil comes from the middle east. If these massive indonesian and russian oil reserves happen, that could provide, but Indonesia is a muslim country, and if they are unknown, then it'll be 10 yrs minimum from their discovery before they can pump any reasonable amount of oil, and that won't matter if it can't be pumped to a means of massive transport.
2. agreed
3. no, but Russia not being beholdent to the middle east could help us politically in pressuring the middle eastern countries we aren't friendly with. If it's enough oil, they can supply to China, which would be even better in some ways. Worse in others.
4. a McCain win will be bad, regardless of it you are a Nadar, Green, or Democrat. Very very bad....
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so I wonder how long they've known about these new oil reserve areas? Conspiracy theories galore here. What an ugly thought, breaking the middle east will turn half the popular there into active extremists, not sure that's a good thing.
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no doubt
I don't see too many people arguing against the notion that the oil industry has supressed TECHNOLOGIES, and has deliberately bought up all the refineries, so as to keep the world oil-hungry, and artificialy "scarce".
In fact, i see libs on here all the time about supressed technology, or rambling about the need for more refineries.
If they are willing to hold back technology and refinement,
what makes you think they aren't willing to hold back raw crude in the ground?
Old Donald Trump was on CNBC last week, and he said himself, "there is NO oil shortage". ... "The world is AWASH in oil." ... "They don't know what to do with all the oil they have!"
Now, you tell me.
Whats what here?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
drifting my good buddy... tell me something good going on in the world
I did.
I posted a thread about it.
Bob Chapman thinks the elite have fucked themselves in the face.
I'd say that's good news, right?
i'm moving in 3 days,
i can't WAIT to get the fuck out of Georgia,
and on up to sweet sweet North Cakalaky!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
mediocre news at best.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
thanks for playing though.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
too much greed to just "give it away" so to speak...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
This is about greed, Roland.
They want it all. And they must find a way to attempt to stop the Islamic near east from rising to global prominence.
If that means they have to drop the price of oil back to $50 for a while, i think the trillionaire international banksters can handle it.
Remember oil was at $80 a barrell but 8 months ago!
this all remains to be seen.
Its just a bit disconcerting to hear it from Lindsay,
whose play by plays on the price of oil have historicaly been balls on target.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
It sure would give me more go go juice time on the water....
Interesting. It's got a few angles to it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
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Stop by:
This has to be the master of all pearl jam board conspiracies. Ok first, who the fuck is THEY!?
And if "they" really are as powerful as to be able to dictate the price of oil, why do they care at all about what Iran does?
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Controlling soverign nations and their peoples is proving just a wee bit harder than controlling the world's resources. Just ask "them" about America.
We're talking about the interconnected nature of the global financial order.
The theory involved here is that foreign consumption of US Treasury Bills is a linchpin supporting the entire US dollar hegemony.
Foreign consumption of US bonds\notes\bills is of critical importance to maintaining the stability of the dollar when the US is running at a deficit. Without foreign debt holders, the US is forced to sell treasuries to the Fed in exchnge for dollars. This is inflationary. But if the money is given to the US by a foreign creditor in exchange for treasuries, it prevents the creation of "new money", so to speak.
Beyond that, there are a whole host of problems associated with a foreign "fire sale" of treasury assets. It would drive long term rates up (think about mortgages here), causing both a further massive depression in the housing market, and also causing a domestic sell off in treasuries.
It is a self-feeding cycle.
If foreign creditors sell, it will send signals to Wall Street that inflation is about to increase (lack of foreign creditors = inflation in deficit economy) ... this inflationary fear leads to more people dumping treasuries. The massive dumping of treasuries leads to pressure in the markets that causes the "real" rate of return on those notes to increase. This puts pressure on the Treasury to raise the actual rate of their new treasury sales, and all of this raising of rates not only affects mortgages and all secondary market loans ... but it AGAIN worsens the crisis ...
... because, now you have rising rates, which causes the street to freak out, since they are sitting on all these notes with low yields (like 2 or 3%) yet inflation is (seemingly paradoxicaly) driving up interest rates, and they are now losing money because the rate on the street is more than the rate in their treasuries. Thus, they sell more treasuries and move in to commodities that will inflate along with rates (like gold and oil) ... and again, the spiral continues out of control, until the Fed, the Treasury, and the American economy in general are absolutely fucked.
Here are some good articles on aspects of this.
The treasury\inflation\deficit problem is a huge problem right now, and we are about to get ass-fucked by it, regardless of this speculation here about what "they" are doing to oil.
Forbes, Aug 07: China may sell off Treasury bonds if US imposes trade sanctions
Naked Capitalism Sep, 07: Foreign Investors Abandoning US Treasuries
The International Forecaster, June 5th, 08: The Key to All Market Analysis [Treasury Securities]
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Anyway, that's a side-point really and just leads into the why-I-don't-believe-much-in-mega-conspiracies.
But how about Indonesia? In a country not even producing enough for itself, and thus withdrawing themselves from OPEC, how can there suddenly come online a mega-field that can swamp the market? And I am suspecting that the russian field they talk about is the Shtokman field in the arctic sea, that they are starting just now to build. This is indeed a big one, but most of it is gases, and that wont produce much for years to come yet.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
How low can you go?
light the limbo stick Kumar...I need to do some stretching...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I don't know.
It's a valid question, Dan.
If you wanted to get really conspiratorial you could argue the angle that withdrawing from OPEC was somehow strategic pre-planning for bringing on a massive oil field. That being released from the binds of OPEC price control somehow opened the globalist operation to the market, allowing them to set their own price, instead of that dictated by OPEC production guidelines.
Like i said.
Everything Lindsay Williams says is pure speculation.
But the point remains is that the half dozen or so times where he has come out and said, "My sources tell me oil is going from $80 to $150 a barrel" or vice versa, he has been dead on with it.
Given the implications of his quazi-oil-executive background, it makes one wonder. He claims people on the inside are feeding him information, and true or false, the information he provides seems to end up being true.
Who knows, though.
Maybe this was deliberate disinfo fed to him, in order to discredit him?
Maybe he is just shill who got REALLY lucky making those calls.
(i hope he put money where his mouth is, then. cause he should be a billionaire)
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I like the Carbon standard better.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'm just not really seeing it. Especially not in the short term.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
If vast new "unknown" sources of oil turn up miraculously in the nick of time...I'd say we all got seriously played.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
They don't release the reserves, because they wouldn't do shit.
Have you seen the numbers broken down?
The amount of global demand with respect to the amount of our "strategic reserves" is a joke.
Your talking like a percentage point of a percentage point.
It would be pointless, and we would drain our reserves quite rapidly, and to no avail.
If I opened it now would you not understand?