Hello I have an ignorant question on Obama's Tax cut. How is it possible? Doesn't the tax payers have to flip the 700 billion dollar bailout? That is at least 1,000 dollars for each tax payer if distributed equally. Sounds like there isn't going to be a tax cut at all to me...
Hello I have an ignorant question on Obama's Tax cut. How is it possible? Doesn't the tax payers have to flip the 700 billion dollar bailout? That is at least 1,000 dollars for each tax payer if distributed equally. Sounds like there isn't going to be a tax cut at all to me...
thought is that some of the loans will be paid and we won't have to absorb the entire 700 Billion.
As to tax cut, the more money turns the better, middle and low income folks earn and spend..this is good for the economy. Trickle down economics does not work...give the money to the working people.
thought is that some of the loans will be paid and we won't have to absorb the entire 700 Billion.
As to tax cut, the more money turns the better, middle and low income folks earn and spend..this is good for the economy. Trickle down economics does not work...give the money to the working people.
What doesn't work is "giving" anyone the money. But with a tax cut it isn't giving...it;s there $ to begin with...unless of course its...redistributing the money.
Why is it that when people find out that their tax will go up, people flip out and complain, yet people generally ignore the real reason why they go up - goverment overspending and inefficiency? There's rarely a thread on this board complaining about billions of dollars being spent of defense or Iraq, or the bailouts, yet people rant and rave that when a policitian wants to raise taxes in order to offset unwise and unguarded spending.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Why is it that when people find out that their tax will go up, people flip out and complain, yet people generally ignore the real reason why they go up - goverment overspending and inefficiency? There's rarely a thread on this board complaining about billions of dollars being spent of defense or Iraq, or the bailouts, yet people rant and rave that when a policitian wants to raise taxes in order to offset unwise and unguarded spending.
Would be a good point if everyone's taxes were predicted to move in the same direction. And that is not the case.
But it is going to hurt anyway. Society's leeches have won. Oh well I have a very good accountant. It does make me sick that illegal aliens are going to get what they want now. Now we are going to have to pay for their college, even though our own citizens have trouble making it through school because of finances. McCain was not much better.
I predict a few years from now we look back and see how big of a mistake this is.
and your major financial concern is worth how much? Join the war, and you can use those guns and ammo as much as you like. Less money for guns and ammo taken from the rest of us taxpayers, eh? Better yet, become mercenary like the people of blackwater http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/03/26/9438.shtml, and you can use your guns and ammo, and get paid for it.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
But here's the thing, everyone in any class says the same thing - why should I pay more? We should have a flat tax rate where everyone pays the same percentage of their holdings/income. That's the fairest way to do it.
Would be a good point if everyone's taxes were predicted to move in the same direction. And that is not the case.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
then what will you call the Socialist/Fascist that is Obama and his admin?
you know Hitler was considered the man for "change" in Europe and was a phenomenal speaker....before we found out his true colors people loved him, think about this putting aside the fact we know how Hitler turned out
But here's the thing, everyone in any class says the same thing - why should I pay more? We should have a flat tax rate where everyone pays the same percentage of their holdings/income. That's the fairest way to do it.
then what will you call the Socialist/Fascist that is Obama and his admin?
you know Hitler was considered the man for "change" in Europe and was a phenomenal speaker....before we found out his true colors people loved him, think about this putting aside the fact we know how Hitler turned out
This is ignorance...Bush has a 8 year of a track record that can be evaluated. Obama hasnt even taken office and you're calling him socialist/fascist?
I dont get how all these people call obama a socialist but dont think bush is an imperialist?
Edit: Nevermind, looking at your myspace says it all. What a true patriot.
then what will you call the Socialist/Fascist that is Obama and his admin?
you know Hitler was considered the man for "change" in Europe and was a phenomenal speaker....before we found out his true colors people loved him, think about this putting aside the fact we know how Hitler turned out
yes,yes..very true! being part Austrian myself, my grandmother used to talk about Hitler(she saw him speak in person)and i thought about all the similarities between him and Obama..guess i wasn't the only one.
we need to stop fighting amongst ourselves..that's what they want! divide and conquer!! Obama & McCain were/are equally worthless and controlled by the same people at the top.Obama's people are all the same scum that have been in DC for a long,long time and there isn't going to be any "change" for the better only for the worse!
then what will you call the Socialist/Fascist that is Obama and his admin?
you know Hitler was considered the man for "change" in Europe and was a phenomenal speaker....before we found out his true colors people loved him, think about this putting aside the fact we know how Hitler turned out
I love the hannity way of comparing Obama to Hitler... it makes me laugh a little bit.
But Open is right, Bush wasn't greatly criticized before he took office. His approval rating was 50-60 and after 9/11 was like 90. Most of the bush bashing has been based on things that he and his administration has actually done. These attacks on Obama 2+ months before he takes office are a joke.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
But here's the thing, everyone in any class says the same thing - why should I pay more? We should have a flat tax rate where everyone pays the same percentage of their holdings/income. That's the fairest way to do it.
When are you running? This is a wonderful idea and would be a wonderful reality.
yes,yes..very true! being part Austrian myself, my grandmother used to talk about Hitler(she saw him speak in person)and i thought about all the similarities between him and Obama..guess i wasn't the only one.
we need to stop fighting amongst ourselves..that's what they want! divide and conquer!! Obama & McCain were/are equally worthless and controlled by the same people at the top.Obama's people are all the same scum that have been in DC for a long,long time and there isn't going to be any "change" for the better only for the worse!
time will reveal that i speak the truth.
Don't agree at all on the Obama/Hitler thing ... that is a stretch darlin'. Over time please do examine that more closely. I've been inspired by a few slick talkers and found them to be wolves in sheeps clothing. Obama is not this. I feel it deep inside and have learned to trust my instinct. That's my viewpoint as you have your own.
That being said, I will, as with any individual carrying authority, watch him with discerning ears and eyes. I had an experience a few years back that truly ingrained the "power of belief" and "power of trust". Even though it was a painful experience I gained a valuable lesson in discernment. Not cynical, discerning. There is a difference.
What I do agree with, "we need to stop fighting amongst ourselves". Yes, that is true. Earnest discussion is a good thing. We may not always agree, though we can agree to disagree and possibly arrive at an agreeable solution.
I love the hannity way of comparing Obama to Hitler... it makes me laugh a little bit.
But Open is right, Bush wasn't greatly criticized before he took office. His approval rating was 50-60 and after 9/11 was like 90. Most of the bush bashing has been based on things that he and his administration has actually done. These attacks on Obama 2+ months before he takes office are a joke.
The Bush bashing started before he was elected. Remember people were saying he "stole the election" and "He wasn't their President" after the voting mess in Florida. Just get used to people bashing a president that wasn't their choice. It happens EVERY election.
I'll never run - our system is so inherintly flawed and no one in power has any vested interest in changing it. Politicians sellout their beliefs and compromise way too many things in order to get in power. Even the person with the highest of standards running for office can never follow through on such things.
When are you running? This is a wonderful idea and would be a wonderful reality.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
The Bush bashing started before he was elected. Remember people were saying he "stole the election" and "He wasn't their President" after the voting mess in Florida. Just get used to people bashing a president that wasn't their choice. It happens EVERY election.
Yes, that is true, but I can't recall the bashing or the fear based attacks on policy issues. I keep hearing from people that I know on the right that Obama is going to destroy our economy, our military, turn us in to a communist country, etc etc etc...
People need to realize that for a democratic president to have success (success in politics = being re-elected), they have to govern from the center. There isn't going to be some radical left wing agenda taking place in our gov't.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Yes, that is true, but I can't recall the bashing or the fear based attacks on policy issues. I keep hearing from people that I know on the right that Obama is going to destroy our economy, our military, turn us in to a communist country, etc etc etc...
People need to realize that for a democratic president to have success (success in politics = being re-elected), they have to govern from the center. There isn't going to be some radical left wing agenda taking place in our gov't.
In 2004, the Iraq war policy that Bush took was being bashed. Obama is going to have to take some lumps just like anyone else. If McCain took office right now, I gurantee that he would take more of a beating. Most conservatives would frown at him as well as the "sour grapes". Add the whole democratic party as well... Scary really..
holy fuckin shit... someone else around here besides me GETS IT. what did we expect getting on a Pearl Jam messageboard and thinking it's members would understand?
Because the 'Left'... will hold Obama responsible for his actions.
If we continue on this same old, fucked up path... I know that you (and I) will continue our rants because we don't care about bullshit political parties. We care about America... and her place in the world.
Am I right?
yes, you're right...
Personally, I'm cautiously optimistic...but if Obama starts fn up, I won't be like those bush cheerleaders who gave the man a free pass on everything...
Personally, I'm cautiously optimistic...but if Obama starts fn up, I won't be like those bush cheerleaders who gave the man a free pass on everything...
I agree on cautiously optimistic. Responsibility is key, and as we are held responsible for our actions, we need to hold our government responsible for their actions as well. Government is about the people ... its not a dictatorship. Though, there are some folks in government that would have like to see it become that way ... : )
I love the hannity way of comparing Obama to Hitler... it makes me laugh a little bit.
But Open is right, Bush wasn't greatly criticized before he took office. His approval rating was 50-60 and after 9/11 was like 90. Most of the bush bashing has been based on things that he and his administration has actually done. These attacks on Obama 2+ months before he takes office are a joke.
once again, someone with a differing opinion is labeled a Hannity supporter..is this what we have to look foward to the next 4 years? someone with a different opinion being labeled and silenced? i never criticized one person for bashing Bush the last 8 years, but i have concerns about Obama and i get labeled...thanks for proving my case for me...Fairness Doctrine here we come!
im not saying Obama is Hitler, im just warning to be cautious about people falling googlie-eyed over this guy and drooling and have chills run up their leg by a guy that does nothing but have great speeches...just throwing caution to the wind because their have been great speakers over the years to fool the whole world...Lenin, Marx, Hitler
im gonna give this man a chance to succeed, country before individual is my rule of thumb, but im going to keep an eye on this guy because has nothing else to convince me otherwise he is able to lead besides a teleprompter
once again, someone with a differing opinion is labeled a Hannity supporter..is this what we have to look foward to the next 4 years? someone with a different opinion being labeled and silenced? i never criticized one person for bashing Bush the last 8 years, but i have concerns about Obama and i get labeled...thanks for proving my case for me...Fairness Doctrine here we come!
im not saying Obama is Hitler, im just warning to be cautious about people falling googlie-eyed over this guy and drooling and have chills run up their leg by a guy that does nothing but have great speeches...just throwing caution to the wind because their have been great speakers over the years to fool the whole world...Lenin, Marx, Hitler
im gonna give this man a chance to succeed, country before individual is my rule of thumb, but im going to keep an eye on this guy because has nothing else to convince me otherwise he is able to lead besides a teleprompter
Silenced? No one is being silence... And Fairness Doctrine? You wonder why the Hannity label comes out. If you aren't a Hannity fan then I apologize for calling you that, but I always tune into his show on the drive home from work and all I heard the past few weeks has been how Hitler was a great speaker and ran on hope, the fairness doctrine, and how Obama and the liberals will silence anyone who disagrees with them.
And I stand by what I said about the criticism months before the guy takes office... If he screws up or enacts policies that hurt the country, then I expect the backlash from republicans AND democrats... I just get annoyed by all of the panic and fear of what people think that he is going to do based on conservative radio or chain e-mails. If you don't agree with his policies that he campaigned on, that's one thing, but taking it to the extreme of him running the country into the ground, destroying the economy and military, taking away guns, destroying freedom of speech, etc etc etc, is so misguided that it's become a joke.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I just get annoyed by all of the panic and fear of what people think that he is going to do based on conservative radio or chain e-mails. If you don't agree with his policies that he campaigned on, that's one thing, but taking it to the extreme of him running the country into the ground, destroying the economy and military, taking away guns, destroying freedom of speech, etc etc etc, is so misguided that it's become a joke.
panic & fear based on radio & emails?? are you fucking joking?!
that shit is based ON HIS VOTING RECORD IN THE SENATE!!!!
that's like hmmmm let me see...a guy that is a pedophile,thief and a drug user and you're considering him to be your baby sitter because "he just moved to MY city, let's give him a chance" FUCK NO!! your past actions are all i need to determine what your future actions will be.
oh i know..now that he is president he is going to turn over a new leaf and NOW he will do what's right for the American people. :rolleyes:
As to tax cut, the more money turns the better, middle and low income folks earn and spend..this is good for the economy. Trickle down economics does not work...give the money to the working people.
What doesn't work is "giving" anyone the money. But with a tax cut it isn't giving...it;s there $ to begin with...unless of course its...redistributing the money.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Would be a good point if everyone's taxes were predicted to move in the same direction. And that is not the case.
SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
Mexico=1, Colombia=1
At least hundreds of billions will be spent on the bailout:
and your major financial concern is worth how much? Join the war, and you can use those guns and ammo as much as you like. Less money for guns and ammo taken from the rest of us taxpayers, eh? Better yet, become mercenary like the people of blackwater http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2008/03/26/9438.shtml, and you can use your guns and ammo, and get paid for it.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Does this mean you hate Obama?
Hail, Hail!!!
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
you call the Bush Admin a reich???
then what will you call the Socialist/Fascist that is Obama and his admin?
you know Hitler was considered the man for "change" in Europe and was a phenomenal speaker....before we found out his true colors people loved him, think about this putting aside the fact we know how Hitler turned out
Could not agree more.
SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
Mexico=1, Colombia=1
This is ignorance...Bush has a 8 year of a track record that can be evaluated. Obama hasnt even taken office and you're calling him socialist/fascist?
I dont get how all these people call obama a socialist but dont think bush is an imperialist?
Edit: Nevermind, looking at your myspace says it all. What a true patriot.
yes,yes..very true! being part Austrian myself, my grandmother used to talk about Hitler(she saw him speak in person)and i thought about all the similarities between him and Obama..guess i wasn't the only one.
we need to stop fighting amongst ourselves..that's what they want! divide and conquer!! Obama & McCain were/are equally worthless and controlled by the same people at the top.Obama's people are all the same scum that have been in DC for a long,long time and there isn't going to be any "change" for the better only for the worse!
time will reveal that i speak the truth.
I love the hannity way of comparing Obama to Hitler... it makes me laugh a little bit.
But Open is right, Bush wasn't greatly criticized before he took office. His approval rating was 50-60 and after 9/11 was like 90. Most of the bush bashing has been based on things that he and his administration has actually done. These attacks on Obama 2+ months before he takes office are a joke.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
When are you running? This is a wonderful idea and would be a wonderful reality.
Don't agree at all on the Obama/Hitler thing ... that is a stretch darlin'. Over time please do examine that more closely. I've been inspired by a few slick talkers and found them to be wolves in sheeps clothing. Obama is not this. I feel it deep inside and have learned to trust my instinct. That's my viewpoint as you have your own.
That being said, I will, as with any individual carrying authority, watch him with discerning ears and eyes. I had an experience a few years back that truly ingrained the "power of belief" and "power of trust". Even though it was a painful experience I gained a valuable lesson in discernment. Not cynical, discerning. There is a difference.
What I do agree with, "we need to stop fighting amongst ourselves". Yes, that is true. Earnest discussion is a good thing. We may not always agree, though we can agree to disagree and possibly arrive at an agreeable solution.
The Bush bashing started before he was elected. Remember people were saying he "stole the election" and "He wasn't their President" after the voting mess in Florida. Just get used to people bashing a president that wasn't their choice. It happens EVERY election.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Yes, that is true, but I can't recall the bashing or the fear based attacks on policy issues. I keep hearing from people that I know on the right that Obama is going to destroy our economy, our military, turn us in to a communist country, etc etc etc...
People need to realize that for a democratic president to have success (success in politics = being re-elected), they have to govern from the center. There isn't going to be some radical left wing agenda taking place in our gov't.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
In 2004, the Iraq war policy that Bush took was being bashed. Obama is going to have to take some lumps just like anyone else. If McCain took office right now, I gurantee that he would take more of a beating. Most conservatives would frown at him as well as the "sour grapes". Add the whole democratic party as well... Scary really..
yes, you're right...
Personally, I'm cautiously optimistic...but if Obama starts fn up, I won't be like those bush cheerleaders who gave the man a free pass on everything...
I agree on cautiously optimistic. Responsibility is key, and as we are held responsible for our actions, we need to hold our government responsible for their actions as well. Government is about the people ... its not a dictatorship. Though, there are some folks in government that would have like to see it become that way ... : )
once again, someone with a differing opinion is labeled a Hannity supporter..is this what we have to look foward to the next 4 years? someone with a different opinion being labeled and silenced? i never criticized one person for bashing Bush the last 8 years, but i have concerns about Obama and i get labeled...thanks for proving my case for me...Fairness Doctrine here we come!
im not saying Obama is Hitler, im just warning to be cautious about people falling googlie-eyed over this guy and drooling and have chills run up their leg by a guy that does nothing but have great speeches...just throwing caution to the wind because their have been great speakers over the years to fool the whole world...Lenin, Marx, Hitler
im gonna give this man a chance to succeed, country before individual is my rule of thumb, but im going to keep an eye on this guy because has nothing else to convince me otherwise he is able to lead besides a teleprompter
Silenced? No one is being silence... And Fairness Doctrine? You wonder why the Hannity label comes out. If you aren't a Hannity fan then I apologize for calling you that, but I always tune into his show on the drive home from work and all I heard the past few weeks has been how Hitler was a great speaker and ran on hope, the fairness doctrine, and how Obama and the liberals will silence anyone who disagrees with them.
And I stand by what I said about the criticism months before the guy takes office... If he screws up or enacts policies that hurt the country, then I expect the backlash from republicans AND democrats... I just get annoyed by all of the panic and fear of what people think that he is going to do based on conservative radio or chain e-mails. If you don't agree with his policies that he campaigned on, that's one thing, but taking it to the extreme of him running the country into the ground, destroying the economy and military, taking away guns, destroying freedom of speech, etc etc etc, is so misguided that it's become a joke.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
panic & fear based on radio & emails?? are you fucking joking?!
that shit is based ON HIS VOTING RECORD IN THE SENATE!!!!
that's like hmmmm let me see...a guy that is a pedophile,thief and a drug user and you're considering him to be your baby sitter because "he just moved to MY city, let's give him a chance" FUCK NO!! your past actions are all i need to determine what your future actions will be.
oh i know..now that he is president he is going to turn over a new leaf and NOW he will do what's right for the American people. :rolleyes: