Obama adopts illegal alien war cry.

Yeah I know he has been using it a while. Yesterday he takes the stage and says it in Spanish, thereby completing the chant to confirm his support for those who break our laws. His sell-out to the thousands who marched on the streets of the United States demanding we change our laws to suit them, even though they have no right to do so.
Disgusting pandering. I'm embarrassed that I once voted for him.
Yeah I know he has been using it a while. Yesterday he takes the stage and says it in Spanish, thereby completing the chant to confirm his support for those who break our laws. His sell-out to the thousands who marched on the streets of the United States demanding we change our laws to suit them, even though they have no right to do so.
Disgusting pandering. I'm embarrassed that I once voted for him.
Post edited by Unknown User on
So because he said "yes we can" in spanish, he is adopting an "illegal alien war cry"?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
That's a little xenophobic, don't you think? You release there are millions of legal residents in this country that do speak languages other than *GASP* English? God forbid a presidential candidate shows comfort with people that aren't just White Americans.
I can speak very limited (not good) spanish. I learnt because it was pretty hard finding myself in situations where i had to make an assessment on a patients condition when i had no idea, (unless there were visible signs) of what was wrong with them. I don't think that's pandering. That's just me trying to do my job better.
Oh, here we go with the whitey comments again.
im a thief, im a liar, there's my church i sing in the choir.
Maybe you don't follow the news but over the last few years our streets have been invaded by illegal aliens protesting our laws that they chose to break. Since the laws were not in their favor they demanded that we change the laws to suit the thousands that marched and the millions that are here illegally. Yes the vast majority were from Mexico, but there were illegal aliens from many countries out there.
So when they were out there demanding that we change our laws while they marched carrying Mexican flags their battle cry was "Si, se puede", which means "yes, we can" in English. So since Obama chose to adopt this common war cry I believe he is catering to a group of people who has a huge part of their population here in this country breaking our laws. They chose to break the laws. They chose to come here risking being deported. They chose to not follow the proper channels for work and possibly citizenship. They deserve nothing other than an arrest on their record and a trip back to where they came from, and while we are at it we should send that bill to whatever government they have nationality with.
Obama used the mantra "Yes, we can" in his winning 2004 Senate campaign.
My cousin was involved in an auto accident where he was hit by an illegal who was ticketed but never showed up for court, no insurance, no license, nothing. My cousin's car was a loss, over $20k in damages.
A colleague's daughter was also involved in an vehicle accident where she was hit by an illegal alien. He also had no insurance, no license, couldn't speak English, and was drunk. This was at 4PM. He was arrested, but was released on bail by some liberal judge. He skipped town, never showed up for court and a warrant was issued for his arrest. He is basically a ghost.
My colleague's daughter was killed in that accident.
You've got issues dude.
Shouldn't you be pissed at the other companies for employing illegals, and the fact that they aren't being stopped?
What does being a illegal immigrant have to do with that story? People are involved in accidents everyday with people who have no insurance.
Again, would it make you feel better if the person who hit her was a citizen who didn't have any insurance and skipped out on bail?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
So....what you're saying is that the illegals in the history of the world to ever utter the words "Yes we can", and now that Obama also uses those words...he is "adopting the illgal alien war cry"?
That's messed up. I believe someone posted this already, but your problem should be with the companies that hire illegals. Not the illegals themselves. Who are you to blame someone for doing whatever it takes to gain opportunities for themselves that in their native land they could not do? Not everyone has the time to go through the red tape to come to this country legally.
Also, while the story of your colleague's daughter is tragic, it has nothing to do with illegals. There are drunk people on the road at this very second. There are people driving without insurance right now. Any of them can hit someone and kill another motorist, the fact that this person was here illegally is just a side story. If this person had been here legally and crashed into this poor girl and was wasted and didn't have any insurance---would that make it all okay in your book?
An illegal alien, with (obviously) no license or insurance, who was drunk, was involved in vehicular manslaughter and the judge let him go?
A citizen would do 20 years (at least) for that crime.
So my point is valid... people have to make up stories about illegals to spread the hate... because it doesn't affect you, specifically YOU, in any regard.
yeah... and if bail was allowed for a vehicular homicide by a drunk person with no insurance, license, etc., bail would be incredibly high, to the point where none of us could probably afford it.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
"$250,000 and more for vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated."
the "and more" would probably apply to an Illegal Alien...
reference: http://www.familybailbonds.com/dui/index.html
If you would like I can forward my colleague's contact information and you can tell him that yourself. Ass.
sorry if I'm questioning your honesty... but this story has many holes. Could it possibly be that you just misunderstood the situation?
again... don't mean to question your truthfulness. my apologies.
There's no need to apologize; he's taking a tragic event and trying to use it to justify his own bias.
This one cracks me up.
You do understand that they realize they are here illegally... right? Guess what? They fly below the radar and do not want to draw the attention of I.C.E. Going on the local news is not what someone who is hiding from the law wants to do. It is not as easy or cheap for them to make the crossing as you make it out to be. if they get busted... they lose their illegal job as the employer hires the next illegal in line.
The people you see protesting are people who are here... LEGALLY... and protesting the wages they are receiving from U.S. business owners who give them sub-standard (illegal) wages because of their (employers) ILLEGAL practice of hiring Illegal Aliens to cut operating costs.
So... YES... the Laws need to be changed... or enforced if they already exist.
You might want to try picking up a newspaper and reading the stories regarding this thing instead of getting all of your information from Lou Dobbs rants.
Hail, Hail!!!
It is a matter of Public Record.
Provide the Police Report of the accident. This is readily available because of the amount of damage and the fatal results. If the driver was an illegal alien, he would have been placed under arrest, not just cited and released.
You should be able to provide some sort of News Documentation regarding the accident... a local newspaper, etc... especially if the accident was caused by an illegal alien and a woman was killed.
And provide the dead woman's name. Death's are also on the public record. We'd be able to verify your claims through the public record.
Also, the court Docket Number is public record.
Otherwise, your story makes it sound like there are more problems with Americans... than illegal Mexicans. americans hiring illegal mexicans to low ball bids and put Americans out of work... idiot American policemen you write a ticket in a fatal traffic accident... moronic American Justice system...
And you wonder why people question your stories.
Hail, Hail!!!
Now that is funny. Prove it.
Uh yeah, I'll be able to find a police report number. I'll just go ask my colleague because someone on an internet website doesn't believe his daughter was killed by an illegal.
Bottome line is I don't give a shit if you believe me or not, there is a grave that shows the truth though. Or do I need to go and get a picture of that?
Some of you people are pathetic and will do anything to defend illegal aliens under the guise that they are here to make a better life for their families. I say more power to them but they need to obey the laws. Last time I checked we don't get to choose whhat laws we decide to obey or not. Can I just go rob a bank because the money will help out my family? A law is a law is a law.
What I know is the guy was an illegal, from Guatemala IIRC, he was drunk, killed her, and now he is missing.
I didn't ask anything else, I doubt he is up for a Sunday conversation on the subject.
You twist every thing back to the Illegal Aliens, don't you? It would have been okay if the woman was killed by a drunk driver with no license and no insurance who was a U.S. citizen?
You already know you colleagues's name, don't you? Just give us his daughter's name and a ball park date and location of the accident and we can check it out ourselves.
And yeah... some of us don't believe everything we read on the internet... especially on this board. Matter's of Public Record provide solid evidence. Provide us with the basics... and if I find documented evidence that supports your story... I promise, I will post it here.
As for this:
"Bottome line is I don't give a shit if you believe me or not, there is a grave that shows the truth though. Or do I need to go and get a picture of that?"
Direct me to the local obituary will suffice. Thanx.
Hail, Hail!!!
Arpaio is a CLOWN. He knows what he has to do to get reelected... make headlines... like serving green bologna, making inmates wear pink, racial profiling of Phoenix areas (stopping all people with dark skin), and preying upon the fear of people like you.
There are an estimated 300,000 illegals in Maricopa County and there are about 50 coming in each week. Meanwhile, Arpaio has arrested 1,300 illegals since 2006 and spent millions of tax dollars to do so... most of these people are just trying to make a living selling tamales, or the like, alongside the road.
All the politicians here in Arizona know that this all a publicity stunt for Arpaio and the County Attorney to get reelected, because they could never possibly make any headway to get all, or even a significant proportion, of the illegals deported, not to mention they pose little real threat to anyone. These people just want to make a better living for their family, give their kids a real opportunity, and they are being demonized into real criminals. The guy walking down 34th street looking for a job has got to be as dangerous a criminal as a child molester!
It is sad how ignorant people keep being sucked into the fear trap.
Also he isn't preying on any fear that I may have, the truly ignorant ones are the ones who think it is ok that the illegal alien sells tamales on the side of the road. People don't get to choose what laws they should follow or not follow.