i wonder how many legal immigrants can already speak english? i do not know but would venture to guess, quite a few......or not.
From my experience with many mexican workers, the woman choose NOT to speak english. The smart men do so they can earn more but the women will not learn it. The ones I have spoken to will not even give a straight answer why either.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
From my experience with many mexican workers, the woman choose NOT to speak english. The smart men do so they can earn more but the women will not learn it. The ones I have spoken to will not even give a straight answer why either.
the men do not want their women to learn so they can...............you know.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
What's so stupid about it? They're all languages brought there from overseas. Hence: equally native.
Everytime the topic comes up about illigals or language in america, the response is always "well americans are all immigrants."
That is so ridiculous. Once you are born in America you are then Native Americans. Your national language is English.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Everytime the topic comes up about illigals or language in america, the response is always "well americans are all immigrants."
That is so ridiculous. Once you are born in America you are then Native Americans. Your national language is English.
agreed......i have a friend that used to label herself as african-american. i asked her, can you tell me what tribe your lineage descends from? she said no.
now she says that she is american.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
Everytime the topic comes up about illigals or language in america, the response is always "well americans are all immigrants."
That is so ridiculous. Once you are born in America you are then Native Americans. Your national language is English.
English is the national language because it suited the majority. If the situation has changed, and there's enough demand for Spanish to be a little more widespread, is pressing one extra button on your phone that big a deal for you? I'm not saying it should be a required language in schools, but are you really that set on English being the only option?
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
agreed......i have a friend that used to label herself as african-american. i asked her, can you tell me what tribe your lineage descends from? she said no.
now she says that she is american.
For awhile, it was racist to say "black people" you were supposed to say african american. That makes no sense. They are american, if ya wanna get technical then they are black americans.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
English is the national language because it suited the majority. If the situation has changed, and there's enough demand for Spanish to be a little more widespread, is pressing one extra button on your phone that big a deal for you? I'm not saying it should be a required language in schools, but are you really that set on English being the only option?
I think its good to learn many languages. I want my daughter to learn others, including spanish but the American Language is English, and if someone wants to move to the land of the free then they should learn the language. Its respect. I have not traveled over seas yet, but my father has many many many times, and he always studies the language of the country he is going to, out of respect.
You come to America, you follow the rules, apply for a green card and learn english. Is this to much to ask? Its just respect.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I bet he can't wait to tell that to the racist group La Raza when he meets them later this week.
I think it's important to learn spanish and even several languages. I certainly believe my kids should, too.
I also strongly believe if you come to the United States of America, you should learn to speak English. Furthermore and more importantly if you were born in the USA you should learn to speak English.
English is the national language because it suited the majority. If the situation has changed, and there's enough demand for Spanish to be a little more widespread, is pressing one extra button on your phone that big a deal for you? I'm not saying it should be a required language in schools, but are you really that set on English being the only option?
There's a lot more issues at hand than just pressing a button. We see it all the time. People come here, they refuse to learn the language and then they put themselves and other citizens of this country at risk when they can't read street signs, speed limits or any other important instructions or directions.
Learning several languages is a wonderful thing. That's the way I was brought up. But I was also brought up to respect the language and culture of any given host country.
There's a lot more issues at hand than just pressing a button. We see it all the time. People come here, they refuse to learn the language and then they put themselves and other citizens of this country at risk when they can't read street signs, speed limits or any other important instructions or directions.
Learning several languages is a wonderful thing. That's the way I was brought up. But I was also brought up to respect the language and culture of any given host country.
perfectly stated.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
I do know what La Raza means and there is no evidence that they promote illegal immigration or separatist behavior, just rumors spread from select Conservatives.
And it is a national organization so of course Obama and McCain would campaign to them them because if one of them didn't they risk losing the Latino vote.
Ok so you know that La Raza stands for The Race. You know they are for open borders and believe states like California and Arizona should be returned to Mexico. You know that they want all of the people that arrive here illegally to be granted citizenship because they say so. You know that they demand that illegal aliens should get medical care and welfare paid for by the taxpayer citizens. You know that their agenda is to get their politicians in so that they can get the laws changed in their favor.
Ok so you know that La Raza stands for The Race. You know they are for open borders and believe states like California and Arizona should be returned to Mexico. You know that they want all of the people that arrive here illegally to be granted citizenship because they say so. You know that they demand that illegal aliens should get medical care and welfare paid for by the taxpayer citizens. You know that their agenda is to get their politicians in so that they can get the laws changed in their favor.
Ok. Just checking.
go easy..............you know how logic floats around here.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
I also strongly believe if you come to the United States of America, you should learn to speak English. Furthermore and more importantly if you were born in the USA you should learn to speak English.
Hell, even not being born in the USA and coming from a country that spoke English, i still had to learn a whole new way. I just think if you are going to live in a new country then you should respect and embrace their ways as much as you can. at least i did anyway.
my mum is now my mom
prawns are shrimp
jumpers are sweaters
the date is back to front
everything that i learnt to spell that had a 's' in it, more often than not, now has a 'z'
and i had to learn to drive on the wrong side of the road.
i also have been learning spanish to help me do my job better. kinda hard to help someone when you can't understand what's wrong with them unless there are visible signs.
many more examples too, but i won't bore you with them.
no complaining. i love it here.
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
I do know what La Raza means and there is no evidence that they promote illegal immigration or separatist behavior, just rumors spread from select Conservatives.
And it is a national organization so of course Obama and McCain would campaign to them them because if one of them didn't they risk losing the Latino vote.
Wow. i can't believe this place. Time for a break, i think.
that's how i'm feeling too. i'm sure you'll get the standard 'don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out' comment from some people, but take care hey.
Learning multiple languages gives people a competitive edge in the job market. Spanish happens to be one of the most heavily spoken languages in the US. It's sensible, if not critical to learn it. I want my kids to have the best possible job ops they can get no matter who thought it was a good idea or who is running for president.
Ok so you know that La Raza stands for The Race. You know they are for open borders and believe states like California and Arizona should be returned to Mexico. You know that they want all of the people that arrive here illegally to be granted citizenship because they say so. You know that they demand that illegal aliens should get medical care and welfare paid for by the taxpayer citizens. You know that their agenda is to get their politicians in so that they can get the laws changed in their favor.
Ok. Just checking.
I do know that politicians campaign to all organizations. You don't know what will be said at the speeches. I doubt either will even touch on the topics you listed and just talk about how they both support Amnesty.
I live in the real world and I know how things work.
10/31/2000 (****)
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
I also think that a language test should be completed prior to becoming a citizen of any country.
Now, if you're not becoming a citizen, then I guess there is no way any gov't could force you to learn the language...but it just makes sense.
also....me and my wife took our 10th anniversary to mexico and wanted to live like the locals for two weeks. i learned basic "noun" spanish quickly and got by just fine. it was good to see the smiles on their face when i conversed with them. i know they thought they were talking to a 2 or 3 year old.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
Spanish is becoming an increasingly relevant language these days. the US is one of the only countries in the world whose students do not study more than 1 language. I went to Egypt and the kids there are forced to learn Arabic, English, AND either French or German in their schools from a young age.
Languages are important, and I think it's a good idea to have kids learning another language in school.
Spanish is such a predominant 2nd language that in certain parts of the country you either can't hold a job or as high-paying a job without speaking it. Throughout Europe, it is typical to speak 3 - 4 languages--and it is required in school, just as it is in life. We have been very much of a monoculture over here and enjoyed having that catered to. Now, with the dollar slipping as it is, to be competitive, we're going to have to get on the same boat as the rest of the world. And getting on that boat includes becoming multilingual. It's the future, like it or not. Personally, I've always enjoyed learning and speaking other languages. The only other language I speak well is Spanish. But, I took several years of French and dabbled in German. I found it all to be very personally enriching and downright fun.
Spanish is the smartest language to learn to speak because it is the most spoken by immigrants to the US. Want to be an executive chef at a big company? Better speak Spanish. Want to be a teacher in a public school? Better speak Spanish in certain areas of the country--like mine. Wanna know what all those people are saying behind your back about you? Better speak Spanish. It's not going away; it's just getting here. With respect to other languages, we're going to have to get on board or get left behind. A lot of people who want to have high-paying jobs in the business field are learning Japanese. College courses offering Japanese in the area are filled to overflowing with a backlog of wannabe Japanese speakers waiting impatiently in the wings. This ain't your granny's US anymore. It's yours. Do what you must just like she did to make the best of it right here at home. It's the American way!
Everytime the topic comes up about illigals or language in america, the response is always "well americans are all immigrants."
That is so ridiculous. Once you are born in America you are then Native Americans. Your national language is English.
agreed......i have a friend that used to label herself as african-american. i asked her, can you tell me what tribe your lineage descends from? she said no.
now she says that she is american.
I think that's ridiculous too. Just like any American who claims he's Irish, Italian or Polish...
That being said. I think it's a good idea. Knowledge of an extra language is always a good thing.
I bet he can't wait to tell that to the racist group La Raza when he meets them later this week.
You know, although I didn't initially most strongly support Obama and actually still have moments of holding my nose over some of the stuff he says, I have to say that he and his team have the gift of foresight on many issues. This is one of those issues. Gotta give him props where he deserves it.
I think that's ridiculous too. Just like any American who claims he's Irish, Italian or Polish...
That being said. I think it's a good idea. Knowledge of an extra language is always a good thing.
just to clarify - we do not 'claim' to be any other nationality. what it is simply is the fact that we ARE a nation of immigrants, even those born here....heritage elsewhere...thus fellow americans will ask 'what are you?'....as in, your heritage, so simply short-hand: i am italian and irish. if an american is abroad, they'd say they are american. it is only at home one says things like i am italian, etc......b/c it's a link to your family's past. besides which, many americans WERE born elsewhere, then became american citizens. that would be my dad. so i am a first generation american. just sayin'..........
and that last part, complete agreement.
i WISH i grew up speaking italian, alas my father never shared his native language with us. yes, i could learn another language on my own right now if i truly desired, but while i love languages, i just don't have the desire to stick with it, and i certainly would not have enough practice, so i simply don't bother....:p
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
What's so stupid about it? They're all languages brought there from overseas. Hence: equally native.
That is so ridiculous. Once you are born in America you are then Native Americans. Your national language is English.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
now she says that she is american.
English is the national language because it suited the majority. If the situation has changed, and there's enough demand for Spanish to be a little more widespread, is pressing one extra button on your phone that big a deal for you? I'm not saying it should be a required language in schools, but are you really that set on English being the only option?
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
You come to America, you follow the rules, apply for a green card and learn english. Is this to much to ask? Its just respect.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I think it's important to learn spanish and even several languages. I certainly believe my kids should, too.
I also strongly believe if you come to the United States of America, you should learn to speak English. Furthermore and more importantly if you were born in the USA you should learn to speak English.
There's a lot more issues at hand than just pressing a button. We see it all the time. People come here, they refuse to learn the language and then they put themselves and other citizens of this country at risk when they can't read street signs, speed limits or any other important instructions or directions.
Learning several languages is a wonderful thing. That's the way I was brought up. But I was also brought up to respect the language and culture of any given host country.
Ok so you know that La Raza stands for The Race. You know they are for open borders and believe states like California and Arizona should be returned to Mexico. You know that they want all of the people that arrive here illegally to be granted citizenship because they say so. You know that they demand that illegal aliens should get medical care and welfare paid for by the taxpayer citizens. You know that their agenda is to get their politicians in so that they can get the laws changed in their favor.
Ok. Just checking.
Hell, even not being born in the USA and coming from a country that spoke English, i still had to learn a whole new way. I just think if you are going to live in a new country then you should respect and embrace their ways as much as you can. at least i did anyway.
my mum is now my mom
prawns are shrimp
jumpers are sweaters
the date is back to front
everything that i learnt to spell that had a 's' in it, more often than not, now has a 'z'
and i had to learn to drive on the wrong side of the road.
i also have been learning spanish to help me do my job better. kinda hard to help someone when you can't understand what's wrong with them unless there are visible signs.
many more examples too, but i won't bore you with them.
no complaining. i love it here.
Tell me who you think these guys are going to vote for.
I do know that politicians campaign to all organizations. You don't know what will be said at the speeches. I doubt either will even touch on the topics you listed and just talk about how they both support Amnesty.
I live in the real world and I know how things work.
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
I also think that a language test should be completed prior to becoming a citizen of any country.
Now, if you're not becoming a citizen, then I guess there is no way any gov't could force you to learn the language...but it just makes sense.
Spanish is such a predominant 2nd language that in certain parts of the country you either can't hold a job or as high-paying a job without speaking it. Throughout Europe, it is typical to speak 3 - 4 languages--and it is required in school, just as it is in life. We have been very much of a monoculture over here and enjoyed having that catered to. Now, with the dollar slipping as it is, to be competitive, we're going to have to get on the same boat as the rest of the world. And getting on that boat includes becoming multilingual. It's the future, like it or not. Personally, I've always enjoyed learning and speaking other languages. The only other language I speak well is Spanish. But, I took several years of French and dabbled in German. I found it all to be very personally enriching and downright fun.
Spanish is the smartest language to learn to speak because it is the most spoken by immigrants to the US. Want to be an executive chef at a big company? Better speak Spanish. Want to be a teacher in a public school? Better speak Spanish in certain areas of the country--like mine. Wanna know what all those people are saying behind your back about you?
The US doesn't have a national language.
naděje umírá poslední
he treats me like a rag doll...
I think that's ridiculous too. Just like any American who claims he's Irish, Italian or Polish...
That being said. I think it's a good idea. Knowledge of an extra language is always a good thing.
naděje umírá poslední
You know, although I didn't initially most strongly support Obama and actually still have moments of holding my nose over some of the stuff he says, I have to say that he and his team have the gift of foresight on many issues. This is one of those issues. Gotta give him props where he deserves it.
just to clarify - we do not 'claim' to be any other nationality. what it is simply is the fact that we ARE a nation of immigrants, even those born here....heritage elsewhere...thus fellow americans will ask 'what are you?'....as in, your heritage, so simply short-hand: i am italian and irish. if an american is abroad, they'd say they are american. it is only at home one says things like i am italian, etc......b/c it's a link to your family's past. besides which, many americans WERE born elsewhere, then became american citizens. that would be my dad. so i am a first generation american. just sayin'..........
and that last part, complete agreement.
i WISH i grew up speaking italian, alas my father never shared his native language with us. yes, i could learn another language on my own right now if i truly desired, but while i love languages, i just don't have the desire to stick with it, and i certainly would not have enough practice, so i simply don't bother....:p
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow