Biden, Obama helped keep 'Bridge to Nowhere' alive

I figured that I've taken a few shots at McCain/Palin in the past few weeks so to be fair I'm taking some shots at Obama/Biden. I keep hearing Obama throw the word "Change" around a lot but have yet to see that reflected in any of his past or current actions. We don't need anymore catch phrases from politicians. We need action. We need solutions to the issues facing us today.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Others intent on cutting spending have pointed to Alaska’s ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ as a wasteful project," Obama wrote. "I agree and believe that it represents the first type of project we should cut. But it’s wrong to single out one state’s pork project. If we’re serious about shared responsibility, let’s eliminate all pork projects in all states."
oh, and Politifact's assessment that Obama "supported" the Bridge to Nowhere ....
We think it’s a stretch to claim that Obama supported the Bridge to Nowhere. Certainly not the way Palin once did when she was running for governor of Alaska. Voting for a $236-billion spending bill that included the Alaska bridge is hardly support for it. But because Obama could have voted to kill the project with the Coburn Amendment, we’ll give it a Barely True.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
I mentioned this three weeks ago and no one replied:
- 8/28/98
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I do think its funny though it took CNN and probably the rest of the mainstream media weeks to actually report this though.
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In his defense what would the senator of a state have to do with the state's economy. That responsibility, if any of it, would fall on the governor and the state legislature.
Back to the original topic, Obama may be able to get a pass, I don't believe he should, but let's say he does, Biden on the other hand sought for over 100 earmarks for his state. Should he really be the one to criticize Palin over the Bridge to Nowhere.
How does he get a pass? Obama was given the option to divert the funds from the Bridge to Nowhere to repair the highway that was destroyed by Katrina. Instead he voted with his party and then 4 months later makes a podcast saying how earmarks like the Bridge to Nowhere must be stopped and works on stopping the process with McCain. Apparently McCain really was the only one who was against the Bridge from the start.
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Why? This whole bridge issue is about as pointless now as it was a few weeks ago when Palin was using it on the campaign trail. The only reason it was popular than was because Palin was saying that she was against it. If Obama and Biden were on the trail saying they were against it, it would have been brought up a lot sooner.
There were a few days this week of actual issues being talked about, but since neither candidate can really use it to their advantage anymore, both sides are back to digging up crap like this to try to get an upper hand.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Because when I did a quick google search on Bridge to Nowhere after the RNC and when the Dems attacked Palin for flip flopping on the idea, I found out about the Coburn bill.
If I can find that info out in about a minute and a half it shouldn't take the press 3 weeks.
- 8/28/98
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The fine line that they (Obama/Biden) are walking is that were not criticizing her for taking or supporting earmarks, they were criticizing her for lying about it.
Biden (and Obama to a lesser extent) has no room to talk about someone taking earmarks, but it is a valid point to call the other side out on stretching the truth or outright lying.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
You're missing my point... they were attacking the flip-flop (and lying about it), not the supporting of the earmark in the first place.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I was referring to the second poster. I don't believe that he should get a pass. The option was made available to him to change his vote and he didn't, which in my opinion means he supported the bridge.
There is also one thing that I have to say I like about McCain and that is that he has never once sought any pork barrel money for his state. He has been consistent on that issue which is a plus.
McCain/Palin get a huge bounce after the RNC ... let's tear them down ...
McCain fumbles last week ... Obama starts taking a lead ... time to get some stuff against Obama up and circulating ...
The media, it's all a game.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
You Conservatives really have you?
It's pretty pathetic. This is about as idiotic as claims that Obama recieved advice and funding from Freddie Mac...It's just so fucking absurd.
Stop with all these bullshit claims and fabricated gossip and start talking about some real issues...
Or are you too scared because you realize Grandpa McCain and his Hockey Mom Hack Sidekick Palin really don't have anything substantial to offer this country?
Neither does Obama/Biden. Name one plan, one initiative that Obama has outlined that he plans to implement if he is elected.
I'm only playing fair. I have dished out my harsh criticism on the McCain/Palin ticket so it is only fair that I do so for the Obama/Biden ticket. I can't really consider myself partial and unbaised if I criticized one candidate but not the other.
I didn't blame you ... not at all.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
I guess we won't get to hear any issues since your boy bailed on the debates this Friday.
Just another Lame ass Hoover Manuever by the McCain camp to avoid the inevitable.
Who said he was my boy. I'm a Ron Paul supporter my friend. I refuse to support Obama or McCain. Neither candidate has shown me that they are anything more than your average run of the mill hack politician.
Since you seem to be an Obama supporter you must know of some of his plans and initiates. I'm sure you don't need a debate to be informed. So let's hear them.
There's this website I found that you obviously haven't heard of:
There's some issues on there.
Ron Paul...Hmmm....The Ross Perot of 2008
Actually I take that back...He's far less evil than McCain.
I Don't mean to knock your horse...Good Luck in November.
I have gone through Obama's website. Where is plan to stablize our economy? Where is his plan to decrease spending? Where is his plan to return the Federal government to within it's constitutional powers? Where is his plan on energy independence?
Also I know my horse will not come in first come November but I can at least say that my horse stands for something and unlike McCain and Obama who use the words "Change" and "Maverick" Paul can live up to those titles. Those aren't just catch phrase for him.
Yeah...Hmmm. Did you see him on Meet the Press?
For Christ Sakes He could not even support his grand policies with an ounce of provable data.
His idea about how the USA should go back to the gold standard is completely idiotic and naive.
We have apox 34 billion in national gold reserves and an economy in the trillions...If we were to adjust every dollar to its approximate value in gold, we'd experience hyper inflation, not to mention having to pull billions of electronic dollars out of the economy.
I hardly think this is a solution...but more like moving from one pile of shit to another...
And don't even get me started on his backwards views on abortion.
Paul has recently stated that a return to the Gold Standard is impossible. Second I don't care about his stance on abortion. he has stated that regardless of what he believes abortion is an issue best left to the states. That to me is the most logical solution to the issue as Roe V. Wade is technically unconstitutional.
Again what are Obama's stances. Your responses are typical of the mindless Dem or Rep voters. You answer my questions about your candidate by criticizing mine. I can sit here all day and defend, or not defend as I don't agree with him on everything, Paul's stance without once having to attack your candidate. It seems that the majority of Obama and McCain supporters are incapable of doing so since you can never really tell where they stand on an issue.
To be absolutely fair... and take partisan politics completely out of the equation... read the Amendment to HR 3058 in its entirety and see if YOU would vote to pass EVERYTHING in the Amendment... or NONE of it.
Politics comes down to compromise... does the amendment hold more benefits or less benefits for the nation as a whole.
Hail, Hail!!!
And what was he before he was elected to US Senate? What he did then directly matters now.
Here's a thought, why don't you do some research into what Illiniois' economy is based on? If it's based on manufacturing, that would be part of the answer as to why it's so low right now, or perhaps agricultural... that could provide another insight. There's a direct correlation between the ranking of a state's economy and what that state's major industries are. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH OBAMA.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
Correct...a state senator isn't going to be doing the budgeting, that's left up to our crooked govenors of both parties. Illinois's budget is so fucked up because of guys like blowjobovich and strodger handing out jobs to friends and family, stealing money, and running things with guys like tony rezko...and if anyone mentions a thing about obama and him you're wrong. the man isn't connected to ANY illegal activity with the man.
I am aware that Obama was in the Illinois state legistalture prior to being elected to the Senate, but as wennie stated you have to look at why the economy in Illinois is doing so poorly. If it is because of the state government then yes Obama should bare some of the responsibility for it. If it is for reasons beyond the state government's control then it would be unfair to blame the politicians. Just as with our current financial crisis, I believe, it would be somewhat unfair to blame the Bush administration when the root problem was in place far before Bush took office.
The very reason I'm for Obama is the issues...
You act like anyone supporting Obama is some mindless sheep and bandwagon jumper because they're not voting for some half cocked idealist liberatarian like Ron Paul.
I didn't just jump on the Obama bandwagon my friend. I've followed the issues and I've picked a candidate that closely reflects my own personal views.
I don't need to recite Obama's platform when it's readily availble on his website for anyone to see.
Why do I even have to justify this to you?
What the fuck does Ron Paul offer? Perhaps I can turn this back on you?
Obama has an economic plan. Let us not forget that Obama was the one who went to Wall Street over a year ago and warned that the current economic plan could not sustain itself if it kept on the same track...No one listened....and look where we are.
Ron Paul can sit there with his bristol board and magic markers and bore us all to tears with his far-fetched idiotic schemes like the fucking Gold Standard all day.
Oh wait...But he's backtracked on that one...hasn't he?
I'm sorry but I've read through Pauls platform and one minute he's for something and the next minute he's not. He babbles off these grand ideas and then quickly retracts once he realizes or when it's proven to him how inprobable and unfeasable these schemes actually are.
I was embarrased for him on Meet the Press. The man could not back up anything that warbled out of his mouth. Not a single hard data fact on how any of the things he is promising could actually work in THE REAL WORLD.
I'm sorry...But Paul doesn't offer any real solutions...just more spending on ridiculous half-baked ideas.
His own party thinks he's half nuts.
Obama addresses the issues...He addresses them in every speech he ever does.
I don't know how you can sit there and say otherwise. But whatever.
You've got your horse and I've got mine. Too band one of the horses is of another reality altogether.
The fact that you stated that one minute Paul is for something and the next minute he is not clearly shows how little you know about the man. He has been the most consistant congressman for decades when it comes to stance and voting. As for the Gold Standard he realized that it would be impossible to go back to that system. Unlike McCain and Obama who flip flop on a daily, if not hourly basis depending on what the polls say or which way the wind blows Paul sticks to his belief regardless of how popular or unpopular they are.
And yes Obama has an economic policy, one of increased spending with no increase in taxes. That's pretty fucking sound economic policy. Lets collect less but spend more. I guess it's crazy to listen to Ron paul who wants to dramatically reduce government spending and well as taxes. Those are just ramblings of a crazy man though. Or reducing the federal government back to within it's constitutionally granted powers instead of expanding it like Obama or McCain. Just some more crazy talk right. How about the Federal Reserve and their ability to manipulate interest rates causing ill-adjustments in the market, which many experts believe to be a root cause of our current financial crisis. I guess that Ron Paul must be fucking crazy because he has been warning us about this for decades now. But where does McCain or Obama stand on this issue. I wouldn't know since they haven't laid blame on the Federal Reserve for their role in this crisis.
Also the part about Ron paul just spending more money on ridiculous half-baked ideas, that is just classic. Again it shows that you have no clue as to what you are talking about. Paul has a nickname in Congress, Dr. No, because he has consitantly voted against any unnecessary spending bill to pass through Congress. He is one of the few Congressmen who consitantly votes against giving himself a raise. Where do McCain and Obama stand on this.