Is Israel's recent actions in Gaza a war crime?

I found this article in the Christian Science Monitor, can't be acquised of using a biased source, that I found interesting. At what point does Israel's actions go from a rescue mission to free a soldier to a war crime?
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
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Well, when you send tanks into civilian areas and fire into crowds and buildings-I think that's about hte time its considered a war crime.
So basically the second they acted...
So you're telling me that you know for a fact that Israeli tanks are driving into civilian neighborhoods, finding large groups of innocent bystanders, and then firing tank shells into them on purpose? Correct? And if so...please tell me where you're getting this information.
I understand that needless deaths happen (on both sides) of this on-going conflict...but really...let's keep things in perspective here.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
a draft resolution was brought before the UN demanding that israel stop this offensive, pull out of gaza, and release the hamas officals they kidnapped. but of course the US opposed it, like they have with pretty much every other resolution condemning the actions of israel that has come before the UN in the past.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Yes there are tanks in the Gaza bank, maybe not firing at civilians, but they make sure nobody get a decent night of sleep, they showed an old man being forced out of his house by his kids because the man was refusing to leave even if the Isreali tanks were at shooting range of the town, i don't believe they are there to kill civilians, but when you're a Palestinians i guess seeing Isreali tanks in your backyard is not exactly an indication of a peacefull weekend at the beach, they're terrorized by the Isreali army, therefore you could probably call the Isreali army terrorist.
If you add to this the fact that Isreal bombed the PM headquarters, a university and electrical plant, and having control over the food and gas that enters the Gaza banks, plus the night flying over civilians house to disturb the sleep of civillians (up to Syria), i mean i don't understand why this is accepted worldwide, it might be me who have a problem but it is just one more humanity stupidity in my opinion (to accept and support the Israel illegal invasion of Palestinians territory). Anyway...
edit: and unless i missed a thread, i'm surprise not more people are talking about it on this message board.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Isreal is a criminal state by not respecting internation laws, if they want to defend themselves they have the right and the means to do so, but bombing an electrical facility, a university??? These acts are being sponsored by the State of Isreal, but they would be condemn by the international community if they would have been perpetrated by some radical islamist, anyway ranting again...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I agree with you that Israel is stepping over the line by bombing an electrical plant and a university. That is why I stated that Israel need to above acting like the very terrorists they are defending themselves from.
Depends who the judge and jury is.
Well for arguements sake let's say you are both.
yesterday on NPR they had some official from Israel on and the host asked if destroying hte power plant wasn't 'collective punishment' punishing many more than were involved...she brought up the hospitals and schools and homes having no power and the official's reply was they could use generators!
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I also heard an israeli official speaking saying something like "when the police shut down power in a building to make an arrest, everyone get the power down", yeah she just forget to mention the difference between a building where people can get out and go to an hotel, and a complete state ...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
what about the Palestinians who are shooting rockets over into Israel for fun?
they're terrorist, so?
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
hey at least they were honest, right?
thats messed up
In not so many words the Israeli government (and those who support their actions) are a bunch of dicks.
so because they are terrorist they shouldnt be held under the same accountability as the Israelies?
so you are justifying their actions, because they are terrorist we should expect this from them and not hold them accountable?
I guess the same could be said if reprecussions came to American from Iraq I guess....which I would never like to see...but that statement bites both ways Miller....
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
i see your logic..btu they kidnapped a soldier and were firing rockets into israeli neighborhoods. SO whatever.....
they did?? i thought the intifada started when sharon marched into the 3rd holiest place in islam w/ 1,000 armed men??
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
the intifada could have been avoided if Arafrat would have accepted the terms offered to him before the intifada.
He didnt...
Now hes dead. lol
Understood and Israel has every right to secure the freedom of that soldier and defend itself from terrorists, but at times they have themselves purpotrated acts of terrorism against the Palestinian people. Bombing civilian locations such as electric plants and universities is an act of terror. By doing this they are no better than the terrorist who blow themselves up on buses.
So you would also completely support the palestianians trying to get back it's many soldiers and innocent civilians out of israeli hands? Israel has locked up many more palestinian people. So they (israel) should look at themselves first.
anyway I kinda find that israels entire existance is a war crime.
I would completely support Palestine's right to retreive any of the improperly prisoned and/or kidnapped citizens/soldiers that are in Israeli hands.
Damn i'm tired of these "you're justifying their actions" blablabla, i'm not justifying, you sure love to put words in someone's mouth do you?
I'm not supporting, i'm condemning, i also condemn Isreali attacks on electrical facility and such an invasion of a territory, again, they have ALL THE RIGHTS and means to defend themselves, they do not have the right to violate international laws.
Do they have to bomb a university ? No, it's a war crime.
Do they have to bomb some electrical facility? No, it's a war crime
Disturbing civillians peace of mind by flying into foreign land at night and having a siege over a territory provisions, is also a war crime.
Invade a foreign territory with tanks and planes without any kind of authorization, here's another crime.
All this in the name of A STATE, not from some kind of terrorist group, you're the one who's making the comparison between both, i would expect a lot better from a government than from a terrorist group, you're just making them sounding the same, they apply to the same rule according to you, which i strongly disagree.
They're far from defending themselves, it's an all out attack, and leading to more hate from Palestinians over Isreal and will lead to more isolate missile launch into Isreal etc etc, they need to take another approach (and fast), they already tried the terrorist approach to solve the terrorist problem and as of today, it didn't work. The part that make me sick, is the fact that we officially support these acts, makes me sick...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau