calling an inanimate object "unconstitutional" is just plain stupid.
"While Interstate Highways usually receive substantial federal funding and comply with federal standards, they are owned, built, and operated by the states in which they are located. The only exception is the federally-owned Woodrow Wilson Bridge on the Capital Beltway (I-95/I-495)."
The power to tax is the power to destroy. And also the power to spend taxes. Those highways are unconstitutional.
Were you hit in the head with a shovel at some point in time, because I'm trying to find some coherency in that statement, but, you know... it just ain't there.
"If all those sweet, young things were laid end to end, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."
—Dorothy Parker
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
right now, I'd support Obama, but he needs the foreign policy experience of bill richardson to back him up.
thanks. i've liked ron paul for a while now because i'm a fan of small government. however, i just don't think he has a great chance to win and i don't want to throw away my vote. i've started doing some research on bill richardson and i like him so far too. i just have troube voting for a democratic candidate because i don't support big government and big social programs. i really like richardson's foreign policy experience though. ron paul might be lacking in foreign policy experience.
for all his alleged "support", Ron Paul performed pretty poorly. Sure, he got a whopping 9%, but that's because 2 of the top 3 candidates didn't even officially participate in the straw poll to begin with. He was beaten out by both Tom Tancredo (who's a one trick pony: Immigration) and Sam Brownback (who is a member of fucking Opus Dei), who are even greater niche candidates than Paul.
Face it, chumps, Ron Paul's support is reaching the level of mythical.
Actually, Giuliani had more events held in Iowa than Ron Paul. Paul didn't spend nearly the amount of money that Romney and the other guys did. So considering that Ron Paul put up respectable numbers without spending alot of money, that is pretty good. Wait until the primaries to see if he truly has the support.
Noblesville 6/22/2003 St. Louis 5/4/2010 East Troy 9/4/2011
Cleveland 5/20/2006 Columbus 5/6/2010 Chicago 7/19/2013
Cincinnatti 6/24/2006 Noblesville 5/7/2010. Buffalo 10/12/2013
Lollapalooza 8/5/2007 Mountain View 10/23/2010 Cincinnatti 10/1/2014
Washington D.C. 6/22/2008 Mountain View 10/24/2010 St. Louis 10/3/2014
Chicago 8/22/2008(EV Solo) St. Louis 7/1/2011 (EV Solo) St. Paul 10/19/2014
Kansas City 5/3/2010 East Troy 9/3/2011 Milwaukee 10/20/2014
Hampton 4/18/2016 Columbia 4/21/2016 Lexington 4/26/2016
NYC 5/2/2016
I am a Ron Paul supporter for president in '08. I was just wondering what the PJ crowd thinks of a candidate like him. Yes he's a republican but he is nothing like the neo-cons such as Bush. Check him out if you haven't heard of him yet. his website is or watch some of his youtube videos
you will be hard pressed to find anyone around here that actually knows anything about who is running this planet,or that Ron Paul is the ONLY hope for this country.(I'm not saying it's everyone,just most)
just a bunch of parrots regurgitating mainstream ignorance.
don't waste your time!
cue do's for backing Ron Paul!!
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
you will be hard pressed to find anyone around here that actually knows anything about who is running this planet,or that Ron Paul is the ONLY hope for this country.
just a bunch of parrots regurgitating mainstream ignorance.
don't waste your time!
cue do's for backing Ron Paul!!
The nincompoops like gdpt2 especially!!!!! Let's get his/her ass in this thread so we can give him/her whatfor!!!!
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
i just don't think he has a great chance to win and i don't want to throw away my vote.
vote for anyone else and you will be throwing away this countries future!
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
thanks. i've liked ron paul for a while now because i'm a fan of small government. however, i just don't think he has a great chance to win and i don't want to throw away my vote.
this is what gets me... people want change and then don't vote for it, they want to vote for the winner. Vote for who you want not who you think has a chance to could be surprised. I wish they wouldn't even do polls sometimes or they should have the primaries all on the same day that way people wouldn't be influenced by past results.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
this is what gets me... people want change and then don't vote for it, they want to vote for the winner. Vote for who you want not who you think has a chance to could be surprised. I wish they wouldn't even do polls sometimes or they should have the primaries all on the same day that way people wouldn't be influenced by past results.
i agree!
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
Cruised up Highway 59 to downtown Houston this morning and there were two huge banners being hung over the freeway by some young uns promoting Ron. Not sure if they'll be there tomorrow...guessing not.
this is what gets me... people want change and then don't vote for it, they want to vote for the winner. Vote for who you want not who you think has a chance to could be surprised. I wish they wouldn't even do polls sometimes or they should have the primaries all on the same day that way people wouldn't be influenced by past results.
i certainly want change and believe that he is one of the only candidates promoting it. i just dont know if he has a real shot. do you? if it looks like he has even a decent chance at taking the white house, he will get my vote, no doubt.
i certainly want change and believe that he is one of the only candidates promoting it. i just dont know if he has a real shot. do you? if it looks like he has even a decent chance at taking the white house, he will get my vote, no doubt.
I think he may have a slightly better chance of being recognized (still no chance of being elected or nominated) if his supporters weren't reminiscent of the Lyndon Larouche followers in public. They are really doing him a disservice.
I think he may have a slightly better chance of being recognized (still no chance of being elected or nominated) if his supporters weren't reminiscent of the Lyndon Larouche followers in public. They are really doing him a disservice.
what are/were Lyndon Larouche supporters typically like?
I have found them to be very confrontational and always looking for their next conspiracy theory.
From a more objective standpoint though, most are the type of activists who corner people in large groups.
maybe i am misunderstanding you, but are you saying that typical ron paul supporters are often conspiracy theorists? if so, how do you back this up? i usually hate conspiracy theories and i think ron paul is great. also, i am quite non-confrontational and i try not to target anyone.
if i have misunderstood your original statement, i am sorry. if not, i don't see the comparison.
maybe i am misunderstanding you, but are you saying that typical ron paul supporters are often conspiracy theorists? if so, how do you back this up? i usually hate conspiracy theories and i think ron paul is great. also, i am quite non-confrontational and i try not to target anyone.
if i have misunderstood your original statement, i am sorry. if not, i don't see the comparison.
I really do like Ron Paul and really did support him at the beginning of this candidacy even knowing that he had no shot at the nomination. It seems like his most vocal supporters during this campaign are looking at everything as being against them. Look around this page and you will see people claiming that he got cheated out of the Iowa Straw Poll which is really a fundraiser for the Iowa Republican Party. There was also the "MySpace Conspiracy" a month or two ago. These ludicrous claims by the more fringe supporters do nothing more than make Ron Paul look as though he is just as fringe as them. It does attract some support from the fringes but that support further pushes away the larger voting masses. Because of this group that seems to have pushed its way to the front of his campaign, I am now looking at which of the candidates I would support out of those who have a chance and a following that is not going to do everything they can to make their candidate look like a fringe candidate.
The comparison I was drawing was not so much the tactics as the apparent lack of sanity that both groups seem to want to show.
I really do like Ron Paul and really did support him at the beginning of this candidacy even knowing that he had no shot at the nomination. It seems like his most vocal supporters during this campaign are looking at everything as being against them. Look around this page and you will see people claiming that he got cheated out of the Iowa Straw Poll which is really a fundraiser for the Iowa Republican Party. There was also the "MySpace Conspiracy" a month or two ago. These ludicrous claims by the more fringe supporters do nothing more than make Ron Paul look as though he is just as fringe as them. It does attract some support from the fringes but that support further pushes away the larger voting masses. Because of this group that seems to have pushed its way to the front of his campaign, I am now looking at which of the candidates I would support out of those who have a chance and a following that is not going to do everything they can to make their candidate look like a fringe candidate.
The comparison I was drawing was not so much the tactics as the apparent lack of sanity that both groups seem to want to show.
i see what you are saying and you could be right, but i'm not sure. the thread refering to Ron Paul getting cheated in the iowa straw poll was started by DriftingBytheStorm, who i don't think supports ron paul, but i could be wrong. i hadn't heard much about the myspace thing.
i'm sure many of his supporters DO feel that everything is against him. he is really a third party candidate and when has a third party candidate ever won? i think never, but again, i could be wrong.
i think we agree that he doesn't have much of a chance to win, but weren't you criticizing supporters of his that admitted he didn't have a chance? yet, didn't you say that you supported him and he doesn't have a chance?
what other candidates are you currently supporting?
i see what you are saying and you could be right, but i'm not sure. the thread refering to Ron Paul getting cheated in the iowa straw poll was started by DriftingBytheStorm, who i don't think supports ron paul, but i could be wrong. i hadn't heard much about the myspace thing.
i'm sure many of his supporters DO feel that everything is against him. he is really a third party candidate and when has a third party candidate ever won? i think never, but again, i could be wrong.
i think we agree that he doesn't have much of a chance to win, but weren't you criticizing supporters of his that admitted he didn't have a chance? yet, didn't you say that you supported him and he doesn't have a chance?
what other candidates are you currently supporting?
I don't think I've criticized people for supporting him even though he didn't have a chance.
I'm not 100% sure who I am supporting yet. I am looking at the candidates to see who most closely resembles my beliefs.
Vote for Bush never know...he might do encores...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
The power to tax is the power to destroy. And also the power to spend taxes. Those highways are unconstitutional.
-Enoch Powell
Were you hit in the head with a shovel at some point in time, because I'm trying to find some coherency in that statement, but, you know... it just ain't there.
—Dorothy Parker
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
—Dorothy Parker
godpt3, i've asked you this before, but you never responded. which candidate do you support?
right now, I'd support Obama, but he needs the foreign policy experience of bill richardson to back him up.
—Dorothy Parker
thanks. i've liked ron paul for a while now because i'm a fan of small government. however, i just don't think he has a great chance to win and i don't want to throw away my vote. i've started doing some research on bill richardson and i like him so far too. i just have troube voting for a democratic candidate because i don't support big government and big social programs. i really like richardson's foreign policy experience though. ron paul might be lacking in foreign policy experience.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Cleveland 5/20/2006 Columbus 5/6/2010 Chicago 7/19/2013
Cincinnatti 6/24/2006 Noblesville 5/7/2010. Buffalo 10/12/2013
Lollapalooza 8/5/2007 Mountain View 10/23/2010 Cincinnatti 10/1/2014
Washington D.C. 6/22/2008 Mountain View 10/24/2010 St. Louis 10/3/2014
Chicago 8/22/2008(EV Solo) St. Louis 7/1/2011 (EV Solo) St. Paul 10/19/2014
Kansas City 5/3/2010 East Troy 9/3/2011 Milwaukee 10/20/2014
Hampton 4/18/2016 Columbia 4/21/2016 Lexington 4/26/2016
NYC 5/2/2016
you will be hard pressed to find anyone around here that actually knows anything about who is running this planet,or that Ron Paul is the ONLY hope for this country.(I'm not saying it's everyone,just most)
just a bunch of parrots regurgitating mainstream ignorance.
don't waste your time!
cue do's for backing Ron Paul!!
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
The nincompoops like gdpt2 especially!!!!!
-Enoch Powell
vote for anyone else and you will be throwing away this countries future!
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
this is what gets me... people want change and then don't vote for it, they want to vote for the winner. Vote for who you want not who you think has a chance to could be surprised. I wish they wouldn't even do polls sometimes or they should have the primaries all on the same day that way people wouldn't be influenced by past results.
i agree!
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
i agree with you as well. i have adamantly supported ron paul as much as the next guy. ( )
i certainly want change and believe that he is one of the only candidates promoting it. i just dont know if he has a real shot. do you? if it looks like he has even a decent chance at taking the white house, he will get my vote, no doubt.
I think he may have a slightly better chance of being recognized (still no chance of being elected or nominated) if his supporters weren't reminiscent of the Lyndon Larouche followers in public. They are really doing him a disservice.
what are/were Lyndon Larouche supporters typically like?
I have found them to be very confrontational and always looking for their next conspiracy theory.
From a more objective standpoint though, most are the type of activists who corner people in large groups.
maybe i am misunderstanding you, but are you saying that typical ron paul supporters are often conspiracy theorists? if so, how do you back this up? i usually hate conspiracy theories and i think ron paul is great. also, i am quite non-confrontational and i try not to target anyone.
if i have misunderstood your original statement, i am sorry. if not, i don't see the comparison.
I really do like Ron Paul and really did support him at the beginning of this candidacy even knowing that he had no shot at the nomination. It seems like his most vocal supporters during this campaign are looking at everything as being against them. Look around this page and you will see people claiming that he got cheated out of the Iowa Straw Poll which is really a fundraiser for the Iowa Republican Party. There was also the "MySpace Conspiracy" a month or two ago. These ludicrous claims by the more fringe supporters do nothing more than make Ron Paul look as though he is just as fringe as them. It does attract some support from the fringes but that support further pushes away the larger voting masses. Because of this group that seems to have pushed its way to the front of his campaign, I am now looking at which of the candidates I would support out of those who have a chance and a following that is not going to do everything they can to make their candidate look like a fringe candidate.
The comparison I was drawing was not so much the tactics as the apparent lack of sanity that both groups seem to want to show.
i see what you are saying and you could be right, but i'm not sure. the thread refering to Ron Paul getting cheated in the iowa straw poll was started by DriftingBytheStorm, who i don't think supports ron paul, but i could be wrong. i hadn't heard much about the myspace thing.
i'm sure many of his supporters DO feel that everything is against him. he is really a third party candidate and when has a third party candidate ever won? i think never, but again, i could be wrong.
i think we agree that he doesn't have much of a chance to win, but weren't you criticizing supporters of his that admitted he didn't have a chance? yet, didn't you say that you supported him and he doesn't have a chance?
what other candidates are you currently supporting?
I don't think I've criticized people for supporting him even though he didn't have a chance.
I'm not 100% sure who I am supporting yet. I am looking at the candidates to see who most closely resembles my beliefs.
Vote for Bush never know...he might do encores...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)