OK So Now We Are Suppose to Feel Sorry for the Va Tech Killer???

pjalive21pjalive21 St. Louis, MO Posts: 2,818
edited April 2007 in A Moving Train


Va. Tech shooter was laughed at

By MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer 4 minutes ago

Long before he boiled over, Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui was picked on, pushed around and laughed at over his shyness and the strange way he talked when he was a schoolboy in the Washington suburbs, former classmates say.

Chris Davids, a Virginia Tech senior who graduated from Westfield High School in Chantilly, Va., with Cho in 2003, recalled that the South Korean immigrant almost never opened his mouth and would ignore attempts to strike up a conversation.

Once, in English class, the teacher had the students read aloud, and when it was Cho's turn, he just looked down in silence, Davids recalled. Finally, after the teacher threatened him with an F for participation, Cho started to read in a strange, deep voice that sounded "like he had something in his mouth," Davids said.

"As soon as he started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, `Go back to China,'" Davids said.

Cho shot 32 people to death and committed suicide Monday in the deadliest one-man shooting rampage in modern U.S. history. The high school classmates' accounts add to the psychological portrait that is beginning to take shape, and could shed light on Cho's state of mind in the video rant he mailed to NBC in the middle of his rampage at Virginia Tech.

In the often-incoherent video, the 23-year-old Cho portrays himself as persecuted and rants about rich kids.

"Your Mercedes wasn't enough, you brats," says Cho, who came to the U.S. in 1992 and whose parents work at a dry cleaners in suburban Washington. "Your golden necklaces weren't enough, you snobs. Your trust funds wasn't enough. Your vodka and cognac wasn't enough. All your debaucheries weren't enough. Those weren't enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. You had everything."

Among the victims of the massacre were two other Westfield High graduates: Reema Samaha and Erin Peterson. Both young women graduated from the high school last year. Police said it is not clear whether Cho singled them out.

Stephanie Roberts, 22, a fellow member of Cho's graduating class at Westfield High, said she never witnessed anyone picking on Cho in high school.

"I just remember he was a shy kid who didn't really want to talk to anybody," she said. "I guess a lot of people felt like maybe there was a language barrier."

But she said friends of hers who went to middle school with Cho told her they recalled him getting picked on there.

"There were just some people who were really mean to him and they would push him down and laugh at him," Roberts said Wednesday. "He didn't speak English really well and they would really make fun of him."

Virginia Tech student Alison Heck said a suitemate of hers on campus — Christina Lilick — found a mysterious question mark scrawled on the dry erase board on her door. Lilick went to the same high school as Cho, according to Lilick's Facebook page. Cho once scrawled a question mark on the sign-in sheet on the first day of a literature class, and other students came to know him as "the question mark kid."

"I don't know if she knew that it was him for sure," Heck said. "I do remember that that fall that she was being stalked and she had mentioned the question mark. And there was a question mark on her door."

Heck added: "She just let us know about it just in case there was a strange person walking around our suite."

Lilick could not immediately be located for comment, via e-mail or telephone.

Regan Wilder, 21, who attended Virginia Tech, high school and middle school with Cho, said she was in several classes with Cho in high school, including advanced-placement calculus and Spanish. She said he walked around with his head down, and almost never spoke. And when he did, it was "a real low mutter, like a whisper."

As part of an exam in Spanish class, students had to answer questions in Spanish on tape, and other students were so curious to know what Cho sounded like that they waited eagerly for the teacher to play his recording, she said. She said that on the tape, he did not speak confidently but did seem to know Spanish.

Wilder recalled high school teachers trying to get him to participate, but "he would only shrug his shoulders or he'd give like two-word responses, and I think it just got to the point where teachers just gave up because they realized he wasn't going to come out of the shell he was in, so they just kind of passed him over for the most part as time went on."

She said she was sure Cho probably was picked on in middle school, but so was everyone else. And it didn't seem as if English was the problem for him, she said. If he didn't speak English well, there were several other Korean students he could have reached out to for friendship, but he didn't, she said.

Wilder said Cho wasn't any friendlier in college, where "he always had that same damn blank stare, like glare, on his face. And I'd always try to make eye contact with him because I recognized the kid because I'd seen him for six years, but he'd always just look right past you like you weren't there."

On Wednesday, NBC received a package containing a rambling and often incoherent 23-page written statement from Cho, 28 video clips and 43 photos — many of them showing Cho, in a military-style vest and backward baseball cap, brandishing handguns. A Postal Service time stamp reads 9:01 a.m. — between the two attacks on campus.

The package helped explain one mystery: where the gunman was and what he did during that two-hour window between the first burst of gunfire, at a high-rise dorm, and the second attack, at a classroom building.

"You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today," a snarling Cho says on video. "But you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off."

Col. Steve Flaherty, superintendent of the Virginia State Police, said Thursday that the material contained little they did not already know. Flaherty said he was disappointed that NBC decided to broadcast parts of it.

"I just hate that a lot of people not used to seeing that type of image had to see it," he said.

On NBC's "Today" show Thursday, host Meredith Vieira said the decision to air the information "was not taken lightly." Some victims' relatives canceled their plans to speak with NBC because they were upset over the airing of the images, she said.

"I saw his picture on TV, and when I did I just got chills," said Kristy Venning, a junior from Franklin County, Va. "There's really no words. It shows he put so much thought into this and I think it's sick."

There has been some speculation, especially among online forums, that Cho may have been inspired by the South Korean movie "Oldboy." One of the killer's mailed photos shows him brandishing a hammer — the signature weapon of the protagonist — and in a pose similar to one from the film.

The film won the Grand Prix prize at the Cannes Film Festival in 2004. It is about a man unjustly imprisoned for 15 years. After escaping, he goes on a rampage against his captor.

Authorities on Thursday disclosed that more than a year before the massacre, Cho had been accused of sending unwanted messages to two women and was taken to a psychiatric hospital on a magistrate's orders and was pronounced a danger to himself. But he was released with orders to undergo outpatient treatment.

Also, Cho's twisted, violence-filled writings and menacing, uncommunicative demeanor had disturbed professors and students so much that he was removed from one English class and was repeatedly urged to get counseling.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    How can you NOT feel sorry for someone like him?
  • memememe Posts: 4,695
    Yeah, I don't think there is anything wrong with telling the background story.
    What he did is still horrible, but maybe the idiots who laugh at "weird" kids will think twice now for a while. I don't see how that could be a bad thing.
    ... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
  • floyd1975floyd1975 Posts: 1,350
    I am convinced that the only reason we can see that all of these kids who snap were picked on at some point in their life is because EVERYBODY is picked on for something at some point in their life. I do not feel sorry for these murderers in particular.
  • idratherbeidratherbe Posts: 367
    I think (hope) it's more in the vein of trying to understand WTF set this highly disturbed person off.

    NOT that I'm condoning his actions OR the fact that NBC aired what he sent them. Ratings, ratings, ratings. Meh.

    If nothing else, I hope it shows people who like to pick on and bully the people who aren't like them that they'd better choose their battles wisely (or avoid indulging in such pathetic behavior altogether)... There's so many fucked up people out there and you never know who might show up with a weapon to get their "revenge". :(

    Never allow someone to be your Priority,
    While allowing yourself to be their Option.


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  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    How can you NOT feel sorry for someone like him?

    you feel bad for this guy???
  • qtegirlqtegirl Posts: 321
    Some of us get picked on, and we become over-achievers

    Some of us get picked on, and we become anorexic

    Some of us get picked on, and we seek abusive partners

    Some of us get picked on, and we live perfectly normal lives

    Some of us get picked on, and we become mass murderers

    I believe is not so much the act of being picked on, but what your personality already is. The same actions can have different effects on different people. Wasn't Tim McVeigh a normal, middle class, white kid? And look at what he did!
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    How can you NOT feel sorry for someone like him?

    is this sarcastic?
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    qtegirl wrote:
    Some of us get picked on, and we become over-achievers

    Some of us get picked on, and we become anorexic

    Some of us get picked on, and we seek abusive partners

    Some of us get picked on, and we live perfectly normal lives

    Some of us get picked on, and we become mass murderers

    I believe is not so much the act of being picked on, but what your personality already is. The same actions can have different effects on different people. Wasn't Tim McVeigh a normal, middle class, white kid? And look at what he did!

    good job girl :)

    crazy people do exist..
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    qtegirl wrote:
    Some of us get picked on, and we become over-achievers

    Some of us get picked on, and we become anorexic

    Some of us get picked on, and we seek abusive partners

    Some of us get picked on, and we live perfectly normal lives

    Some of us get picked on, and we become mass murderers

    I believe is not so much the act of being picked on, but what your personality already is. The same actions can have different effects on different people. Wasn't Tim McVeigh a normal, middle class, white kid? And look at what he did!

    im in love :)
  • qtegirlqtegirl Posts: 321
    macgyver06 wrote:
    im in love :)
    wow! i'm flattered
  • Uncle LeoUncle Leo Posts: 1,059
    I think seeing how these people were picked on has some value. Yeah, we've all been picked on at some time, but we have not all been social outcasts--at the constant recieving end of belittlement of peers (and, in many cases, teachers).

    When the word "blame" comes up, there is only one answer: The shooter. However, when "contributing factors" are discussed, there are alot. Peer treatment, the media, family, whatever.

    The reason I think that these stories are valuable is not really because we feel bad for the shooter, but because we have to remember that for every shooter, there are thousands of other "social outcasts" whose lives are made miserable by bullies, the "cool kids" or the "wanna be cool kids" daily. The way you treat people has consequences. Belittling people causes real damage.
    I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    Uncle Leo wrote:
    I think seeing how these people were picked on has some value. Yeah, we've all been picked on at some time, but we have not all been social outcasts--at the constant recieving end of belittlement of peers (and, in many cases, teachers).

    When the word "blame" comes up, there is only one answer: The shooter. However, when "contributing factors" are discussed, there are alot. Peer treatment, the media, family, whatever.

    The reason I think that these stories are valuable is not really because we feel bad for the shooter, but because we have to remember that for every shooter, there are thousands of other "social outcasts" whose lives are made miserable by bullies, the "cool kids" or the "wanna be cool kids" daily. The way you treat people has consequences. Belittling people causes real damage.

    someones picked on you uncle leo...now imagine killing 30 people in a class

    but i do agree...be fucking nice and open that door for people :) even the quiet mexican dudes who look at you like you are going to attack them

    how do you say im not your enemy in spanish :)
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,598
    macgyver06 wrote:
    someones picked on you uncle leo...now imagine killing 30 people in a class

    but i do agree...be fucking nice and open that door for people :) even the quiet mexican dudes who look at you like you are going to attack them

    how do you say im not your enemy in spanish :)[/quote

    "no soy to enemigo " soy to amigo .
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • Uncle LeoUncle Leo Posts: 1,059
    macgyver06 wrote:
    someones picked on you uncle leo...now imagine killing 30 people in a class

    but i do agree...be fucking nice and open that door for people :) even the quiet mexican dudes who look at you like you are going to attack them

    how do you say im not your enemy in spanish :)

    I am not suggesting that killing anyone is a reasonable response. I am saying that just going out and being mean to people has a real effect. It has a signficant impact on peoples lives. If it drives a few unstable people this far, it certainly can drive other people to, at the least, depression, etc.
    I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
  • floyd1975floyd1975 Posts: 1,350
    Isn't excusing this idiot's behavior (not that you were doing that Uncle Leo) kind of like excusing a rapist's behavior if the woman was wearing a short skirt?
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    This "victim" idealism is such BS.

    I mean, I was a kid in the 70s and there were the bullys and the kids that were picked on. Never, ever, did the kids that were picked on go home and get a gun and use that as a way to deal. The kids instead either continued to get picked on through life or one day had enough and confronted their bullies with their fists. It gave them courage, confidence, acceptance, the whole 9 yards. School yard fights were the norm and a harmless way (compared to guns at least) of proving a point. There's a lot to say about that simplistic era.

    There's something wrong with our society now (and the media which glorifies the "everyone's a victim" stance) if killing people is the only way to deal with being picked on. Accountability has been forgotten. And we can all blame the media for forgetting about this important trait!!
  • floyd1975floyd1975 Posts: 1,350
    Jeanwah wrote:
    This "victim" idealism is such BS.

    I mean, I was a kid in the 70s and there were the bullys and the kids that were picked on. Never, ever, did the kids that were picked on go home and get a gun and use that as a way to deal. The kids instead either continued to get picked on through life or one day had enough and confronted their bullies with their fists. It gave them courage, confidence, acceptance, the whole 9 yards. School yard fights were the norm and a harmless way (compared to guns at least) of proving a point. There's a lot to say about that simplistic era.

    There's something wrong with our society now (and the media which glorifies the "everyone's a victim" stance) if killing people is the only way to deal with being picked on. Accountability has been forgotten. And we can all blame the media for forgetting about this important trait!!

    I fully agree. The fact that we all say this was because he was picked on only enables other crazy fucks to do the same thing.
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    Jeanwah wrote:
    This "victim" idealism is such BS.

    I mean, I was a kid in the 70s and there were the bullys and the kids that were picked on. Never, ever, did the kids that were picked on go home and get a gun and use that as a way to deal. The kids instead either continued to get picked on through life or one day had enough and confronted their bullies with their fists. It gave them courage, confidence, acceptance, the whole 9 yards. School yard fights were the norm and a harmless way (compared to guns at least) of proving a point. There's a lot to say about that simplistic era.

    There's something wrong with our society now (and the media which glorifies the "everyone's a victim" stance) if killing people is the only way to deal with being picked on. Accountability has been forgotten. And we can all blame the media for forgetting about this important trait!!

  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    Ok, so we sit here and say everyone is picked on so that can't be what caused it. It must be this kid's free-will, but doesn't everyone also have free-will? So wait maybe it's more than that. Maybe it's every second of this kids life from the time he was born.

    Don't try to over-simplify what causes people to act. You can look at the social life he had and think it had some effect, maybe he also had a brain tumor, I know he was just a kid and that has neurological and psychological implications as well.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Ahnimus wrote:
    Don't try to over-simplify what causes people to act. You can look at the social life he had and think it had some effect, maybe he also had a brain tumor, I know he was just a kid and that has neurological and psychological implications as well.

    You don't think that this era has anything to do with the way this kid went on a killing spree? Yes, he's sick. But he's also a product of this society and culture. He obviously knew all about Columbine. Had this kid grown up in the 70s, there's no doubt he may have used that mental instability in a very different way.
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    Jeanwah wrote:
    You don't think that this era has anything to do with the way this kid went on a killing spree? Yes, he's sick. But he's also a product of this society and culture. He obviously knew all about Columbine. Had this kid grown up in the 70s, there's no doubt he may have used that mental instability in a very different way.

    Personally, I think the indeterminstic view of reality that holds everyone morally blame worthy for everything about them including the circumstances of their birth is the primary reason we have events like this.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • Ahnimus wrote:
    Personally, I think the indeterminstic view of reality that holds everyone morally blame worthy for everything about them including the circumstances of their birth is the primary reason we have events like this.

    Hehehehehe.....let's examine the words of the killer then:

    "You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today. But you decided to spill my blood."

    "Do you think I want to do this? Do you think I ever dreamed of dying like this in a million years? I didn't want to do this."

    "When the time came, I did it. I had to."

    He sounds very well schooled in the idea that his choices are only effects of the choices of others.
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    Hehehehehe.....let's examine the words of the killer then:

    "You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today. But you decided to spill my blood."

    "Do you think I want to do this? Do you think I ever dreamed of dying like this in a million years? I didn't want to do this."

    "When the time came, I did it. I had to."

    He sounds very well schooled in the idea that his choices are only effects of the choices of others.

    He's not, because he is ultimately blaming other people. Causality doesn't stop with people, but he wasn't old enough or born into the right society to know that. He just knew that his life sucked because of the school society and blamed the kids.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • Ahnimus wrote:
    He's not, because he is ultimately blaming other people.

    Yes, blaming other people for his actions. Not just saying those actions are wrong, but that those actions were the direct cause of his own.
    Causality doesn't stop with people, but he wasn't old enough or born into the right society to know that. He just knew that his life sucked because of the school society and blamed the kids.

    Of course he did, just like you blame others for their failure to accept your deterministic viewpoints which in turn dictates your responses.

    I've told you before, and I'll tell you again -- these events are the endgame of an amoral society wherein people no longer respect themselves as agents of choice, but rather see themselves as billiard balls of reaction.
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    Yes, blaming other people for his actions. Not just saying those actions are wrong, but that those actions were the direct cause of his own.

    Of course he did, just like you blame others for their failure to accept your deterministic viewpoints which in turn dictates your responses.

    I've told you before, and I'll tell you again -- these events are the endgame of an amoral society wherein people no longer respect themselves as agents of choice, but rather see themselves as billiard balls of reaction.

    I think your view of determinism is myopic, we are still agents of choice, but we know that our actions are determined, and so are others. I don't blame you for not understanding.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    Ahnimus wrote:
    I don't blame you for not understanding.
    The ultimate insult when someone can't effectively argue their point of view. It comes across as "You're just not smart enough to understand. Too bad you're not as smart as me. I feel so superior."
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Yes, I feel sorry for him. No, I'm not being sarcastic.

    Unless you believe this guy was just born evil, how can you not feel sad that this is how his life played out?

    Maybe he was mentally ill. Was that his fault? No.

    Maybe he was the victim of horrible abuse. Was that his fault? No.

    People are not born destined to be evil mass murderers. Something went horribly wrong, and he slipped unnoticed through many cracks in the system that should have been able to help him and to prevent this. That is fucking tragic -- for his victims, for his family and for him.

    I hate what he did, and there is no justification for it. It was a horrible senseless act that should never have happened.

    But try and remember that he started life as an innocent person, just like the rest of us.
  • qtegirlqtegirl Posts: 321
    Yes, I feel sorry for him. No, I'm not being sarcastic.

    Unless you believe this guy was just born evil, how can you not feel sad that this is how his life played out?

    Maybe he was mentally ill. Was that his fault? No.

    Maybe he was the victim of horrible abuse. Was that his fault? No.

    People are not born destined to be evil mass murderers. Something went horribly wrong, and he slipped unnoticed through many cracks in the system that should have been able to help him and to prevent this. That is fucking tragic -- for his victims, for his family and for him.

    I hate what he did, and there is no justification for it. It was a horrible senseless act that should never have happened.

    But try and remember that he started life as an innocent person, just like the rest of us.

    I don't think he was evil, but I think that there was something fundamentally wrong within him. His thought process is obviously not the same as the rest of us (meaning, those of us who don't go on killing rampages).

    I mean, look at how he rationalized what he did:

    My life has sucked, therefore you must all die.

    All of you, strangers, are the same as the people who have made my life sucky, therefore I must kill you.

    Getting revenge for my single sucky life is worth the price of 33 your lifes.

    Who thinks like that? And let me tell you, having a bad childhood, getting picked on, being abused, whatever, will not cause a normal person to think that the lives of 33 other people are a worthy price to be paid for the life of a single person.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    zstillings wrote:
    I am convinced that the only reason we can see that all of these kids who snap were picked on at some point in their life is because EVERYBODY is picked on for something at some point in their life. I do not feel sorry for these murderers in particular.

    but most of us were picked on at various points, on and off. most of these kids who snap were consistently picked on with no abatement. it's not like they got teased the one day they wore X. they were tormented daily for years.

    not that it excuses what happened. nor do i feel sorry for the kid. but the "picking on" he endured was not the typical teasing everyone gets.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    qtegirl wrote:
    And let me tell you, having a bad childhood, getting picked on, being abused, whatever, will not cause a normal person to think that the lives of 33 other people are a worthy price to be paid for the life of a single person.

    I agree. But they could cause a seriously ill person to do those things. And he is not to blame for having an illness.

    If you think there was something fundamentally wrong within him, do you think that was his fault?
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