Democrats Not Using Power of Constitution= No Blood On Their Hands

here is some news for some people that done know....the Dems have the power according to the Constitution to pull our troops out and declare this war lost, but you know why they wont???? the wrath and destruction of Iraq to follow would be the blood on their hands and they dont want that especially with the elections coming up Sen. Reid/Nancy Pelosi, why dont you do this instead of yapping your mouth about it for 6 months down the road??? Use the power of the Constitution if this cause of pulling out the troops are so important to you and you care so much
wow if it isnt bad enough that our soldiers are dying over there armed, now the Dems want to cut them off...
if you want to play politics with Bush and try to get your own agenda pushed through dont you dare do it at the cost of the defense of our soldiers!!!!
its one thing for Bush to send them over there, in what some people call an unjust war, but its another thing to strip them of supplies and leave them defenseless....Dems politics are coming first over this country and our soldiers and to me thats equivalent to anything Bush has done
wow if it isnt bad enough that our soldiers are dying over there armed, now the Dems want to cut them off...
if you want to play politics with Bush and try to get your own agenda pushed through dont you dare do it at the cost of the defense of our soldiers!!!!
its one thing for Bush to send them over there, in what some people call an unjust war, but its another thing to strip them of supplies and leave them defenseless....Dems politics are coming first over this country and our soldiers and to me thats equivalent to anything Bush has done
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Am I missing something. When did the Dems vote to cut off funding for the war?
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
yeah your right it hasnt happened yet, i should have put that in there, sorry guys..but i think its going to happen
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Nor will they ever. As someone has already stated the Dems don't have the balls to do what is necessary. I bet that they will even cave into Bush on the War spending bill that they currently approved. Weak bunch of spineless shitheads they are.
partisan politics always come first over the country, its citizens, and so on. the people in office couldn't care less what a given idea is, all they care about is who proposed it. it's about winning elections and cheering for your team to win more elections. the policies are irrelevant.
i guess ive realized this but it hits home a little more when you are planning on taking away money and supplies from people who are doing their job and putting them in harms way...what kind of politics could be more important that protecting our soldiers and getting them home safely....i get so angry seeing Sen. Reid and Nancy Pelosi, amongst others on tv seriously trying to cut funding with a serious face on just to get ahead "in the game"
When have they tried to cut funding?
I think that they are trying to have it both ways where they appease the anti-war part of the party and not look like they aren't financially supporting the troops.
Honestly, I am cynical of what either side does, but the timelines/guidlines attached to the funds doesn't seem like a bad idea to me.
I'm just so tired of our soldiers getting killed and wounded playing policeman between two sides that have been hellbent on killing each other for the last 500 years.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
But they are not trying to cut funding. They want to fund the troop but they want us to get the hell out of there as well. I don't think that what they are asking for is unreasonable. If this surge works then by that time Iraq will be ready to start picking up the slack. If the surge doesn't work it's time to come to the realization that we can not fix the problems there and need to start pulling our troops out of harms way.
Even if it wasn't vetoed they set a year time table....ask a Native American sometime what US documents are worth.
The democrats/republicans care far far more about the next election than anything about Iraq. This is more about public opinion than anything else.
Force is the only way to stop the violence in that culture. It is today it will be 50 years from now. I actually like the time table, because if anything it puts pressure on the sad sack Iraqui government to get busy and it encourages various factions the US will pull out (even though this kind of BS isn't worth the paper on which it's printed and the strongest of these will certainly take the country over when the US inevitably does leave)
Politicians have been are and always will be full of shit.
If "gullible" was a gas commodity, we could have been an oil free nation under Bush and his Administration.
Where was your voice when it was reported that over 9 billion dollars for the Iraq war was lost by the Bush Administration. At the same time when all the sh-t about no body armor and vehicle armor was available to the troops and they were dying and disfigured?
Where was your voice when the Pentagon told the troops they couldn't wear body armor that their family brought them. Yet, the private security contractors that protected Haliburton's interest all had body armor and armored vehicles.
Where was your voice when policy, after policy that the Bush administration has put out about Iraq has failed. Even the elected government is in a state of failure. Yet, all these contractors are STILL getting paid for jobs they are doing, while corporation after corporation is laying off employees, moving operations or asking employees to take cuts in benefits and pay.
Where was your voice when Bush got his extra troops for the surge and to train the Iraq forces (again). Opps, we are not longer going to train any Iraq personnel. So, American people could you just please keep giving me a BLANK CHECK, I have contractors to pay. It's not about support the troops, Bush and his Administration has proven to the American people that support the troops is their "cash cow" phrase. Theirs lives are a photo opt to get more cash, more laws, and more power.
The Bill being sent to President Bush to sign has funds to not only SUPPORT the troops, but to CARE FOR the troops upon their return from the battlefield all President Bush has to do is sign it.
What this Bill has that MR. BUSH doesn't like is a timetable to start a phrase withdrawal of U.S. troops out of a civil war. You may agree with Mr. Bush that it's an ARTIFICIAL timetable, but it is better than what Mr. Bush has put forth to the American public which is NOTHING. Yes, the Democrats are just another set of politicians with their own agenda, but at least they recognize that the American people is "inclusive" and not "selective" and that a timetable is needed to get something beside killing done in Iraq.
Is a soldier's life worth a library?
your kidding me right? if you for one second believe that the Dems setting a timetable is sufficient work then im sure they have a job for you as a mouthpiece for the party...what a joke...they arent doing anything more than the Bush Admin is doing...all they want is the popular vote from the American people and if you think otherwise then im sorry i cant help you
and for you to call me out as "where is my voice" for all the other stuff...just because i dont start a thread about it on the message pit forum doesnt mean im not speaking out elsewhere about these issues...remember speaking out here doesnt mean jack sh-t...all this forum is for is to maybe throw info out there that others may not have known....HENCE!!!!
why i started this thread about the Dems have Constitutional authority because some people out there might not know this and hey arent using it because they are gutless!!!
My only hope is that a pussy like Barack or Edwards gets elected so all the bashing on here by even Edward Vedder himself flows to the party they support, if you believe that the party of the "people" is gonna do anything for the people you are out of your minds. Gutless bunch of pussies, and I wanna hear some bitching come on let's hear it Dems have had significant control for over 100 days now and what's that not a fucking thing has gotten done.
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
they have no desire to impeach bush. and what has the republican congress accomplished in the last 6 years?
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
hmmm... last time i checked, george bush wasn't a member of congress. i asked what the republican congress was doing for the last 6 years that was so damned impressive? congress doesn't do SHIT. doesn't matter who is in charge of it.
and no, i don't have a job. im in law school. luckily, i got a sizable scholarship. otherwise, i wouldn't be able to attend school becos el presidente decided funding for higher education was unnecessary compared to giving 9 billion to halliburton for iraq construction that simply disappeared into thin air.
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
did i say we needed a change? i said both parties are incompetent and don't give a flying fuck about what's good for the country. the only thing either party cares about is making sure their "team" wins more elections.
the reason given
to set up a free that companies could compete who gets to supply
so now instead of having full funded/ best equipment.. they are getting wal mart helmets and big lots guns. and mcdonalds for lunch
not to mention the billions of dollars that have been transfered ( our tax money ) to that big defense company richard myer has a hand in over on the west coast...around Las supply the iraqi army with equipment.
hmmmm someones a billlllllllllllllllllllllllioooooooooonaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee when they leave office
Do you know what the National Debit is? Do you think that Bush, his Administration and the Republican congress had something to do with that? Maybe you can convince Haliburton to move back from the Arab world and pay back the taxes owe to the American public so that next Kool Aid generation will not have to be burden with the full bill. If you can't get Haliburton back see if Jack and Scooter still have their little black book of names to find the money trails, Gonzo will make sure they're protected during the search. Oh, maybe you can ask Paul Bremer and Paul Wolfowitz where100 million dollars in cash is sitting in Iraq or was it compensation to the UAE for losing the port security deal, because it's not in the U.S. Treasury. You still thirsty!
haha quote of this thread!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
as far as someone said about the national debt as much as we have done over the hundreds of years in this world i dont think we owe anyone anything, so as far as im concerned there is no debt...NEXT QUESTION....
lowest unemployment rate and 13000 stock market, no terrorist attacks on US that is some numbers to chew on, cant argue that
when Bush is out of office and IF the Dems take over we are going to get nailed by a terrorist attack, i would put my life savings on that
Don't absolutely know what you are getting at because your english is TERRIBLE (maybe its American English? hmmm right).
But im going to hazard a guess, and so ask you, what has the US done for the rest of the World in thier 224 years existence in the, what? 3000-4000 years of civilisation?
Ever wondered whats propping up the stock market?
Thank god all those terrorist attacks have stopped, sorry, thank George Bush for being so close to God and getting him finally put a stop to ALL those attacks that have happened on American soil.
You are one scared son of a ....... What a wuss.
LMFAO. That is funny. In fact it's priceless. If you actually believe this you really need help. Talk about drinking the Kool Aid.
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
Minus the taxes going up you pretty much just summed up the Republicans as well. Neither party is going to do shit. It doesn't matter who wins because nothing will change.
Spending has run amok under W's reign. And if by national security plan you're referring to the Patriot Act, our liberties have come under fire in an unprecedented way. Bush has also had no immigration plan, flipping and flopping. And can you highlight any Iraq plan with a specific exit strategy from this administration?
All of the items you fear about the Democrats have come to fruition under a Republican administration and a Republican congress. They were unable to address any of your concerns. Now, I don't believe the Democrats can either, but to hold Republicans as our saviors is to ignore current reality.
yes, but you cannot deny that bush has made it grow. say what you will, clinton balanced a budget. bush has been deficit spending for years. neither party is doing a great job as far as spending and big government go. personally, id rather see american troops on american soil securing our borders and protecting our citizens from terrorism. not dying over in iraq for no apparent reason. i don't care for the dems and their policies aren't exactly brilliant, but the republicans fare no better.