You just summed up my parents, except they aren't Jewish. The other day my mother told me straight out that she would vote for Obama, this is a woman who has stated she would die before voting for a Democrat, but she believes that he is a Muslim and we can't have the enemy in the White House. I shit you not. I still love her to death but I just got up from my seat and told her that I was running late and had to leave. I refuse to engage in political discussions with my family because it makes me want to stick sharp objects in my ears till they bleed profusely. It amazes me that people believe this shit.
Hahaha! Last election I told one of my many conservative, religious family members, "You know, it's not true that you're going to hell if you don't vote for Bush." She said, "Well, I know... but just in case." :eek:
Just once I would love for the candidates to tell all their supporters, strategist and aides to shut the fuck up. Just once I would love both candidates to agree to keep the campaigns clean and only focus on the issues and to reinforce that pact with their posses. I love politics but I can't stand all the bullshit that tags along with it.
I'd love to see that, too, but they just can't do it. They love the dirty mud-slinging too much because, essentially, most politicians are mean-spirited little cry-babies who desperately want their way (whatever that is.) It's just a game to them. The media piles on and we just can't help ourselves and don't look away.
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
I heard this being thrown around on Hannity's radio show yesterday evening but really no where else. I have a simple rule what ever Sean Hannity says I believe the opposite.
Don't watch Fox Noise!
They say "people are saying this about..." Yeah it's you judgemental idiots on Fox news saying whatever you want and blaming them radical liberals. Total BS.
If I hear one more allegation that liberals are criticizing Sarah Palin for choosing to give birth to a child with Down Syndrome, I think I might go on a violent rampage.
(Don't worry, it'll be an angry laundry-folding rampage...but it'll be fast and furious, for sure!)
I've heard this allegation 4 times now...yet I've heard absolutely NO one actually criticizing her choice. Is this infuriating anyone else? As a pro-choice mother, I find this absolutely revolting.
Well, the implication is that liberals are doing this. I notice during this convention the Republicans are saying that "they" are saying a lot of things that, basically, maybe somebody somewhere has once said, but that is certainly not being said by the Democratic party. The Republicans are saying "they, they, they" a lot and hoping that the interpretation is that Democrats are saying it. That way they can impute whatever they want to the Democrats (or liberals), without the Democrats ever having said anything as a party. It's all part of information massaging, to cause more's what the Republicans know how to do, so they do it.
I'd love to see that, too, but they just can't do it. They love the dirty mud-slinging too much because, essentially, most politicians are mean-spirited little cry-babies who desperately want their way (whatever that is.) It's just a game to them. The media piles on and we just can't help ourselves and don't look away.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
Don't watch Fox Noise!
They say "people are saying this about..." Yeah it's you judgemental idiots on Fox news saying whatever you want and blaming them radical liberals. Total BS.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
yea, that's helpful and accurate. :rolleyes:
given her stance on MANY issues, is it any wonder liberals might criticize her stands? seriously?
however, to say liberals are 'critical' or her choosing to give birth to her special needs child is just over the line ludicrous.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Well, the implication is that liberals are doing this. I notice during this convention the Republicans are saying that "they" are saying a lot of things that, basically, maybe somebody somewhere has once said, but that is certainly not being said by the Democratic party. The Republicans are saying "they, they, they" a lot and hoping that the interpretation is that Democrats are saying it. That way they can impute whatever they want to the Democrats (or liberals), without the Democrats ever having said anything as a party. It's all part of information massaging, to cause more's what the Republicans know how to do, so they do it.