How sad. I certainly hope that these people are indicted for their role in this tragedy. At the very least the parents can bring a civil suit against them. That will make it public.
"When you're climbing to the top, you'd better know the way back down" MSB
I just read an update on this story. Hopefully this ordinance will be passed and it will spark stricter laws regarding harrassment.
DARDENNE PRAIRIE, Mo. -- Megan Meier thought she had made a new friend in cyberspace when a cute teenage boy named Josh contacted her on MySpace and began exchanging messages with her.
Megan, a 13-year-old who suffered from depression and attention deficit disorder, corresponded with Josh for more than a month before he abruptly ended their friendship, telling her he had heard she was cruel.
The next day Megan committed suicide. Her family learned later that Josh never actually existed; he was created by members of a neighborhood family that included a former friend of Megan's.
Now Megan's parents hope the people who made the fraudulent profile on the social networking Web site will be prosecuted, and they are seeking legal changes to safeguard children on the Internet.
The girl's mother, Tina Meier, said she doesn't think anyone involved intended for her daughter to kill herself.
"But when adults are involved and continue to screw with a 13-year-old, with or without mental problems, it is absolutely vile," she told the Suburban Journals of Greater St. Louis, which first reported on the case.
Tina Meier said law enforcement officials told her the case did not fit into any law. But sheriff's officials have not closed the case and pledged to consider new evidence if it emerges.
Megan Meier hanged herself in her bedroom on Oct. 16, 2006, and died the next day. She was described as a "bubbly, goofy" girl who loved spending time with her friends, watching movies and fishing with her dad.
Megan had been on medication, but had been upbeat before her death, her mother said, after striking up a relationship on MySpace with Josh Evans about six weeks before her death.
Josh told her he was born in Florida and had recently moved to the nearby community of O'Fallon. He said he was homeschooled, and didn't yet have a phone number in the area to give her.
Megan's parents said she received a message from him on Oct. 15 of last year, essentially saying he didn't want to be her friend anymore, that he had heard she wasn't nice to her friends.
The next day, as Megan's mother headed out the door to take another daughter to the orthodontist, she knew Megan was upset about Internet messages. She asked Megan to log off. Users on MySpace must be at least 14, though Megan was not when she opened her account. A MySpace spokeswoman did not return calls seeking comment.
Someone using Josh's account was sending cruel messages. Then, Megan called her mother, saying electronic bulletins were being posted about her, saying things like, "Megan Meier is a slut. Megan Meier is fat."
Megan's mother, who monitored her daughter's online communications, returned home and said she was shocked at the vulgar language her own daughter was sending. She told her daughter how upset she was about it.
Megan ran upstairs, and her father, Ron, tried to tell her everything would be fine. About 20 minutes later, she was found in her bedroom. She died the next day.
Her father said he found a message the next day from Josh, which he said law enforcement authorities have not been able to retrieve. It told the girl she was a bad person and the world would be better without her, he has said.
Another parent, who learned of the MySpace account from her own daughter who had access to the Josh profile, told Megan's parents about the hoax in a counselor's office about six weeks after Megan died. That's when they learned Josh was imaginary, they said.
The woman who created the fake profile has not been charged with a crime. She allegedly told the St. Charles County Sheriff's Department she created Josh's profile because she wanted to gain Megan's confidence to know what Megan was saying about her own child online.
The mother from down the street told police that she, her daughter and another person all typed and monitored the communication between the fictitious boy and Megan.
A person who answered the door at the family's house told an Associated Press reporter on Friday afternoon that they had been advised not to comment.
Megan's parents had been storing a foosball table for the family that created the MySpace character. Six weeks after Megan's death, they learned the other family had created the profile and responded by destroying the foosball table, dumping it on the neighbors' driveway and encouraging them to move away.
Megan's parents are now separated and plan to divorce.
Aldermen in Dardenne Prairie, a community of about 7,000 residents about 35 miles from St. Louis, have proposed a new ordinance related to child endangerment and Internet harassment. It could come before city leaders on Wednesday.
"Is this enough?" Mayor Pam Fogarty said Friday. "No, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it's something, and you have to start somewhere."
Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
"When you're climbing to the top, you'd better know the way back down" MSB
how is it harassment if she was continuing to correspond with the person?
It sucks that this girl died, but its even scarier that you guys think people should be prosecuted for saying mean things.
I agree but this goes a little bit beyond just saying mean things. From the reports the parents that created the fake profile knew that the girl had a history with depression. They intentionally and maliciously attacked this poor girl. Now I don't think that they should be prosecuted or jailed but these parents are definitely responsible for what transpired and in my opinion are absolute scum.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I agree but this goes a little bit beyond just saying mean things. From the reports the parents that created the fake profile knew that the girl had a history with depression. They intentionally and maliciously attacked this poor girl. Now I don't think that they should be prosecuted or jailed but these parents are definitely responsible for what transpired and in my opinion are absolute scum.
how is it harassment if she was continuing to correspond with the person?
It sucks that this girl died, but its even scarier that you guys think people should be prosecuted for saying mean things.
i read the article in my paper yesterday ...
i don't know if it's harassment but i think this woman should be charged with something ... if we don't want pedophiles pretending to be young boys/girls online we shouldn't want mom's doing this ...
i don't know if it's harassment but i think this woman should be charged with something ... if we don't want pedophiles pretending to be young boys/girls online we shouldn't want mom's doing this ...
"she should be charged with something" is a VERY scary sentiment. If the person didnt commit a crime, we shouldnt make one up just to put an asshole in jail.
and the pedophile comment is absolutely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
i don't know if it's harassment but i think this woman should be charged with something ... if we don't want pedophiles pretending to be young boys/girls online we shouldn't want mom's doing this ...
I don't think they should be charged with anything. The minute we start prosecuting people for harrassment that's the minute we are fucked. Who is to judge what harassment is. What is protesting the government is deemed harassment by the government. As much as it sucks these assholes committed no crime.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
"she should be charged with something" is a VERY scary sentiment. If the person didnt commit a crime, we shouldnt make one up just to put an asshole in jail.
and the pedophile comment is absolutely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
i don't know enough of the criminal code to know ... but isn't impersonating someone a crime?
i don't think its irrelevant ... pedophiles pretend to be someone they aren't in order to give kids a false sense of security in order to at a later point take advantage of that ... i think there are similarities ...
mammasan - i think based on what i read - that there was an intent to cause emotional or pyschological damage ... it is defnitely a fine line but i think part of it also is that we are entering a different age ... i read an article today about street gangs intimidating and recruiting thru the internet ...
mammasan - i think based on what i read - that there was an intent to cause emotional or pyschological damage ... it is defnitely a fine line but i think part of it also is that we are entering a different age ... i read an article today about street gangs intimidating and recruiting thru the internet ...
It is a very fine line when we allow our governments to define what harrassment is. I really feel for the parents of the dead girl and I wish that there was a way to punish the parents that created the fake profile, but unfortunetly there is not and the only way to punish them would be to step all over one of our constitutional rights.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
i don't know enough of the criminal code to know ... but isn't impersonating someone a crime?
i don't think its irrelevant ... pedophiles pretend to be someone they aren't in order to give kids a false sense of security in order to at a later point take advantage of that ... i think there are similarities ...
mammasan - i think based on what i read - that there was an intent to cause emotional or pyschological damage ... it is defnitely a fine line but i think part of it also is that we are entering a different age ... i read an article today about street gangs intimidating and recruiting thru the internet ...
Impersonating someone for gain is a crime. Assuming someones identity is a crime. Impersonating someone in a position of power, and then utilizing that power is a crime. Making up a person to fuck with someone online is not a crime. Hell, by that logic, ive said mean things to people online, if they went and killed themselves, have i commited a crime because i am "impersonating" Skitch Patterson?
It is totally irrelevant. The crime of being a pedophile is the crime. Engaging in explict sexual conversation with a minor is the crime. Simply talking to someone underage is not a crime, nor should it be- or every idiot playing Halo would be arrested.
and to your point about gangs intimidating through the internet- if they are making specific threats against people... then THAT could be a crime and they could be prosecuted.
Impersonating someone for gain is a crime. Assuming someones identity is a crime. Impersonating someone in a position of power, and then utilizing that power is a crime. Making up a person to fuck with someone online is not a crime. Hell, by that logic, ive said mean things to people online, if they went and killed themselves, have i commited a crime because i am "impersonating" Skitch Patterson?
It is totally irrelevant. The crime of being a pedophile is the crime. Engaging in explict sexual conversation with a minor is the crime. Simply talking to someone underage is not a crime, nor should it be- or every idiot playing Halo would be arrested.
and to your point about gangs intimidating through the internet- if they are making specific threats against people... then THAT could be a crime and they could be prosecuted.
to me the difference is that these people knew the girl and knew she was vulnerable ... yet they performed an act of pure maliciousness ...
definitely a fine line but imo - there was an intent to cause damage and that is not acceptable ...
to me the difference is that these people knew the girl and knew she was vulnerable ... yet they performed an act of pure maliciousness ...
definitely a fine line but imo - there was an intent to cause damage and that is not acceptable ...
No one is saying its acceptable... im just saying its not a crime.
and its even scarier that people want to make up laws, or reinterpret laws in order to prosecute something that under any other circumstances are not criminal.
Just cause someone is an asshole, doesnt mean they are a criminal.
No one is saying its acceptable... im just saying its not a crime.
and its even scarier that people want to make up laws, or reinterpret laws in order to prosecute something that under any other circumstances are not criminal.
Just cause someone is an asshole, doesnt mean they are a criminal.
if its against the law to jaywalk - then this seems reasonable ...
i'm not necessarily wanting to make up a law but times are changing and the criminal code should reflect that ...
whether this is a crime or not now is secondary to whether or not it should be a crime ...
"she should be charged with something" is a VERY scary sentiment. If the person didnt commit a crime, we shouldnt make one up just to put an asshole in jail.
and the pedophile comment is absolutely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
well creating a fake identity of a child in order to con another child should DEFINITELY be some kind of crime.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
No one is saying its acceptable... im just saying its not a crime.
and its even scarier that people want to make up laws, or reinterpret laws in order to prosecute something that under any other circumstances are not criminal.
Just cause someone is an asshole, doesnt mean they are a criminal.
well creating a fake identity of a child in order to con another child should DEFINITELY be some kind of crime.
It's fucked up but it's not illegal. If creating a fake identity on the web to con someone is illegal, I'm sure there are many people on this very message board who would be in violation. Hell is being an asshole on the internet where illegal most of us would be in prison right now.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
well creating a fake identity of a child in order to con another child should DEFINITELY be some kind of crime.
this is the problem with the internet. lets face it, its still new. new laws will and are going to be constantly written. I think its just a matter of catching up.
for example, up until recently I believe, it was legal to solicit children on the net. now its a felony.
if its against the law to jaywalk - then this seems reasonable ...
i'm not necessarily wanting to make up a law but times are changing and the criminal code should reflect that ...
whether this is a crime or not now is secondary to whether or not it should be a crime ...
It is against the law to jaywalk. It poses a risk to both the jaywalkers, and the persons driving. Jaywalking is rarely enforced, but is a law that exists for a physical safety reason.
The criminal code should reflect changes in technology... but if this was notes in the mail, id be saying the same thing. They did not hang the girl. They did not threaten the girl. All they did was hurt her feelings, and if you start criminalizing hurting someones feelings, regardless of medium... then we all got bigger problems then some girl killing herself. Perhaps we should charge her parents with accessory to murder because they provided the bed sheets she hung herself with, or Myspace because it allows people to talk. ...
In fact, there was a girl years ago on this board who talked of killing herself (and supposedly did). People told her she was a coward for taking the easy way out... maybe the police should dig up that thread and prosecute anyone who said something negative to that girl.
If you start legislating what people can and can not say to each other... then that is a HUGE problem. A far greater infringment on our liberties than even George W. Bush has managed to pull off.
this is the problem with the internet. lets face it, its still new. new laws will and are going to be constantly written. I think its just a matter of catching up.
for example, up until recently I believe, it was legal to solicit children on the net. now its a felony.
absolutely! Internet bullying is a pretty big thing these days apparently. They'll have to figure something out.
mammasan, I know it's NOT illegal, I was saying it should be and yep, I reckon there's quite a few here too.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
In fact, there was a girl years ago on this board who talked of killing herself (and supposedly did). People told her she was a coward for taking the easy way out... maybe the police should dig up that thread and prosecute anyone who said something negative to that girl.
really? is this true?
Yeh, I think a lot of people come here and pretend to be someone they're not and look for attention... but my guess is that for every maybe 6 or 7 threads of people threatening suicide, the chance that even ONE of those may NOT be talking shite is enough reason for me and several others to give it the benefit of the doubt and presume they're not talking shite. If they are and if some sick pricks are having a laugh at our expense... well it's better than the alternative of somebody killing themselves over something we have to say.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
So i should be able to shoot someone exiting my neighbors window, but i cant say mean things to people.
all I ask and all I want is that people leave eachother alone... live and let live, eh? But if you can't do that... if you MUST fuck other peoples lives up, well you deserve everything coming to you.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
If she was corresponding back and forth with them, i highly doubt its harassment.
Yea, good point on that one. I guess the defense would argue that the girl had the means to terminate the conversation at any time, she just chose not to do so.
It is against the law to jaywalk. It poses a risk to both the jaywalkers, and the persons driving. Jaywalking is rarely enforced, but is a law that exists for a physical safety reason.
The criminal code should reflect changes in technology... but if this was notes in the mail, id be saying the same thing. They did not hang the girl. They did not threaten the girl. All they did was hurt her feelings, and if you start criminalizing hurting someones feelings, regardless of medium... then we all got bigger problems then some girl killing herself. Perhaps we should charge her parents with accessory to murder because they provided the bed sheets she hung herself with, or Myspace because it allows people to talk. ...
In fact, there was a girl years ago on this board who talked of killing herself (and supposedly did). People told her she was a coward for taking the easy way out... maybe the police should dig up that thread and prosecute anyone who said something negative to that girl.
If you start legislating what people can and can not say to each other... then that is a HUGE problem. A far greater infringment on our liberties than even George W. Bush has managed to pull off.
i think this goes beyond just saying your "mean things" ... if this was simply just some assholes - it would be one thing ...
this was a malicious attack to me based on history and context ... knowing a girl is prone to depression and such - to purposefully, set her up so that she would more then likely hurdle into that depression is far beyond making fun of her ...
In fact, there was a girl years ago on this board who talked of killing herself (and supposedly did). People told her she was a coward for taking the easy way out... maybe the police should dig up that thread and prosecute anyone who said something negative to that girl.
I remember one apparent incident, but I don't know if we're thinking about the same girl. The one I'm thinking of didn't suffer any bullying while she posted: people just shouted about the merits of her "suicide", after the alleged fact.
DARDENNE PRAIRIE, Mo. -- Megan Meier thought she had made a new friend in cyberspace when a cute teenage boy named Josh contacted her on MySpace and began exchanging messages with her.
Megan, a 13-year-old who suffered from depression and attention deficit disorder, corresponded with Josh for more than a month before he abruptly ended their friendship, telling her he had heard she was cruel.
The next day Megan committed suicide. Her family learned later that Josh never actually existed; he was created by members of a neighborhood family that included a former friend of Megan's.
Now Megan's parents hope the people who made the fraudulent profile on the social networking Web site will be prosecuted, and they are seeking legal changes to safeguard children on the Internet.
The girl's mother, Tina Meier, said she doesn't think anyone involved intended for her daughter to kill herself.
"But when adults are involved and continue to screw with a 13-year-old, with or without mental problems, it is absolutely vile," she told the Suburban Journals of Greater St. Louis, which first reported on the case.
Tina Meier said law enforcement officials told her the case did not fit into any law. But sheriff's officials have not closed the case and pledged to consider new evidence if it emerges.
Megan Meier hanged herself in her bedroom on Oct. 16, 2006, and died the next day. She was described as a "bubbly, goofy" girl who loved spending time with her friends, watching movies and fishing with her dad.
Megan had been on medication, but had been upbeat before her death, her mother said, after striking up a relationship on MySpace with Josh Evans about six weeks before her death.
Josh told her he was born in Florida and had recently moved to the nearby community of O'Fallon. He said he was homeschooled, and didn't yet have a phone number in the area to give her.
Megan's parents said she received a message from him on Oct. 15 of last year, essentially saying he didn't want to be her friend anymore, that he had heard she wasn't nice to her friends.
The next day, as Megan's mother headed out the door to take another daughter to the orthodontist, she knew Megan was upset about Internet messages. She asked Megan to log off. Users on MySpace must be at least 14, though Megan was not when she opened her account. A MySpace spokeswoman did not return calls seeking comment.
Someone using Josh's account was sending cruel messages. Then, Megan called her mother, saying electronic bulletins were being posted about her, saying things like, "Megan Meier is a slut. Megan Meier is fat."
Megan's mother, who monitored her daughter's online communications, returned home and said she was shocked at the vulgar language her own daughter was sending. She told her daughter how upset she was about it.
Megan ran upstairs, and her father, Ron, tried to tell her everything would be fine. About 20 minutes later, she was found in her bedroom. She died the next day.
Her father said he found a message the next day from Josh, which he said law enforcement authorities have not been able to retrieve. It told the girl she was a bad person and the world would be better without her, he has said.
Another parent, who learned of the MySpace account from her own daughter who had access to the Josh profile, told Megan's parents about the hoax in a counselor's office about six weeks after Megan died. That's when they learned Josh was imaginary, they said.
The woman who created the fake profile has not been charged with a crime. She allegedly told the St. Charles County Sheriff's Department she created Josh's profile because she wanted to gain Megan's confidence to know what Megan was saying about her own child online.
The mother from down the street told police that she, her daughter and another person all typed and monitored the communication between the fictitious boy and Megan.
A person who answered the door at the family's house told an Associated Press reporter on Friday afternoon that they had been advised not to comment.
Megan's parents had been storing a foosball table for the family that created the MySpace character. Six weeks after Megan's death, they learned the other family had created the profile and responded by destroying the foosball table, dumping it on the neighbors' driveway and encouraging them to move away.
Megan's parents are now separated and plan to divorce.
Aldermen in Dardenne Prairie, a community of about 7,000 residents about 35 miles from St. Louis, have proposed a new ordinance related to child endangerment and Internet harassment. It could come before city leaders on Wednesday.
"Is this enough?" Mayor Pam Fogarty said Friday. "No, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it's something, and you have to start somewhere."
Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
It sucks that this girl died, but its even scarier that you guys think people should be prosecuted for saying mean things.
I agree but this goes a little bit beyond just saying mean things. From the reports the parents that created the fake profile knew that the girl had a history with depression. They intentionally and maliciously attacked this poor girl. Now I don't think that they should be prosecuted or jailed but these parents are definitely responsible for what transpired and in my opinion are absolute scum.
No question. 100% they are absolute scum.
i read the article in my paper yesterday ...
i don't know if it's harassment but i think this woman should be charged with something ... if we don't want pedophiles pretending to be young boys/girls online we shouldn't want mom's doing this ...
"she should be charged with something" is a VERY scary sentiment. If the person didnt commit a crime, we shouldnt make one up just to put an asshole in jail.
and the pedophile comment is absolutely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
I don't think they should be charged with anything. The minute we start prosecuting people for harrassment that's the minute we are fucked. Who is to judge what harassment is. What is protesting the government is deemed harassment by the government. As much as it sucks these assholes committed no crime.
i don't know enough of the criminal code to know ... but isn't impersonating someone a crime?
i don't think its irrelevant ... pedophiles pretend to be someone they aren't in order to give kids a false sense of security in order to at a later point take advantage of that ... i think there are similarities ...
mammasan - i think based on what i read - that there was an intent to cause emotional or pyschological damage ... it is defnitely a fine line but i think part of it also is that we are entering a different age ... i read an article today about street gangs intimidating and recruiting thru the internet ...
It is a very fine line when we allow our governments to define what harrassment is. I really feel for the parents of the dead girl and I wish that there was a way to punish the parents that created the fake profile, but unfortunetly there is not and the only way to punish them would be to step all over one of our constitutional rights.
Impersonating someone for gain is a crime. Assuming someones identity is a crime. Impersonating someone in a position of power, and then utilizing that power is a crime. Making up a person to fuck with someone online is not a crime. Hell, by that logic, ive said mean things to people online, if they went and killed themselves, have i commited a crime because i am "impersonating" Skitch Patterson?
It is totally irrelevant. The crime of being a pedophile is the crime. Engaging in explict sexual conversation with a minor is the crime. Simply talking to someone underage is not a crime, nor should it be- or every idiot playing Halo would be arrested.
and to your point about gangs intimidating through the internet- if they are making specific threats against people... then THAT could be a crime and they could be prosecuted.
to me the difference is that these people knew the girl and knew she was vulnerable ... yet they performed an act of pure maliciousness ...
definitely a fine line but imo - there was an intent to cause damage and that is not acceptable ...
No one is saying its acceptable... im just saying its not a crime.
and its even scarier that people want to make up laws, or reinterpret laws in order to prosecute something that under any other circumstances are not criminal.
Just cause someone is an asshole, doesnt mean they are a criminal.
if its against the law to jaywalk - then this seems reasonable ...
i'm not necessarily wanting to make up a law but times are changing and the criminal code should reflect that ...
whether this is a crime or not now is secondary to whether or not it should be a crime ...
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
what about harassment at the very least?
It's fucked up but it's not illegal. If creating a fake identity on the web to con someone is illegal, I'm sure there are many people on this very message board who would be in violation. Hell is being an asshole on the internet where illegal most of us would be in prison right now.
this is the problem with the internet. lets face it, its still new. new laws will and are going to be constantly written. I think its just a matter of catching up.
for example, up until recently I believe, it was legal to solicit children on the net. now its a felony.
It is against the law to jaywalk. It poses a risk to both the jaywalkers, and the persons driving. Jaywalking is rarely enforced, but is a law that exists for a physical safety reason.
The criminal code should reflect changes in technology... but if this was notes in the mail, id be saying the same thing. They did not hang the girl. They did not threaten the girl. All they did was hurt her feelings, and if you start criminalizing hurting someones feelings, regardless of medium... then we all got bigger problems then some girl killing herself. Perhaps we should charge her parents with accessory to murder because they provided the bed sheets she hung herself with, or Myspace because it allows people to talk. ...
In fact, there was a girl years ago on this board who talked of killing herself (and supposedly did). People told her she was a coward for taking the easy way out... maybe the police should dig up that thread and prosecute anyone who said something negative to that girl.
If you start legislating what people can and can not say to each other... then that is a HUGE problem. A far greater infringment on our liberties than even George W. Bush has managed to pull off.
If she was corresponding back and forth with them, i highly doubt its harassment.
mammasan, I know it's NOT illegal, I was saying it should be
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
So i should be able to shoot someone exiting my neighbors window, but i cant say mean things to people.
I don't believe it should be illegal.
Yeh, I think a lot of people come here and pretend to be someone they're not and look for attention... but my guess is that for every maybe 6 or 7 threads of people threatening suicide, the chance that even ONE of those may NOT be talking shite is enough reason for me and several others to give it the benefit of the doubt and presume they're not talking shite. If they are and if some sick pricks are having a laugh at our expense... well it's better than the alternative of somebody killing themselves over something we have to say.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Yea, good point on that one. I guess the defense would argue that the girl had the means to terminate the conversation at any time, she just chose not to do so.
i think this goes beyond just saying your "mean things" ... if this was simply just some assholes - it would be one thing ...
this was a malicious attack to me based on history and context ... knowing a girl is prone to depression and such - to purposefully, set her up so that she would more then likely hurdle into that depression is far beyond making fun of her ...
well that's my opinion
I remember one apparent incident, but I don't know if we're thinking about the same girl. The one I'm thinking of didn't suffer any bullying while she posted: people just shouted about the merits of her "suicide", after the alleged fact.