


  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    sponger wrote:
    I was only returning the favor. But, judging from your posts, I'm not surprised to see you focusing on one side of the issue. Next thing you know, you'll be helping JOEJOEJOE look like a victim.


    Why do I get the feeling you're going to give me a reason to defend another stranger from you? hehe :D
    sponger wrote:
    I was only returning the favor. But, judging from your posts, I'm not surprised to see you focusing on one side of the issue. Next thing you know, you'll be helping JOEJOEJOE look like a victim.

    Well, idiot, I am a victim of the Nazis.....countless relatives were dad never recovered from being in a concentration camp.

    Perhaps you should base your judgements on reality, and not on some "academic" readings.

    Whats wrong, did you worthless masters degree not take you as far in life as you expetced?
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Well, idiot, I am a victim of the Nazis.....countless relatives were dad never recovered from being in a concentration camp.

    That's all the more reason why it's impossible for you to see the logic in my statement. Like I said, I would never forgive. Neither have you, apparently. And I don't blame you. So, maybe you aren't uneducated; you're just blinded by your own anger and desire for revenge. Such is human nature.

    There were literally millions of soldiers helping the nazi party commit its atrocities during WWII. Do you really think it's a coincidence that so many men just happen to be "inhuman." It must be a coincidence...being that they killed your relatives and traumatized your dad.

    Remember, I'm not saying what they did is forgivable. I'm saying any army under a certain kind of leadership is capable of doing the same thing. For someone who is so affected by nazis, you sure have taken little time to understand what led to their creation. Meanwhile, you can keep calling me an idiot if it makes you feel better.
    sponger wrote:
    That's all the more reason why it's impossible for you to see the logic in my statement. Like I said, I would never forgive. Neither have you, apparently. And I don't blame you. So, maybe you aren't uneducated; you're just blinded by your own anger and desire for revenge. Such is human nature.

    There were literally millions of soldiers helping the nazi party commit its atrocities during WWII. Do you really think it's a coincidence that so many men just happen to be "inhuman." It must be a coincidence...being that they killed your relatives and traumatized your dad.

    Remember, I'm not saying what they did is forgivable. I'm saying any army under a certain kind of leadership is capable of doing the same thing. For someone who is so affected by nazis, you sure have taken little time to understand what led to their creation. Meanwhile, you can keep calling me an idiot if it makes you feel better.

    Thanks for your rational response.

    I am very well read in terms of the rise of the Nazis, thank you.

    I obvioulsy have emotional feelings towards the issue, but I am also a rational thinker.

    I understand what led to their creation. The people who rallied around Hilter did have a choice.....they were not under duress, nor were they "following orders" when they accepted his rule. Surely many of those who bought into his hatred were not just following orders when they carried out killings.....any thoughts?
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    ilana wrote:
    the current pope used to belong to the hitler youth movment

    It IS worth noting (since nobody else has mentioned it) that Joseph Ratzinger was required by German law at the time to join the Nazi Youth program, and he was hardly a regular at meetings (from various sources), and he did lose family members to the Nazis, and he was interred at an Allied POW camp before being released, and that he never picked up a weapon on the frontlines of WW2.

    But I suppose the Catholic-bashers will go to town on the "He was part of the Hitler Youth movement" part......
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Thanks for your rational response.

    It was no different from my first, so there is no need to thank me. Rational repsonses are what I produce without positive reinforcement.
    joejoejoe wrote:
    I understand what led to their creation. The people who rallied around Hilter did have a choice.....they were not under duress, nor were they "following orders" when they accepted his rule. Surely many of those who bought into his hatred were not just following orders when they carried out killings.....any thoughts?

    Would you say that the people who initially rallied around hitler had any idea that they were supporting a movement that would eventually lead to a holocaust?

    No, in fact, they didn't.

    So, support which led to the creation of the nazi party and its anti-semitic ambitions amounts to racism/scapegoatism. And racism/scapegoatism is no characteristic unique to the nazi party.

    But, what really makes the nazis stand out? Obviously, it is the holocaust, not rounding up the jews. The rounding up of people of a certain race is nothing new to history. The U.S. did it to the japanese in WWII.

    You might say that the rounding up of the Japanese in WWII is different because the US citizens really believed that the Japanese were a threat. But, what if we rounded up the muslims in the united states right now because of the war in the middle east? Would you not say that such an action stinks of racism?

    The same goes for the rounding up of jews. The country of germany was bankrupt and defeated from WWI. It had no pride. The people of germany lived their lives feeling humiliated. I'm not saying that they shouldn't have. But, just as the U.S. thought it necessary to round up the japanese, the germans, believing that the jews were to blame for their own problems, felt it in the best interests of Germany to round up the Jews. On top of that, they were simply racist. And, as I said before, that in it of itself makes germany no more "inhuman" than many, many nations throughout history.

    Do you think that Hitler would've still ascended to power if Germany was not suffering from a lack of patriotism in addition to economic hardship? Do you think it's B.S. when people say that a people who are desperate will believe anything you tell them as long as it brings them hope?

    And now we move to the actual holocaust itself. How can any army just blantly exterminate masses of innocent people without any provocation simply because they're being ordered to do so? Are you really asking me that? Before I explain what is to me blantantly obvious and what I would expect to be blatantly obvious to anyone else, I just want to make sure that you are seriously asking me how it is possible for a randomly selected military to obey orders, no matter how insidious, without question.
  • LoriDee64LoriDee64 Posts: 75
    I love how spongie keeps popping all his lil jabs :D

    which reminds me, I haven't visited in a while

    actually I haven't seen this one (especially at the end :D)

    Drugs I Need...hhahahahaha! Very cute video...!

    Btw..this has been such an interesting thread so far...
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