Road Rage...Please help

I just wanted to ask you guys a few questions since you guys are an older and wiser bunch.
I was feeling a little stressed at this time....but as I was driving home on a road I was familiar with at a steady speed. I was about to pass a road on my right suddenly a medium sized city utility truck with a long metal attachment like a transporter jumps in front of me. He doesn't even stop at the road hes coming from...and suddenly gets in front of me full speed... I know he saw me. He just didn't want me to pass I don't know why, it is common courtesy to have let me pass since I was moving....he doesn't even stop he just jumps in front of me. Is this road rage on his part?
Then I gestured with my hands and flanging my arms in shock and I mouthed the words "What are you doing"? "How can you drive like that" with my windows down.
I wanted to let it pass but I felt insulted then I decided to get on the right lane and pass him before the lane on the right ended so that way I jumped in front of him without close contact. Do you think this is a normal reaction or did this trigger rage behavior on my part?
I realized what I did and I made eye contact with the driver and I waved and smiled at him....then he honked twice and I waved my hands again as a sign of good gesture as if to say I really did not mean that.
Then I though did he take down my license plate? Can someone come after you just by taking down your license plate other than the police? I feel very baddd! but yet I feel I am not at fault you not agree?
I would really appreciate it if you can give me an honest and real answer since most of you guys have had these kind of experiences "real life experiences" be mean if you have to I would like to hear it!!! Thank You
How do you guys handle road rage? or if you have ever been in one or whether you were the aggressee or aggressor, how would you handle the situation?
I just wanted to ask you guys a few questions since you guys are an older and wiser bunch.
I was feeling a little stressed at this time....but as I was driving home on a road I was familiar with at a steady speed. I was about to pass a road on my right suddenly a medium sized city utility truck with a long metal attachment like a transporter jumps in front of me. He doesn't even stop at the road hes coming from...and suddenly gets in front of me full speed... I know he saw me. He just didn't want me to pass I don't know why, it is common courtesy to have let me pass since I was moving....he doesn't even stop he just jumps in front of me. Is this road rage on his part?
Then I gestured with my hands and flanging my arms in shock and I mouthed the words "What are you doing"? "How can you drive like that" with my windows down.
I wanted to let it pass but I felt insulted then I decided to get on the right lane and pass him before the lane on the right ended so that way I jumped in front of him without close contact. Do you think this is a normal reaction or did this trigger rage behavior on my part?
I realized what I did and I made eye contact with the driver and I waved and smiled at him....then he honked twice and I waved my hands again as a sign of good gesture as if to say I really did not mean that.
Then I though did he take down my license plate? Can someone come after you just by taking down your license plate other than the police? I feel very baddd! but yet I feel I am not at fault you not agree?
I would really appreciate it if you can give me an honest and real answer since most of you guys have had these kind of experiences "real life experiences" be mean if you have to I would like to hear it!!! Thank You
How do you guys handle road rage? or if you have ever been in one or whether you were the aggressee or aggressor, how would you handle the situation?
ZakiaTheGreat..."Hey, where is Atlanta under default time zone?"
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Road Rage is when you stop your car in front of someone get out and bash their window in with a baseball bat.
lol, yeah like Drama in Entourage.
personally if you think THAT's road rage I'd have been in jail since I was 15. I don't think this time the trucker did it on purpose.
Your right my 'reaction' was dangerously stupid!!! I merged in front of him on purpose out of spite and sheer stupidity. But he was not merging he was trying to get on to the main road...he either had to make a left or right turn thats when he made a right turn that when I came inches from hitting him. He didn't even stop at the end of his road he kept going and had a mean look on his face.
I wouldn't worry too much about this. Look at this as a learning experience. People are going to pull out in front of you, cut you off, tailgate, and so on...the only thing you can really control in situations like that is you and how you choose to react...
A couple weeks ago, I was driving home from work, and a guy in a big ol' supped up Chevy Diesel truck pulls out in front of me. You know, jacked up, big tires, loud exhaust, chrome everywhere. I'm driving my old beat up Diesel Jetta. I threw my hands up in a "what the f" short of fashion...but that was finger, no more the next light, he's in front of me...he rolls down his window and I can see has face in the side mirror...he's mouthing something like "you wanna talk about it, you wanna talk about it"...I just started laughing...laughing hard...I did wave my arms like a gorilla, laughing at him...he didn't seem very pleased...
I used to suffer a bit from road rage when I was in college in Memphis. I did some stupid things as a result that I cringe about now. Learn to let it go.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
So what if they take down your license plate...would I still be charged? Couldn't they access your identity through your license plate....or am I being paranoid because only the police can do that...right? I think I am stressing myself over it once again...I am very sorry but please put my mind at ease.
very paranoid. even if they called your license plate in (which they didnt, you imagined that) the cops couldn't do a damn thing about any of it. and no, unless they have an inside source at the dmv willing to break the law, they can't access your identity though your license plate. shit, if they could, so what? you're never safe, someone walking by on the street could access your identity.
you are a very new driver eh?
A new driver you could say that..
Yeah, I think you are over reacting. You can't be charged with anything. You didn't break the law by getting mad and passing the guy. And he can't track you down with your license plate number.
It took me a while to be able to do this but whenever someone else does something stupid while I am driving I just either wave at them and say "It's ok" or just act like it never happened. You will be surprised how many times they will mouth back "Sorry".
I just decided not to get mad anymore after getting in a shouting match with a woman in a parking lot one day after she ran a stop sign and almost hit me then proceeded to yell at me. Getting that worked up over this type stuff just isn't worth it.
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I think at most if he called the cops on you the cops might either stop by your house or send you a warning in the mail. It is not like they could charge you with a traffic violation without seeing it (they would have no proof it was you in the car) and it is not like they could give the trucker your info.
your reaction was normal. i would have written down his license plate and reported it to the city. then passed him any way i could. let's say he did write down your license plate and reported you. you simply tell the police that he didn't stop and pulled in front of you. you were driving at the posted speed limit and because of his actions; it caused an emergency situation and you did what you had to to avoid an accident.
relax sofia; if you DIDN'T get mad at people like that; something would be wrong with you.
Thanks that helps me out tremendously:)
you're very welcome. here in arizona we're allowed to carry firearms in our cars if they are in a holster. i find that placing a .44 magnum on the dashboard works well to keep other drivers from getting too agressive with me. you seem like a nice person who wouldn't do this so i didn't mention it in my reply.
take care
that's just what this world needs. more hotheads driving around with handguns strapped to their dashboards talking about how other drivers shouldn't fuck with them.
i bet that fat mother ****** is talking about it right now and i bet he found another sandwich!
you're proud of this...? when did they start handing out drivers licenses to 8 year olds...?
if we're lucky macguvyer will run onelongsong off the road and with his dying breath onelongsong will shoot him dead in return. then we'd have 2 less fucking morons on the road.
im not sure...but making death threats on a bands message board...probably isnt the best demonstration of ''maturity''
and besides its always much more dramatic when someone is shot alive... not dead.
just a thought..
death threat...?? a bit dramatic I would say...
and why is maturity in quotes...?
soulsinging has a message board secretary?
thats ''crazy''
"what u talkin' about, roadkiller..?"
im just sayin..that soulsingin is a baddd mottherrrr f shut your mouth!
Ok guys cool it.... I detect a bit of road rage more like "pit rage"
I certainly don't want to make 'light' of this but I do appreciate you guys giving me your attention on this matter. I've found a bit of clarity. Thank You.
the handgun STOPS the road rage. an armed society is a polite society. everyone in my town is armed thus there's no crime. where you have crime is where the criminals are armed and know their victims are not. criminals prefer unarmed victims and that's why organized crime donates so much to organizations that are anti gun. look at towns like morton grove IL or glenco IL. when they banned guns their crime rate soared. prior to the gun control act of 1968; you could carry your handgun on commercial airlines. when that stopped; we had hijackings.
check it out for yourself.
death threats? i have no need to threaten you. all i said was that i hope, for the rest of us, that darwinism goes to work on you real soon.
tool sucks, btw. and unless you're in the band, you're a dork for signing your post with that.