Just because someone attaches the word "Christian" to something, doesn't mean that it's really a Christian concept.
I often believe that sometimes people who truly oppose Christianity start these things and label them as Christian just to create a backlash against religion.
agreed. This is nothing more than twisted, male dominated thinking. Comparable to Mormon Polygamy.
The bible says the husband should "treat his wife as his own flesh". So is he going to beat himself after he finishes punishing his wife?
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
yes, a lot of christian fundies do a lot of crazy shit. but fundamentalists from any other major worldview or religion also do a lot of crazy shit. while prefacing my next statement with the fact that i subscribe to no organized religion whatsoever, it seems that in these kinds of forums christianity tends to take a bit more guff than any others. can't we all just come to agree that ANY fundamentalist from ANY group of people is probably an obnoxious and overbearing asshole? visit any other country--or even outskirt community here in the states--that has a majority of it's citizens who subscribe to a religion besides christianity, and just try to see if the fundamentalist groups from said religion don't have some pretty goddamn wacky tendencies and behaviors.
Do you see the way that tree bends?
Does it inspire?
Leaning out to catch the sun's rays...
A lesson to be applied.
Best night of my life. . .
Noblesville, IN 06-22-03.
yes, a lot of christian fundies do a lot of crazy shit. but fundamentalists from any other major worldview or religion also do a lot of crazy shit. while prefacing my next statement with the fact that i subscribe to no organized religion whatsoever, it seems that in these kinds of forums christianity tends to take a bit more guff than any others. can't we all just come to agree that ANY fundamentalist from ANY group of people is probably an obnoxious and overbearing asshole? visit any other country--or even outskirt community here in the states--that has a majority of it's citizens who subscribe to a religion besides christianity, and just try to see if the fundamentalist groups from said religion don't have some pretty goddamn wacky tendencies and behaviors.
the way i see it.... whenever people usually speak about these "christian fundamentalists" it's never referring to me. what the hell is a christian fundamentalist anyway?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
the way i see it.... whenever people usually speak about these "christian fundamentalists" it's never referring to me. what the hell is a christian fundamentalist anyway?
a fundamentalist is someone who adheres to and believes in the basic teachings of the bible.
Think fundamental as you would the basics in education.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
yeah deadnothing, i'm not saying anyone who is a faithful christian is a fundamentalist. i mean, honestly, most of the crazy and quirky religious behaviors people associate with christianity are actually practiced by very few of them.
Do you see the way that tree bends?
Does it inspire?
Leaning out to catch the sun's rays...
A lesson to be applied.
Best night of my life. . .
Noblesville, IN 06-22-03.
a fundamentalist is someone who adheres to and believes in the basic teachings of the bible.
Think fundamental as you would the basics in education.
the way it sounds, coming from all sides, there seems to be a wider definition of a fundamentalist christian. most times they refer to those christians as violating someone's rights. point in case, whipping their wives. if this type of behavior identifies a "christian fundamentalist" than i am not one of those.
someone who adheres to the basic teachings of the bible would know themselves the bible speaks against these things. consider the evangelical preacher who boycotted against gay marriages but then was later discovered that he had his little experience with a male prostitute.
funny, or rather ironic, in romans we read paul speaking out against the vile and sexual perversions in the first chapter and then jump to the next speaks out against those who judges them who practices those things, saying that if they judge it might well be that they practice those things too.
my point is, when someone is referring to a fundamental christian they begin to describe them in ways that wouldn't apply to the good christians out there. they describe them in ways that simply don't apply to me... not that i'm perfect, but i don't practice those radical behaviors.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
the way it sounds, coming from all sides, there seems to be a wider definition of a fundamentalist christian. most times they refer to those christians as violating someone's rights. point in case, whipping their wives. if this type of behavior identifies a "christian fundamentalist" than i am not one of those.
someone who adheres to the basic teachings of the bible would know themselves the bible speaks against these things. consider the evangelical preacher who boycotted against gay marriages but then was later discovered that he had his little experience with a male prostitute.
funny, or rather ironic, in romans we read paul speaking out against the vile and sexual perversions in the first chapter and then jump to the next speaks out against those who judges them who practices those things, saying that if they judge it might well be that they practice those things too.
my point is, when someone is referring to a fundamental christian they begin to describe them in ways that wouldn't apply to the good christians out there. they describe them in ways that simply don't apply to me... not that i'm perfect, but i don't practice those radical behaviors.
That is when the term is used inappropriately.
Say you are strongly against abortion. You could be considered an pro-life fundamentalist. But you lump in the group of people who take protests to extremes and use violence, that doesn't make all pro life fundamentalists violent.
A fundamentalist is someone who believes strongly in a concept, issue or idea. They are fiercely attatched to their belief.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
excuse me, but you are crossing the posting guidelines. Personal insults are not allowed, remember? Mr. PL.
Oh and btw...are you really generalizing ALL Christians as wife beaters?
how is that a personal insult? a personal insult is... what were your words? oh yes "you are a loser." that is an insult. this is a joke of questionable taste based on your own beliefs as expressed on here. try not taking yourself so seriously.
the way i see it.... whenever people usually speak about these "christian fundamentalists" it's never referring to me. what the hell is a christian fundamentalist anyway?
the belief in old and traditional forms of religion, or the belief that what is written in a holy book, such as the Christian Bible, is completely true:
(cambridge dictionary)
2 : a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles
the belief in old and traditional forms of religion, or the belief that what is written in a holy book, such as the Christian Bible, is completely true:
(cambridge dictionary)
2 : a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles
So yes, creationists would be fundamentalists.
what's a creationist?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
a creationist is essentially someone who rejects the notion of evolution and scientific explaination for the universe in lieu of the literal interpretation of god creating plantets, solar systems, and galaxies in a little under a week...
Do you see the way that tree bends?
Does it inspire?
Leaning out to catch the sun's rays...
A lesson to be applied.
Best night of my life. . .
Noblesville, IN 06-22-03.
Here's a question, and I'm not trying to provoke here: if creationism is false, how does one scientifically explain the idea of something coming from nothing? I mean, if there is no God, no higher being, then the world should be completely explainable on purely human terms, right? Which is to say, science. Which means, something couldn't have come from nothing?
Here's a question, and I'm not trying to provoke here: if creationism is false, how does one scientifically explain the idea of something coming from nothing?
One doesn't. Not yet anyway. We don't have an answer (yet).
I mean, if there is no God, no higher being, then the world should be completely explainable on purely human terms, right? Which is to say, science.
In time... We have discovered many things and there are many things we haven't discovered yet. Just because we don't know what it is right now doesn't mean god is the right answer and it doesn't mean god is the wrong answer either.
Which means, something couldn't have come from nothing?
Well, Hawkings seems to believe something came from "nothing" and so did Newton.
How did this thread about spanking naughty Christian wifes turn into this? :D
while nothing really ceases to amaze me....none the less......
"A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is one that is set up according to Biblical standards; that is, the husband is the authority in the household. The wife is submissive to her husband as is fit in the Lord and her husband loves her as himself. He has the ultimate authority in his household, but it is tempered with the knowledge that he must answer to God for his actions and decisions. He has the authority to spank his wife for punishment, but in real CDD marriages this is taken very seriously and usually happens only rarely. CDD is so much more than just spanking. It is the husband loving the wife enough to guide and teach her, and the wife loving the husband enough to follow his leadership. A Christian marriage embodies true romance and a Christian man a true hero."
seriously, what can i say beyond the IDEA of one partner having *authority* over the other...is just...well....fucked? a relationship...a marriage, to me....should be about SHARING, a partnership...and no one person has *authortiy*...yikes! such language offends/sickens me...i bristle against such language.
however, bottomline...if two CONSENTING adults are in this relationship.... i truly can find no *fault*. if a woman is happy in such a situation is not, nor feels, abused...who am i to tell her/them to live their lives? all i know is there is NO WAY it would be a choice for me. *shudders* and while on some level it sadens me that a woman should feel subservient to her husband simply b/c of their marital roles/genders.....it's still a choice...and her/stheirs to make.
a creationist is essentially someone who rejects the notion of evolution and scientific explaination for the universe in lieu of the literal interpretation of god creating plantets, solar systems, and galaxies in a little under a week...
i always thought creationism, or a creationist, was someone who not only rejected the notion of evolution and scientific explainations but who also studied the universe in ways that they believe can prove the existence of God, rather than basing the existence of God, ultimately the existence of the universe, on faith.
i don't lean towards those beliefs. i do not believe that you can prove that there is a God and ultimately prove that this God created the universe. I believe all of those things are matters and questions of faith.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
seriously, what can i say beyond the IDEA of one partner having *authority* over the other...is just...well....fucked? a relationship...a marriage, to me....should be about SHARING, a partnership...and no one person has *authortiy*...yikes! such language offends/sickens me...i bristle against such language.
however, bottomline...if two CONSENTING adults are in this relationship.... i truly can find no *fault*. if a woman is happy in such a situation is not, nor feels, abused...who am i to tell her/them to live their lives? all i know is there is NO WAY it would be a choice for me. *shudders* and while on some level it sadens me that a woman should feel subservient to her husband simply b/c of their marital roles/genders.....it's still a choice...and her/stheirs to make.
c'est la vie.
you're right. i agree
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
Just because someone attaches the word "Christian" to something, doesn't mean that it's really a Christian concept.
I often believe that sometimes people who truly oppose Christianity start these things and label them as Christian just to create a backlash against religion.
Who gets to say who is a 'Real Christian' and who isn't? Someone can truely believe in their hearts that they are adhering to Christian tenents... who gets to decide for them what they should and shouldn't believe in and follow?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Who gets to say who is a 'Real Christian' and who isn't? Someone can truely believe in their hearts that they are adhering to Christian tenents... who gets to decide for them what they should and shouldn't believe in and follow?
me. it'll now be easier and less confusing for everybody
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
me. it'll now be easier and less confusing for everybody
That's great. There NEEDS to be someone in charge... I'll go with you as the ultimate source.
But, seriously... I get this all the time... the whole, "But they're not really Christians..." response to all these 'Christians' who do creepy things in the name of their Lord. They also do good things... so, who's to say?
The Christians need a Pope or something.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
That's great. There NEEDS to be someone in charge... I'll go with you as the ultimate source.
But, seriously... I get this all the time... the whole, "But they're not really Christians..." response to all these 'Christians' who do creepy things in the name of their Lord. They also do good things... so, who's to say?
The Christians need a Pope or something.
What you're asking for is both extremely easy and extremely hard. Most christians agree on the big issues. But what you want, a blanket statement on christianity you won't get. There are many denominations for a reason. Most are similar in the core belief that Jesus saves...beyond that there are so many variations and interpretations that have been debated and discussed around theological circles for a very long time. I dont' have an easy answer for you and there is no easy answer. I guess you'd have to evaluate if something is Christian by the complete personhood of Christ and the complete makeup of the Bible. I would not evaluate if something is christian based on the actions of people who proclaim christiandom (word???) Then you are basing Christians on something flawed (humans) not something believed to be inerrant.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
What you're asking for is both extremely easy and extremely hard. Most christians agree on the big issues. But what you want, a blanket statement on christianity you won't get. There are many denominations for a reason. Most are similar in the core belief that Jesus saves...beyond that there are so many variations and interpretations that have been debated and discussed around theological circles for a very long time. I dont' have an easy answer for you and there is no easy answer. I guess you'd have to evaluate if something is Christian by the complete personhood of Christ and the complete makeup of the Bible. I would not evaluate if something is christian based on the actions of people who proclaim christiandom (word???) Then you are basing Christians on something flawed (humans) not something believed to be inerrant.
cosmo is right. anybody can be a christian if they wanted to. the problem is that chrisitianity isn't something that the bible is even concerned about.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
cosmo is right. anybody can be a christian if they wanted to. the problem is that chrisitianity isn't something that the bible is even concerned about.
The message of Christianity should echo what the bible teaches. I would say that anyone can SAY they are a christian if they want to but not everyone who says that is a christian...that is where the difference and the difficulty is.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
cosmo is right. anybody can be a christian if they wanted to. the problem is that chrisitianity isn't something that the bible is even concerned about.
Yeah... because those 'God Hates Fags' people call themselves 'Christians'... and probably believe in their heart of hearts that they are righteous in their beliefs, opinions and actions.
Who are we to say they are wrong just because we strongly disagree with them and believe their words and actions are horrible? Doesn't the Bible say that God, indeed, hates Fags? Well, maybe not in so many words... maybe they should change their signs to read, "God Abhors Fags".
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
The message of Christianity should echo what the bible teaches. I would say that anyone can SAY they are a christian if they want to but not everyone who says that is a christian...that is where the difference and the difficulty is.
you have to understand that christianity doesn't always echo what the bible says. consider the catholics.... they have a countless amount of things that are unbiblical... do i consider them false christians? not at all. christians is what they are.... christians is what they have always been.
the word christianity and being called a christian is nothing near as important as being called a child of God. if you can't understand that, then what profit is it to be called a christian?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
Oh and btw...are you really generalizing ALL Christians as wife beaters?
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
The bible says the husband should "treat his wife as his own flesh". So is he going to beat himself after he finishes punishing his wife?
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
Does it inspire?
Leaning out to catch the sun's rays...
A lesson to be applied.
Best night of my life. . .
Noblesville, IN 06-22-03.
Think fundamental as you would the basics in education.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
Does it inspire?
Leaning out to catch the sun's rays...
A lesson to be applied.
Best night of my life. . .
Noblesville, IN 06-22-03.
someone who adheres to the basic teachings of the bible would know themselves the bible speaks against these things. consider the evangelical preacher who boycotted against gay marriages but then was later discovered that he had his little experience with a male prostitute.
funny, or rather ironic, in romans we read paul speaking out against the vile and sexual perversions in the first chapter and then jump to the next speaks out against those who judges them who practices those things, saying that if they judge it might well be that they practice those things too.
my point is, when someone is referring to a fundamental christian they begin to describe them in ways that wouldn't apply to the good christians out there. they describe them in ways that simply don't apply to me... not that i'm perfect, but i don't practice those radical behaviors.
Say you are strongly against abortion. You could be considered an pro-life fundamentalist. But you lump in the group of people who take protests to extremes and use violence, that doesn't make all pro life fundamentalists violent.
A fundamentalist is someone who believes strongly in a concept, issue or idea. They are fiercely attatched to their belief.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
how is that a personal insult? a personal insult is... what were your words? oh yes "you are a loser." that is an insult. this is a joke of questionable taste based on your own beliefs as expressed on here. try not taking yourself so seriously.
creationism and end-of-days believer.
the belief in old and traditional forms of religion, or the belief that what is written in a holy book, such as the Christian Bible, is completely true:
(cambridge dictionary)
2 : a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles
So yes, creationists would be fundamentalists.
naděje umírá poslední
Does it inspire?
Leaning out to catch the sun's rays...
A lesson to be applied.
Best night of my life. . .
Noblesville, IN 06-22-03.
Inquiring minds and all. TIA.
One doesn't. Not yet anyway. We don't have an answer (yet).
In time... We have discovered many things and there are many things we haven't discovered yet. Just because we don't know what it is right now doesn't mean god is the right answer and it doesn't mean god is the wrong answer either.
Well, Hawkings seems to believe something came from "nothing" and so did Newton.
How did this thread about spanking naughty Christian wifes turn into this?
naděje umírá poslední
"A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is one that is set up according to Biblical standards; that is, the husband is the authority in the household. The wife is submissive to her husband as is fit in the Lord and her husband loves her as himself. He has the ultimate authority in his household, but it is tempered with the knowledge that he must answer to God for his actions and decisions. He has the authority to spank his wife for punishment, but in real CDD marriages this is taken very seriously and usually happens only rarely. CDD is so much more than just spanking. It is the husband loving the wife enough to guide and teach her, and the wife loving the husband enough to follow his leadership. A Christian marriage embodies true romance and a Christian man a true hero."
seriously, what can i say beyond the IDEA of one partner having *authority* over the other...is just...well....fucked? a relationship...a marriage, to me....should be about SHARING, a partnership...and no one person has *authortiy*...yikes! such language offends/sickens me...i bristle against such language.
however, bottomline...if two CONSENTING adults are in this relationship.... i truly can find no *fault*. if a woman is happy in such a situation is not, nor feels, abused...who am i to tell her/them to live their lives? all i know is there is NO WAY it would be a choice for me. *shudders* and while on some level it sadens me that a woman should feel subservient to her husband simply b/c of their marital roles/genders.....it's still a choice...and her/stheirs to make.
c'est la vie.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i don't lean towards those beliefs. i do not believe that you can prove that there is a God and ultimately prove that this God created the universe. I believe all of those things are matters and questions of faith.
It is also the following things: Homophobic, intolerant, sexist, and, worst of all, very powerful...
I say: No more tax breaks for religious groups. Take out the Baptists and Scientologists in one deft swoop.
"Hallowed are the Ori"
http://www.freewebs.com/alnkirk - it ain't shabby!
Who gets to say who is a 'Real Christian' and who isn't? Someone can truely believe in their hearts that they are adhering to Christian tenents... who gets to decide for them what they should and shouldn't believe in and follow?
Hail, Hail!!!
me. it'll now be easier and less confusing for everybody
That's great. There NEEDS to be someone in charge... I'll go with you as the ultimate source.
But, seriously... I get this all the time... the whole, "But they're not really Christians..." response to all these 'Christians' who do creepy things in the name of their Lord. They also do good things... so, who's to say?
The Christians need a Pope or something.
Hail, Hail!!!
What you're asking for is both extremely easy and extremely hard. Most christians agree on the big issues. But what you want, a blanket statement on christianity you won't get. There are many denominations for a reason. Most are similar in the core belief that Jesus saves...beyond that there are so many variations and interpretations that have been debated and discussed around theological circles for a very long time. I dont' have an easy answer for you and there is no easy answer. I guess you'd have to evaluate if something is Christian by the complete personhood of Christ and the complete makeup of the Bible. I would not evaluate if something is christian based on the actions of people who proclaim christiandom (word???) Then you are basing Christians on something flawed (humans) not something believed to be inerrant.
The message of Christianity should echo what the bible teaches. I would say that anyone can SAY they are a christian if they want to but not everyone who says that is a christian...that is where the difference and the difficulty is.
Yeah... because those 'God Hates Fags' people call themselves 'Christians'... and probably believe in their heart of hearts that they are righteous in their beliefs, opinions and actions.
Who are we to say they are wrong just because we strongly disagree with them and believe their words and actions are horrible? Doesn't the Bible say that God, indeed, hates Fags? Well, maybe not in so many words... maybe they should change their signs to read, "God Abhors Fags".
Hail, Hail!!!
the word christianity and being called a christian is nothing near as important as being called a child of God. if you can't understand that, then what profit is it to be called a christian?