
if you feel that an elected official representing his sheriff's department, his county, his state, and our country was disgusting in his racist, bigoted, fear mongering tactics, give his department a call and let him know. it would be one thing if he made this stupid remark in street clothes, or his grand wizard hood for that matter, but to do it in a badge represents our country in the worst way possible. I have spoken with the switch board operator, the communications director, and a lieutenant... they were ALL unapologetic and defensive of their sheriff. The sheriff himself however is a coward. he is not taking calls and as his lieutenant explained to me, is having his staff field all complaints. at any rate, if you are offended, give him a call and let him know.... just ask for the racist and they will know who you are referring to and take your complaint.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sheriff Scott's use of Obama's middle name causing national stir
ESTERO — Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott called criticism of his use of Barack Obama’s middle name in a speech on Monday a “huge double standard” and said he had no particular intention when he chose his words.
“There was no intention,” he said. “I simply stated his name.”
While addressing the jam-packed crowd of 8,800 at Germain Arena prior to Gov. Sarah Palin’s appearance, Scott said, “On Nov. 4, let’s leave Barack Hussein Obama wondering what happened.”
The crowd at Germain cheered wildly at Scott’s remark, but the Palin campaign wasn’t too happy, according to a press release sent to several news organizations.
The release read: “We do not condone this inappropriate rhetoric which distracts from the real questions of judgment, character and experience that voters will base their decisions on this November.”
Scott said the campaign statement didn’t bother him and he vigorously defended his use of Obama’s full name.
“Why would I regret calling somebody by his middle name?” he said.
“To me, I’m perceiving, I’m hearing, a huge, huge double standard,” he added.
Many political pundits charge that emphasis on Obama’s middle name, which is of Muslim-origin, is meant to reinforce rumors that he is a Muslim. Obama is actually a practicing Christian.
Republican presidential nominee John McCain himself chastised a supporter’s emphasis on Obama’s middle name in February, after a Cincinnati radio DJ referred to “Barack Hussein Obama” three times during his introduction of McCain.
McCain later told the press that such emphasis was not appropriate.
“I absolutely repudiate such comments,” McCain said in February. “It will never happen again.”
Scott, when told by a reporter that some people saw use of the name as an attempt to frighten people, responded, “Well, what is ‘Barack Obama?’ That’s not ‘Mike Scott’ or ‘Jim Smith.’”
Lee sheriff issues statement about Obama comment
Here is a verbatim statement from the Lee County Sheriff's Office from Sheriff Mike Scott about the controversy surrounding his use of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's middle name during a rally on Monday for GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin in Southwest Florida:
"Following the political event on Monday of this week, I have employed my usual and consistent practice of full accessibility to print, radio, and television media, as well as the general public. As always, my support staff in our Public Information Office has been equally accessible and accommodating. Understanding the interest and attention given my speech during the rally, I am submitting this release in advance of what is seemingly an insatiable appetite for continued discussion and debate over the matter. I have determined that there are a few primary points to address in this release as my final communication, and I have directed our Public Information Office to disengage with you on this topic until further advised. I have tried to make the points clear for your anticipated continuation of coverage.
" Everyone seems to agree on the underlying issue…my mention of a Presidential candidate’s full, legal name of record. There were no accusations, innuendos, untruths, or malicious words before or after the candidate’s name; although many others have made inflammatory statements about the candidate’s character, etc. I did not change my tone or otherwise punctuate or repeat the name with any verbal or physical emphasis.
" 'Why' did I use the Candidate’s full, legal name of record? Despite varying inferences, interpretations, opinions, and extrapolations; the answer is because I wanted to, much like I wanted to voice my support for the Barron Collier Marching Band.
"The issue of my status as an elected official participating in a political rally has been raised along with the suggestion that this somehow clouds my representation of all constituents. I have not heard similar concern over the many other elected officials that day and everyday engaging in the same activities across our state and country. For example – Governor Crist is the Governor of all Florida’s people and his support of the Republican ticket in no way implies diminished concern for anyone opposing his political choice. Likewise, my political choices against the backdrop of my proven record of service, in no way suggest diminished concern for any individual or group.
" The issue of my appearance at the rally in uniform has been raised. It is noteworthy that I recently completed my primary campaign and continue my general campaign in the same uniform. My practice has been to wear the uniform at all times and as is undisputed, I am on duty 24/7 and 365. It is also noteworthy that I joined my fellow Florida Sheriffs in Tampa very recently for a political rally…all were in full uniform. At no time during this week’s rally did I mention the agency I represent; however, I was introduced by my official title. Given the introduction and my widespread name and face recognition in this area, I am satisfied that my apparel is irrelevant and the same reactions would have resulted had I been wearing a suit and tie.
"The issue of the NAACP and Coalition for Justice instigating the “race card” and somehow deciding that my political choice and/or use of a candidate’s full, legal name of record makes me a racist flies in the face of reason. The strong support these groups have always provided me is rooted in my tireless efforts to work equally hard for all of Lee County. I delivered the Dunbar Community Policing Office and shocked business owners along MLK Jr. Blvd. by regularly stopping in to say hello during my first term as Sheriff. If their support is so shallow as to wane over one (1) word that was legal, accurate, and void of supporting malice beyond dispute, then I will respectfully move on without their political support and without change to my loyalty to them or their constituents.
"Finally, the complaint made to Federal authorities relative to the first four (4) items listed above. Much as when our agency or yours is called with accusations of wrongdoing, we receive the concern and begin an initial inquiry to determine if further investigation is warranted. I have not been contacted by any authority at this point and am completely unaware of any rules or regulations violated. If “elected officials” are governed by the Hatch Act or similar laws governing political activity…I refer you back to item three (3) above and the fact that everyday and nearly around the clock across our country, elected officials are engaged in political activities. In short, I expect to be fully cleared of any wrongdoing.
"This media release will serve as final comment on my use of another person’s name.''
this is the most cowardly piece of bullshit. "this media release will serve as my final comment"... fuck you! you have to answer for this, you have to field calls. when you wear a sheriff uniform and a badge, then play to the lowest common denominator... racism, bigotry, fear mongering... you need to answer for it. this is 2008. NOT 1908. I argued with the lieutenant for over 20 minutes. he attempted to tell me that he used the name like MARTIN LUTHER KNIG! I asked how he made it to Lieutenant... doesnt that require an inquisitive mind, deductive reasoning, not taking statements at face value, reading between the lines????? if the McCain camp is rebuking it, it is fairly obvious how it was intended. I asked if they ever arrested anyone in that county if they were so dense to believe that their sheriff did not use the name with ill intent and to play to the racists in the crowd... the same ones who like to scream "terrorist" and "kill him" at republican rallies......when he informed me that they arrest plenty of people, I asked what the ratio of black to white arrests were and he refused to give out that information. so the bigotry spewed by the sheriff is not his alone, it is apparently and policy. at any rate, for this pig to duck any responsibility for his own comments and make his underlings take the heat is pure CHICKEN SHIT!
Wonder if anybody yelled out just Walker at GWB rally?
The fact this person did NOT introduce McCain as "John Sydney McCain" is proof positive they they just want to highlight the "Hussein" in Obama's name ...
I'm *not* saying any of these people are racist ... I'm just saying they are planting all these seeds of doubt (Ayers ... Hussein ... "terrorist") and letting the public's imaginiation run with it.
To suggest they are not doing it ... is just crap.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
c'mon, you know better. why do they use Obama's middle name and not McCain's? Do you really think it was to be formal and polite? Seriously.
And they guy in Florida is up there in his sherriff's uniform ... I wouldn't want any cop who gets paid from my taxes speaking at a political rally, no matter WHO he supports.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
This is an intellectually dishonest response.
You understand the circumstance, you understand that he wasn't just saying his middle name. You know that the reason he referred to it, the only reason we're discussing it, is because of the war in Iraq.
This is the same kind of "huh, who me?" bullshit the sheriff is pulling.
That said, it's a cheap shot--but it doesn't make the sheriff a racist. It doesn't mean he was inciting violence and it doesn't mean he was calling Barack Hussein Obama a terrorist.
What it means is that he is trying to rile up the lowest common denominator by creating links between a man's name and an organization he has no affiliation with.
It also does not mean that the sheriff should not be allowed to do this (say stupid things, that is). Yes, he's an idiot for attempting this, but that's not exactly a crime.
We should be much more worried about the fact that people could conceivably change their opinion of a man whose public record is plainly available (and certainly an object of ridicule in some regards).
As jimed14 mentioned above, seems more inappropriate for a sheriff to be speaking at a political rally--if anything, that should probably be the issue. Not exactly the objective demeanor one expects from someone bound to upholding the law.
EDIT: Also, one of these days, I'll finish a post without having to edit some part of it...but not today.
don't be stupid. he used the name to fire up the backwards redneck bigoted hicks who like to yell "terrorist" and "kill him" at rallies. that is a fact. also a fact is that for a sheriff entrusted with public safety and representing his department, county, state, and county.... inciting hatred and racism, and fear is repulsive. now lee county may be happy to live back in 1950 where they could go out lynching and burning crosses when anyone "different" came into their neighbourhood, but it is so goddamn arrogant to do so while wearing the uniform. he might as well have broadcast that no people of color, homosexuals, the disabled, men with long hair, non Christians, and anyone else who does not fit into their little lee county Klan should be fearful when entering his county. if the sheriff is a racist fear mongering pig, who will protect those who need protection. when I feel unsafe to freely travel around the country i live in because hatred and bigotry is the policy of certain counties, I consider that a civil rights issue. fuck this filthy pig.
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Well he is running for reelection.
His work email:
His campaign email:
**Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request, do not send electronic mail to us. Instead, contact our office by phone or in writing.
Exactly. How often do you introduce your friend to somebody else with their middle name?
The problem is that he violated the Hatch Act which prevents federal, state and county workers from participating in partisian political events while on duty. This officer was in full uniform that represented an official reflection of the State of Florida.
Under the Hatch Act he should fired.
I think that's your problem, you dont see it as being anything more. If he was referring to Palin or Mcain by middle names, or if Obama's middle name is jo bob, then that's one thing. He is rewarding igorance and predujice and that's fucked up.
I think that you see the difference... This really doesn't bother me all that much, but what is sort of annoying is that the ONLY reason these people are using his middle name is for the negative impact that it has on some people. The reason why it doesn't really bother me though, is that the people who will take his middle name negatively wouldn't have voted for Obama in the first place.
It does however help to keep the Muslim thing going... I am still surprised when I still hear people saying that they won't vote for a Muslim, so they are voting for McCain.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I see your point that the name was used to insight a negative perception of Obama. With that being said you where right when you stated that anyone who believes this to be true would have never voted for Obama in the first place. Most undecided voters, at this point in the race, will be swayed by the issues not by cheap shots taken by either party.
I don't agree with this so-called sheriff using taxpayer money to politic while in uniform nonetheless...
To call more attention to it just makes matters worse...
I agree....if this schmuck spoke at the rally in his street clothes...I do have a problem with him speaking with is uniform on....
yeah ... if anything - you want a leader who is proud of his middle name ...
i agree with those that think this shouldn't be a problem as it IS his name ... what you should be pissed at is the fact you live with people who actually think that's a bad name to have ... those are the people u should be pissed at ... in which case - this copper just might be one of them ...
I totally agree with you here.. I am sick and tired of this bullshit.. these people should be morally ashamed at what they have been doing at these rallies the last week.. it has gotten uglier than I even imagined and I had thought it would be bad.. never dreamed of this shit!
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Anybody disturbed by the use of said middle name is just as foolish as anyone who would hear that name and immediatley jump to the conclusion that Obama is bad just because of his middle name and the fact that it happens to be a Muslim name.
Totally absurd.
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Exactly. Obviously the sheriff is a dumb-ass but what is more important here is that he openly broke the law as stated under the Hatch Act...
Covered state and local employees may not-
-be candidates for public office in a partisan election
-use official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the results of an election or nomination
-directly or indirectly coerce contributions from subordinates in support of a political party or candidate