McCain in favor of DRAFT !!!!!!!!!
just watch the video. I know the media does not have the balls to run with this, but McCain just endorsed the fucking draft. there will be more wars "my friends"
FUCK YOU McCAIN! My son WILL NOT die for you and your bullshit wars. if he is still close in the polls tomorrow after this comment this country deserves whatever it gets.
just watch the video. I know the media does not have the balls to run with this, but McCain just endorsed the fucking draft. there will be more wars "my friends"
FUCK YOU McCAIN! My son WILL NOT die for you and your bullshit wars. if he is still close in the polls tomorrow after this comment this country deserves whatever it gets.
Post edited by Unknown User on
americans are WAY too stupid to understand anything but sound clips.
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
I am basing this on the fact that McCains answer to everything is war. and he just flat out admitted that he does not disagree that we need a draft. what i meant by Obama needs to run this clip in heavy rotation is that Americans are too stupid to understand intelligent conversation, they do not want to understand issues or positions, they only want soundbites. so give them this soundbite. every time obama says something intelligent and well thought out, he is criticized for being "elitist" people want to believe that if we "drill here, drill now" that the oil will somehow belong to the american people, and gas prices will drop to 1.50 a gallon, once anyone tries to explain that the oil will belong to the oil company that drills it, and they will make huge profit selling it on the world market, and that does nothing to make us energy independent, it simply gives our national recourse to a global corporation to sell on the global market, people lose interest. they only want to hear "drill here, drill now." so if all americans can digest is one liner soundbites, obama needs to show the nation who mcCain is in soundbites.
in lak'ech
This reality existed in 2003 when we undertook this little adventure... and it exists today as we are deeply involved in it. We should have factored that into this decision when we made it. We failed to do so and our current troops are paying the price for our poor planning.
We have tried a couple of things... lowering the standard requirements for enlistment, allowed criminal records, raised the high age requirement and increased our troop deployments in both cycle and duration. We have lowered the number of enlistment quotas to make it appear that enlistment numbers are normal. That is just fucking with the numbers to fit the justification. If it does come to the last resort of a Selective Service draft... I hope that they eliminate the college deferrment waiver to keep those kids who can afford to avoid the draft... from avoiding the draft.
More affluent parents should not be able to shield their kids based upon their ability to pay their way out. Rich kids should serve just as much as poor kids. Politicians and corporate executives should make the same sacrifices as those who are on welfare and everyone in between.
This is the path we, as a nation has chosen. Our lack of foresight should not go without a responsibility.
Finally... if more Americans had a stake in this war... our kids having to serve their time in Hell... then, maybe more Americans would pay closer attention to where our leaders are taking us.
Hail, Hail!!!
It's not 1942 anymore, the next generation doesnt want to fight. We don't even know what we are fighting for anymore. We are giving words like patriotism and freedom. These words have lost their true meaning. I am 23 years old and believe me, my fellow youth will not take kindly to a draft. There will be rebellion and uprising like this country has never seen before. I will not fight in some holy war.
I know. I am against this war and have been from the begining. I am against the draft, too. I have draft aged nephews and a ton of friends with kids in the same boat.
If the draft was really looming over ALL of us... ALL of America... then, maybe we'd figure out a way to get the fuck out of Bush's Big Adventure in the Middle East and will hold our future leaders accountable for going to war by choice... not necessity.
As of right now.. the ONLY Americans who are shouldering all of the weight of this war are the soldiers and their families. No other American is doing squat. Putting a magnet on the back of the SUV ain't doing shit. If their kids were placed under the stress of getting a call letter from Uncle Sam... then, maybe they'd put a little more effort than just sticking a magnet on and forgetting about it.
And all these draft aged kids that sit in the comfort of their living rooms and are all Gung Ho about 'Going over there to kick some ass'... I wonder how they would feel if they were one of the ones that actually had to GO over there. Would they be all Gung Ho?
Hail, Hail!!!
The only way to explain the discrepancy between American hatred of this war, and the lack of protest, is the draft.
Americans elected Dems to end the war, and they didnt. Pelosi and Reid keep up excuses for why they wont.
If you want the war to end, a draft has to be instituted. No political party will stop it. And it doesnt look like a mass movement right now could stop it, as is. It needs a little push...
But I think its possible to turn it off as well. I was an activist and would follow all the news, "2 dead soldiers in Baghdad" everyday. At a certain point it made my life a living hell, unlivable. I needed to step away.
The point of a draft would be that, you still wouldnt neccesarily have family members serving, but it would be hard to ignore, a friend who was there one day, and then poof next thing he is shipped off to iraq.
The war has to be stopped. But no politician will end it, I think things have to come to the point they did in the late 60's, where all hell breaks loose and people abandon their scripts.
The american people are more pissed off about this war than our parents were at vietnam.
yet no mass movement, no cohesive antiwar mass movement has formed.
The draft is coming baby~ either way it is inevidable! The troops we have just keep getting redeployed~ they cant take any more and no one is exactly signing up. YOU NEED TO GET OUT ON THE STREETS AND MAKE SOME NOISE NOW! IF we wait it will be tooo late!
oooooooooooooooooo we got a new crazy person? When did this happen, and why did no one tell me?
...and then...
So you will not fight but you'll fight to not fight?
Freedom is not free.
It's infringement that comes with a cost. Often a high one.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
"The state can't give you free speech, and the state can't take it away. You're born with it, like your eyes, like your ears. Freedom is something you assume, then you wait for someone to try to take it away. The degree to which you resist is the degree to which you are free..."
Utah Phillips.
A draft would take your freedom away... So your own country takes away your freedom, not those in the Middle East.
naděje umírá poslední
lol well played
It's a whole new deal - the simple and clear truth - beyond the rhetoric used to keep people in line.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Blame the leftists just as much as McCain. But I repeat myself...
-Enoch Powell
He doesn't care if people have jobs. He is an old rich white guy. This war is pointless and possibly endless. It will just move somewhere else. 9-11 does not equal Iraq!
It is not for our freedom or any one elses.
If we really cared about others freedom would't we be in Africa?!!!!!
Why would you enter a depression?
we are in Africa
WTF! My guess is you watch Fox news every night
sigh. I guess I wasn't expecting much dialogue with the likes of you. thanks for trying I think.
You joined last Tuesday.
Welcome from the likes of me! Peace!
um ok. nice debating with you. you made such rock solid arguments.
Ditto. I enjoyed you original 11 words as well.
I asked you a simply question and you responded with "WTF! My guess is you watch Fox news every night" see how juvenile that is?
you also made one of the most ridiculous claims I've ever heard in my life about old white rich men not caring if people have jobs. I'm still rather speechless by that comment. whenever you'd like to debate, please let me know.
My rich white man comment is based on all the same that have been in power and run all the corporations. They care about profit. They send jobs to China, Mexico now Canada. Is anything you buy made in the US? That means loss of jobs. I can give numerous examples of people that have lost jobs in their 40's and 50's now they work at Wal-mart or gas stations.
Please don't begin to tell me that rich WMA care about the working or middle class.
I hope that was bettter.Excuse me now I have things to do. Peace
do corporations employ people?