Somali Cleric Calls For Pope's Death

" A HARDLINE cleric linked to Somalia's powerful Islamist movement has called for Muslims to "hunt down" and kill Pope Benedict XVI for his controversial comments about Islam.
Sheikh Abubukar Hassan Malin urged Muslims to find the pontiff and punish him for insulting the Prophet Mohammed and Allah in a speech that he said was as offensive as author Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses.
"We urge you Muslims wherever you are to hunt down the Pope for his barbaric statements as you have pursued Salman Rushdie, the enemy of Allah who offended our religion," he said in Friday evening prayers.
"Whoever offends our Prophet Mohammed should be killed on the spot by the nearest Muslim," Malin, a prominent cleric in the Somali capital, told worshippers at a mosque in southern Mogadishu.
"We call on all Islamic Communities across the world to take revenge on the baseless critic called the pope," he said.
Reached by telephone on Saturday, Malin confirmed making the remarks that were echoed in less strident form by other senior clerics in the Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia (SICS).
Another SICS executive member, Sheikh Ahmed Abdullahi, vented similar anger at the pope's "barbarous criticism" but stopped short of calling for his murder.
"He must apologise because he has offended the most honorable person who ever lived in the world," Abdullahi said.
The German-born leader of the Roman Catholic Church has been condemned in the Muslim world for comments he made at a Tuesday lecture, in which he implicitly denounced links between Islam and violence, particularly with reference to jihad, or "holy war."
The pope also quoted a 14th-century Byzantine emperor who said innovations introduced by the Prophet Mohammed were "evil and inhuman."
Somalia, a Horn of Africa nation of some 10 million mainly moderate Muslims, has been wracked by instability for the past 16 years but has recently seen the rise of fundamentalist Islamists who seized the capital in June. "
Sheikh Abubukar Hassan Malin urged Muslims to find the pontiff and punish him for insulting the Prophet Mohammed and Allah in a speech that he said was as offensive as author Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses.
"We urge you Muslims wherever you are to hunt down the Pope for his barbaric statements as you have pursued Salman Rushdie, the enemy of Allah who offended our religion," he said in Friday evening prayers.
"Whoever offends our Prophet Mohammed should be killed on the spot by the nearest Muslim," Malin, a prominent cleric in the Somali capital, told worshippers at a mosque in southern Mogadishu.
"We call on all Islamic Communities across the world to take revenge on the baseless critic called the pope," he said.
Reached by telephone on Saturday, Malin confirmed making the remarks that were echoed in less strident form by other senior clerics in the Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia (SICS).
Another SICS executive member, Sheikh Ahmed Abdullahi, vented similar anger at the pope's "barbarous criticism" but stopped short of calling for his murder.
"He must apologise because he has offended the most honorable person who ever lived in the world," Abdullahi said.
The German-born leader of the Roman Catholic Church has been condemned in the Muslim world for comments he made at a Tuesday lecture, in which he implicitly denounced links between Islam and violence, particularly with reference to jihad, or "holy war."
The pope also quoted a 14th-century Byzantine emperor who said innovations introduced by the Prophet Mohammed were "evil and inhuman."
Somalia, a Horn of Africa nation of some 10 million mainly moderate Muslims, has been wracked by instability for the past 16 years but has recently seen the rise of fundamentalist Islamists who seized the capital in June. "
Post edited by Unknown User on
what a fucking joke, this religion stuff.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I like your tag at the end there about religion being a joke.
Go Cubs!
Before I saw PJ on this tour I heard ED say something on the radio like "it's the end of the world and we all have great seats" maybe Im misquoting, my B. Anywho just wanted to say that I couldnt agree more with that statement.
Go Cubs!
The thoughts and behaviors of these people are utterly disgusting. I'll stop short of saying that the people themselves are disgusting, because ideally, modernity will catch up with them eventually.
Nice work. It's fucking pathetic.
Which is kinda of like being an American. heh. Go figure.
And hell yeah, that guy is a nutter out of his last marbles. Why is he taken as a spokesperson? Hell, why do we hear of him at all if not for the shock value.
And the pope fucked it up. I dont think he meant to be offensive, but that's how it came out, and now must be dealt with. Press spun it for max shock value, as they also spin the responses for max shock value. I often wonder how much better things could be, and how many stupid arguments and "cases" avoided, if not for sensationalism.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Just be glad these people aren't armed like some other countries in this world. You know the ones that like power over talking! So at least all you freaks on the "right" side have that going for you.
well said dunk! i've gotta get me one of these religions...
True, except there is a greater chance of some young, dumb Muslim will act on the clerics words. Nobody really takes Ann Coulter seriously, do they? She's a comedian, right?
us being the west
The pope says the are violent and intolerant, so what do they do to protest that???
..Become violent and intolerant. :rolleyes:
Did you just call me a freak?
And these assholes ARE armed, that's the problem.
You can cite specific examples of Christian radicalists all you want ... It doesn't obscure the overall pattern, though. There's a difference of magnitude when you have a few isolated groups reacting this way in North America but whole nations reacting this way elsewhere. I don't think the blame lies with the individual people in these nations ... I think their fundamentalist leaders are a lot more powerful than people like Pat Robertson ... They exert a lot more sway over the populace, who remain oppressed and poverty-striken. And yes dude, countries like America have played a role in strengthening people's ignorance and intolerance. I don't doubt that Iraq has made people even more touchy than they might have been otherwise.
i just think we aren't really being objective in this ... we all see those guys as kooks but there is an equivalent over here except we just accept it as we are "right" and they are out to lunch ...
time for us to look in the mirror
I must agree, we need to look in the mirror as well, and start doing some things differently. But that doesn't mean that we need to pretend that backwardness doesn't exist elsewhere in the world. War might not be the way to help these people, but neither is political correctness. If evil can be said to exist in any real sense (a difficult argument to make, perhaps), then these people's leaders surely qualify. They are perverting a religious system and using it to promote bigotry and violence. This is what Christians did ... Back in the Dark Ages, and perhaps during the times of colonialism! And what really upsets me is the fact that these ideologies turn up HERE, in Canada, a bastion of multiculturalism and tolerance. This is one of those cases where, ironically enough, we are too tolerant as a society to tolerate these views.
Armed??? Funny I didn't see the Islam Air Transit or the Muslim Air Bus come on over and carpet bomb our countries. Not quite armed to the extent of really doing something about it. You know like tie Bush in with killing Arabs/Muslims and then proceed to bomb the States to bits and then find Bush hiding in the big toe of the Statue of Liberty. That kind of armed.
Hey, if you enjoy watching these people parade around in the streets, burning shit and shouting death threats, power to you. I do not, and the beauty of free speech is that I can say so. If I lived in Iran, I probably would have been tortured and executed long ago. What I have posted in here is enough to make some people want me dead. You don't see a fricking problem in that?
No. That is what makes up the world. Everybody isn't and dosen't have to be like me. Don't like the place and the way they live. Don't visit!
As for the having a problem with anything. I have problems when a whole nation be they are white, black, red, brown, green, falling for stories and then killing people in foreign lands. I am sure you have a problem with that too? As it is some ideology whipped up to feed the blood thirsty public that their side can do no wrong and then killing becomes easier to swallow. That damn coin and the sides it has. Makes people smile and loathe the exact same thing but they just see the bad in one side. Poor fools they are.
If they want the pope dead??? It sounds like any American yahoo on here telling me that Saddam needs to be killed. Same piece of shit who likes to inflict pain, just a different country that it is coming from.
Excellent post!
Yo da' man!
My feelings on religion are well-known here. I think it's all nonsense. But I have to say, Christianity seems to currently be a much less noxious brand of nonsense than Islam.
You make some good points, but what's your solution? Smile and nod? And the Pope/Saddam comparison sucks, because the current Pope has no interest in bloodshed. In fact, did the Vatican not condemn the war in Iraq? These folks have short-ass memories.
keep in mind that the avg christian seems to be in a better position than the avg muslim, the people who are screaming about these things are the poor people, they are people who live in fairly poor conditions, the only thing some of them have it their faith, and if they see someone else try to take that away from them (or even a perceived threat), their only reaction is one of anger.
Well considering a few of the people on this board, myself being one of them actually realise that war just adds hate to the fire not put it out. I will say that war is out of the question. I will regress in time to when I was younger and give you a line that may work. Not using anything that has happened in the last 15 years for starting a war as nothing big has really happened in that time. Wipe out the whole bloody race! You read that correct. Go in and blow the fucking shit out of the people you don't like and then you don't have to listen to them gripe and bitch and complain about all the wrong doing. We see how well that worked in the past and how it comes back to bite you in the ass. So all my ideas are spent. Guess we will have to learn and listen and talk.