An Example Of Muslim Leadership

This guy clearly illustrates the mindless, narrow-minded, overly-defensive, overly-sensitive, violence-advocating mindset and perception of Muslims.
Not once in this discussion does this clown ever criticize or denounce the violent and absurd reaction to the Pope's comments. Not once is he willing to even consider the possibility that Muslims have grossly misinterpreted and over-reacted. Not once. He's not even willing to accept, invite or entertain the notion.
...and remember......I'm a guy who has zero respect for the Pope.
Not once in this discussion does this clown ever criticize or denounce the violent and absurd reaction to the Pope's comments. Not once is he willing to even consider the possibility that Muslims have grossly misinterpreted and over-reacted. Not once. He's not even willing to accept, invite or entertain the notion.
...and remember......I'm a guy who has zero respect for the Pope.
Post edited by Unknown User on
What stupid, stupid people..........
Here's a full article on the the Nun
" The nun, who was not immediately identified, was shot in the back at S.O.S. Hospital in northern Mogadishu by two gunmen, said Mohamed Yusuf, a doctor at the facility, which serves mothers and children. The nun's bodyguard and a hospital worker were also killed, doctors said. "
"These gunmen always look for white people to kill, and now the pope gave them the reason to do their worst," said Mohamud Durguf Derow, who was at the scene when the nun was killed. "
And from Conx's link:
" Muslim leaders in the region have demanded that Muslims "hunt down" and kill the Pontiff. They have also told worshippers that "whosoever offends our Prophet Mohammed should be killed on the spot by the nearest Muslim".
Ah, such a rational, reasonable, mature and loving group of people:rolleyes:
Certainly the words and mindset of loving, accepting and loving people.
" whosoever offends our Prophet Mohammed should be killed on the spot by the nearest Muslim "
Before now I've thought it innappropriate to say 'Muslims are violent' or anything along those lines but the reaction to these comments shows that they are simply bullies and barbarians looking for any reason to make the Western World and non-Muslim people fear them.I think the Pope was not only justified in what he said but the reaction to his words have proved his point.I don't see any need to respect or fear Islam anymore if this is how they react to a call for religion without violence.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Fuck them! They can kiss my ass!
Their ignorance is only outweighted by their coniving, hateful manipulation.
So you condone and advocate Islam/Muslim's approach to all this. You approve of verbal threats and physical violence as a method of controling other people's freedom of speech? Even if, as in this case, they the Muslims have completely misinterpreted the Pope's speech and have completely lost their minds?
Thanks for proving a point.
I rest my case.
P.S. Muslims would be advised to not react violently in this country. Sadly, Muslims and their bullying islamic ways are wearing down American's patience and a very thin margin. It would be a tragic and horrible mistake for them to act out here.
Unlike the KKK, quotes have been coming in from all over the world and they all have the same attitude and message......from the Muslim world.
How many KKK "Leaders" have been speaking up lately and acting out in violence?
You laugh, but wait....When forced to take sides (Religion vs. America), they'll take religion every time.
Go visit any extremist website and you'll find plenty.
Bootlegger - Just like the evangicals right?
We're not talking about extremist websites. I can show you dozens of websites, from all forms of different religious extremists who are spouting off on their respective webpages.
We're talking about World news and International news sources.
Please provide some.
Who are evangicals? Is that a group of people who like a guy named Evan?
The Evangelicals won't resort to terrorist attacks. Please don't respond with bringing up the one abortion clinic attack in the last 15 years. The evangelicals won't turn violent when gay marraige is approved. There might be a couple freaks out there, but not on the large scale of Muslim terror, and violence would be rebuked by 99.9% of Evangelicals, whereas it is difficult to find a Muslim leader who will rebuke terrorism (I'm sure many Muslims don't agree, but they fear their Muslim peers.) That's the difference. There are extremist Christian groups, but they represent .1% of Christians, whereas the Muslim extremists represent a very large and more brutal percentage.
Its interesting when you research Muslim roots that they are the descendants of Ishmael (Abrahams illigitemate son by his wife Sarah's concubine) anyway, Ishmael left Abrahams family in disgrace and then went on to become the Patriarch of such violent clans as the Assyrians - who were referred to as "Hunters of Men" and would mount the heads of the men they killed on their spears as trophies.
I believe that certain traits run in certain races, and the Muslim people have been taught to use violence from the beginning. BUT I hate to generalize as well, their are also many gentle, beautiful, peace loving Muslims who stick more closely to the teachings of Muhamed.
I don't think it has so much to do with the being Muslim as it does with the act that we as a society have more things to distract ourselves with and much more to lose than they.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
How much muslim related violence has occured in the US, by Muslims. Dont include 9/11 b/c they were terrorists who were sent here, not typical muslims who live here. I bet you there has been more attacks on mosques here in the us than attacks on churches here by muslims.
Actually the Muslims who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks were all US citizens. And what does it mean to say "they were sent here"? Do you know that most Muslim terrorists outside of the Middle East lead what is known as a double life. Living both as religious fanatics but in a secular world with both worlds weighing in on them. Because of this, I think that 9/11 is a perfectly fine example to use.
You have a point there, but I do believe it has as lot to do with being Muslim. When a cartoon image of Muhammed is printed and there are riots around the world that are accepted within the Muslim community on the whole, I believe that it has a lot to do with being Muslim.
I'm not saying Christians would never turn violent, but it would take a lot more than a cartoon, words from a Muslim cleric (i.e. similar to the reaction of words from the Pope), and other religions practicing their faith (go read from the Bible on the street corner in a lot of these Muslim countries....).
A lot of the Muslim extremists kill in the name of Allah or Muhammed. That to me shows that violence is a very big part of the modern Muslim religion. I say modern because you may point to the Crusades as when Christians killed in the name of God, but I am talking 2006 here. Christians supported the war on terror for the same reason we supported WWII. We believe in freedom and stopping those folks who want to kill us, and not necessarily because of their religion.
Its not "how much Muslim related violence" has occured yet here in the states- its the general mindset that violence is the answer that is alarming and doesnt bode well for the future of Muslim-American relations.
We act the same way towards them.
Very good point.
and do you think that violence over diplomacy isn't our policy, as well?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
How so?
Bern 13/9/06
I dont think- I KNOW that with us it all depends on whether we have a Republican or a Democrat in the WhiteHouse, Americans tend to be wishy -washy in their mind set and change it often depending on what is going on and who is our President. We definately are not raised with an extremist view on killing and we definately have always struck back in defense but only when we were attacked first. Clinton was "Diplomatic" as hell for 8 years while everything was brewing and being arranged for 9-11, he chose diplomacy and over action and look where that got us.
Thanks sweety. I tend to always look for the bottomline. I believe thats usually where the answer is closest to.
Why dude (edit: dudette)
I'm pretty sure you have the ability to read my mind
Untill their will grows tired