Ever heard of the military-industrial complex warning that Eisenhower gave in his farewell address?
It's a reality and has been for decades now. To spin it any other way comes off as naive nationalism.
Sure I've heard of it, have been since the sixties. It's always been a buzz word for anyone who wants to criticize those companies who do business with our DOD. Not naive my friend, probably a nationalist though as I have a stake in the future of my country and my family and the citizens of the world
thats kinda funny. on a serious note, I seem to be one of the few here who believe the title of your thread.
Just because the people who don't agree with you are at moments motivated to speak out against total deceits and injustices that are likely to spread in any government - doesn't mean they are against you or your country.
they even state: Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor.
I won't say one is worse than the other, but they are both bad.
Sorry to offend all the flag-waving morons.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
falg waving morons? who exactly do you think you are. you above all americans cuz you hate our country?
I don't hate your country, I hate your values.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
whew!!! well I sure am glad you arent an american.
I'm one better, I'm a Canadian
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I won't say one is worse than the other, but they are both bad.
Sorry to offend all the flag-waving morons.
I'm probably one of your Flag-waving morons and I know why I wave it. It's to honor those who from six generations of my family have defended the princibles that it represents as a symbol of this nation that allows shallow thinking ill-informed critics to spout mindless rhetoric. Bush and Osama are Buddies???? Perhaps you would like some more Kool-Aid.
If you truely love America... Then i would think that you would be a little upset at what is being done to America by our leadership.
A great quality about America is that the government has NO business in YOUR business. America isn't about the government watching all of us in order to catch the bad guys.
a great quality about America is our freedom to worship in the way we choose, not in the way our public services are conducted. America isn't about ONE religion favored over the others and placed into legislation.
Another great quality about america is the opportunities she grants us... where someone who cannot afford a college education cans still carve out a piece of the American dream working at a place for a descent wage. America isn't about moving all of our opportunities to India and China in order to increase the profit margins of companies doing business here.
And A great quality of America is her compassion for others... America isn't about using Soviet tactics of invasion/occupation to progress political agendas.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I'm probably one of your Flag-waving morons and I know why I wave it. It's to honor those who from six generations of my family have defended the princibles that it represents as a symbol of this nation that allows shallow thinking ill-informed critics to spout mindless rhetoric. Bush and Osama are Buddies???? Perhaps you would like some more Kool-Aid.
Typical flag-waving bullshit. Waving your flag in no way honors dead soldiers. If you want to honor dead soldiers stop sending live soldiers to fight unjust wars.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
If you truely love America... Then i would think that you would be a little upset at what is being done to America by our leadership.
A great quality about America is that the government has NO business in YOUR business. America isn't about the government watching all of us in order to catch the bad guys.
a great quality about America is our freedom to worship in the way we choose, not in the way our public services are conducted. America isn't about ONE religion favored over the others and placed into legislation.
Another great quality about america is the opportunities she grants us... where someone who cannot afford a college education cans still carve out a piece of the American dream working at a place for a descent wage. America isn't about moving all of our opportunities to India and China in order to increase the profit margins of companies doing business here.
And A great quality of America is her compassion for others... America isn't about using Soviet tactics of invasion/occupation to progress political agendas.
It is now :(
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
the funny talking people up north that we point at and laugh? thanks for being the punch line of so many good jokes.
Yea, I've yet to hear one that is any good.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I always loved the idea of Americans building bridges, instead of walls.
I guess it shows the real power of fear.
Yea, well, I can't remember a time when America didn't put walls up. I am only 25 though and I'm Canadian.
Canada has always been viewed by Americans as a 3rd world country. Something to point and laugh at, while they wallow in their greed and violence. I guess the American Revolution wasn't good enough evidence to the contrary.
Based on my knowledge of how misguided Americans are towards Canada, I can assume that they are basically wrong about every country in the world.
There are things I admire about "America" and "Americans" they are just clouded by too much disgust right now.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Typical flag-waving bullshit. Waving your flag in no way honors dead soldiers. If you want to honor dead soldiers stop sending live soldiers to fight unjust wars.
Typical to smugly blow off my comments with a meaningless buzz-word. not at all surprised that the message and essence of my post is totally lost on you.
Typical to smugly blow off my comments with a meaningless buzz-word. not at all surprised that the message and essence of my post is totally lost on you.
What was your point?
The flag has literally nothing to do with anything. It's a cheap gimmick to mezmorize morons into submission. In reality, all a flag is, is a countries identifier. It's used to identify the nationality of ships at sea, etc..
What the flag has to do with patriotism is fabricated by the media and political propaganda. Waving the flag is not patriotism.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I'm probably one of your Flag-waving morons and I know why I wave it. It's to honor those who from six generations of my family have defended the princibles that it represents as a symbol of this nation that allows shallow thinking ill-informed critics to spout mindless rhetoric. Bush and Osama are Buddies???? Perhaps you would like some more Kool-Aid.
You do not honor our fighting men and women by lying to them and weilding the military like a semi-retarded 8th Grader who found his Dad's AR-15.
They were told they would uncover 'stock piles' of chemical weapons and would probably face them in the battlefield. Lies. You dishonor them by tasking them with police work when they are soldiers, not cops.
If the War On Terror is so fucking important... why are we fighting it in a half assed manner? Get the full force over there, secure the mother fucker, pimp slap the mother fucking Iraqi assholes to stand the fuck up for themselves, help them rebuild the mother fucking place and get the fuck out of there.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
The flag has literally nothing to do with anything. It's a cheap gimmick to mezmorize morons into submission. In reality, all a flag is, is a countries identifier. It's used to identify the nationality of ships at sea, etc..
What the flag has to do with patriotism is fabricated by the media and political propaganda. Waving the flag is not patriotism.
So very lost, the discussion has nothing to do with a flag or the waving of a flag, thanks though for your wordy opinion of colorful cloth.
So very lost, the discussion has nothing to do with a flag or the waving of a flag, thanks though for your wordy opinion of colorful cloth.
That's an interesting coversational tactic I must say. I don't often use it because it's so transparent. But I give you credit for trying.
You clearly said "I'm probably one of your Flag-waving morons and I know why I wave it. It's to honor those who from six generations of my family have defended the princibles that it represents..."
The implication is that you use the flag as a symbol of your cultural values and for those who died defending your values.
But how many of those people died raping someone else of their values. How many died in Vietnam or Iraq? The flag literally does not represent those things. If you need something to represent dead soldiers, try a tombstone. If you need something to represent your American values, represent them yourself. If you need something to represent American imperialism and militarism, try a history book.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
That's an interesting coversational tactic I must say. I don't often use it because it's so transparent. But I give you credit for trying.
You clearly said "I'm probably one of your Flag-waving morons and I know why I wave it. It's to honor those who from six generations of my family have defended the princibles that it represents..."
The implication is that you use the flag as a symbol of your cultural values and for those who died defending your values.
But how many of those people died raping someone else of their values. How many died in Vietnam or Iraq? The flag literally does not represent those things. If you need something to represent dead soldiers, try a tombstone. If you need something to represent your American values, represent them yourself. If you need something to represent American imperialism and militarism, try a history book.
as usual, you are seriously misinformed, under educated on a subject that you have nothing to argue with except passion. And you tell someone else to try a history book is laughable. Many times now you have been shown to be horribly lacking in knowledge of a subject matter you choose to argue about. By the by, aren't there Canadian soldiers in Iraq you should be worried about?
sym‧bol /ˈsɪmbəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sim-buhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -boled, -bol‧ing or (especially British) -bolled, -bol‧ling.
–noun 1. something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something, often something immaterial; emblem, token, or sign.
2. a letter, figure, or other character or mark or a combination of letters or the like used to designate something: the algebraic symbol x; the chemical symbol Au.
3. a word, phrase, image, or the like having a complex of associated meanings and perceived as having inherent value separable from that which is symbolized, as being part of that which is symbolized, and as performing its normal function of standing for or representing that which is symbolized: usually conceived as deriving its meaning chiefly from the structure in which it appears, and generally distinguished from a sign.
as usual, you are seriously misinformed, under educated on a subject that you have nothing to argue with except passion. And you tell someone else to try a history book is laughable. Many times now you have been shown to be horribly lacking in knowledge of a subject matter you choose to argue about. By the by, aren't there Canadian soldiers in Iraq you should be worried about?
sym‧bol /ˈsɪmbəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sim-buhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -boled, -bol‧ing or (especially British) -bolled, -bol‧ling.
–noun 1. something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something, often something immaterial; emblem, token, or sign.
2. a letter, figure, or other character or mark or a combination of letters or the like used to designate something: the algebraic symbol x; the chemical symbol Au.
3. a word, phrase, image, or the like having a complex of associated meanings and perceived as having inherent value separable from that which is symbolized, as being part of that which is symbolized, and as performing its normal function of standing for or representing that which is symbolized: usually conceived as deriving its meaning chiefly from the structure in which it appears, and generally distinguished from a sign.
Are you on crack?
I properly acknowledged the definition of the word Symbol. You have yet to provide any proof of my being misinformed. You are just spewing bullshit at me to try to discredit me. But you are extremely wrong.
Yes Canada has troops in Afghanistan which I strongly oppose. However, we did not send troops to Vietnam. I see a major difference there, if you can't see it, just keep waving your flag. You don't have the capacity to see beyond it.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I properly acknowledged the definition of the word Symbol. You have yet to provide any proof of my being misinformed. You are just spewing bullshit at me to try to discredit me. But you are extremely wrong.
Yes Canada has troops in Afghanistan which I strongly oppose. However, we did not send troops to Vietnam. I see a major difference there, if you can't see it, just keep waving your flag. You don't have the capacity to see beyond it.
would you oppose el queda training camps in your country?
would you oppose el queda training camps in your country?
That is what we call a loaded question.
It doesn't deserve any respect, it hardly deserves an answer.
If there were Al-Qaeda training camps in Canada, no I would not support them.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Sure I've heard of it, have been since the sixties. It's always been a buzz word for anyone who wants to criticize those companies who do business with our DOD. Not naive my friend, probably a nationalist though as I have a stake in the future of my country and my family and the citizens of the world
1998 Seattle 7-21
2000 Seattle 11-06
2003 Seattle Benaroya 10-22
2005 Gorge 9-1
2006 Gorge 7-23
thanks for not sharing. im serious. please dont. you will only waste everyones time.
Just because the people who don't agree with you are at moments motivated to speak out against total deceits and injustices that are likely to spread in any government - doesn't mean they are against you or your country.
I won't say one is worse than the other, but they are both bad.
Sorry to offend all the flag-waving morons.
falg waving morons? who exactly do you think you are. you above all americans cuz you hate our country?
I don't hate your country, I hate your values.
whew!!! well I sure am glad you arent an american.
I'm one better, I'm a Canadian
I'm probably one of your Flag-waving morons and I know why I wave it. It's to honor those who from six generations of my family have defended the princibles that it represents as a symbol of this nation that allows shallow thinking ill-informed critics to spout mindless rhetoric. Bush and Osama are Buddies???? Perhaps you would like some more Kool-Aid.
1998 Seattle 7-21
2000 Seattle 11-06
2003 Seattle Benaroya 10-22
2005 Gorge 9-1
2006 Gorge 7-23
A great quality about America is that the government has NO business in YOUR business. America isn't about the government watching all of us in order to catch the bad guys.
a great quality about America is our freedom to worship in the way we choose, not in the way our public services are conducted. America isn't about ONE religion favored over the others and placed into legislation.
Another great quality about america is the opportunities she grants us... where someone who cannot afford a college education cans still carve out a piece of the American dream working at a place for a descent wage. America isn't about moving all of our opportunities to India and China in order to increase the profit margins of companies doing business here.
And A great quality of America is her compassion for others... America isn't about using Soviet tactics of invasion/occupation to progress political agendas.
Hail, Hail!!!
the funny talking people up north that we point at and laugh? thanks for being the punch line of so many good jokes.
Typical flag-waving bullshit. Waving your flag in no way honors dead soldiers. If you want to honor dead soldiers stop sending live soldiers to fight unjust wars.
It is now :(
Yea, I've yet to hear one that is any good.
I always loved the idea of Americans building bridges, instead of walls.
I guess it shows the real power of fear.
Hail, Hail!!!
Hail, Hail!!!
Yea, well, I can't remember a time when America didn't put walls up. I am only 25 though and I'm Canadian.
Canada has always been viewed by Americans as a 3rd world country. Something to point and laugh at, while they wallow in their greed and violence. I guess the American Revolution wasn't good enough evidence to the contrary.
Based on my knowledge of how misguided Americans are towards Canada, I can assume that they are basically wrong about every country in the world.
There are things I admire about "America" and "Americans" they are just clouded by too much disgust right now.
Typical to smugly blow off my comments with a meaningless buzz-word. not at all surprised that the message and essence of my post is totally lost on you.
1998 Seattle 7-21
2000 Seattle 11-06
2003 Seattle Benaroya 10-22
2005 Gorge 9-1
2006 Gorge 7-23
What was your point?
The flag has literally nothing to do with anything. It's a cheap gimmick to mezmorize morons into submission. In reality, all a flag is, is a countries identifier. It's used to identify the nationality of ships at sea, etc..
What the flag has to do with patriotism is fabricated by the media and political propaganda. Waving the flag is not patriotism.
You do not honor our fighting men and women by lying to them and weilding the military like a semi-retarded 8th Grader who found his Dad's AR-15.
They were told they would uncover 'stock piles' of chemical weapons and would probably face them in the battlefield. Lies. You dishonor them by tasking them with police work when they are soldiers, not cops.
If the War On Terror is so fucking important... why are we fighting it in a half assed manner? Get the full force over there, secure the mother fucker, pimp slap the mother fucking Iraqi assholes to stand the fuck up for themselves, help them rebuild the mother fucking place and get the fuck out of there.
Hail, Hail!!!
So very lost, the discussion has nothing to do with a flag or the waving of a flag, thanks though for your wordy opinion of colorful cloth.
1998 Seattle 7-21
2000 Seattle 11-06
2003 Seattle Benaroya 10-22
2005 Gorge 9-1
2006 Gorge 7-23
That's an interesting coversational tactic I must say. I don't often use it because it's so transparent. But I give you credit for trying.
You clearly said "I'm probably one of your Flag-waving morons and I know why I wave it. It's to honor those who from six generations of my family have defended the princibles that it represents..."
The implication is that you use the flag as a symbol of your cultural values and for those who died defending your values.
But how many of those people died raping someone else of their values. How many died in Vietnam or Iraq? The flag literally does not represent those things. If you need something to represent dead soldiers, try a tombstone. If you need something to represent your American values, represent them yourself. If you need something to represent American imperialism and militarism, try a history book.
as usual, you are seriously misinformed, under educated on a subject that you have nothing to argue with except passion. And you tell someone else to try a history book is laughable. Many times now you have been shown to be horribly lacking in knowledge of a subject matter you choose to argue about. By the by, aren't there Canadian soldiers in Iraq you should be worried about?
sym‧bol /ˈsɪmbəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sim-buhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -boled, -bol‧ing or (especially British) -bolled, -bol‧ling.
–noun 1. something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something, often something immaterial; emblem, token, or sign.
2. a letter, figure, or other character or mark or a combination of letters or the like used to designate something: the algebraic symbol x; the chemical symbol Au.
3. a word, phrase, image, or the like having a complex of associated meanings and perceived as having inherent value separable from that which is symbolized, as being part of that which is symbolized, and as performing its normal function of standing for or representing that which is symbolized: usually conceived as deriving its meaning chiefly from the structure in which it appears, and generally distinguished from a sign.
Are you on crack?
I properly acknowledged the definition of the word Symbol. You have yet to provide any proof of my being misinformed. You are just spewing bullshit at me to try to discredit me. But you are extremely wrong.
Yes Canada has troops in Afghanistan which I strongly oppose. However, we did not send troops to Vietnam. I see a major difference there, if you can't see it, just keep waving your flag. You don't have the capacity to see beyond it.
would you oppose el queda training camps in your country?
That is what we call a loaded question.
It doesn't deserve any respect, it hardly deserves an answer.
If there were Al-Qaeda training camps in Canada, no I would not support them.
simply yes or no would be fine. would you support military action to get rid of them or would you seek diplomacy?