Anyone else annoyed/bemused with US media?

Sanctimonious is a good word for the American media.
My gosh. It's absolutely insane.
Uh, last week you were breaking down Anna Nichols're a great american.
Now the sky is falling and suddenly the most irresponsible people in America suddenly have all the answers as to how to fix the problems.
"Journalism" as we know it is dead in all but a few small settings.
"Reporting" as we know it now is a joke. Look good in makeup? Speak fairly clearly? Ok, you're hired, read the copy off the teleprompter monkey.
Fact Checking is beyond 99% of all of our "news" media.
We have freaking OP Ed everything.....why not just have a giant interactive news message board at 6:30?
I'm fine with slow long as it's quality.
My gosh. It's absolutely insane.
Uh, last week you were breaking down Anna Nichols're a great american.
Now the sky is falling and suddenly the most irresponsible people in America suddenly have all the answers as to how to fix the problems.
"Journalism" as we know it is dead in all but a few small settings.
"Reporting" as we know it now is a joke. Look good in makeup? Speak fairly clearly? Ok, you're hired, read the copy off the teleprompter monkey.
Fact Checking is beyond 99% of all of our "news" media.
We have freaking OP Ed everything.....why not just have a giant interactive news message board at 6:30?
I'm fine with slow long as it's quality.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
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consider yourself one of the lucky ones ...
no I've known it for a long long time, I just was renewed in my vigor after actually turning on Fox and CNN for a brief period last night.
I don't see how anyone cares to watch that crap.
I majored in media and worked in news radio for a while I know the in's and out's I know it's basically hard copy, but it's still incredibly sanctimonious. Not unlike our Politicians actually.
well ... it works ... keeps the masses in suspended reality while the things that really matter get lost in the wind ...
"You KNOW that there are MANY PEOPLE, OUTRAGED at this horrific act, so now, at this time, TONIGHT, do you think YOU can say that there was something, ANYTHING, that could have been done to prevent this?"
She was shrill and enunciating at the same time.
the poor kid blinked a couple of times and said, "I don't know. I'm just shocked."
un-fucking believable.
Then I changed to fox just in time to see Oreilly attack Greta Von S. who had been reporting the (lack of) information at the Police briefing. She shot back, "I am NOT DEFENDING them!" Poor Bill, had no one to yell at, yet, so he goes after his own co-worker.
I turned it off at that.
J.M., Jr. High Band Teacher
I raise my Freak Flag High!!
Britney, Paris, or Lohan should be up for front page domination any day now...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Hail, Hail!!!
or the suffering that has occured as the result of this occupation ...
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
The whole Iraq thing is like a non-issue. I think it may be because we... the vast American populous... do not feel any pain in this war. The only ones making REAL sacrifices are the militaty personel over there and their families. The rest of us aren't doing shit. We are not suffering the 15 month seperations... the anxieties of I.E.D.s... the trauma of a casualty... the unimaginable pain of death. We are not asked to sacrifice anything... not rationing or shortages of goods and services... hell, we aren't even paying for this... or kids and their kids are getting slipped the bill.
And those yellow magnets that were Made in China on the back of your car... sorry, they don't count.
Hail, Hail!!!
Not to mention all these troop extensions is essentially a back door draft.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
No, American network news is in a league by itself. When the Iraq war was starting, Americans wanting some degree of truth were turning to either Canadian news or British news.
The anchor literally just spelled out the full address of the shooters family. Right there on the news. It was almost as if to say "grab your torches, we now have someone to blame".
How irresponsible can you get.
That's true. The War was played out like a creepy reality television show... with a theme song and opening graphics. The scripted Chapters, 'Shock and Awe' through 'Mission: Accomplished' was supposed to be the entire story. It was supposed to end with Iraqi women rushing to kiss dog-faced G.I.s riding on top of Abrahams Tanks... rose petals and wine. The Epilogue was supposed to be the christening of Wal-Mart on 'George W. Bush Avenue' in Downtown Baghdad, leading to a solemn commemoration at Ground Zero on September 11th, 2004 which culminated in a crushing landslide "I-Told-You-So" defeat of the bleeding heart liberals in the November Election.
Too bad the producers green lighted this project. They should have seen that it was way too much fantasy and not enough reality involved. Maybe we should have hired the Iraqis and other disgruntled Arabs over there on scale... or at least, promised them a percentage of the DVD royalties.
Hail, Hail!!!
Text msg voting would have been nice
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
wow, this can only be the the infamous "Peeps" himself. there goes the neigborhood :rolleyes:
Seriously though, I made a similar statement about the 24hr news stations in the US, in my British history class, and my professor made an interesting comeback. I stated that the BBC does a much better job of presenting news in a fair and reasonable manner than CNN and other televised news sources.
She responded that a) many people in Britain don't like the BBC news, and prefer to get informed from more entertaining mediums (I have no idea if this is true or not. If any of you live in the UK you could verify it.) and b) The flashy nature of the cable news channels appeals to the masses, and that is what the majority of people want.
I think this is BS, but hey, to each their own.
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
I think it's fair to say that most americans care nothing about quality anything. be it cars,food,roads,homes or whatever else. As long as it's quick or cheap (sometimes both quick and cheap).
Example, Motorola, and american company ups the quality of it's products for europe and asia while drops the quality for america.
Imagine quality news being shown in america. people just would not be able to take it, they would say "whats with all these words?" american would demand the bright graphics and catchy headlines "remember 33 tech" "war on terror"
CNN had a "bullet counter" the other day, counting each shot fired at virg tech. a bullet counter on the side! it was like a baseball game or something showing stats. just kinda weird. then they just loop it. over and over.
please, please, pleeeeeeaaaase tell me you're kidding.......:eek:
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
that is fucking wrong...............what kind of asshole thinks that up........:mad:....another reason why I don't bother with the so-called media........$$$$ before facts........
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
that makes me wanna puke and cry........has society's value of life got this low........:(
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
what, you forgot about "shock and awe"?
The media made that whole thing look like a video game.
yeah but cnn, foxnews et al are driven by ratings and they do a lot of research on what their viewers want to increase their ratings so theoretically they are reflecting's a bit of a stretch I know but I think (hope) you see my point...:)
I've become numb to the horseshit Iraq coverage.......:(
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me