He makes $12 an hour.....and he calls the job his career????

so the chicago sun-times had a front page story about 3,000 people losing their jobs at circuit city because they were being paid too much.These people will have the opportunity to re-apply for their old jobs in 10 weeks,but the jobs will now pay $10 an hour instead of $12.....
I dont know what puzzles me more....
the fact that these poor people are losing their jobs....
or the fact that some of these people have a career job that pays only $12 an hour......
how the fuck can someone survive on $12 an hour??
the man they interviewed in the article is 48 years old and has been working at circuit city for 8 years....
I dont know what puzzles me more....
the fact that these poor people are losing their jobs....
or the fact that some of these people have a career job that pays only $12 an hour......
how the fuck can someone survive on $12 an hour??
the man they interviewed in the article is 48 years old and has been working at circuit city for 8 years....
Take me piece by piece.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Post edited by Unknown User on
7-6-2006 Las Vegas. 7-20-2006 Portland. 7-22-2006 Gorge. 9-21-2009 Seattle. 9-22-2009 Seattle. 9-26-2009 Ridgefield. 9-25-2011 Vancouver.
11-29-2013 Portland. 10-16-2014 Detroit. 8-8-2018 Seattle. 8-10-2018 Seattle. 8-13-2018 Missoula. 5-10-2024 Portland. 5-30-2024 Seattle.
My cousin works for The Source by Circuit City as an assistant manager and is at risk of being layed off, he makes shit change as well.
My old boss' monthly debt payments are greater than my monthly income. There is a huge gap between employee income and employer income.
There is also a huge gap between US and CAD wages. I used to work at Stream Intl. as a call centre rep making $10/hr CAD, my US counterparts doing the same job made $17/hr USD.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
too right... a few of my friends are apprentices for a group training organisation. Their tradesmen pay the GTO $1000/week for these guys, but they only get paid $250-400/week back from the GTO.
And if the tradesmen don't need them anymore they can be sent back at anytime, and don't get paid for being inbetween jobs. Meanwhile, the GTO does fuck all for the apprentice... they have to pay their own school fees, buy their own tools etc out of their pay. Sitting in the car park of the GTO are half a dozen performance cars covered with logos.
12 people may make the one decision but that doesn't make it right.
Free Rob Farquharson, wrongfully imprisoned!!
What is CAD?
7-6-2006 Las Vegas. 7-20-2006 Portland. 7-22-2006 Gorge. 9-21-2009 Seattle. 9-22-2009 Seattle. 9-26-2009 Ridgefield. 9-25-2011 Vancouver.
11-29-2013 Portland. 10-16-2014 Detroit. 8-8-2018 Seattle. 8-10-2018 Seattle. 8-13-2018 Missoula. 5-10-2024 Portland. 5-30-2024 Seattle.
You can make a six figure income as a waiter or waitress if you're willing to pay your dues and work weekends at a nice restaurant. Most people want things right away, but you've got to learn the restaurant business and have some sort of brain before some restaurant manager sends you out to wait at a fine dining establishment.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
Canada maybe?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Some people just end up in the job they're in.
I'm sure that there are no kids saying, "I want to work at Wal-Mart when I grow up"... yet, we see people working at Wal-Mart. Same goes for older people working at McDonalds or Sears or wherever.
Hell... when I was a kid, I wanted to play baseball for a living. Database Administrator is close, only in the fact that the word, 'Base' is in both of them.
Bottom line... give the guy a break. He lost his job... (and what sacrifices do you think the execs at Circuit City are making?)... and probably does not possess a set of skills to design a new missile guidence system. The guy still deserves to live, don't he?
Hail, Hail!!!
maybe the guy never had the opportunity to get a college degree. it's hard to get a decent paying job WITH a degree, can't be any easier without one.
i can't even imagine taking a two dollar an hour pay cut. that is a huge difference.
and if you think surviving on $12 an hour is bad, imagine folks trying to get by on minimum wage.
I know a single girl who lives in a decent apartment without a roommate and works for $11.50 an hour. She doesn't have much money left after food and utilities and doesn't have cable TV or new clothes, but she gets by.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
And if she loses that job... what happens to her?
I'm guessing it would be a lot tougher on her than you, right? I mean, you can afford to get fired from your job, because you can live off your savings or sell off some of your stuff... and... you own a home.
Her? She would need to find a job... immediately. She gets behind in the rent and the electric bill... she's in trouble. She has fewer options than you. She has to take whatever she can grab... you have the luxury of seeking out comprable employment because you retain your skills set. If you do not possess a desirable skill, you take whatever Taco Bell is will to pay you.
Hail, Hail!!!
i also agree with your post, surferdude. nice work.
Who's fault is that, exactly? It sucks, but that's how economies work these days. Big box, cost-cutting, optimization, etc are now a way of life. That is why it blows my mind that people still drop out of high school. I know that school doesn't mean shit as far as ability goes, but it sure does provide an easy starting point when jobs are cut. The only people who get into trouble are people that get themselves into that position in the first place. If you don't have a marketable skill, that is your fault and yours alone.
Hmmm......and what of those who go through an horrific adolescence?
And for your sake I hope you are prepared for all possible eventualities in your life. Don't ever get really sick.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I'm not saying it's anyone's 'Fault'. I'm just making a statement that just because you can survive... that everyone can.
And as for 'Marketable Skills'... remember those highly paid software developers from the 90s? How do they compete with workers with the same skill sets in places like India and China? Even doctors... my X-Rays can be diagnosed by doctors in India for a hell of a lot less than a doctor in Los Angeles. Yeah... the surgeon still does the knife work... so more people should become surgeons?
I don't rely upon my skill set because they can become obsolete... just as the auto worker or shoe cobbler or Application Developer in America. And I don't blame other people for not becoming database administrators for Department of Defense export controlled data like me. I have a sense of compassion for their plight. I don't know their lives or experiences... no one appointed me as judge of what they did or didn't do in the past. They are in a situation today... I just think that the richest nation in the world would care more about their people than simply headcount numbers to a spreadsheet to cut in order to increase the bottom line. Each one of those 'Numbers' is a person.
Hail, Hail!!!
There is some truth to what you say, but I also think it would be easier for her to replace that income than it would for me to replace mine.
And yes, I could live off my savings for awhile, but that's because I've been diligent and saved up more than 6 months worth of expenses in savings. There are a ton of people making big money that are still living paycheck to paycheck.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
here here
how do you barely survive???
what kind of life are you living...lol??
are drugs involved?
people can't grasp the concept of ''other peoples feelings''
That is very true. To a certain extent, it's not about how much you make, it's about what you do with what you earn. If you suck with budgeting and live outside your means then it doesn't matter if you make $12 an hour ir $1200 an hour, chances are you're going to have a hard time finacially if you lose your job. And some people who do lose their job and have a strong skill set still have a hard time finding a job because they're OVER qualified, does that make it their fault that they went to uni, etc etc??
2003 Brisbane night 1
2006 Brisbane night 1
2009 Brisbane Nov 25
2014 Brisbane January 19 BDO
*DISCLAIMER* I suck at typing, sorry for the illegibility of posts
I'm doing just fine at $14.40 an hour. I definitely want to find something that makes more, but I could see continueing to live quite happily at this rate.
It either means the customer is more knowledgeable or some consultant has done a market study. It reflects poorly on them as a company and I believe henceforth I shall spend my dollars elsewhere.
It was a great store when they paid on commission.
I think if I were a manager making 12, I'd go to Tweeter, and put in for a commission job. If you know your shit you can make a lot more money.
Whoa suferdude. I actually agree with you to the exact letter.
As opposed to the people who pay through the nose for school and then expect to get a good wage when they hit the working force. Get a grip kiddies.
I make more than that and I barely get by. I always thought if I made such and such amount I'd fine but seriously it never seems to matter.
It's the curse of a consumer driven society. My wife and I make a lot of money together and it still never seems to be enough. You just end up buying more and more shit and nicer and more expensive shit. Then throw in a couple of kids and you have to buy shit for them. Then you go on vacation and buy a bunch of shit. Then tax time rolls around and the government wants a whole big chunk of your shit. It never ends.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-