Voting third party this time around..



  • VictoryGinVictoryGin Posts: 1,207
    RainDog wrote:
    No, and I have HBO too. It was just never on when I was watching TV. I heard it was good, though. Did you see it?

    yes, it was good. nice to see that all come to life in that way. it seemed to be a more 'realistic' approach and not overly romantic/dramatic or anything. also, the dvds have a feature you can choose where facts will be displayed on screen during certain scenes.

    i learned some new things and formed a crush on TJ, though. and ben franklin, what a player!
    if you wanna be a friend of mine
    cross the river to the eastside
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    VictoryGin wrote:
    yes, it was good. nice to see that all come to life in that way. it seemed to be a more 'realistic' approach and not overly romantic/dramatic or anything. also, the dvds have a feature you can choose where facts will be displayed on screen during certain scenes.

    i learned some new things and formed a crush on TJ, though. and ben franklin, what a player!

    They're out of your league. ;)

    I DVR'd the first part, but then something messed up with the rest so I ended up not watching any...sounds like I missed something pretty good.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    I don't think Obama will end the war...and I have stated this on numerous occasions.

    I seem to be agreeing a lot with Abook lately. I like her well enough, but its still a tad creepy.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    I seem to be agreeing a lot with Abook lately. I like her well enough, but its still a tad creepy.

    Don't worry...that never lasts long...this out to stop it...

    What's everyone think about Dennis Kucinich?
    hippiemom = goodness
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    Don't worry...that never lasts long...this out to stop it...

    What's everyone think about Dennis Kucinich?

    Done ... By the way, has anyone else tried to say "Kucinich" ten times fast?

    EXACTLY ...

  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    What's everyone think about Dennis Kucinich?

    would make a great president.

    and really the only congressman to have any balls to hold crooked people accountable ...
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    polaris wrote:
    would make a great president.

    and really the only congressman to have any balls to hold crooked people accountable ...

    I thought the aliens took his balls? Isn't that what stunted his growth...except for his ears anyhow...them aliens are cruel pranksters.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    I thought the aliens took his balls? Isn't that what stunted his growth...except for his ears anyhow...them aliens are cruel pranksters.

    I think his balls are in the Smithsonian ... Right next to a sample of Che Guevara's ass-hair.
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    I thought the aliens took his balls? Isn't that what stunted his growth...except for his ears anyhow...them aliens are cruel pranksters.

    i like how kucinich responds to these jibes - and gets to the point!

    then again - if the aliens did take his balls - they must've given him some better ones to replace em ...
  • I'm saying are you willing to give up your strong third party belief to vote for someone you don't agree with but is the best chance for ending the war.
    i don't think Obama would end the war quicker than a guy like Nader or Kucinich, but don't be so sure they would pull right out either. There's a proccess. if they just up and leave in the middle of chaos that doesn't help Iraq either. lets see them do somethign good for thse people like, i don't know, maybe rebuild their electrical grid and restore medical and health services. least we can do since we bombed them back to the stoneage.
    I've never been in the military so i'm sure someone will come along and rip this apart but it seems logical to me.

    then you have to draw down while protecting your own troops and try to leave some sort of order behind, although that's tough because our agreement on those no bid contracts is creating major problems and conflicts within the country between the few who will benefit and the masses who won't, which only hinder their ability to come together and form a real government. some preditc that that agreement with the oil companies will oly foster an ongoing civil war. Obama wuold have to somehow undo that and allow the people of the country to reap the benefits of their oil production. That would be a start.

    I do think Obama wants to get some sort of exit strategy together and end it at some point within his first term, if elected.
    "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

    - Ben Franklin
  • Mukluk4Mukluk4 Posts: 22
    I'm sure my next statement will not be popular with the Eddie Vedder Knows Fucking All Crowd on this board. But I'm going to say this with all seriousness.

    Obama IS the next George Bush. He has about as much global experience as GW did when he first ran. So Obama will surround himself with people to give him opinions on matters such as the Middle East (list goes on) and rely on these opinions HEAVILY (much like GW). Hell, even GW was all about Education Reform and a brighter future for America until 9/11.

    He may have the most potential, but he is also the biggest question mark.

    Nader - Any of the other candidates would kill to have a resume like this man's. Nobody else running can say they have done as much as a citizen of this country.

    Hillary - yeah she talks big, but shove money in her face and she shuts up real fast. The only people at risk are those that might testify against her...

    McCain - Fucking old and status quo. The worst (and best) we get with McCain is everything stays exactly like it is now.

    Obama - This man must be the Anti-Christ or at least sold his soul to the devil. The only reason he won his seat in the senate was due to sin and suddenly he's so popular he's running for President?? The man is running completely on charisma. (don't tell me he's got enough experience anywhere to prove he's running on character).

    I'm not even lying when I say this...If Obama wins, I'm buying a gun, stocking up on canned goods, and building a hidden area in my basement. 12/21/2012 is not all that far away (and just happens to be near the end of his first term, coincidence?)!
  • Mukluk4 wrote:
    I'm sure my next statement will not be popular with the Eddie Vedder Knows Fucking All Crowd on this board. But I'm going to say this with all seriousness.

    Obama IS the next George Bush. He has about as much global experience as GW did when he first ran. So Obama will surround himself with people to give him opinions on matters such as the Middle East (list goes on) and rely on these opinions HEAVILY (much like GW). Hell, even GW was all about Education Reform and a brighter future for America until 9/11.

    He may have the most potential, but he is also the biggest question mark.

    Nader - Any of the other candidates would kill to have a resume like this man's. Nobody else running can say they have done as much as a citizen of this country.

    Hillary - yeah she talks big, but shove money in her face and she shuts up real fast. The only people at risk are those that might testify against her...

    McCain - Fucking old and status quo. The worst (and best) we get with McCain is everything stays exactly like it is now.

    Obama - This man must be the Anti-Christ or at least sold his soul to the devil. The only reason he won his seat in the senate was due to sin and suddenly he's so popular he's running for President?? The man is running completely on charisma. (don't tell me he's got enough experience anywhere to prove he's running on character).

    I'm not even lying when I say this...If Obama wins, I'm buying a gun, stocking up on canned goods, and building a hidden area in my basement. 12/21/2012 is not all that far away (and just happens to be near the end of his first term, coincidence?)!

    Obama is Bush? one guy was a drunk frat boy the other was head of Harvard Law Review. One guy was born witrh a silver spoon in his mouth who managed tyo steal an election propped up by his powerful family and friends. the other is a self made man who could have made millions as a lawyer on wall street but instead went into inner city chicago and got people housing and health insurance, and worked on gun legislation, and has created a grass roots movement from npthing and has beaten the odds since his time in the Illinois senate. Will he surround himself with experts in areas where he lacks experience? Sure, but i trust his judgement on who those people will be far more than George Bush. How much experience did Kennedy have when he took office? and would you say he surrounded himslef with good people? I'd say so. to compare the smirking chimp with Barack Obama is rediculous. there's no comparison.

    you better go stock up on those guns, psycho, because Barack Obama is going to be your next president.
    "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

    - Ben Franklin
  • I seem to be agreeing a lot with Abook lately. I like her well enough, but its still a tad creepy.

    :p It really is. But you're so good at arguing I can't help but to overlook the weirdness and just go with it. :D

    Don't worry...that never lasts long...this out to stop it...

    What's everyone think about Dennis Kucinich?

    'that never lasts long...'


    And it's no wonder, you'll go as far as to supporting a democrat for president this year to keep this sparring match going. ;)
    Must...disagree...with...abook! It's just our dynamics...we don't know any other way. :D
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • Abuskedti wrote:
    You know I love you and respect what you are saying and trying to do. You know there is absolutely no way Nader will win the presidency. I think we need to boycott the election. the misinformation that is permitted has killed our democracy. I feel participation in it suggests we approve.

    The feelings are mutual, Abu. :)

    But isn't voting for Nader still a way of protesting the two parties that have ruined our gov't? I think so.

    I believe in democracy so I am trying to use it in the way it was meant to be used. Voting for who I think is the best is the only way I see of doing that. If we don't vote, would they even care?
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Abuskedti wrote:
    You know I love you and respect what you are saying and trying to do. You know there is absolutely no way Nader will win the presidency. I think we need to boycott the election. the misinformation that is permitted has killed our democracy. I feel participation in it suggests we approve.

    yeah but if you don't vote you don't count in the process (not that I can prove that either really..) (perhaps one could say... the officials hold the checks and the lobbiest hold the balances... as has been said previously or if you don't give a lot of money you don't count and that would be fair too...)

    But. I'm writing in None for president to voice my displeasure so the rest of my vote in state and local elections that do matter to me will count.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    The feelings are mutual, Abu. :)

    But isn't voting for Nader still a way of protesting the two parties that have ruined our gov't? I think so.

    I believe in democracy so I am trying to use it in the way it was meant to be used. Voting for who I think is the best is the only way I see of doing that. If we don't vote, would they even care?

    The way I look at it.. we get about 70% of eligable voter turn out. The bulk going to Dem and Rep - finishing a distant third with a good showing - say 15% of the vote is the third party candidate. It looks like the democracy is healthy - and just not enough people want a different party.

    If say only 40% of eligable voters turn out... then many analysts would investigate what is wrong with our democracy.

    That said, there is no more chance of that really happening than a third party candidate winning.

    hence the helpless feeling. The media has effectively kept us pulling in enough different directions to perpetuate this mess.
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    Pacomc79 wrote:
    yeah but if you don't vote you don't count in the process (not that I can prove that either really..) (perhaps one could say... the officials hold the checks and the lobbiest hold the balances... as has been said previously or if you don't give a lot of money you don't count and that would be fair too...)

    But. I'm writing in None for president to voice my displeasure so the rest of my vote in state and local elections that do matter to me will count.

    I know I don't count. The sea of voters is easily manipulated by the conductors. They are waving their batons leading to the the crescendo. But we all know how it ends. A seemingly close battle between the twins.
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