resign? why? because you didnt like his intial reaction when being told we were under attack? thats a great idea.
nice little dog comment. if there is something we are doing wrong I have no problem calling them out on that as well, such as toture tatics and the fucked up Iraq sitiuation. think before you open your mouth. I tend to try and find the positives in a situation instead of only focusing on what you deem as negative. you arent even american so its natural for you to dislike and critisize every step us americans make.
Well all I can say is, if we were under attack and my president reacted that way, I'd seriously like to think the Irish people would kick him out... that's his JOB. To react and respond but also to reassure the nation that he has things under control... did he not see the camera in the classroom or something?
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Well all I can say is, if we were under attack and my president reacted that way, I'd seriously like to think the Irish people would kick him out... that's his JOB. To react and respond but also to reassure the nation that he has things under control... did he not see the camera in the classroom or something?
you know that gut feeling you get about some things. i got that feeling when i saw what i saw. naturally, from the way i've been brought up, i think im prone to rebel. (as in be pissed for letting it happen or think they did it themselves) but, this is unprecedented. not one single person from this administration has been even slapped on the wrist for what happened that day. it is truly pothetic that they acted with the incompetence that they did. (or the malignant cover up). since neither have been fully proven, i will have to accept both with the same level of truth.
i was guilty of stepping over logic trying to understand what happened and got sucked into some pretty stupid conspiracies. but there is legitimate evidence pointing towards wicked connivance.
there is also difference between the facts not being investigated. there are so many questions that the NIST and commission omitted, it's not even funny. not to mention that bush and cheney stonewalled the commission. they wouldn't testify under oath, nor wouldn't testify at all unless it was together.
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
Well all I can say is, if we were under attack and my president reacted that way, I'd seriously like to think the Irish people would kick him out... that's his JOB. To react and respond but also to reassure the nation that he has things under control... did he not see the camera in the classroom or something?
he did do something. he invaded afgahistan and took out the taliban government and has since made security of americans his number 1 concern. its so laughable how people judge him on the few seconds after being told we were under attack. I probably would need a few minutes to gather my thoughts as well. and secondly who gives a fuck what the irish people would have done. you havent been able to keep it together for decades.
he did do something. he invaded afgahistan and took out the taliban government and has since made security of americans his number 1 concern. its so laughable how people judge him on the few seconds after being told we were under attack. I probably would need a few minutes to gather my thoughts as well. and secondly who gives a fuck what the irish people would have done. you havent been able to keep it together for decades.
dude, it took us two months to do anything. we should have had special forces on those fuckers the next day. our military is the best in the world, and they have had trillions of tax payer dollars to spend on technology. we obviously can't stop all the terrorists. there are more terrorists now b/c of our invasions. we've killed thousands and thousands of innocent people man.
you shouldn't have said what you said about the irish.
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
dude, it took us two months to do anything. we should have had special forces on those fuckers the next day. our military is the best in the world, and they have had trillions of tax payer dollars to spend on technology. we obviously can't stop all the terrorists. there are more terrorists now b/c of our invasions. we've killed thousands and thousands of innocent people man.
you shouldn't have said what you said about the irish.
war takes planning. you have no idea what we were doing the next day. we easily could have had secret ops missions going on.
and I'll say whatever the fuck I want about the irish. if he can dish it, he should be able to take it.
dude, it took us two months to do anything. we should have had special forces on those fuckers the next day. our military is the best in the world, and they have had trillions of tax payer dollars to spend on technology. we obviously can't stop all the terrorists. there are more terrorists now b/c of our invasions. we've killed thousands and thousands of innocent people man.
you shouldn't have said what you said about the irish.
Well, actually it's funny that he did... considering how poor we used to be and in the past few decades we've got it together more than pretty much every other country in the world
Besides, in waiting to do everything he did, Bush managed to pretty much alienate the entire world... even so called 'friendly' nations. I mean England may be an allied country... but how many English
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
war takes planning. you have no idea what we were doing the next day. we easily could have had secret ops missions going on.
okay. we could have.
there are more terrorists now than there were before. thousands and thousands of innocent people have died. more and more people are, preventably, being killed.
and I'll say whatever the fuck I want about the irish. if he can dish it, he should be able to take it.
it is nice to live in a country far away from ireland where you won't get kicked in the face for what you said.
i agree with him. we should have got that incompetent fuck out a long time ago. now we are being militarized and stripped of our rights. we get to turn on the t.v. to be mislead by corporate controlled media. we get to be put in 'free speech zones'. no one gets held accountable for 'losing' trillions of tax payer dollars.
i know you don't support that. why do you constantly support bush and his adminstration? he doesn't do anything to stop it. he does whatever it takes to stay in power, and get more power.
isn't this a republic, where the people and the constitution and the gov't work together and hold each other in check?
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
whether you beleive that 9/11 was a government conspiracy or not, it is very hard to deny that the U.S. government failed to protect its people. officials have admitted it. Osama BinLaden could have been killed many times, and he wasnt. He was actually treated at an American hospital shortly before the 'attacks'. If he is the one responsible, and if they knew he was "determined to attack inside the United States" (and they did) it would be imperitave that he was killed or captured. This man had been a threat to American security for years yet he was never stopped. in my opinion, the Bush administration and their actions have sparked a worldwide detestment of the American people and values. they brought their country to a new low. i just hope that people wake up and look at the information around them. just because we're taught to trust our government, does not mean they wont turn on us.
parents can turn on their own children, right? so then the child has to protect himself from the person he once trusted. i believe many people have come to that point with the administration and not made it back to tell their story. its really matter how you look at it, all those people dying for blood money.
and why is the government not being held accountable for anything they've done wrong?
“I don't know what this means. I don't think it means anything.”
-Eddie Vedder
it is nice to live in a country far away from ireland where you won't get kicked in the face for what you said.
i agree with him. we should have got that incompetent fuck out a long time ago. now we are being militarized and stripped of our rights. we get to turn on the t.v. to be mislead by corporate controlled media. we get to be put in 'free speech zones'. no one gets held accountable for 'losing' trillions of tax payer dollars.
i know you don't support that. why do you constantly support bush and his adminstration? he doesn't do anything to stop it. he does whatever it takes to stay in power, and get more power.
isn't this a republic, where the people and the constitution and the gov't work together and hold each other in check?
no one is kicking me in the face. trust me on that one.
you seem to think wasteful spending is a republican problem. its not. I dont support tax payer waste, it happens with every administration and congress. did you know that on the morning of 9/11 Rumsfield was meeting with advisors on how to cut military spending?
people are getting a little too concerned over these so called free speech zones. protesters have always been restricted in what they can do. protesters have proven they arent always interested in peaceful protests. remember what happened at the 1968 DNC convention in Chicago?
no one is kicking me in the face. trust me on that one.
you seem to think wasteful spending is a republican problem. its not. I dont support tax payer waste, it happens with every administration and congress. did you know that on the morning of 9/11 Rumsfield was meeting with advisors on how to cut military spending?
Funny, I thought Rummy was trying to account for 2.3 trillion dollars missing from the Pentagon.
you seem to think wasteful spending is a republican problem. its not. I dont support tax payer waste, it happens with every administration and congress. did you know that on the morning of 9/11 Rumsfield was meeting with advisors on how to cut military spending?
people are getting a little too concerned over these so called free speech zones. protesters have always been restricted in what they can do. protesters have proven they arent always interested in peaceful protests. remember what happened at the 1968 DNC convention in Chicago?
i never said the word republican. i could care less if bush was a democrat or an independent or a dalai lama. i don't believe in that nonsense. we are all american, and we need to work together to make this world a better place. bush is not right for this country. i don't think that there has ever been in our recorded history an 'unnacounted for 2.3 trillion dollars'.
you can't lump all dissenters in the same category either. i understand there has to some sort of control, but this is on a different level.
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
he did do something. he invaded afgahistan and took out the taliban government and has since made security of americans his number 1 concern. its so laughable how people judge him on the few seconds after being told we were under attack. I probably would need a few minutes to gather my thoughts as well. and secondly who gives a fuck what the irish people would have done. you havent been able to keep it together for decades.
Well Bush has lost most of his brain cells from his drinking and drugging days so it takes him a bit longer to think .
Yes, Bush did something but he didn't catch or kill the main person who ordered and financed the 9/11 attacks and that's Bin Laden. Instead he changed course and invaded Iraq, which had NOTHING to do with 9/11. He sent way more troops to Iraq than he did to Afghanistan where Bin Laden was hiding and is probably still hiding. Now we are left with another huge terrorism problem in Iraq. Bush has turned most of the world against us for doing idiotic things like invading Iraq while the number one 9/11 perpetrator remains free. Yes, Bush did something but it wasn't the right thing to do. If the terrorists don't like us and want to kill us because they don't like our freedoms and the way we live like we are being told by Bush, then the terrorists are winning because since 9/11 many of our freedoms have been taken away and all we have is fear.
"...believe in get's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
Well Bush has lost most of his brain cells from his drinking and drugging days so it takes him a bit longer to think .
If the terrorists don't like us and want to kill us because they don't like our freedoms and the way we live like we are being told by Bush, then the terrorists are winning because since 9/11 many of our freedoms have been taken away and all we have is fear.
What freedoms of yours have actually been taken away?
ANd as for not catching binladen, blow job billy wasnt able to do it either.
What freedoms of yours have actually been taken away?
ANd as for not catching binladen, blow job billy wasnt able to do it either.
There have been many changes since 9/11 that have and will affect Americans in the future such as wiring tapping and searches without warrants. Many protests have been squashed and peaceful protestors have been arrested for voicing their opinions. Most importantly news stories have been hidden from the American people such as the Abu Ghraib scandal. That story was told to us on this board by Eva months before the story broke here. I argued with her telling her it was not true but guess what, it was. Not only are stories being withheld from the American public but also pictures and images. The freedom of the press is being suppressed everyday, which affects me as well as all Americans. Also I am labeled anti-patriotic or anti-American for voicing my opinion, as I do not support the war in Iraq or many decisions made by the Bush administration.
9/11 happened under Bush's watch and not Clinton's. Clinton is old news and Bush is running the show. It has been 5 years since 9/11, can you tell me what Bush is doing right now to catch Bin Laden? Is he looking for him in Iraq? I think Bush forgot all about Bin Laden. When was the last time you heard Bush even mention Bin Laden? What was that Bush said a couple of years ago - forget about bin laden or bin laden is irrelevant or something like that? What happened to 'never forget'?
"...believe in get's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
ANd as for not catching binladen, blow job billy wasnt able to do it either.
Republicans have been in complete control of the government for 4 years now, and they are still blaming Bill Clinton.
Pathetic. Just keep grasping at those straws. Maybe you can hold on to one through November 7.
"Things will just get better and better even though it
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
war takes planning. you have no idea what we were doing the next day. we easily could have had secret ops missions going on.
and I'll say whatever the fuck I want about the irish. if he can dish it, he should be able to take it.
Since when is 'Helen' a guys name? And no, you can't really say 'whatever the fuck you want about the Irish' cos we're supposed to at least be polite here and post our thoughts in a non-agressive manner... so no, I wouldn't be kicking anybody in the face over a post here, or even threaten to do so... cos I KNOW by what you said that you obviously know very little outside of your American bubble. Ignorance doesn't make me angry, just a bit sad at the state of your education system :cool:
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
he did do something. he invaded afgahistan and took out the taliban government and has since made security of americans his number 1 concern. its so laughable how people judge him on the few seconds after being told we were under attack. I probably would need a few minutes to gather my thoughts as well. and secondly who gives a fuck what the irish people would have done. you havent been able to keep it together for decades.
Considering our troops travel through Shannon Airport in Ireland on their way to and from Iraq and are treated very well by the Irish, I think our troops care about what the Irish think. Maybe if we learned to care about the opinions of the people from other countries, especially our allies, we wouldn't be seen as arrogant and wondering why everyone hates us.
"...believe in get's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
indeed the madrid, bali, london bombings never happened, eh? It was really worth to invade afghanistan and iraq, and kill all those civilians...
saying eh after all your comments is quite annoying. yes those attacks happened. thanks captain obvious. there are also many attacks that have been stopped or prevented.
Since when is 'Helen' a guys name? And no, you can't really say 'whatever the fuck you want about the Irish' cos we're supposed to at least be polite here and post our thoughts in a non-agressive manner... so no, I wouldn't be kicking anybody in the face over a post here, or even threaten to do so... cos I KNOW by what you said that you obviously know very little outside of your American bubble. Ignorance doesn't make me angry, just a bit sad at the state of your education system :cool:
I apologize MS. Helen. truth be told, I am half Irish and have been to Ireland twice. its a beautiful place.
indeed the madrid, bali, london bombings never happened, eh? It was really worth to invade afghanistan and iraq, and kill all those civilians...
Do you really expect that ALL terrorist attacks will be stopped? That's not even close to a reasonable argument, and I don't see you proposing many better ideas for addressing terrorism.
Well Bush has lost most of his brain cells from his drinking and drugging days so it takes him a bit longer to think .
Yes, Bush did something but he didn't catch or kill the main person who ordered and financed the 9/11 attacks and that's Bin Laden. Instead he changed course and invaded Iraq, which had NOTHING to do with 9/11. He sent way more troops to Iraq than he did to Afghanistan where Bin Laden was hiding and is probably still hiding. Now we are left with another huge terrorism problem in Iraq. Bush has turned most of the world against us for doing idiotic things like invading Iraq while the number one 9/11 perpetrator remains free. Yes, Bush did something but it wasn't the right thing to do. If the terrorists don't like us and want to kill us because they don't like our freedoms and the way we live like we are being told by Bush, then the terrorists are winning because since 9/11 many of our freedoms have been taken away and all we have is fear.
this is one of the many things that pisses me off about bush. stay the fucking course after bin laden! although once he went into pakistan our hands were practically tied. either way I would have put 100,000 troops in afgahistan instead of Iraq.
the taking away of freedoms is a stretch though. if the government wants to listen to some calls coming from suadi arbia, have at it. the tard who said only the president could make decisions about military attacking american citizens: This should change. If there is a rogue airliner that is headed to do damage, there should be a set protocol to take it down in a manner that compromises the fewest number of human lives if it does not respond or respond negatively to radio communications for it to change course. This should not be a presidential decision.
Same thing if an army personnel came across a bombing truck such as the one used to destroy buildings in Oklahoma City. That unit should be permitted to use any force necessary to stop the explosion regardless of whether or not the perpetrator is American. This also should not be a presidential decision. There should be a known protocol for handling the situation.
The bottom line is your country's politics are terrible and I hate to think that your military decisions were being handled by someone who is in power simply because he "Bashed" his electoral opponent better than his opponent bashed him. Democracy = bashing and bullying on tv rofl at the usa (don't believe me? turn on the boob tube right now and watch what your potential governors are saying about each other)
There should be a minimum IQ to be president as well, but then the republican party would probably fold...oh well. the tard who said only the president could make decisions about military attacking american citizens: This should change. If there is a rogue airliner that is headed to do damage, there should be a set protocol to take it down in a manner that compromises the fewest number of human lives if it does not respond or respond negatively to radio communications for it to change course. This should not be a presidential decision.
Same thing if an army personnel came across a bombing truck such as the one used to destroy buildings in Oklahoma City. That unit should be permitted to use any force necessary to stop the explosion regardless of whether or not the perpetrator is American. This also should not be a presidential decision. There should be a known protocol for handling the situation.
The bottom line is your country's politics are terrible and I hate to think that your military decisions were being handled by someone who is in power simply because he "Bashed" his electoral opponent better than his opponent bashed him. Democracy = bashing and bullying on tv rofl at the usa (don't believe me? turn on the boob tube right now and watch what your potential governors are saying about each other)
There should be a minimum IQ to be president as well, but then the republican party would probably fold...oh well.
does calling people retarded make you feel better about yourself? let us americans decide what protocol we will use when we have to kill our own people.
Do you really expect that ALL terrorist attacks will be stopped?
oh please, make me a list of good results from the occupation of afghanistan (ehm, is it still yours, by the way? Doesn't seem so much to me...) and Iraq, that would justify the killing of so many civilians...
oh please, make me a list of good results from the occupation of afghanistan (ehm, is it still yours, by the way? Doesn't seem so much to me...)
el queda training camps have been eliminated throughout the country. school enrollment has grown from 900,000 in 2001 to nearly 5 million today, with girls comprising nearly 50 percent of the total. Millions of children are being immunized. According to the United Nations Development Program, Afghanistan has virtually eradicated polio just five years after the disease caused more disability than did land mines. And, thanks to the government-supported National Solidarity Program, thousands of Afghans are creating democratically elected Community Development Councils, implementing community initiatives (such as village wells or bridges or electrification), starting small businesses, and, above all, steadily ushering in positive change. public executions for not being muslim have stopped.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
you know that gut feeling you get about some things. i got that feeling when i saw what i saw. naturally, from the way i've been brought up, i think im prone to rebel. (as in be pissed for letting it happen or think they did it themselves) but, this is unprecedented. not one single person from this administration has been even slapped on the wrist for what happened that day. it is truly pothetic that they acted with the incompetence that they did. (or the malignant cover up). since neither have been fully proven, i will have to accept both with the same level of truth.
i was guilty of stepping over logic trying to understand what happened and got sucked into some pretty stupid conspiracies. but there is legitimate evidence pointing towards wicked connivance.
there is also difference between the facts not being investigated. there are so many questions that the NIST and commission omitted, it's not even funny. not to mention that bush and cheney stonewalled the commission. they wouldn't testify under oath, nor wouldn't testify at all unless it was together.
~Ron Burgundy
he did do something. he invaded afgahistan and took out the taliban government and has since made security of americans his number 1 concern. its so laughable how people judge him on the few seconds after being told we were under attack. I probably would need a few minutes to gather my thoughts as well. and secondly who gives a fuck what the irish people would have done. you havent been able to keep it together for decades.
dude, it took us two months to do anything. we should have had special forces on those fuckers the next day. our military is the best in the world, and they have had trillions of tax payer dollars to spend on technology. we obviously can't stop all the terrorists. there are more terrorists now b/c of our invasions. we've killed thousands and thousands of innocent people man.
you shouldn't have said what you said about the irish.
~Ron Burgundy
war takes planning. you have no idea what we were doing the next day. we easily could have had secret ops missions going on.
and I'll say whatever the fuck I want about the irish. if he can dish it, he should be able to take it.
Besides, in waiting to do everything he did, Bush managed to pretty much alienate the entire world... even so called 'friendly' nations. I mean England may be an allied country... but how many English
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
okay. we could have.
there are more terrorists now than there were before. thousands and thousands of innocent people have died. more and more people are, preventably, being killed.
it is nice to live in a country far away from ireland where you won't get kicked in the face for what you said.
i agree with him. we should have got that incompetent fuck out a long time ago. now we are being militarized and stripped of our rights. we get to turn on the t.v. to be mislead by corporate controlled media. we get to be put in 'free speech zones'. no one gets held accountable for 'losing' trillions of tax payer dollars.
i know you don't support that. why do you constantly support bush and his adminstration? he doesn't do anything to stop it. he does whatever it takes to stay in power, and get more power.
isn't this a republic, where the people and the constitution and the gov't work together and hold each other in check?
~Ron Burgundy
parents can turn on their own children, right? so then the child has to protect himself from the person he once trusted. i believe many people have come to that point with the administration and not made it back to tell their story. its really matter how you look at it, all those people dying for blood money.
and why is the government not being held accountable for anything they've done wrong?
-Eddie Vedder
no one is kicking me in the face. trust me on that one.
you seem to think wasteful spending is a republican problem. its not. I dont support tax payer waste, it happens with every administration and congress. did you know that on the morning of 9/11 Rumsfield was meeting with advisors on how to cut military spending?
people are getting a little too concerned over these so called free speech zones. protesters have always been restricted in what they can do. protesters have proven they arent always interested in peaceful protests. remember what happened at the 1968 DNC convention in Chicago?
Funny, I thought Rummy was trying to account for 2.3 trillion dollars missing from the Pentagon.
i never said the word republican. i could care less if bush was a democrat or an independent or a dalai lama. i don't believe in that nonsense. we are all american, and we need to work together to make this world a better place. bush is not right for this country. i don't think that there has ever been in our recorded history an 'unnacounted for 2.3 trillion dollars'.
you can't lump all dissenters in the same category either. i understand there has to some sort of control, but this is on a different level.
~Ron Burgundy
several top el qeda leaders are secured in jail and their terror network is severly damaged.
Well Bush has lost most of his brain cells from his drinking and drugging days so it takes him a bit longer to think
Yes, Bush did something but he didn't catch or kill the main person who ordered and financed the 9/11 attacks and that's Bin Laden. Instead he changed course and invaded Iraq, which had NOTHING to do with 9/11. He sent way more troops to Iraq than he did to Afghanistan where Bin Laden was hiding and is probably still hiding. Now we are left with another huge terrorism problem in Iraq. Bush has turned most of the world against us for doing idiotic things like invading Iraq while the number one 9/11 perpetrator remains free. Yes, Bush did something but it wasn't the right thing to do. If the terrorists don't like us and want to kill us because they don't like our freedoms and the way we live like we are being told by Bush, then the terrorists are winning because since 9/11 many of our freedoms have been taken away and all we have is fear.
What freedoms of yours have actually been taken away?
ANd as for not catching binladen, blow job billy wasnt able to do it either.
There have been many changes since 9/11 that have and will affect Americans in the future such as wiring tapping and searches without warrants. Many protests have been squashed and peaceful protestors have been arrested for voicing their opinions. Most importantly news stories have been hidden from the American people such as the Abu Ghraib scandal. That story was told to us on this board by Eva months before the story broke here. I argued with her telling her it was not true but guess what, it was. Not only are stories being withheld from the American public but also pictures and images. The freedom of the press is being suppressed everyday, which affects me as well as all Americans. Also I am labeled anti-patriotic or anti-American for voicing my opinion, as I do not support the war in Iraq or many decisions made by the Bush administration.
9/11 happened under Bush's watch and not Clinton's. Clinton is old news and Bush is running the show. It has been 5 years since 9/11, can you tell me what Bush is doing right now to catch Bin Laden? Is he looking for him in Iraq? I think Bush forgot all about Bin Laden. When was the last time you heard Bush even mention Bin Laden? What was that Bush said a couple of years ago - forget about bin laden or bin laden is irrelevant or something like that? What happened to 'never forget'?
Pathetic. Just keep grasping at those straws. Maybe you can hold on to one through November 7.
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Considering our troops travel through Shannon Airport in Ireland on their way to and from Iraq and are treated very well by the Irish, I think our troops care about what the Irish think. Maybe if we learned to care about the opinions of the people from other countries, especially our allies, we wouldn't be seen as arrogant and wondering why everyone hates us.
saying eh after all your comments is quite annoying. yes those attacks happened. thanks captain obvious. there are also many attacks that have been stopped or prevented.
I apologize MS. Helen. truth be told, I am half Irish and have been to Ireland twice. its a beautiful place.
Do you really expect that ALL terrorist attacks will be stopped? That's not even close to a reasonable argument, and I don't see you proposing many better ideas for addressing terrorism.
this is one of the many things that pisses me off about bush. stay the fucking course after bin laden! although once he went into pakistan our hands were practically tied. either way I would have put 100,000 troops in afgahistan instead of Iraq.
the taking away of freedoms is a stretch though. if the government wants to listen to some calls coming from suadi arbia, have at it.
Same thing if an army personnel came across a bombing truck such as the one used to destroy buildings in Oklahoma City. That unit should be permitted to use any force necessary to stop the explosion regardless of whether or not the perpetrator is American. This also should not be a presidential decision. There should be a known protocol for handling the situation.
The bottom line is your country's politics are terrible and I hate to think that your military decisions were being handled by someone who is in power simply because he "Bashed" his electoral opponent better than his opponent bashed him. Democracy = bashing and bullying on tv rofl at the usa (don't believe me? turn on the boob tube right now and watch what your potential governors are saying about each other)
There should be a minimum IQ to be president as well, but then the republican party would probably fold...oh well.
does calling people retarded make you feel better about yourself? let us americans decide what protocol we will use when we have to kill our own people.
"I saw the enemy, baby, and it's us"
el queda training camps have been eliminated throughout the country. school enrollment has grown from 900,000 in 2001 to nearly 5 million today, with girls comprising nearly 50 percent of the total. Millions of children are being immunized. According to the United Nations Development Program, Afghanistan has virtually eradicated polio just five years after the disease caused more disability than did land mines. And, thanks to the government-supported National Solidarity Program, thousands of Afghans are creating democratically elected Community Development Councils, implementing community initiatives (such as village wells or bridges or electrification), starting small businesses, and, above all, steadily ushering in positive change. public executions for not being muslim have stopped.