oops, i did it again,...

that is the second time rummy has slipped up and said that flight 93 was shot down. him and george sure do need to get their facts straight because im starting to believe they are telling the truth.
that is the second time rummy has slipped up and said that flight 93 was shot down. him and george sure do need to get their facts straight because im starting to believe they are telling the truth.
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
~Ron Burgundy
Post edited by Unknown User on
if it was shot down, i really have no clue what would benefit from saying otherwise. it doesn't make sense.
~Ron Burgundy
Not that I agree with lying to the public, but if the plane was shot down I can see why they would cover it up. It would be hard for the public to swallow the fact that the US military killed some of the citizens it is sworn to protect regardless of the fact that they where right in doing so. It also helps the families of the passengers on the plane to believe that their loved ones died because they defending themselves rather than being blown out of the sky by US fighter planes.
precisely. it allows us to go get misty over our courage and bravery by watching things like united 93. the us would NEVER hurt innocents and our citizens are all action heros waiting to be unleashed.
I feel bad for the families who buy the whole "let's roll" idea, but I think if they find comfort in that, than they're allowed to believe it.
Because then John Kerry could have accused Georgie Porgie of flip flopping on the subject of the demise of Flight 93. Heaven forbid our leaders change their mind or, in this case, actually tell the truth to the american public.
Kind of a snotty response ...
is a horrible Neil Young song...
same here man, that song is awful...
how many millions of tax payer dollars were spent on investigating what happened on 9/11? if you accept this lie, then does that mean you accept everything else that comes with it? the investigation team must have been rigged too. i mean come on, it's not that simple. we live in a republic. how could you be so passive?
~Ron Burgundy
how do you mean?
I'm not being passive. I'm as big of a 9/11 questioner on here as anyone, ask jlew24asu. The point I was making is that yes it was a lie, but I don't believe the nation could have handled a situation like the US Military having to shoot down a commercial airliner and kill US Citizens.
Had the whole story of "Let's Roll" never happened, I think the government could have come out in time and said in fact that it was shot down, but now the nation has this image (and movies to back it up) of the members of Flight 93 being action heroes. I think the gov't would run into some serious legal problems from the families of Flight 93 for the misleading information if it were to come out it was shot down.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
I believe the terrorists on board purposely brought the plane down as the brave passengers were entering the cock pit. I also believe fighter jets were closing in and were given orders to shoot down the plane if necessary. I wouldnt blame them for doing so if it happened. its a incredibly tough call to make.
people cant dismiss the idea that the people on board were responsible for bringing down the flight based on recorded phone calls with family members and emergency call center records. its much easier to say the government did it.
Money =/= truth
this is where you lost me.
I'm sure its very easy for you to sit back and criticize in what have been one of the most difficult sitiuations someone would be thrown into. you and I have the luxury of never been in such a prediciment
I don't anyone is criticizing the decision. They are criticizing the cover-up. Bringing down a rogue airliner shouldn't be a presidential decision. There should be a standard Air Force protocol.
when the american military is left with a choice to kill americans, it can only come from one person. the elected president.
so it's easier to live in a fucking fairytale, rather than accepting a harsh truth; if indeed, the plane was shot down. i find it incredibly ridiculous that people accept that idea, but we all have our right to an opinion.
all conspiracies aside, riding the murky wave of the official story,...
could you honestly say that the gov't shouldn't have been held responsible? trillions of tax dollars have been spent on defense. but they couldn't stop these fuckers. i forgot to mention the trillions of tax dollars that were unaccounted for. 2.3 TRILLION! remember on septembe 10th when they admitted to it. that is a lot of half of our paychecks not even accounted for! WTF? the level of incompetence is unprecedented, OR extremely sinister. yet, not pointing at you directly,... i see people sticking up for those fucking douchebags. our gov't is corrupted so bad it's almost beyond repair. why on earth would congress keep passing these militarizing bills? we'll be under martial law if another attack happens in the states. and bush has ALL the authority he needs to keep us on lockdown if needed. im so pissed off about this that it makes me sick to my stomach.
you know, fuck! now it's ok for bush to admit that there was no connection between 9/11 and hussein even though he said it repeatedly before we gave them the okay to invade.
our elections are rigged. if the electronic voting machines don't work, use paper! wtf? how could it possibly be any more phony?
~Ron Burgundy
Lol, sounds like you should write the voice overs for movie trailers
Yes, it should come from the president - or if he's incapacitated by a story about a little goat, the second in command... and so on right down to whoever's at the very bottom of this shit pile.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I'm with you man, I just think we have different opinions on what happened to Flight 93.
PS: you're definitely his little dog, you protect him all the time...
resign? why? because you didnt like his intial reaction when being told we were under attack? thats a great idea.
nice little dog comment. if there is something we are doing wrong I have no problem calling them out on that as well, such as toture tatics and the fucked up Iraq sitiuation. think before you open your mouth. I tend to try and find the positives in a situation instead of only focusing on what you deem as negative. you arent even american so its natural for you to dislike and critisize every step us americans make.