Photo Fraud

I searched and didn't see this posted...sorry if it's a repost.
i agree retractions are too little too late!
i agree retractions are too little too late!
And no one sings me lullabyes
And no one makes me close my eyes
So I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky....
And no one makes me close my eyes
So I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky....
Post edited by Unknown User on
Maybe the whole occupation of palestine is doctored? Yes israel is very innocent and these photos prove it.
Those photos may have some lies in them, but the truth remains that israel continues to inflict a great injustice towards the people of lebanon and palestine. That my friend is the truth, one that is not doctored and one that you can not hide.
~Ron Burgundy
The kinda thing that really turns you on, eh!!
Watching liberal propaganda and fodder for the sheep left be proven to be fraudulent brings a smile to some here, yes.
"well, maybe part of it is fake and a fraud, but the rest isnt!!! Really!! I still believe numbers given to me!!!!!!"
^^^ha ha
well said, it never gets old does it?
Did Hizbullah not deliver hundreds, and hundreds, upon hundreds of missles into Israel, themselves?
There has been several reports that the numbers killed in Lebenon are higly exaggerated. In one specific case, they claimed 39 were killed. Later, it was discovered only one person was killed. This is not the only example of this kind of propaganda and manipulation by Lebenon, Hizbullah and Muslims in general.
I can hardly have faith or trust in any of the numbers presented by them, when it is so glaringly obvious they are manipulating, exaggerating, staging, exploiting and downright lying. What would lead me to believe anything they say is accurate?
The saddest thing here is, that anyone was killed at all in this stupid-ass mess. But of course, Hizbullah and Lebenon are too busy staging/directing potential Oscar Award winning performances and using their civilians as decoys and shields; to concern themselves with anything else.
Of course, but I guess you missed the typical looney left responses like...
A)but but, hezbollah rockets are not accurate unlike israels bombs...
B)It doesn't matter hezbollah hides behinds civilians, Israel is wrong!
obviously - we all tend to gravitate towards stories that share our biases but at the end of the day - there is a war and the damage done on the two sides is nothing close to proportional and the war of public opinion is the single biggest battle being waged everywhere ...
why should it be proportional??? thats just stupid. if you are at war, the goal is to win. not to keep it as close as possible for as long as possible. geeze, you all are nuts.
They have NO CONCEPT of this!! Their thinking of even a war should be equal is sickening!
what has israel won? ... what has anyone won in these wars? ... and we are all nuts because what?? ... because we don't wanna see any more people dying? ...
So true. I don't know when this ridiculous concept of porportionality in war was incepted, but it appears the world doesn't have the stomach for real wars anymore. It's pretty scary considering the growing threat of Islamofascism.
I found a record store locally that within the past 30 days has had Live on 2 Legs, Binaural and Yield on vinyl...
Because they fought this war with their hands tied behind their back by the international community. Olmert was presented with a plan that would have essentially destroyed Hezbollah's capabilities, but turned it down to avoid a large number of Lebanese civilian casualties. What did he get in return? International outcry over Israel's "disproportionate" response.
What I find more interesting is the source of this report. I know that most media outlets have an agenda, but do you really think that this is coming from an objective source? I'm inclined to believe that alot of what we're seeing out of Lebanon is spin, but to imply that this is a one-sided affair is absurd. Lately, so much BS has been coming from both sides (and their numerous supporters), that its not really possible to completely discern fact from fiction.
The only thing that I can say for certain is alot of Lebanese and Israeli people hate each other in a way I can't comprehend.
like i said - the PR wars are long underway - feel free to continue to believe in sources and "fact" that support your biases ...
in the end - whether or not israel "destroyed" hezbollah now or later - someone else will pop up because all israel has done has made more people angry at them ... go figure ... the war hawks must love this ...
so, when america engaged in a war that overthrew the then democratically elected leader of iran and put in a hardliner - what was won? ... the same for all the other so called "wars" ... who is winning in afghnistan? ... who is winning in iraq? ... why is the threat of terrorism growing?? ...
when will people realize that you don't stop terrorism with state sanctioned terrorism?? ...
Ladies and Gentleman, the John Wayne / US Mentality at its best!!
Bomb them all!! Make their goddamned day!! US Roolzz!!
(when they're all dead, Muslims, Palestinians, Arabs, I suppose you can call that victory.)
You should start to look at yourself, and see that you're as radical as all those you spit on...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Unfortunately, I don't think Al Qaeda, hammas, hezbollah got the message:(
Je Ne comprende pas...
Really, I don't spit on anybody. Well, apart from those who hold the bomb over reason, force over love, or a gun over understanding.
Is that such a crime? Is that radical? Why? In the 21st century, maybe being completely anti-war, death, destruction is a really radical concept.
I have never preached force or violence as a solution to anything. Peace can be obtained by alot of means, but none of those involve war, bombs, talk of "victory", or "allies" in what was, and has been spouted by our leaders, a vain reference to the victory of WW2.
Am I so radical in believing that those who uphold the law of war and profit over humanity and equality are, simply, wrong?
Or the USUKISRAEL alliance.
How many people have died, worldwide, due to terror "acts" committed by the organisations you listed above, and how many at the hands of the Nation States I listed above?
Do you value death by nation as moral, and death by a non-nation organisation as immoral, invalid?
sure sure, probably not...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
nothing maybe???? Open your eyes, they're not DEFENDING themselves anymore, they're ATTACKING a foreign nation, because of a group of terrorist they can't even stop, one month and nothing is achieve other than the destruction of a large part of Lebanon and a huge load of innocents CIVILLIANS terrorized (if not killed or injured) by this war, yes, on both side of the border, time this stupidity stop...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
If you're coming from the (official USUKISRAEL) position that Israel is merely defending itself, then there is no point trying to discuss the point.
Are these actions, that have left over a 1000 civilians dead, citizens of a sovereign nation state that has not declared war on Israel, correct, fair and blanced in your eyes?
It is akin to the USUK invading Afghanistan on the pretence of 911. The alleged 911 plotters were Saudi Nationals. So why invade a sovereign nation and murder over 30,000 citizens of that country?
Why does Israel carpet bomb and blockade an entire nation to capture a few thousand guerillas?