Who are we at war with?

Help me to understand who this "they" or "The terrorists" are.
In your best estimation...How many are there? Where is your best guess that they are located - How and where do they organize? What is their goal?
In your best estimation...How many are there? Where is your best guess that they are located - How and where do they organize? What is their goal?
Post edited by Unknown User on
We are at war with Muslims who take the Koran at its word and use its passages as a basis of committing violent atrocities in an attempt to convert the world to a fundamentalist Islamic one.
Example: Once the Fox news reporters pledged their allegiance to Islam, they were set free. Get it?
you are confident in your response.. but please address each question.. how many muslims?
Taking a peaceful religion and re-creating it to settle some personal agenda-
a sweet and lovely practice that involves blowing your head off and blowing the arms and legs off of a 3 year old child ....IF....and here's the best part....
they are in the area where you decide to stage your attack in the name of your God who will then reward you with 17 naked virgins in heaven for you to stick your dirty pecker into afterwards -
Fun huh?
Untill their will grows tired
Agree, but it's 72 virgins! They wouldn't be blowing themselves up for a mere 17 virgins...
How many? More and more every day, located within the Middle East and North America, organize via modern day means (internet). goal? I don't quite understand what thier goal is.
You're right - 17 virgins would only be for "leaving" a bomb somewhere to explode - like the UK Subway bombers .....now I got it
Untill their will grows tired
What is your guess as to the number today?
So on the Internet they gather - share vision - and plan? Interesting.. I guess their numbers will help me understand this enemy.. how many?
Worldwide terrorist count? I don't think it's that easy to put a count on them. I mean they are being raised as we speak by propoganda, a lack of education, hate mongering. They are being bred to die as children. Men who were once ordinary citizens going about thier daily affairs are now dying for thier cause.
I would not even be able to guess at a count. they don't really do a census for that kind of thing.
Yup. Leaving a bomb is such a cop-out. I mean, come on. Do you want to be a "martyr" or not. Even blowing yourself up accidentally without killing innocent civilians counts.
I don't think a census-taker will go knocking on some terrorist's door (or tent).
yeah, it was a joke...
Be really really helpful if they did though!
I know - I was joking too. The question of "how many are there" is ridiculous in itself.
I guess we could say there are enough to know that they aren't going to go away any time soon, enough to know they are organized, enough to know they are kicking the hell out of the US/allied forces and making fools of the US/allied gov'ts
Yeah. Let's do the job for the enemy. Genius!
do you think the american air force bombers and israli soldiers got medels for that? its no 72 virgins.. but still....
http://www.myspace.com/thelastreel http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=19604327965
I wouldn't say they are "kicking the hell" out of the US and allied forces. The problem is that they "fight" like cowards and go after soft targets. This isn't a conventional war - the enemy is relentless and is not afraid to die, while the American citizenry and Europeans even moreso don't have the stomach to fight.
OMG tell me you're kidding
Kicking the hell out of US forces
Do you even realize that the deaths of US soldiers in Iraq are predominately from Roadside bombs and carbombs exploding at check points?
You are a dillusional man if you believe the shit you're shoveling
Untill their will grows tired
I understand all that.. and agree.. However, if you believe there is a network of terrorists that are an enemy we are currently engaged in a war against - you have a feeling about how many there are.. is it 50-100? is it between 5 and 10 thousand.. is it approximately 100,000? is it a million?
how many of these terrorists are opposing us in this war on terror?
527,483, to be exact.
Regarding our direct involvement? They are the members of al Qaeda, disbursed worldwide with the intent of destroying Western intrests worldwide. Members are in the Middle East, Indo-China, Europe, Southern Russia and the United States and Canada.
In Iraq... we are fighting a small number of individuals with varying degrees of grivences with us. The greater number of deaths over there are due to sectarian, Arab/Persian, violence that we are either unwilling or unable to cotrol or stop.
I haven't a clue of how many... but, I'm guessing that the more we remain engaged in Iraq, the more w are recruiting and trainning there. Yes, I said 'trainning'. We are not 'fighting them there, so we don't have to fight them here'.. we are trainning them there, so they can take the tactics they learn and turn them against their own governments... in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan... But, i believe their numbers, while large, represent about 20% of the global population of Islam.
Their ultimate goal is the establishment of a permanent Muslim homeland... one that does not include the Jews in Israel... and depending on who you ask, the Persians in Iran and the Kurds in the old region of Kurdistan (which, by today's borders, covers parts of Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria).
They also want all Western influences ousted from their homelands.
Hail, Hail!!!
Keep Praying To Georgie Fucking Peorgie At Night For Security
Oh yeah, that's just what the Muslims are lacking - a permanent homeland.
Do you actually believe the bullshit you're spouting?
You're right. There's no such thing as Islamic terrorism. I've been dreaming the past few years.
Thanks for reminding me again how far the left have their heads in the sand.
the virgins thing was a scam. here's a RELIABLE news source that says so http://www.theonion.com/content/node/38673
2670 dead should not be considered getting the hell kicked out of you by a country that no longer has a formal army I guess....
The blood in your eyes from your hatred for anyone you see as your enemy blinds you... seriously.
I don't want this stuff... I was asked, not by an angry little boy like you, what I knew about our enemy. And I replied... to them.
I have said this before and you continually re-enforce my view... you are a little, hate-filled person that believes only your words are the truth. We all see you for who you are... a scared little boy who is incapable of doing anything except expousing your deep seated hatred for people other than the ones you see as one of you from the security of your side of a computer screen.
Hail, Hail!!!
they were a small group operating out of caves with box cutters, until our actions have fueled recruiting (done on purpose by our leaders i think)
and your warrior president sat like a fucking pussy reading a book to 5 year olds while we were under attack...you "tough""macho" "killem all" types should have hung him upside down for that, but no...W is your fucking "war president" hero
I am wondering what you see. and what I don't see.
Its like there are two groups.
on group thinks they are in the middle of a fight. The only way to win the fight is to stay mad and stay focused on the fight. any distraction brings with it the risk of losing a battle - and reduces the chance of winning
the other group doesn't believe we are in such a fight. That all we are facing are a series of challenges that themselves distract us from working on the long term solutions to larger fundamental problems.
I belong to the groups that believe we are not in a fight - and I can't seem to communicate at all with those in the fight - because they see me as a distraction and a danger to them.
If you are one of the ones in a fight - I'd like you to explain the fight you are in.. who it is with and why it is inevidable and worth of all of our complete attention.