But when they stop blowing each other up because 1 believes in another chapter of the same book, or stop kidnapping fuckin school techers, or stop killing ppl aiming to better thier country, or stop killing little christian girls to avenge muslims,.....only then will the word "savage" not describe them IMO..
Wow, talk about ignorance being bliss eh!
I guess you learnt everything you felt you needed to know about Islam on 9/11.
And they are different from American soldiers raping children and then killing them and their families, how?
In that this behavior you mentioned is condoned, supported, and celebrated by one society, and not the other. Can your warped mind figure out which society is which?
You and Dino should get together and suck some straw together. Or maybe just suck each other.
yeah, you're right. I mean, soldiers just hang out in open markets dont they? they hang out in mosques. Obviously, thats who they're targeting....the soldiers, the hundreds of ppl trying to buy food are are just collateral damage, wrong place, wrong time. Being a different sect or not a true beleiver had nothing to do with it.
keep trying. you'll make a point by accident sometime.
The are preoccupied by the Shock and Awe invasion. Those liberators are still patroling their streets with tanks. Its kind of a burdon.
Here's where you lose me, everytime....the unprovable, unquestionable victim excuse.
You cannot deny that Muslim societies are dominated by illogical, backwards thinking to a degree much greater than nearly any place on Earth. And it isn't because we (or anyone else) has been patrolling their streets with tanks.
The hope in their failures is found within the names mentioned elsewhere in this thread, along with the names of many others.
They are fighting those that have occupied their land and who are murdering their brothers and sisters.
Ah yes, the moral equivalence argument now. For people so interested in fighting for their brothers and sisters, they certainly have killed and oppressed a lot of those same brothers and sisters.
yeah, you're right. I mean, soldiers just hang out in open markets dont they? they hang out in mosques. Obviously, thats who they're targeting....the soldiers, the hundreds of ppl trying to buy food are are just collateral damage, wrong place, wrong time. Being a different sect or not a true beleiver had nothing to do with it.
keep trying. you'll make a point by accident sometime.
You obviously believe everything that Fox news tells you. Good for you. The truth is somewaht different however. The fact is that more Iraqis have been killed by U.S soldiers than by the sectarian violence.
'Over a year ago an international team of epidemiologists, headed by Les Roberts of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, completed a “cluster sample survey” of civilian casualties in Iraq. Its findings contradicted central elements of what politicians and journalists had presented to the U.S. public and the world. After excluding any possible statistical anomalies, they estimated that at least 98,000 Iraqi civilians had died in the previous 18 months as a direct result of the invasion and occupation of their country. They also found that violence had become the leading cause of death in Iraq during that period. Their most significant finding was that the vast majority (79 percent) of violent deaths were caused by “coalition” forces using “helicopter gunships, rockets or other forms of aerial weaponry,” and that almost half (48 percent) of these were children, with a median age of 8.'
You obviously believe everything that Fox news tells you. Good for you. The truth is somewaht different however. The fact is that more Iraqis have been killed by U.S soldiers than by the sectarian violence.
'Over a year ago an international team of epidemiologists, headed by Les Roberts of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, completed a “cluster sample survey” of civilian casualties in Iraq. Its findings contradicted central elements of what politicians and journalists had presented to the U.S. public and the world. After excluding any possible statistical anomalies, they estimated that at least 98,000 Iraqi civilians had died in the previous 18 months as a direct result of the invasion and occupation of their country. They also found that violence had become the leading cause of death in Iraq during that period. Their most significant finding was that the vast majority (79 percent) of violent deaths were caused by “coalition” forces using “helicopter gunships, rockets or other forms of aerial weaponry,” and that almost half (48 percent) of these were children, with a median age of 8.'
In that this behavior you mentioned is condoned, supported, and celebrated by one society, and not the other. Can your warped mind figure out which society is which?
Errr...The Smurfs....and...errr..The Moomins? (Seeing as we're talking bollocks)
When you read that stat quote, do you think of circumstances at all? or do you read "kids die by solders" and go from there? just curious.
I don't think of 'circumstance' as being particularly relevant. If you bomb a house and kids die then you have killed those kids. There's no accident involved. Stop bombing houses is the answer.
Here's where you lose me, everytime....the unprovable, unquestionable victim excuse.
You cannot deny that Muslim societies are dominated by illogical, backwards thinking to a degree much greater than nearly any place on Earth. And it isn't because we (or anyone else) has been patrolling their streets with tanks.
The hope in their failures is found within the names mentioned elsewhere in this thread, along with the names of many others.
Actually I can deny that. The problem with that thinking as I see it is your constant exposure to our society that has brought you to an inner comfort that it is somehow logical.
I'd list the things our society does that defy logic and common sence, but it would only sound like America bashing and if you took the time to think about it you could write a really long book
We have bombed the shit out of Iraq. It is not a stretch to think they consider us an enemy. they are not killing each other - they are killing those they see as helping us destroy them.
I don't think of 'circumstance' as being particularly relevant. If you bomb a house and kids die then you have killed those kids. There's no accident involved. Stop bombing houses is the answer.
In that tradition then:
Insurgents should quit hiding in said houses w/ kids.
Very true, but they quit killing people for 'herecy' a while back.
That religion is stuck in the middle ages.
edit: and by "they" i do mean the fuckwad nutjobs. The ones that make a dictatorship needed in that part of the world.
this is ONE example... if instead to lay in your ignorance you would move your brain, you would find a LOT others
And they are different from American soldiers raping children and then killing them and their families, how?
If the word gets out, it will be a very big thread.
That pamphlet is a wonderful example of the bad, being based on the same hate it purports to reject.
I guess you learnt everything you felt you needed to know about Islam on 9/11. So you've never heard of;
Cat Stevens,
Shami Chakrabarti,
Mamhoud Abbas,
Shirin Ebadi,
Mohamed ElBaradei
Salman Rushdie
Shazia Mirza...
want more?
Father of Chemistry: Jabir Ibn Haiyan
Doctor Genius: Zakir Naik
Iranian Hercules: Rezazadeh Hossein
Gamal Abdul Nasser
Zinedine Zidane
Master Physician: ABU MARWAN IBN ZUHR (Averroes)
Yusuf Islam
Muhammed Ali
Thank you.
There ya go! You got me figured out bud. 9/11 solidified my opinion of muslims. Man you're good.
What are they doing to stop the mindless killing of infidels?
What are Americans doing to stop the mindless killing of Arabs?
They are fighting those that have occupied their land and who are murdering their brothers and sisters. So what's your point?
Who is dino?
And you're really interested in sucking arent you?
In that this behavior you mentioned is condoned, supported, and celebrated by one society, and not the other. Can your warped mind figure out which society is which?
The are preoccupied by the Shock and Awe invasion. Those liberators are still patroling their streets with tanks. Its kind of a burdon.
yeah, you're right. I mean, soldiers just hang out in open markets dont they? they hang out in mosques. Obviously, thats who they're targeting....the soldiers, the hundreds of ppl trying to buy food are are just collateral damage, wrong place, wrong time. Being a different sect or not a true beleiver had nothing to do with it.
keep trying. you'll make a point by accident sometime.
Here's where you lose me, everytime....the unprovable, unquestionable victim excuse.
You cannot deny that Muslim societies are dominated by illogical, backwards thinking to a degree much greater than nearly any place on Earth. And it isn't because we (or anyone else) has been patrolling their streets with tanks.
The hope in their failures is found within the names mentioned elsewhere in this thread, along with the names of many others.
Fair enough.
But whats more of a burden? Tank patrolling, or constantly being blown to hell by your own people?
It's an obsession of mine. I am half man, half sea anemone.
Ah yes, the moral equivalence argument now. For people so interested in fighting for their brothers and sisters, they certainly have killed and oppressed a lot of those same brothers and sisters.
What? Sea Anemone's suck?
They sell them at pet stores right?
You obviously believe everything that Fox news tells you. Good for you. The truth is somewaht different however. The fact is that more Iraqis have been killed by U.S soldiers than by the sectarian violence.
'Over a year ago an international team of epidemiologists, headed by Les Roberts of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, completed a “cluster sample survey” of civilian casualties in Iraq. Its findings contradicted central elements of what politicians and journalists had presented to the U.S. public and the world. After excluding any possible statistical anomalies, they estimated that at least 98,000 Iraqi civilians had died in the previous 18 months as a direct result of the invasion and occupation of their country. They also found that violence had become the leading cause of death in Iraq during that period. Their most significant finding was that the vast majority (79 percent) of violent deaths were caused by “coalition” forces using “helicopter gunships, rockets or other forms of aerial weaponry,” and that almost half (48 percent) of these were children, with a median age of 8.'
The truth at last! He's laid his cards on the table for all to see!
I dont watch foxs news. Heavily biased towards the christian redneck patriot IMO. There goes half your're post.
And about your stats you posted? I got none to counter for myself, so gloat in that fact.
But i fail to beleive our soldiers are trained to fire airborne missles specifically at muslim kids under the age of 8.
When you read that stat quote, do you think of circumstances at all? or do you read "kids die by solders" and go from there? just curious.
Errr...The Smurfs....and...errr..The Moomins?
I don't think of 'circumstance' as being particularly relevant. If you bomb a house and kids die then you have killed those kids. There's no accident involved. Stop bombing houses is the answer.
Actually I can deny that. The problem with that thinking as I see it is your constant exposure to our society that has brought you to an inner comfort that it is somehow logical.
I'd list the things our society does that defy logic and common sence, but it would only sound like America bashing and if you took the time to think about it you could write a really long book
We have bombed the shit out of Iraq. It is not a stretch to think they consider us an enemy. they are not killing each other - they are killing those they see as helping us destroy them.
Um...that's not the first time I've said that on this board. In case you want me to say it again, I will:
"You cannot deny that Muslim societies are dominated by illogical, backwards thinking to a degree much greater than nearly any place on Earth."
Now, would you care to debate that point, rather than simply expecting me to be intimidated by your accusations of controversy?
In that tradition then:
Insurgents should quit hiding in said houses w/ kids.
this can go on all day man.