After we liberate Iran

Saudi and Israel work out their problems (after Halliburton's hostile takeover of 51% of Saudi assets). Lebonon and Kuwait and Syria and Egypt sigh the Middle East Peace aggreement. The Palistinians gain citizenship in Israel and share Jerusalem.
the new refugee camps will be in Iran and Iraq...
Terrorism grows out of control in the United States and civil war ensues.
errr.. nevermind
the new refugee camps will be in Iran and Iraq...
Terrorism grows out of control in the United States and civil war ensues.
errr.. nevermind
Post edited by Unknown User on
Alpine Valley 10-8-00 (The Icebowl)
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Chicago 08-23-09, 08-24-09
Chicago 06-28-11, 06-29-11 [EV Solo]
PJ20 Alpine Valley 09-03-11, 09-04-11
Wrigley Field 07-19-13
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We'd win the war but as we've seen in Iraq the occupation and installment of a new regime would be much more tricky.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
Lol. Doesn't sound much like a win, to me.
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lol....exactly 4 years and counting.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
The U.S. would not invade with large ground forces should a conflict break out with Iran. We would engage and destroy their navy and then capture their off shore oil infastrucure, crippling their ground forces with no gas.
We would engage and destroy their airforce, giving us air superiority and then proceed to bomb the shit out of all suspected nuclear facilities.
We would encourage the citizens to overthrow their government and then sit back and see what happens.
In retaliation, Hezbollah might strike it up again with Israel or try to overthrow the government in Lebanon.
It would be very messy, but I think they would capitulate before we would.
Remember, Iranian's are not divided and haven't lived under the oppression of Saddam. They wouldn't start fighting each other like they do in Iraq. There is a clear choice, either for or against the current regime. The CIA would probably be in their helping prop up some progressive leader.
I like your Hendrix quote... in other words, when humans cease to be humans the world will know peace. Finding that peacefull mindset probably isn't even feasable, and is a several milenia long evolution at best. There is no way the world will know peace with countries that promote and sponsor religous extremism a.k.a Iran. But sure, we're the bad guys for trying to force a reformation on them. Shame on us. Who are we to impose our will on others ???
Oh I think there is definetly a point to it. Do you think we're just going to sit around 60 years after the holocaust and listen to a head of state boast about anailating a "one-bomb" state and then proceed to obtain the means to do so? The world isn't so loving and peacefull my friend.
we've got some pretty extremist religious folks here too. i worry about them more than i worry about what iran is doing.
That's odd, becuase I'd like to know the ratio of American religious extremist acts of terrorism compared to those by Iranian sponsored groups like Hizbollah. I mean sure, we've got all kinds of nuts running around this country - but they are a far cry from Islamic extremist. Why would you disagree with that?
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
I know you can't see it.. because you somehow support it.. but we have been terrorizing the country of Iraq for 4 years with far more brutal force and determination.
becos most of those islamic extremists weren't having much of an impact on me and my friends until 9/11. they perpetrated one botched WTC attack in the 90s, and got lucky with one successful one in 01. other than that, they dont really affect my day to day life. the american religious extremists do. and i rather doubt the islamic terrorists would have ever been able to pull off anything like 9/11 again. they just got lucky becos we were complacent.
Strange, but the world was full of nukes a couple of decades ago, and even while the US and the USSR were very hostile to each other, no-one really came close to using them. I think it is pretty unlikel;y that Iran would initiate a nuclear conflict. They really want them mostly to deter American and Israeli aggression. The best way to reduce an Iranian nuclear threat is to make friends with the buggers, not to antagonise them. They have seen teh invasions of Afganistan, Iraq and Lebanon and figure they are probably next, so are trying to prevent that. What is really unfolding is self-fulfilling prophecy.
I have much less fear about Iran having nukes than I do about another US invasion of another country. The religious war that Bush is waging must cease. I am sure that he is trying to ensure that it happens before his term in office expires.
To comment on some above posts, the US won the battles in Iraq, but are losing the war, the same thing would happen in Iran, at best. It's an old, old story, and countless invaders in history have found the same thing. The only ways to really retain an occupied country is either to wipe out all the original inhabitants, or to colonise it with your own people.
Not to mention that 23 000 civilian Americans die every year from handguns, so until they fix that, I'm not sure that WW3 is a good idea.
And the US doesn't sponsor terrorist acts?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Not sure how you can make the case that America invaded Iraq for religious purposes - that is turning the country into a Christain nation.
Would you agree that among other things, America's goal in Iraq is to build a society that supports religious tolerance?
Would you agree that if Iran had their way, they would promote a society that mirrors their own - where it is a crime to be any religion other than their brand of Islam?
Can you see that???
That's such an isolationist view. If our foreign policy reflected your thinking, one day we would wake up and the entire Middle East and the life-blood of our the free-market economy and democratic governments would be controled my Islamic theocracies. Where would we be then?
With all of our intervention, it is nearly that way now.
Yes, I can clearly see how differently the US view on religions is from that of Iran and Iraq. And yes, we have bombed them relentlessly in an attempt to see it our way.
If it walks like a duck....
Not sure where to even start with this. Nobody came close to using nukes during the cold war? Go read about October 1962.
Excuse me, but I would rather not rely on somebody's judgement that Iran would not use nuclear weapons. Who knows if the mad-men that run their country wouldn't sacrifice 40 million of their own to wipe out the Jewish state for all of eternity. I'd rather make the sacrifices of another war to prevent them from getting these weapons in the first place than have to sleep every night knowing they have them and listening to their leadership boast about Israel being a "one bomb state". What kind of religious war is Bush wagin? One in which we hope the outcome gives all people of Iraq the freedom to choose their own beliefs... how dare us!!!!! Give me a break...
Na, I think we bombed extremist.. not the general population.
Spoken like someone who never has, or ever intends to be, anywhere near a battlefield, but gets a semi-on seeing them on TV. Bullies are bullies and they all go the same way eventually.
I know that is what you think..
Its like bombing New York City when George Bush is in town.
We bombed Bagdad. That was a busy city with many beautiful people.
Na, more like bombing the UN while he was speaking - not carpet bombing the whole fucking city to kill one guy. You're failing to put things into context. Of course we've killed Iraqi civillians, no doubt. But we didn't level Baghdad like we did Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima or Nagasaki. We killed a minimal amount of civillians - far fewer than are claimed daily by extremist who go blow up people standing in lines to get jobs just because they worship a different way.
Two bombs hit new york city - that was pretty bad.
Our thought were different right before we bombed hundreds of buildings in Iraq.
Our thoughts were different before we terrorized..
guess that makes it better.
Whatever dude, think what you want. My view is based on the logic of the greater good. You don't have to agree with it, that's fine. But to me, it's better to kill thousands of Iraqi's to give millions a chance to prosper. That makes sense to me.
We seem to have already established that we kill people for religious reasons - or if you prefer for what we believe to be the greater good. Clearly the greater good is different from the Iraqi and the US point of view - and from yours and my point of view. Which is precicely why it is not justified to kill thousands of people based upon that.
The government of Iran doesn't really speak for the people of Iran. It's a complicated situation. But Iranians do protest U.S. policy a lot. For the most part Iranians aren't extremist muslims and disagree with, and disobey their government's policies. Just sit back and wait for social progress to occur in Iran. The regime will blow over in time. The same would have occured in Iraq if not for third-party interferance.