Me? I'd say that was a spot of political brilliance. See, Clinton is a smart man, maybe to the point of precognition. So, realizing that the Democratic party would be in trouble during the turn of the century, and that a Republican president would be in office from 01-09, he set North Korean on the track to detonate a nuke sometime during the 05-09 term. That way, the Rep. president would have been in office long enough for the whole country to look to him and say "what? Dude, what the hell? Why didn't you stop 'em?"
Couple this with Clinton's nefarious "Sexy Student Page" hiring program and his convincing of Democratic pedophiles to join the Republican party and run for office, and you've got a master plan in effect. And this isn't about the '06 elections. No. See, soon people will be so over tired of hightened security and truly disturbing sex scandals (as opposed to the merely naughty ones) that they'll yern for the return of the halcion days of the Clinton years. Hilary will run for office and lead heavily in the polls. Then, shortly before the election, Bill will have her offed (we all know how good he is at offing people), and, like that one Congressman who's name I can't remember that died during election, the spouse will get the office out of sympathy. The 22nd Amendment will be repealed (all Republicans who want to hold on to their seats will be forced to vote for the repeal), and Bill Clinton, now refering to himself as the world's compatriot, or Comrad as it were, will be set up as president for life.
The plan became clear to me when I realized he's hired George Lucas as his personal advisor. And you think Karl Rove has reach.....
I think you should have researched a little bit more into where US and coalition forces are throughout the world. Many are in the Middle East and many are over throughout the entire Pacific theater. We live in interesting times.
Oh stop it!! :rolleyes: You're making me feel like John Wayne!! (And by that I don't mean that all this gung ho war fever is making me wanna jump into some womens underwear!)
Kim Jong-Il is a crazy and evil tryant in my view. He pursues nuclear weapons yet he can't even feed his own people. The non-proliferation treaty is just about dead in the water IMO.
So are you saying that the Bush administration has been respecting the nuclear non-proliferation treaty? I think you need to dig a bit deeper my friend.
EVERY country having a nuclear bomb should dismantle them... then it would be easier to tell those trying to build new ones to stop, and it would be more possible to intervene to stop them, if they refuse to stop.
Anyway sad sad world...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
it's also sad for the North Koreans, who are caught between the world doing nothing for them and hating them, and their own bloodthirsty power freaks megalomaniac stupid government doing nothing and hating them...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
i feel the need at this point to say that i am a pacifist. and that it turns out i am not funny at all. or slightly amusing for that matter.
i wasn't serious in anything i said about encouraging north korea in their quest nor am i supportive of any other country being nuclear armed or powered.
and let us not forget that not all countries that are in possession of nuclear weapons or in the quest for such, are considered backwards or even pathetic. in fact some are considered to be examplars of democratic freedom. well at least in the eyes of their governments anyway.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i feel the need at this point to say that i am a pacifist. and that it turns out i am not funny at all. or slightly amusing for that matter.
i wasn't serious in anything i said about encouraging north korea in their quest nor am i supportive of any other country being nuclear armed or powered.
and let us not forget that not all countries that are in possession of nuclear weapons or in the quest for such, are considered backwards or even pathetic. in fact some are considered to be examplars of democratic freedom. well at least in the eyes of their governments anyway.
So are you saying that the Bush administration has been respecting the nuclear non-proliferation treaty? I think you need to dig a bit deeper my friend.
not at all, australia is selling uranium to india for instance so the u.s is hardly the only one to blame here. australia has the largest supply of uranium in the world, so "honest johnny howard" is lapping it up.
The wind is blowing cold
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
not at all, australia is selling uranium to india for instance so the u.s is hardly the only one to blame here. australia has the largest supply of uranium in the world, so "honest johnny howard" is lapping it up.
but as you know ASL, india is our friend. we play cricket with them and everything. they wouldn't use our uranium for nefarious purposes, surely.;)
north korea on the other hand are part of the dreaded axis of evil and will stop at nothing to destroy the freedoms and way of life we enjoy in the democratic west.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
but as you know ASL, india is our friend. we play cricket with them and everything. they wouldn't use our uranium for nefarious purposes, surely.;)
north korea on the other hand are part of the dreaded axis of evil and will stop at nothing to destroy the freedoms and way of life we enjoy in the democratic west.
LOL although you kid you do make a good point. india i believe can be trusted to use it for peaceful purposes, but i'm not so sure about north korea.......besides as you said they play cricket. therefore they mean no harm......:p
The wind is blowing cold
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
EVERY country having a nuclear bomb should dismantle them... then it would be easier to tell those trying to build new ones to stop, and it would be more possible to intervene to stop them, if they refuse to stop.
Anyway sad sad world...
I have to slightly correct you; EVERY country having a nuclear bomb should listen to U2's last album "How to dismantle an atomic bomb" and than they will all got a bulb in their heads turned on! They'll automatically dismantle every last one of them (nukes)! KIDDING
It's all in a nations head, and how they think they can stop the war; against atomic bomb you can go with the same one, but isn't that too sily?!
People should remember that one without another couldn't survive! Americans should think of that too! Yoiu could survive alone with your tribe before in the stone age, but now, when we have almost all the things discovered, we, people/nations should get together although we are not the same/have differencies!
Every problem/issue between every nation can be solved by some good used words, by a good understanding each other , by finding mutual language of understanding!! :!
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. - Mahatma Gandhi
The country has sold its missiles and other weapons to Iran, Syria and Pakistan;."
they probably got the nuclear technology from pakistan in return of the misslile technology that they gave pakistan in the first place.
pakistan regularly test fires rockets and missiles that look exactly like north korean and chi8nese stuff and has similar specifications and abilities.
now it remains to be seen if north koreas nuke bomb was of the same design type used by pakistan - the same is found in iran btw.
I have faced it, A life wasted...
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
For fifty plus years we(US and Coalition forces) have been in S. Korea and throughout the Pacific keeping peace and promoting democracy that has worked for many nations but all of a sudden were in Iraq for four years and suddenly no one can control themselves. I cant believe how many messages I've been reading through that are sypathitic towards N. Korea and there so called "reasoning" for having nukes "becasue IF the US invades."(They have no intelligence there it's all based on paranoia) It's a country under communist law and with a radical dictator who slaughters his own people for wanting to go home to S. Korea rather than staying in the North which could easily be compared to a concentration camp. How dare you people support their ability to build and test nukes. With all the bombs that have fallen on the middle east these past few DECADES you havent learned anything. I would hope we have all come to this message board becasue we are enlightened by the music that Pearl Jam makes and could agree with the principals that they stand for and just like America and it's principals(i.e. FREEDOM worship or not, to join a militarty service or not, to VOTE or not, to express yourself peacefully against governments and not be killed. War is terrible but the only thing that could be worse is a broken peace. I see it every day here, these people in S. Korea just want to be free to live their life, go to work, have a family and not be opressed by some radical communist. It seems that you are just trying to argue with the US for the sake or arguments.
Couple this with Clinton's nefarious "Sexy Student Page" hiring program and his convincing of Democratic pedophiles to join the Republican party and run for office, and you've got a master plan in effect. And this isn't about the '06 elections. No. See, soon people will be so over tired of hightened security and truly disturbing sex scandals (as opposed to the merely naughty ones) that they'll yern for the return of the halcion days of the Clinton years. Hilary will run for office and lead heavily in the polls. Then, shortly before the election, Bill will have her offed (we all know how good he is at offing people), and, like that one Congressman who's name I can't remember that died during election, the spouse will get the office out of sympathy. The 22nd Amendment will be repealed (all Republicans who want to hold on to their seats will be forced to vote for the repeal), and Bill Clinton, now refering to himself as the world's compatriot, or Comrad as it were, will be set up as president for life.
The plan became clear to me when I realized he's hired George Lucas as his personal advisor. And you think Karl Rove has reach.....
The big October surprise is yet to come...that Laura Bush has a secret little black book filled with the names & numbers of large black men.
Oh stop it!! :rolleyes: You're making me feel like John Wayne!!
So are you saying that the Bush administration has been respecting the nuclear non-proliferation treaty? I think you need to dig a bit deeper my friend.
Wait. I smell cheeseburgers coming down the hall. I must away!!
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Maybe next they can master a successful agricultural test.
"Laura Bush has a secret lover, whose only identity is known as "Tyrone" at this time"
we can always also live in hope that no child anywhere, be it the largest democracy or the smallest dictatorship is victim to poverty or hunger.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Hope won't feed anyone.
and neither will weapons.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Correct -- and that begs the question why you're congratulating a backwards, pathetic nation for successfully testing a nuclear bomb.
i feel they need our encouragement as much as the next country does. a loved country is a stable country afterall. :rolleyes:
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Encouragement implies a purpose or a goal. The purpose of a nuclear bomb is murder. I do not believe in encouraging murder.
Love implies standards. If you "love" without standards, your love is no different than hate.
Anyway sad sad world...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
i wasn't serious in anything i said about encouraging north korea in their quest nor am i supportive of any other country being nuclear armed or powered.
and let us not forget that not all countries that are in possession of nuclear weapons or in the quest for such, are considered backwards or even pathetic. in fact some are considered to be examplars of democratic freedom. well at least in the eyes of their governments anyway.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Now this is a post I can get on board with
welcome aboard ffg.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say,1518,441749,00.html
not at all, australia is selling uranium to india for instance so the u.s is hardly the only one to blame here. australia has the largest supply of uranium in the world, so "honest johnny howard" is lapping it up.
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
but as you know ASL, india is our friend. we play cricket with them and everything. they wouldn't use our uranium for nefarious purposes, surely.;)
north korea on the other hand are part of the dreaded axis of evil and will stop at nothing to destroy the freedoms and way of life we enjoy in the democratic west.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
LOL although you kid you do make a good point. india i believe can be trusted to use it for peaceful purposes, but i'm not so sure about north korea.......besides as you said they play cricket. therefore they mean no harm......:p
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
I have to slightly correct you; EVERY country having a nuclear bomb should listen to U2's last album "How to dismantle an atomic bomb"
It's all in a nations head, and how they think they can stop the war; against atomic bomb you can go with the same one, but isn't that too sily?!
People should remember that one without another couldn't survive! Americans should think of that too! Yoiu could survive alone with your tribe before in the stone age, but now, when we have almost all the things discovered, we, people/nations should get together although we are not the same/have differencies!
Every problem/issue between every nation can be solved by some good used words, by a good understanding each other , by finding mutual language of understanding!! :!
they probably got the nuclear technology from pakistan in return of the misslile technology that they gave pakistan in the first place.
pakistan regularly test fires rockets and missiles that look exactly like north korean and chi8nese stuff and has similar specifications and abilities.
now it remains to be seen if north koreas nuke bomb was of the same design type used by pakistan - the same is found in iran btw.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
Go Cubs!